A presentation about ICT committee introduction. The leaders of this ICT committee are Asha and Rohit. They both have jointly prepared and presented this report on 27/10/2020 at the occasion of committee introduction to semester 1 students, virtually organised by the department of English MK Bhavnagar University.
2. What is ICT ?
Information and Communications Technology
Communication technologies which includes Internet,
Wireless network, Cell phones, Computers, Social
networking, software and other media applications
which allow users to share information in Digital
It includes hardware and software tools
Used in almost every field such as
Transportation, Banking, Retail market
3. Whats the Difference ?
Traditional Method of Teaching
- Use of books and blackboard
- Chalk and talk
Newer Methods with ICT
- Self Learning by Trial and
- New Normal learning
4. Hardware
- Physical gadgets like Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone, Digital
Interactive Board, Projector, CD-DVD Player, Television,
Document Visualiser, Printer, Webcamera, Digital Camera,
Microphones, Glassboard.
- Virtual ICT tools such as. . .
ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning
6. How ICT works at English Department ?
All the work and learning is recorded by students.
In from of Blogs, Presentations, YouTube Videos,
Assignments, Thinking Activities, Social Media Posts. . .
Presentation and Portfolio Demonstration
ICT Gadgets are kept up to date. If any fault occurs then
informed to the head.
Collaborative approach. Keep taking updates.
Sharing is Learning
Learning unlearning and relearning.
7. Role of ICT in Education
Help to enhance learning in classroom and beyond
Learning through technology helps students to increase
their knowledge beyond their field
ICT tools used to Produce, Store, Process, Distribute and
Exchange Information