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UX Portfolio Building Series: Part 3
Ideation though Research
Reshma Lalla
Senior UX Designer:
Web and Lean Back Apps
The secret sauce of design
The relationship between data and design
Measuring behavior
Rest of the session
Ideation techniques in UX
Affinity Diagraming
 Empathy Maps
 Closed Card sorts
 Customer Journey Maps
 Experience Maps
 Service Blueprints
 NUF Analysis
UX Unicorn
Gym Junkie
Cake Ninja
Reiki Master
As human beings we have limited brain power, and so our brains encode the everyday
things we do into habits, so we can free up space to learn new things.
Look Broadly
Look Closer
Think Younger
When you change the way you look at
things, the things you look at change
- Wayne Dyer
The relationship between data
and design
Ideation through research
Your assumptions are your windows
on the world. Scrub them off every
once in a while, or the light wont
come in.
-Isaac Asimov
Eliminate Assumptions
Research Differentiators
Market Research UX Research
What people say What people do
What people will buy How people use a product
Large sample sizes Small sample sizes
Broad Insight Deep, focused insight
WHY?As a I want to so that
When I want to so I can
Question and
always refer
to the problem
People dont buy what you do,
they buy why you do it.
 Simon Sinek
How are we moving the needle?
Can we measure it effectively? Choosing the right metrics for your product
H E A R THappiness Engagement Adoption Retention Task Success
Goal Signal Metric
Goals Signals Metrics
Task Success
 For users to continuously
use the site/app.
 The number of return
customers from
analytics data.
 The number of active users.
 Measurement of gaming
incentives given.
 For users to download
the app.
 For users to discover
new content.
 For users to use our
gamification feature.
 For users to feel like the
site is unique and
tailored to them.
 For users to accomplish
their goal.
 Usability Test
 Card Sort
 Edit their profile
 Search for documents
 Play a game
Ideation through research
Key Takeaways
 theres no one-size-fits-all approach to ideation.
 Always attach a KR and metric of measurement to ideation features
 Use Affinity Diagrams to sort large sets of data into clusters
 Involve Senior management in ideation and research to gain
perspective and buy in
 Think broader, look closer, stay young and be present!
Challenge yourself daily
How can I experience the world better?
And thats a wrap.
Reshma Lalla
Senior UX Designer:
Web and Lean Back Apps
Follow me on twitter:
Ideation Techniques
An empathy map is a collaborative visualization
used to articulate what we know about a
particular type of user.
It externalizes knowledge about users in order
1) create a shared understanding of user needs.
2) aids in decision making.
Ideation through research
A customer journey map is a
visualization of the process that a
person goes through in order to
accomplish a goal tied to a specific
business or product. Its used for
understanding and addressing
customer needs and pain points.
Ideation through research
Definition: An experience map is a
visualization of an entire end-to-
experience that a generic person
goes through in order to
a goal.
This experience is agnostic of a
specific business or product. Its
used for understanding a general
human behavior (as opposed to a
customer journey map, which is
more specific and focused on
to a specific business).
Ideation through research
Definition: A service blueprint visualizes the
relationships between different service
components  people, props (physical or
digital evidence), and processes  that are
directly tied to touchpoints in a specific
customer journey.
Blueprinting is an ideal approach to
that are omnichannel, involve multiple
touchpoints, or require a crossfunctional effort
(that is, coordination of multiple departments).
Ideation through research
Idea/Feature New Useful Feasible
Feature A 2 3 5
Feature B
Feature C
Idea D
Idea E
Lo-Fi and Hi-FI Prototype
Non-linear process
Learn about users through user testing
Empathise to help
define the problem
Tests reveal insights that redefine the problem statement
Constant tests provide new learnings
& Discover
And thats a wrap.
Reshma Lalla
Senior UX Designer:
Web and Lean Back Apps
Follow me on twitter:

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Ideation through research

  • 1. UX Portfolio Building Series: Part 3 Ideation though Research Reshma Lalla Senior UX Designer: Web and Lean Back Apps
  • 2. Introduction The secret sauce of design The relationship between data and design Measuring behavior Agenda Rest of the session Ideation techniques in UX Affinity Diagraming Empathy Maps Closed Card sorts Customer Journey Maps Experience Maps Service Blueprints NUF Analysis
  • 3. UX Unicorn Gym Junkie Cake Ninja www.whippd.co.za Reiki Master Musician
  • 4. Habituation As human beings we have limited brain power, and so our brains encode the everyday things we do into habits, so we can free up space to learn new things. Awareness Present Empathetic
  • 8. Perspective When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Wayne Dyer
  • 9. The relationship between data and design
  • 11. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light wont come in. -Isaac Asimov Eliminate Assumptions
  • 12. Research Differentiators Market Research UX Research What people say What people do What people will buy How people use a product Large sample sizes Small sample sizes Broad Insight Deep, focused insight
  • 13. WHY?As a I want to so that When I want to so I can Question and always refer to the problem statement People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Simon Sinek
  • 15. How are we moving the needle? Can we measure it effectively? Choosing the right metrics for your product H E A R THappiness Engagement Adoption Retention Task Success Goal Signal Metric
  • 16. Goals Signals Metrics Happiness Engagement Adoption Retention Task Success For users to continuously use the site/app. The number of return customers from analytics data. The number of active users. Purchases/Downloads. Measurement of gaming incentives given. For users to download the app. For users to discover new content. For users to use our gamification feature. For users to feel like the site is unique and tailored to them. For users to accomplish their goal. Usability Test Card Sort Analytics Edit their profile Search for documents Play a game GOOGLES HEART FRAMEWORK
  • 18. Key Takeaways theres no one-size-fits-all approach to ideation. Always attach a KR and metric of measurement to ideation features Use Affinity Diagrams to sort large sets of data into clusters Involve Senior management in ideation and research to gain perspective and buy in Think broader, look closer, stay young and be present!
  • 19. Challenge yourself daily How can I experience the world better?
  • 20. And thats a wrap. Questions? Reshma Lalla Senior UX Designer: Web and Lean Back Apps rlalla.design@gmail.com Follow me on twitter: @resh_l
  • 22. Definition: An empathy map is a collaborative visualization used to articulate what we know about a particular type of user. It externalizes knowledge about users in order to: 1) create a shared understanding of user needs. 2) aids in decision making.
  • 24. Definition: A customer journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal tied to a specific business or product. Its used for understanding and addressing customer needs and pain points.
  • 26. Definition: An experience map is a visualization of an entire end-to- experience that a generic person goes through in order to a goal. This experience is agnostic of a specific business or product. Its used for understanding a general human behavior (as opposed to a customer journey map, which is more specific and focused on to a specific business).
  • 28. Definition: A service blueprint visualizes the relationships between different service components people, props (physical or digital evidence), and processes that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey. Blueprinting is an ideal approach to that are omnichannel, involve multiple touchpoints, or require a crossfunctional effort (that is, coordination of multiple departments).
  • 30. NUF Analysis 1-7 Idea/Feature New Useful Feasible Feature A 2 3 5 Feature B Feature C Idea D Idea E etc 10
  • 32. Lo-Fi and Hi-FI Prototype
  • 33. Non-linear process Learn about users through user testing Empathise to help define the problem Tests reveal insights that redefine the problem statement Constant tests provide new learnings Understand & Discover
  • 34. And thats a wrap. Questions? Reshma Lalla Senior UX Designer: Web and Lean Back Apps rlalla.design@gmail.com Follow me on twitter: @resh_l