
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 Dumpster DivingGoing through your trash.
 SkimmingStoring your credit card number in a special storage device when processing
  your card.
 PhishingPretending to be a financial institution and sending scam alerts to get your
  personal information.
 Changing Your AddressCompleting a change of address form to get
  your mail and personal statements.
 StealingTaking your purse, wallet, mail, pre-approved credit cards, new checks,
  personnel files from work, or tax information.

TIPS TO AVOID IDENTITY THEFT:                                     (See Page 2 for definitions & details)

1.    Shred Financial Documents
2.    Never Click on Links in Unsolicited E-mails
3.    Do Not Use Obvious Passwords
4.    Do Not Give Out Personal Information
5.    Protect Your Social Security Number
6.    Keep Your Personal Information in a Secure Place
7.    Be Alert to Bills that Do Not Arrive when They Should
8.    Be Proactive about Unexpected Credit Cards or Account Statements
9.    Be Alert for Credit Being Denied Unexpectedly
10.   Respond Immediately to Calls or Letters about Purchases You Never Made
11.   Check Your Credit Report
12.   Regularly Review Your Financial Statements
13.   Close Any Accounts that have been Tampered With or Established Fraudulently
14.   Go Paperless
15.   Store Your Financial and Personal Information in a Storage Box by Year
16.   Be Alert when Responding to E-mails
17.   When Contacted by an Institution by Phone, Tell Them You will Call Them Right Back
18.   Opt Out of Pre-Approved Credit Offers
19.   Get a Locking Mailbox
20.   Copy All of Your Credit Cards and Save Them in a File at Home
21.   Carry Only One or Two Cards at a Time
TIPS TO AVOID                                      often denied for a variety of reasons, one of       it came directly from a financial institution.
                                                   which is when too much credit is opened in a        If you respond to the e-mail, you encour-
IDENTITY THEFT:                                    short period of time. Being denied credit may       age them to continue trying to get personal
                                                   mean that someone else has opened accounts          information from you. Simply add the address
1. SHRED FINANCIAL                                 in your name.                                       to your spam list to keep them from contact-
DOCUMENTS: Any paperwork with                                                                          ing you in the future. Visit the addresses you
personal information should be put through a
                                                   10. RESPOND IMMEDIATELY TO                          know if you are concerned the notice is valid.
shredder before being thrown away.                 CALLS OR LETTERS ABOUT PUR-
                                                   CHASES MADE: Credit card companies                  17. WHEN CONTACTED BY AN
2. NEVER CLICK ON LINKS IN                         create a profile of their clients detailing out     INSTITUTION BY PHONE, TELL
UNSOLICITED E-MAILS: Since                         the most common places a customer shops             THEM YOU WILL CALL THEM
phishing is becoming a common problem,           and the items that they frequently buy. If          RIGHT BACK: Let them give you their
 use up-to-date firewalls, anti-spyware, and       something is purchased that does not suit           name and number, but do not call that num-
 anti-virus software to protect your home          your profile, they will contact you for verifica-   ber back. Instead, call the number on the back
 computer. Good anti-spam software is a must.      tion. Respond to the notice right away to head      of your card and ask to speak to a representa-
 Plus, never click on links in e-mails. Instead,   off potential theft and damage to your credit.      tive about your account. Let them know that
 open a new window and go to the website                                                               you were contacted and ask them to verify any
 address you know in order to enter informa-       11. CHECK YOUR CREDIT
                                                                                                       problems. All account managers have access
 tion. (Fake PayPal e-mails are becoming more      REPORT: Any credit opened in your name              to the same information, so they will be able
 common, so be extra wary when dealing with        will show up on your credit report. By staying      to see if there is a problem with your account
 these.) You might also want to avoid e-mail       on top of this, you will be able to stop identity   or not.
 archiving in the event that someone hacks         theft before too much damage occurs.
 into your account.                                                                                    18. OPT OUT OF PRE-APPROVED
                                                   12. REGULARLY REVIEW YOUR
                                                                                                       CREDIT OFFERS: Although I do not
3. DO NOT USE OBVIOUS                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Look for                      personally believe that people can get your
PASSWORDS: These include your birth                any charges that you did not make. Also not         identity through pre-approved credit card
date, mothers maiden name, or the last four       that consumers usually have only 30 days to         applications without your social security
digits of your Social Security number.             dispute items they did not authorize.               information, it never hurts to opt-out of
                                                   13. CLOSE ANY ACCOUNTS THAT                         credit card offers. By doing so, you lessen the
                                                                                                       amount of mail that comes to your mailbox,
INFORMATION: Whether over the                      HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH OR
                                                                                                       and you will still be able to apply for credit
phone, through the mail, or over the Internet,     ESTABLISHED FRAUDULENTLY:                           online. Check out the FTCs Consumer Alert
dont share your information unless you know       Get a new card with a new number and close          webpage to see all the ways you can opt out.
who you are dealing with.                          the old card, since this alone may stop a thief
                                                   in possession of your information.                  19. GET A LOCKING MAILBOX:
5. PROTECT YOUR SOCIAL                                                                                 This is an especially good idea for anyone in
SECURITY NUMBER: Never carry your                  14. GO PAPERLESS: You can receive                   a nice area. The nicer the area you live in, the
social security number in your wallet or write     many of your bills through your e-mail/on-          more ideal a target you make to an identity
your social security number on a check.            line banking instead of having them mailed.         thief because they assume you have more
                                                   By requesting this benefit, you keep account        money for them to steal.
6. KEEP YOUR PERSONAL IN-                          numbers and personal information private.
FORMATION IN A SECURE PLACE:                       You are also able to save hard copies directly      20. COPY ALL OF YOUR CREDIT
This is especially important with roommates,       to your hard drive, which allows you to find        CARDS AND SAVE THEM IN A FILE
outside help, or if you are having work done       the information quickly and easily when             AT HOME: By having a copy of the card
in your home.                                      needed.                                             (front and back) in a locked filing cabinet or
7. BE ALERT TO BILLS THAT                          15. STORE YOUR FINANCIAL AND                        other safe place, you will be able to quickly
DO NOT ARRIVE WHEN THEY                                                                                and easily contact your creditors should your
                                                   PERSONAL INFORMATION IN
                                                                                                       purse or wallet ever be stolen.
SHOULD: If they do not arrive, they may            A STORAGE BOX BY YEAR: This is
have been routed somewhere else.                   especially important when dealing with taxes        21. CARRY ONLY ONE OR TWO
                                                   since the IRS can demand to see evidential          CARDS AT A TIME: Lock away all the
8. BE PROACTIVE ABOUT UN                           proof of deductions for as long as eleven           other cards in a safe place and carry as few
EXPECTED CREDIT CARDS OR                           years after you file. By keeping it in a storage    cards as possible. This way, if someone ever
ACCOUNT STATEMENTS: If an                          box, you can shred the contents when the            gets into your wallet or purse, you will notice
account or credit card arrives that you did        time period is up. Note: this does not include      immediately if a card is stolen and be able to
not open/activate, someone else did. Call          social security numbers.                            report it right away.
the company immediately and have it closed/
canceled.                                          16. BE ALERT WHEN RESPONDING
                                                   TO E-MAILS: E-mails are now commonly
9. BE ALERT FOR CREDIT BEING                       used to steal or phish information out of
DENIED UNEXPECTEDLY: Credit is                     consumers by making the e-mail look as if

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Identity Theft Tips

  • 1. HOW THIEVES GET YOUR IDENTITY: Dumpster DivingGoing through your trash. SkimmingStoring your credit card number in a special storage device when processing your card. PhishingPretending to be a financial institution and sending scam alerts to get your personal information. Changing Your AddressCompleting a change of address form to get your mail and personal statements. StealingTaking your purse, wallet, mail, pre-approved credit cards, new checks, personnel files from work, or tax information. TIPS TO AVOID IDENTITY THEFT: (See Page 2 for definitions & details) 1. Shred Financial Documents 2. Never Click on Links in Unsolicited E-mails 3. Do Not Use Obvious Passwords 4. Do Not Give Out Personal Information 5. Protect Your Social Security Number 6. Keep Your Personal Information in a Secure Place 7. Be Alert to Bills that Do Not Arrive when They Should 8. Be Proactive about Unexpected Credit Cards or Account Statements 9. Be Alert for Credit Being Denied Unexpectedly 10. Respond Immediately to Calls or Letters about Purchases You Never Made 11. Check Your Credit Report 12. Regularly Review Your Financial Statements 13. Close Any Accounts that have been Tampered With or Established Fraudulently 14. Go Paperless 15. Store Your Financial and Personal Information in a Storage Box by Year 16. Be Alert when Responding to E-mails 17. When Contacted by an Institution by Phone, Tell Them You will Call Them Right Back 18. Opt Out of Pre-Approved Credit Offers 19. Get a Locking Mailbox 20. Copy All of Your Credit Cards and Save Them in a File at Home 21. Carry Only One or Two Cards at a Time
  • 2. TIPS TO AVOID often denied for a variety of reasons, one of it came directly from a financial institution. which is when too much credit is opened in a If you respond to the e-mail, you encour- IDENTITY THEFT: short period of time. Being denied credit may age them to continue trying to get personal mean that someone else has opened accounts information from you. Simply add the address 1. SHRED FINANCIAL in your name. to your spam list to keep them from contact- DOCUMENTS: Any paperwork with ing you in the future. Visit the addresses you personal information should be put through a 10. RESPOND IMMEDIATELY TO know if you are concerned the notice is valid. shredder before being thrown away. CALLS OR LETTERS ABOUT PUR- CHASES MADE: Credit card companies 17. WHEN CONTACTED BY AN 2. NEVER CLICK ON LINKS IN create a profile of their clients detailing out INSTITUTION BY PHONE, TELL UNSOLICITED E-MAILS: Since the most common places a customer shops THEM YOU WILL CALL THEM phishing is becoming a common problem, and the items that they frequently buy. If RIGHT BACK: Let them give you their use up-to-date firewalls, anti-spyware, and something is purchased that does not suit name and number, but do not call that num- anti-virus software to protect your home your profile, they will contact you for verifica- ber back. Instead, call the number on the back computer. Good anti-spam software is a must. tion. Respond to the notice right away to head of your card and ask to speak to a representa- Plus, never click on links in e-mails. Instead, off potential theft and damage to your credit. tive about your account. Let them know that open a new window and go to the website you were contacted and ask them to verify any address you know in order to enter informa- 11. CHECK YOUR CREDIT problems. All account managers have access tion. (Fake PayPal e-mails are becoming more REPORT: Any credit opened in your name to the same information, so they will be able common, so be extra wary when dealing with will show up on your credit report. By staying to see if there is a problem with your account these.) You might also want to avoid e-mail on top of this, you will be able to stop identity or not. archiving in the event that someone hacks theft before too much damage occurs. into your account. 18. OPT OUT OF PRE-APPROVED 12. REGULARLY REVIEW YOUR CREDIT OFFERS: Although I do not 3. DO NOT USE OBVIOUS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Look for personally believe that people can get your PASSWORDS: These include your birth any charges that you did not make. Also not identity through pre-approved credit card date, mothers maiden name, or the last four that consumers usually have only 30 days to applications without your social security digits of your Social Security number. dispute items they did not authorize. information, it never hurts to opt-out of 13. CLOSE ANY ACCOUNTS THAT credit card offers. By doing so, you lessen the 4. DO NOT GIVE OUT PERSONAL amount of mail that comes to your mailbox, INFORMATION: Whether over the HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH OR and you will still be able to apply for credit phone, through the mail, or over the Internet, ESTABLISHED FRAUDULENTLY: online. Check out the FTCs Consumer Alert dont share your information unless you know Get a new card with a new number and close webpage to see all the ways you can opt out. who you are dealing with. the old card, since this alone may stop a thief in possession of your information. 19. GET A LOCKING MAILBOX: 5. PROTECT YOUR SOCIAL This is an especially good idea for anyone in SECURITY NUMBER: Never carry your 14. GO PAPERLESS: You can receive a nice area. The nicer the area you live in, the social security number in your wallet or write many of your bills through your e-mail/on- more ideal a target you make to an identity your social security number on a check. line banking instead of having them mailed. thief because they assume you have more By requesting this benefit, you keep account money for them to steal. 6. KEEP YOUR PERSONAL IN- numbers and personal information private. FORMATION IN A SECURE PLACE: You are also able to save hard copies directly 20. COPY ALL OF YOUR CREDIT This is especially important with roommates, to your hard drive, which allows you to find CARDS AND SAVE THEM IN A FILE outside help, or if you are having work done the information quickly and easily when AT HOME: By having a copy of the card in your home. needed. (front and back) in a locked filing cabinet or 7. BE ALERT TO BILLS THAT 15. STORE YOUR FINANCIAL AND other safe place, you will be able to quickly DO NOT ARRIVE WHEN THEY and easily contact your creditors should your PERSONAL INFORMATION IN purse or wallet ever be stolen. SHOULD: If they do not arrive, they may A STORAGE BOX BY YEAR: This is have been routed somewhere else. especially important when dealing with taxes 21. CARRY ONLY ONE OR TWO since the IRS can demand to see evidential CARDS AT A TIME: Lock away all the 8. BE PROACTIVE ABOUT UN proof of deductions for as long as eleven other cards in a safe place and carry as few EXPECTED CREDIT CARDS OR years after you file. By keeping it in a storage cards as possible. This way, if someone ever ACCOUNT STATEMENTS: If an box, you can shred the contents when the gets into your wallet or purse, you will notice account or credit card arrives that you did time period is up. Note: this does not include immediately if a card is stolen and be able to not open/activate, someone else did. Call social security numbers. report it right away. the company immediately and have it closed/ canceled. 16. BE ALERT WHEN RESPONDING TO E-MAILS: E-mails are now commonly 9. BE ALERT FOR CREDIT BEING used to steal or phish information out of DENIED UNEXPECTEDLY: Credit is consumers by making the e-mail look as if