This document contains 20 questions related to various sociological topics such as marriage, gender roles, religion, education, criminal justice, voting, social class, child development, environmentalism, and teenage pregnancy. The questions explore how social factors like income, gender, place of origin, and social class can influence behaviors and outcomes in these areas. Overall, the document examines how society and social norms shape many aspects of people's lives.
El documento describe los servicios y objetivos de la Fundaci¨®n San Ezequiel Moreno. La fundaci¨®n brinda servicios de informaci¨®n, formaci¨®n, inserci¨®n laboral, investigaci¨®n y apoyo psicosocial a inmigrantes y empresas. Originalmente depend¨ªa de subvenciones pero ahora busca diversificar sus ingresos mediante facturaci¨®n de servicios, cuotas, donaciones y patrocinios para alcanzar el 50% de ingresos sin depender de subvenciones. Presenta tres nuevos casos de servicios pero reconoce dilemas sobre su financiaci¨®n y principios como la colabor
Daniel Markham's portfolio includes experience designing conferences, websites, branding projects, events, films, tradeshows for companies like State Farm, mycompany, Al Khaleejah, Interpublic Group, KPMG, Ford Motor Company, Samsung, and Intel. He has served as an experience design director, technology director, creative director, show director, and content director on various projects. His work involves creative strategy, interactive displays, video content, and event staging.
Business Intelligence for the BPO industryVikram Kole
This document discusses how Business Intelligence (BI) software from 1KEY can help BPO companies measure and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) across various aspects of their operations. It provides examples of dimensions and measures that could be included in a 1KEY BI framework to monitor quality, customer satisfaction, agent performance, training needs, costs and profitability, and other factors. Sample dashboard and report formats are also presented. The document aims to demonstrate how analyzing integrated data from multiple sources using 1KEY's flexible BI tools can help BPOs improve productivity, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.
A performing group called the Supreme Summerguard worked hard over many years and won their state championship title four times. However, in their attempt to win a fifth title, some unknown evil began abducting members of the group and changing their behavior and commitment to the team. It is unknown if the group was able to regain their lost members or if they were doomed after that point.
Presentaci¨®n Web-to-store Webminar Generix 20 Octubre 2016Ignacio Garcia
Como utilizar las estrategias Web-to-Store para mejorar el Cross-Selling y el Up-Selling en la venta omnicanal.
MAIA is a large Indian business intelligence product company with over 50,000 licensed users and 300 customers in India, the Middle East, and Africa. Some of its key products include 1KEY Agile BI Suite for reporting and analysis, 1KEY FCM for financial consolidation, and postXBRL for business reporting. MAIA has received several awards and recognition for its product innovation leadership in business intelligence. It offers solutions like 1KEY Cube for multi-dimensional analysis and 1KEY Touch Dashboard for rich interactive dashboards. MAIA's hybrid BI architecture provides an easy to deploy platform for online and offline reporting and analytics.
Esitys k?sittelee HAKA tai Virtu -luottamusverkkojen SP-toteutusten haasteita l?hinn? kun federoitujen identiteettien lis?ksi on paikallisia k?ytt?ji? (Finnish).
Proton Induced X-Ray Emission is a technique where a stream of protons excites a cell, scattering its components and causing them to release energy through x-ray emissions as they return to stability, allowing identification of specific elements present without damaging the sample atoms. These emissions can be used to trace elements in art, identify individual metals in composites, and detect impurities or contaminants.
A performing group called the Supreme Summerguard worked hard over many years and won their state championship title four times. However, in their attempt to win a fifth title, some unknown evil began abducting members of the group and changing their behavior and commitment to the team. It is unknown if the group was able to regain their lost members or if they were doomed after that point.
Presentaci¨®n Web-to-store Webminar Generix 20 Octubre 2016Ignacio Garcia
Como utilizar las estrategias Web-to-Store para mejorar el Cross-Selling y el Up-Selling en la venta omnicanal.
MAIA is a large Indian business intelligence product company with over 50,000 licensed users and 300 customers in India, the Middle East, and Africa. Some of its key products include 1KEY Agile BI Suite for reporting and analysis, 1KEY FCM for financial consolidation, and postXBRL for business reporting. MAIA has received several awards and recognition for its product innovation leadership in business intelligence. It offers solutions like 1KEY Cube for multi-dimensional analysis and 1KEY Touch Dashboard for rich interactive dashboards. MAIA's hybrid BI architecture provides an easy to deploy platform for online and offline reporting and analytics.
Esitys k?sittelee HAKA tai Virtu -luottamusverkkojen SP-toteutusten haasteita l?hinn? kun federoitujen identiteettien lis?ksi on paikallisia k?ytt?ji? (Finnish).
Proton Induced X-Ray Emission is a technique where a stream of protons excites a cell, scattering its components and causing them to release energy through x-ray emissions as they return to stability, allowing identification of specific elements present without damaging the sample atoms. These emissions can be used to trace elements in art, identify individual metals in composites, and detect impurities or contaminants.
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2. Idesh!
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1. krajnji izraz odu?evljenja [idesh, ovo je odli?no!]
Ve? ?etiri godine Idesh! ( izaziva odu?evljenje brojnih posjetitelja. Idesh! je najposje?eniji i najpopularniji doma?i mu?ki lifestyle portal koji
govori o tehnologiji, ?lmu, glazbi, pop-kulturi, raznim zanimljivostima, fenomenima i bizarnostima na opu?ten, nepretenciozan i zabavan na?in.
Idesh! s nedavnim redizajnom predstavlja novi koncept: tematski se ?iri i zaokru?uje interese svoje publike, pa postaje cjelovit i dobro balansiran
lifestyle i pop-kulturni medij koji ipak ostaje vjeran svojim korijenima. U je sada integriran sadr?aj s tehnolo?kog web portala koji
redovito donosi vijesti o novim proizvodima na tr?i?tu mobitela, ra?unala i drugih gadgeta.
For?pan ( je novost na Idesh! portalu ¨C radi se o servisu koji posjetiocima omogu?uje pregled, informiranje, recenziranje i
ocjenjivanje novih ?lmskih i TV naslova. For?pani novih ?lmova prikazuju se u punoj ?irini, pa je njihovo pregledavanje na Idesh!-u jedinstven
Idesh! sada zaista iskori?tava svaki raspolo?ivi piksel na ekranu predstavljaju?i sadr?aj na vrlo pregledan na?in, s velikim naslovima, fotogra?jama
i multimedijom. Sadr?aj je lako dostupan s razigrane naslovnice i putem preglednih kategorija. Idesh! sada nudi naprednije i vidljivije na?ine
predstavljanja sadr?aja ali i oglasa. | | Tel.: 091 233 33 05 | Ide? komunikacije d.o.o., Zagreb 2/7
3. Idesh! kategorije sadr?aja
REPORT - kategorija koja donosi zanimljivosti, popularno-znanstvene i pop-kulturne, op?e te neobi?ne teme;
TECH I WEB - sve o novim tehnologijama, gadgetima, webu, dru?tvenim mre?ama i high-tech na?inu ?ivota;
ZABAVA - kategorija za ?lm, TV i televizijske serije, glazbu, igre, scenu i zbivanja u svijetu zabave;
LIFESTYLE - kategorija koja ima stila i u kojoj progovaramo o dizajnu, modi, arhitekturi i na?inima kako provesti slobodno vrijeme;
FOR?PAN - najave i recenzije novih ?lmova, serija i svega ?to se mo?e pogledati na malom ili velikom ekranu.
Idesh! ?e u narednim mjesecima nastaviti oboga?ivati svoj sadr?aj pa uskoro mo?ete o?ekivati nove zanimljive kategorije.
Idesh! nudi mogu?nosti sponzoriranja rubrika i ciljanog ogla?avanja u odre?enim kategorijama. | | Tel.: 091 233 33 05 | Ide? komunikacije d.o.o., Zagreb 3/7
4. Idesh! oglasne pozicije
Leaderboard 728 x 90 Ostalo
728x90 + gra??ka pozadina s aktivnim linkom
Site Skin
Floating Banner 300x300/600x600 728x90 + 300x250 + gra??ka pozadina s
aktivnim linkom
Push Down 990x(420)
Medium Rectangle A 300x250
Half Page 300x600
Medium Rectangle B 300x250 | | Tel.: 091 233 33 05 | Ide? komunikacije d.o.o., Zagreb 4/7
6. Idesh! cjenik ogla?avanja
POZICIJA Wallpaper* Site Skin** Standardni banner
Cijena po danu 1.000 kn 2.200 kn CPM x 10
7 dana 6.300 kn 13.860 kn CPM x 50
15 dana 12.750 kn 28.050 kn CPM x 80
30 dana 24.000 kn 52.800 kn CPM x 200
* Wallpaper format uklju?uje Gra??ku pozadinu s aktivnim linkom.
** Site Skin uklju?uje Gra??ku pozadinu s aktivnim linkom + 728x90 banner + 300x250 A banner.
Sponzorirani ?lanak / tjedan 3.000 kn
Rich Media +50%
Ostali formati po dogovoru
Sponzorstvo rubrike / Site Skin 2 tjedna - 10.000 kn / 4 tjedna 18.000 kn | | Tel.: 091 233 33 05 | Ide? komunikacije d.o.o., Zagreb 6/7
7. Idesh! uvjeti ogla?avanja
Kvalitetna, obostrano zadovoljavaju?a i dugoro?na suradnja nam je va?na. Ne ustru?avajte se pitati nas kako mo?emo ponuditi vi?e i bolje.
Za svoje oglasne kampanje Idesh! su birali:
Coca-Cola, Schweppes, Microsoft, VIP, Juicy, Duracell, Merkur osiguranje i mnogi drugi...
Sve cijene izra?ene su bez poreza na dodanu vrijednost (PDV).
Agencijski popust iznosi 20%. Uz godi?nju obavezu nudimo dodatne popuste.
Popust na avansno pla?anje ?itavog iznosa pojedine narud?be iznosi 18%.
Budu?i da se podaci o posje?enosti stalno mijenjaju zatra?ite najnovije podatke. | | Tel.: 091 233 33 05 | Ide? komunikacije d.o.o., Zagreb 7/7