Contingut de l'exposici坦 itinerant del MAE (Centre de Documentaci坦 i Museu de les Arts Esc竪niques de l'Institut del Teatre de Barcelona) "Escola de Mim i Pantomima de l'Institut del Teatre. 40竪 aniversari"
Continguts de la mostra fotogrfica, organitzada pel Centre de Documentaci坦 i Museu de les Arts Esc竪niques (MAE) i l'Escola d'Ensenyament Secundari Art鱈stic / Conservatori Professional de Dansa (EESA/CPD). Institut del Teatre, 2013
This document outlines the IT strategic plan of the MAE Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts from 2008-2013. The plan aimed to modernize the center's technology by moving from various disconnected databases and folders to a single, open source system for managing and disseminating its collections online. By 2013, the center had implemented the Hydra Project to create a new unified data model and system called "Escena Digital" for describing, preserving, and sharing its archive and museum holdings digitally. The new system allows for more efficient management and growth of the center's digital collections.
The MAE (Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts) aims to preserve Catalonia's performing arts heritage and make its collections accessible. It has four units housing a research library, archive, museum, and school library with over 120,000 books and manuscripts, 200,000 photos, 16,000 set designs, and more. Before 2008, it lacked an integrated information system. Its 2008-2013 strategic plan focused on adopting open source technologies to improve management, reduce costs, and promote online access. It developed its own application based on HydraProject to manage metadata and disseminate collections, transforming its work processes and bringing its heritage to the 21st century.
El documento resume las funciones y colecciones del Centro de Documentaci坦n y Museo de las Artes Esc辿nicas (MAE) en Barcelona. El MAE alberga una amplia colecci坦n de materiales relacionados con las artes esc辿nicas catalanas, incluyendo libros, manuscritos, fotograf鱈as, vestuario y objetos. El MAE tambi辿n apoya la investigaci坦n y la ense単anza a trav辿s de su biblioteca digital, bases de datos y colaboraciones con proyectos acad辿micos. Actualmente, el MAE participa en el proyecto europeo E
Presentaci坦 "Eines lliures al Centre de Documentaci坦i Museu de las Arts Esc竪niques de l'Institut del Teatre" a la 5a Jornada de Programari Lliure per a biblioteques (2010 : Barcelona). Anna Valls i Roger Guasch
Continguts de la mostra fotogrfica, organitzada pel Centre de Documentaci坦 i Museu de les Arts Esc竪niques (MAE) i l'Escola d'Ensenyament Secundari Art鱈stic / Conservatori Professional de Dansa (EESA/CPD). Institut del Teatre, 2013
This document outlines the IT strategic plan of the MAE Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts from 2008-2013. The plan aimed to modernize the center's technology by moving from various disconnected databases and folders to a single, open source system for managing and disseminating its collections online. By 2013, the center had implemented the Hydra Project to create a new unified data model and system called "Escena Digital" for describing, preserving, and sharing its archive and museum holdings digitally. The new system allows for more efficient management and growth of the center's digital collections.
The MAE (Documentation Centre and Museum of Performing Arts) aims to preserve Catalonia's performing arts heritage and make its collections accessible. It has four units housing a research library, archive, museum, and school library with over 120,000 books and manuscripts, 200,000 photos, 16,000 set designs, and more. Before 2008, it lacked an integrated information system. Its 2008-2013 strategic plan focused on adopting open source technologies to improve management, reduce costs, and promote online access. It developed its own application based on HydraProject to manage metadata and disseminate collections, transforming its work processes and bringing its heritage to the 21st century.
El documento resume las funciones y colecciones del Centro de Documentaci坦n y Museo de las Artes Esc辿nicas (MAE) en Barcelona. El MAE alberga una amplia colecci坦n de materiales relacionados con las artes esc辿nicas catalanas, incluyendo libros, manuscritos, fotograf鱈as, vestuario y objetos. El MAE tambi辿n apoya la investigaci坦n y la ense単anza a trav辿s de su biblioteca digital, bases de datos y colaboraciones con proyectos acad辿micos. Actualmente, el MAE participa en el proyecto europeo E
Presentaci坦 "Eines lliures al Centre de Documentaci坦i Museu de las Arts Esc竪niques de l'Institut del Teatre" a la 5a Jornada de Programari Lliure per a biblioteques (2010 : Barcelona). Anna Valls i Roger Guasch