The intruder, a criminal who had killed a policeman, broke into the cottage of Gerrard in an attempt to impersonate him and escape the police. When confronted by Gerrard, the intruder threatened him with a revolver and said he intended to kill Gerrard and take his identity. However, Gerrard warned the intruder that killing him would result in being hanged for murder. This gave Gerrard an opportunity to trick the intruder into a cupboard, where he pushed him inside, grabbed the revolver, and called the police to arrest the intruder.
The play follows a playwright named Gerrard who encounters an intruder with a gun in his home. Through his quick wit and calm demeanor, Gerrard is able to convince the intruder, who is fleeing from the police, to enter a cupboard. Gerrard then locks the intruder inside and calls the police, using his intelligence to escape a dangerous situation and help catch a wanted criminal.
Ishwaran was a skilled cook and storyteller for his employer Mahendra. He would weave elaborate tales influenced by Tamil horror stories he enjoyed reading. One story involved a tusked elephant escaping the forest and destroying a town, which Ishwaran claimed to have bravely fought off alone. On another occasion, Ishwaran cooked up a tale of a lady ghost clutching a fetus, which unnerved Mahendra so much that he resolved to take long leave. The next day, Ishwaran laughed upon learning his story had scared Mahendra.
Here are 30-40 word answers to your questions:
A. The author notices smoke coming from the ceiling one Sunday afternoon. Her mother rushes to stoke the fire but the fire has engulfed the house.
B. The author breaks down in tears after the fire because she realizes she has not seen her beloved cat and fears for its safety.
C. The author is deeply embarrassed the next day in school because she has to go in old, weird clothes without shoes, books or homework. She fears being an outcast.
D. The story shows the cat and author's fondness through how the cat would purr and fall asleep in her pocket. The cat ran away during the fire and a
Anton Chekhov was a renowned Russian author born in 1860. He is famous for his short stories and plays. The document provides biographical details about Chekhov, noting he studied medicine and became a physician in 1884, and lists some of his notable works which include short stories like The Lady with the Dog. It also summarizes the short story The Beggar, about an advocate who offers work to a drunken beggar, and the beggar's interaction with the advocate's cook which leads to his reforming from his drunken ways.
Gerrard is a playwright who lives in a small cottage. An intruder enters his home with a gun, intending to murder Gerrard and take his identity. However, Gerrard remains calm and uses his wit and intelligence to convince the intruder to leave with him. He tells the intruder he is also a criminal wanted by the police. When the intruder agrees to leave with Gerrard, Gerrard instead pushes the intruder into a cupboard and calls the police to arrest him.
The poem describes a tiger confined to a small zoo cage that longs for the freedom of the wilderness. It would prefer to hide in tall grass and ambush deer, or terrorize nearby villages, rather than be trapped powerlessly on display for zoo visitors. The tiger paces its cage angrily, its true personality hidden, alone even at night when it hears patrol cars and gazes at the stars above, a stark contrast to the life it was meant to live. The poet aims to convey the sadness of animals kept only for human amusement in zoos.
The poem "No Men Are Foreign" by James Kirkup promotes the message of unity and harmony among all people regardless of differences. The poet says that no men are strange and no countries foreign, as we are all human beings made of the same flesh and blood. While we may have different customs and beliefs, our basic human emotions are the same. The poem stresses that we should not hate others or consider them enemies. Instead, we should recognize our universal brotherhood as children of God living on the same earth.
The document provides a biography of famous tennis player Maria Sharapova. It describes how she left home at age 9 to train in Florida, requiring her to separate from her mother. Sharapova faced bullying as a foreigner but persevered through hard work, sacrifice, and rigorous training to become the top ranked women's tennis player in the world at age 18. The document emphasizes that achieving dreams requires determination, dedication, and being willing to pay the price through difficult challenges and setbacks.
A poor doctor lives in a run-down house with no electricity. One night, he is studying by lamplight when a snake suddenly lands on his shoulder and coils around his arm. Unable to move for fear of being bitten, the doctor remains perfectly still as the snake stares into the mirror. Eventually, the snake uncoils and moves toward the mirror, allowing the doctor to escape. The next day, the doctor returns to find his home robbed of all his possessions except for his dirty vest, which he finds deeply insulting.
This is the PPT on the chapter Reach for the top class 9 NCERT. this is unique and I have attached a link for the NCERT solution for PART 1 Santhosh Yadav from the latest website. I hope it is useful.
1) Hari Singh, a 15-year old thief, meets writer Anil at a wrestling match and tricks him into allowing Hari to live with him.
2) Anil teaches Hari how to write, do math, and cook in exchange for Hari doing chores. They live together happily for a month.
3) Hari sees Anil's bundle of money and is tempted to steal it. However, after taking the money and fleeing, Hari has a change of heart when thinking of betraying Anil's trust.
4) Hari returns secretly in the night to put the wet money back, and Anil implies he knows about the attempted theft but forgives Hari anyway
William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and one of the most prominent figures of the 20th century. He helped establish the Abbey Theatre in Dublin and served as its chief during its early years. Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923, making him the first Irish recipient. He is regarded as one of the few writers who completed their greatest works after receiving the Nobel Prize, such as The Tower and The Winding Stair and Other Poems. Yeats played a pivotal role in the Irish Literary Revival and had a significant influence on literature in the 20th century.
Jody finds an orphaned fawn after his father kills a doe to suck the poison from a snake bite. Jody wants to care for the fawn but needs his mother's permission. His mother agrees if Jody shares his milk with the fawn. With help from others in the community, Jody finds the fawn in the forest and brings it home, where he feeds it milk from a pan in the kitchen.
The PowerPoint presentation summarizes the short story "The Fun They Had" by Isaac Asimov. It discusses the key differences between the old-fashioned school in the story from centuries ago, with human teachers and students learning together, and the futuristic school system described in the story, where each student learns individually from a mechanical teacher at home. The presentation also provides context on the author Isaac Asimov and includes images comparing the old and new school classrooms.
The poem "On Killing a Tree" by Gieve Patel discusses the difference between cutting down a tree and killing a tree. The poet notes that it takes a long, cruel process to truly kill a tree - its roots must be entirely pulled out of the ground. Once a tree's roots are removed, it will harden, twist, wither and die. The poet conveys that trees should not be killed as they have as much a right to live as any other creature. Removing large numbers of trees can damage the environment through soil erosion, disrupted water cycles and loss of biodiversity. Reforestation efforts are needed to mitigate the effects of widespread tree removal.
The tiger paces quietly in its zoo cage. Its bright stripes stand out against its fur. Though full of rage at being imprisoned, the tiger remains quiet, knowing it is helpless.
The document provides analysis of the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" by Welsh poet Leslie Norris. It discusses the poet's background, the tone and theme of the poem, and analyzes the poetic devices used in each stanza. The overall theme is that keeping wild animals confined in small zoo enclosures is cruel, as depicted by the tiger who feels angry and longs to return to its natural habitat of leaps and bounds in the jungle.
The document describes a story about a young seagull who is afraid to fly. His parents and siblings have already learned to fly but he lacks the courage. After going hungry for a long time, his mother tempts him with a fish to get him to dive off the ledge. When he does, his instinct kicks in and he is able to fly for the first time, joining his family in the air.
The document is a summary of the poem "A Slumber did my Spirit Seal" by William Wordsworth. It discusses how the poet expresses his grief over the death of a loved one. It notes that in life one has fears but death removes all fears. It describes how in death the body loses motion and senses. The beloved has now become part of nature, adjusting to the routine of day and night, as do the rocks, stones and trees. While not explicitly named Lucy, the poem is often considered one of Wordsworth's Lucy poems based on its placement with other poems about Lucy in Lyrical Ballads.
The poem describes the sad plight of a tiger kept in a small zoo cage. It contrasts the tiger's current confined life with how it should be living freely in the jungle. The tiger paces quietly in anger within the few steps of its cage. It longs to lurk in the forest shadows and terrorize villages as is its natural instinct. Instead, it is locked behind bars, its strength imprisoned, ignoring visitors as it stalks its cage. At night, it cannot sleep and stares at the stars, longing for the freedom of the wild. The poem highlights how cruel it is to confine wild animals and deprive them of their natural habitat and behaviors.
A quick journey through a famous poem by William Wordsworth. You can know more and learn easily about the poem. More easy to get close with the great poet of the Elizabethan Romantic Era.
1) A pilot was flying from Paris to London but encountered a heavy storm.
2) Lost in the storm clouds with his instruments non-functional and low on fuel, he saw another plane that guided him to safety.
3) Upon landing, the air traffic controller said no other planes were flying that night, leaving the pilot mystified as to who helped him in the strange black plane.
The poem describes the poet lying in bed listening to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. The rain brings back fond memories of the poet's childhood and mother. As the poet listens to the rain, he feels comforted and thinks back to times when his mother would watch over him as he slept. The falling rain has a soothing effect and allows the poet to reconnect with precious moments from the past.
A Legend of the Northland is folklore told to the children to instil this moral lesson. The poem talks about a little woman who was punished by saint Peter for refusing to give him any one of the cakes that she had baked. ... The behaviour of the woman provokes Saint Peter who curses her and changes her into a woodpecker.
This document provides context and a summary of the short story "Fair Play" by Premchand. It introduces the two main characters, Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chaudhary, who are good friends but face a conflict when Jumman mistreats his elderly aunt and Algu, acting as a village elder, rules in her favor, angering Jumman. Later, when Algu has a payment dispute that is brought before the village elders, his enemy Jumman is selected to judge the case, but rules impartially, prioritizing justice over personal feelings. Both friends reconcile, showing that truth and fairness should outweigh friendship or rivalry.
The play "The Book That Saved The Earth" is set in the 25th century and depicts a Martian invasion of Earth that is thwarted by a book of nursery rhymes. The mighty Think-Tank leads a Martian expedition to Earth to assess the planet's defenses. Upon arriving at a library, Think-Tank and his crew misunderstand books and attempt to eat and listen to them before realizing they contain written language. When Oop reads from Mother Goose to Think-Tank, he becomes terrified of the Earthlings and orders an immediate retreat from the invasion to save himself.
The document provides a biography of famous tennis player Maria Sharapova. It describes how she left home at age 9 to train in Florida, requiring her to separate from her mother. Sharapova faced bullying as a foreigner but persevered through hard work, sacrifice, and rigorous training to become the top ranked women's tennis player in the world at age 18. The document emphasizes that achieving dreams requires determination, dedication, and being willing to pay the price through difficult challenges and setbacks.
A poor doctor lives in a run-down house with no electricity. One night, he is studying by lamplight when a snake suddenly lands on his shoulder and coils around his arm. Unable to move for fear of being bitten, the doctor remains perfectly still as the snake stares into the mirror. Eventually, the snake uncoils and moves toward the mirror, allowing the doctor to escape. The next day, the doctor returns to find his home robbed of all his possessions except for his dirty vest, which he finds deeply insulting.
This is the PPT on the chapter Reach for the top class 9 NCERT. this is unique and I have attached a link for the NCERT solution for PART 1 Santhosh Yadav from the latest website. I hope it is useful.
1) Hari Singh, a 15-year old thief, meets writer Anil at a wrestling match and tricks him into allowing Hari to live with him.
2) Anil teaches Hari how to write, do math, and cook in exchange for Hari doing chores. They live together happily for a month.
3) Hari sees Anil's bundle of money and is tempted to steal it. However, after taking the money and fleeing, Hari has a change of heart when thinking of betraying Anil's trust.
4) Hari returns secretly in the night to put the wet money back, and Anil implies he knows about the attempted theft but forgives Hari anyway
William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and one of the most prominent figures of the 20th century. He helped establish the Abbey Theatre in Dublin and served as its chief during its early years. Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923, making him the first Irish recipient. He is regarded as one of the few writers who completed their greatest works after receiving the Nobel Prize, such as The Tower and The Winding Stair and Other Poems. Yeats played a pivotal role in the Irish Literary Revival and had a significant influence on literature in the 20th century.
Jody finds an orphaned fawn after his father kills a doe to suck the poison from a snake bite. Jody wants to care for the fawn but needs his mother's permission. His mother agrees if Jody shares his milk with the fawn. With help from others in the community, Jody finds the fawn in the forest and brings it home, where he feeds it milk from a pan in the kitchen.
The PowerPoint presentation summarizes the short story "The Fun They Had" by Isaac Asimov. It discusses the key differences between the old-fashioned school in the story from centuries ago, with human teachers and students learning together, and the futuristic school system described in the story, where each student learns individually from a mechanical teacher at home. The presentation also provides context on the author Isaac Asimov and includes images comparing the old and new school classrooms.
The poem "On Killing a Tree" by Gieve Patel discusses the difference between cutting down a tree and killing a tree. The poet notes that it takes a long, cruel process to truly kill a tree - its roots must be entirely pulled out of the ground. Once a tree's roots are removed, it will harden, twist, wither and die. The poet conveys that trees should not be killed as they have as much a right to live as any other creature. Removing large numbers of trees can damage the environment through soil erosion, disrupted water cycles and loss of biodiversity. Reforestation efforts are needed to mitigate the effects of widespread tree removal.
The tiger paces quietly in its zoo cage. Its bright stripes stand out against its fur. Though full of rage at being imprisoned, the tiger remains quiet, knowing it is helpless.
The document provides analysis of the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" by Welsh poet Leslie Norris. It discusses the poet's background, the tone and theme of the poem, and analyzes the poetic devices used in each stanza. The overall theme is that keeping wild animals confined in small zoo enclosures is cruel, as depicted by the tiger who feels angry and longs to return to its natural habitat of leaps and bounds in the jungle.
The document describes a story about a young seagull who is afraid to fly. His parents and siblings have already learned to fly but he lacks the courage. After going hungry for a long time, his mother tempts him with a fish to get him to dive off the ledge. When he does, his instinct kicks in and he is able to fly for the first time, joining his family in the air.
The document is a summary of the poem "A Slumber did my Spirit Seal" by William Wordsworth. It discusses how the poet expresses his grief over the death of a loved one. It notes that in life one has fears but death removes all fears. It describes how in death the body loses motion and senses. The beloved has now become part of nature, adjusting to the routine of day and night, as do the rocks, stones and trees. While not explicitly named Lucy, the poem is often considered one of Wordsworth's Lucy poems based on its placement with other poems about Lucy in Lyrical Ballads.
The poem describes the sad plight of a tiger kept in a small zoo cage. It contrasts the tiger's current confined life with how it should be living freely in the jungle. The tiger paces quietly in anger within the few steps of its cage. It longs to lurk in the forest shadows and terrorize villages as is its natural instinct. Instead, it is locked behind bars, its strength imprisoned, ignoring visitors as it stalks its cage. At night, it cannot sleep and stares at the stars, longing for the freedom of the wild. The poem highlights how cruel it is to confine wild animals and deprive them of their natural habitat and behaviors.
A quick journey through a famous poem by William Wordsworth. You can know more and learn easily about the poem. More easy to get close with the great poet of the Elizabethan Romantic Era.
1) A pilot was flying from Paris to London but encountered a heavy storm.
2) Lost in the storm clouds with his instruments non-functional and low on fuel, he saw another plane that guided him to safety.
3) Upon landing, the air traffic controller said no other planes were flying that night, leaving the pilot mystified as to who helped him in the strange black plane.
The poem describes the poet lying in bed listening to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. The rain brings back fond memories of the poet's childhood and mother. As the poet listens to the rain, he feels comforted and thinks back to times when his mother would watch over him as he slept. The falling rain has a soothing effect and allows the poet to reconnect with precious moments from the past.
A Legend of the Northland is folklore told to the children to instil this moral lesson. The poem talks about a little woman who was punished by saint Peter for refusing to give him any one of the cakes that she had baked. ... The behaviour of the woman provokes Saint Peter who curses her and changes her into a woodpecker.
This document provides context and a summary of the short story "Fair Play" by Premchand. It introduces the two main characters, Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chaudhary, who are good friends but face a conflict when Jumman mistreats his elderly aunt and Algu, acting as a village elder, rules in her favor, angering Jumman. Later, when Algu has a payment dispute that is brought before the village elders, his enemy Jumman is selected to judge the case, but rules impartially, prioritizing justice over personal feelings. Both friends reconcile, showing that truth and fairness should outweigh friendship or rivalry.
The play "The Book That Saved The Earth" is set in the 25th century and depicts a Martian invasion of Earth that is thwarted by a book of nursery rhymes. The mighty Think-Tank leads a Martian expedition to Earth to assess the planet's defenses. Upon arriving at a library, Think-Tank and his crew misunderstand books and attempt to eat and listen to them before realizing they contain written language. When Oop reads from Mother Goose to Think-Tank, he becomes terrified of the Earthlings and orders an immediate retreat from the invasion to save himself.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
This play is the story of an intruder. He breaks into a lonely house. A
man named Gerrard lives there. He is a playwright. The intruder is a
criminal. He has killed a policeman and is now on the run. This man
has some physical resemblance to Gerrard. His plan is to kill Gerrard
and live there under his name. But Gerrard is smarter than the
criminal. He tells the intruder that he has also killed someone and
the police are after him. He offers to take the intruder in his car to
safety. He opens a door and tells the intruder that it goes to the
garage. Assoon as the intruder enters, Gerard locks the door. In fact
it is not the way to a garage but the door of a cupboard. Then he
phones the police to come and arrest the intruder.
3. Gerrard is a typical English gentleman who is an actor-playwright. He is well-educated, fearless and full of humour. The
play opens with Gerrard answering a phone call which is from a client whom he promises to deliver the props for
rehearsal. He is busy packing for travel in this connection when an intruder, flashily dressed in an overcoat and a soft hat
and carrying a revolver in his hand, surprises him from behind. But Gerrard keeps his cool and tries to figure out who the
intruder is when the latter threatens him with dire consequences if his questions are not answered. However, the intruder
declares that he is not there to tell him about himself but to know the personal details of Gerrard. The intruder tells
Gerrard that he is a robber who specialises in the theft of jewels and that he plans to use Gerrards house and car for his
schemes. The intruder then announces that he is going to kill Gerrard and later assume his identity as there is a good
resemblance between the two of them. In this way, he can evade the police and lead a peaceful life. The intruder further
surprises Gerrard by telling him that he has noticed his (Gerrards) manner of speech and has taken care to adopt a
resemblance to him in looks too. He needs to change his identity because the cops are searching him for having killed one
of their colleagues. He also tells Gerrard how he has come to know about him by overhearing a conversation between two
people. But it is Gerrard who has the last laugh when he fools the intruder into believing that he too is running from the
law and is about to flee. He completely befools the intruder by making him check for himself if everything is safe outside
before they escape. He makes him peep into a dark cupboard giving the impression that it leads to the garage. The
moment the intruder peeps in, Gerrard pushes him into the cupboard, knocking the revolver out of his hand. While the
intruder keeps rattling the door and shouting, Let me out of here!, Gerrard gets down to business. Very coolly he
answers a phone call, apologising that he wouldnt be able to deliver stage props in time for rehearsal. At the same time,
he requests the caller to send the sergeant to his place. All this while he guards the cupboard with the intruders revolver.
Gerrard is so amused by this incident that he decides to use it as the plot for his next play.
James Douglas, (born Aug. 15, 1803, Demerara, British Guianadied Aug. 2, 1877, Victoria, B.C.,
Can.), Canadian statesman known as the father of British Columbia. He became its first governor
when it was a newly formed wilderness colony.
Douglas joined the Hudsons Bay Company in 1821 and rose to become senior member of the
board, in charge of operations west of the Rocky Mountains. After the establishment of the
southwestern boundary with the United States, he moved the companys headquarters
from Oregon to Vancouver Island in 1849. As governor (185164) of Vancouver Island when gold
was discovered on the Fraser River in 1858, he extended his authority to the mainland in order to
preserve Britains foothold on the Pacific in the face of an influx of settlers from the United States.
His action was approved by the British government, which then created the colony of British
Columbia. Douglas became its governor in 1858 after severing his connection with the Hudsons
Bay Company. He was knighted in 1863 and retired in 1864.
The intruder is a villainous scoundrel, a confirmed criminal who makes intriguing plans to dodge the police. He has evil intentions and crafty
plans to achieve his aims. Cold blooded and cruel as he is, he does not hesitate from murdering innocent people for his selfish gains. But his
wickedness cannot sustain him for long.
The intruder is a criminal who has been eluding the police ever since he killed a cop. Having no sense of remorse for the crime he has
committed, he is further sinking in the mire of criminal activities. Over-confidence makes him feel that he has made a brilliant plan of
murdering Gerrard and escaping the law by impersonating him. However, he is soon outwitted by Gerrard and he unsuspectingly walks into
the latters trap. All his tall claims about his intelligence prove to be hollow. This heartless and hardened criminal meets a befitting end.
Gerrard, the protagonist of If I Were You is portrayed as a man of many virtues. He is endowed with a brilliant wit, a sharp
mind, smart thinking, and a sense of humour. All these qualities, combined with a cool temperament enable him to handle
even a life-threatening situation very successfully and easily.
Gerrard is associated with the theatre. He writes, acts and provides props for plays. He is a refined and a cultured man, who
keeps his cool even in the most difficult situations. The sight of an intruder doesnt ruffle him and he talks to him very
courteously and pleasantly. His sense of humour irritates the intruder many times. Even when acting funny, he keeps his
presence of mind and lays a trap for the intruder. Everything comes so naturally and spontaneously to him that the intruder
walks into his trap unsuspectingly. Gerrards intelligence not only outwits the intruder and saves his own life, but also helps
the police in nabbing a wanted criminal. In fact, Gerrard, with his unagitated, composed mind stands as a foil to the cruel
and villainous intruder
The theme of the play emphasizes the significance of intelligence, the presence
of mind and a cool head in situations of crisis. Panic complicates matters but cool
temperament can help one wriggle out of the tight corners with ease. Criminals,
who mastermind most deceitful crimes, can also be outwitted because they have
a fear of getting detected and caught by the law. Hence, a tactful planning and
handling of a situation can trap even the so-called smart criminals.
If I Were You is a very appropriate title. It refers to the wishful thinking of the
intruder who wants to assume Gerrards identity in order to escape the law. His
idea of eluding the police by living on a borrowed identity remains unfulfilled as
he is trapped by Gerrard and outwitted before he assumes his life. His dream to
impersonate Gerrard is quashed and the If in If I Were You looms forever with
no hope of becoming a concrete reality. The title, therefore, hints at the basic idea
of the story, and is, therefore, very apt.
The play gives the message that over-confidence can lead to disastrous results. One should never
consider oneself to be smarter than the opponent as is done by the intruder who thinks that
Gerrard is no match for him. The play also conveys that intelligence, the presence of mind, and
cool-headedness can help us overcome the gravest of problems that we may encounter.
Though the play deals with a criminal and a playwright caught unaware by him, there is a thread of
humour in the very texture of the play. The humour is neither boisterous nor unnatural. It is refined
and subtle. Gerrards cool-headedness and presence of mind make him come out with such witty
and sarcastic remarks that the criminal feels irritated and the audience feels amused. When the
intruder asks him to talk about himself, rather than panicking, he says he is happy to have a
sympathetic audience. When the intruder proposes to live in his cottage, Gerrard, rather than being
shocked, says, You have not been invited. Talking about the intruders looks, Gerrard remarks, You
are not particularly decorative. Such humour runs throughout the play and makes it a gripping and
amusing drama.