Varför spelar social försäljning rollOlle Leckne
Med Social selling index kan du kolla hur bra du och din säljkår är på Social Selling som är en kombo av
Personligt varumärke (hur känd är och för vad),
Sökning (hur bra du är på att söka och finna),
Delar du med dig och skapar insikter
Förmågan att bygga relationer.
Funderar du på¨hur Linkedin räknar ut ditt testresultat säå är indexet är en funktion av kvantitativa faktorer (hur mycket du gör) och kvalitativa faktorer (hur bra du gör det).
The document discusses Transfer, a knowledge network that creates collaboration between businesses and schools. It provides free lectures to schools and was founded in 2000 as a non-profit, religiously and politically independent organization. Web 2.0 is described as allowing users to contribute to and control content on websites through interactivity and usability. Emerging jobs are mentioned like social media managers who focus on communication, not marketing, and future roles involving social applications, cloud computing, and intelligent packaging.
The document discusses Transfer, a knowledge network that creates collaboration between businesses and schools. It provides free lectures to schools and was founded in 2000 as a non-profit, religiously and politically independent organization. Web 2.0 is described as allowing users to contribute to and control content on websites through interactivity and usability. Emerging jobs are mentioned like social media managers who focus on communication, not marketing, and future roles involving social applications, cloud computing, and intelligent packaging.