La domanda "cos'竪 il coworking" atterrirebbe chiunque. Non c'竪 una risposta, questa 竪 la verit.
Ma il coworking 竪 l, esiste, con le sue caratteristiche, come un rinoceronte per chi non ha mai visto prima un rinoceronte, come D端rer quando fece la sua famosa incisione. Ecco, non tutti sono altrettanto bravi di D端rer a dare un'immagine efficace per sentito dire.
Possiamo invece dire con certezza cosa non 竪, nonostante spesso si pensi che sia proprio quello che invece non 竪.
Possiamo poi provare a immaginare delle metafore, per capire a cosa assomiglia.
Ma la cosa migliore 竪 sempre conoscere e vedere gli esempi, quindi in questa presentazione ci sono 18 progetti molto eterogenei da esplorare e da cui trarre ispirazione.
Alla fine alla domanda non c'竪 una sola risposta, ce ne sono tante. Buona sperimentazione!
Progetto: "Incontro con l' Autore" La classe 3^C "scopre" la scrittrice Eva Montanari Presentazione insegnante Magda Abbati (anno scolastico 2009/'10).
Schede didattiche sui dinosauri. Libro da costruire con giochi, notizie, dise...ziobio
Scarica gratis su: libretto di 30 pagine sui dinosauri per i bambini della scuola primaria. Contiene giochi, notizie, curiosit, disegni da colorare sui dinosauri.
1 - Presentazione "Dall' ORIGINE dell' UNIVERSO alla comparsa dell'UOMO" di Carla e Paola Poppi insegnanti dell' Istituto Comprensivo di Crevalcore (BO).
Anno Scolastico 2010-'11 classe 3^
The document provides a summary of ancient Egyptian history from around 2700 BC to 1213 BC. It describes the different periods including the Old Kingdom when Khufu built the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Middle Kingdom when Senusret expanded Egypt's borders, and the New Kingdom during which Ramses II ruled and built structures like the pyramid called Nefertari. Key figures mentioned include Khufu, Senusret, and Ramses II.
This document discusses virtual field trips and how they can be used in English and language arts classrooms. Virtual field trips allow students to visit locations they cannot physically access by using online resources. They can be used to provide context before reading assignments, supplement information from physical field trips, or expose students to new cultures and times periods. The document provides examples of virtual field trip resources available through the Smithsonian American Art Museum and explains how they promote visual and media literacy skills. It also shares positive feedback from colleagues who saw potential uses of virtual field trips in their own teaching.
The document contains contact information for Hamid Hussain including his email addresses and websites. It also lists family members like his brother Kashif Sheraz and father Amjad Hussain as well as a friend named M. Farman. Locations mentioned include Parque Ribera and Puente Logro単o.
This document summarizes two group members' presentations on documentaries about tattoos and graffiti art. It provides details on the documentaries discussed, including topics, footage used, and elements the group members found effective. Key points mentioned are documentaries on the history of tattoos, tattoo artists' work and views, and a graffiti artist commissioned by a hotel. The group members discuss shots, interviews, music, and locations used in the documentaries.
"Why CSI Pays Off" - Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate Case StudyCSI_Literacy
The document discusses the implementation of the Comprehension Strategies Instruction (CSI) literacy program at Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate school. Pre- and post-testing showed that students experienced remarkable gains in literacy achievement after 14 weeks using CSI, with 60% improving one or more curriculum levels. Both Year 7 and 8 students progressed into higher National Standards categories. Teachers found that CSI lessons were easy to follow and engaging for students, helping to accelerate the school's progress toward its literacy goals.
This document discusses an organization that distributes content across various channels including music, radio, parenting, film, gaming, and business/technology. It lists several companies like HTC, Setanta, Aer Lingus, Disney, E1 Movies, Universal Pictures, Sony, and Centra Opel Ulster Bank that partner with the organization to distribute their content through different channels on the i-Believe platform. These channels are dedicated to specific content types and include music, radio, parenting, female, film, gaming, and sport.
The i-Believe Business Channel now includes the Ideas People network of 100 business and tech sites that focus on innovation. The Ideas People Network reaches a highly affluent audience including nearly 15% of senior managers, 15% of IT decision makers, and nearly 20% of affluent online users according to ComScore. It provides access to professionals across science, business, academia and finance through sites like,, and Advertising on the Ideas People Network costs 13 per 1000 impressions with no minimum order requirement.
This document discusses virtual field trips and how they can be used in English and language arts classrooms. Virtual field trips allow students to visit locations they cannot physically access by using online resources. They can be used to provide context before reading assignments, supplement information from physical field trips, or expose students to new cultures and times periods. The document provides examples of virtual field trip resources available through the Smithsonian American Art Museum and explains how they promote visual and media literacy skills. It also shares positive feedback from colleagues who saw potential uses of virtual field trips in their own teaching.
The document contains contact information for Hamid Hussain including his email addresses and websites. It also lists family members like his brother Kashif Sheraz and father Amjad Hussain as well as a friend named M. Farman. Locations mentioned include Parque Ribera and Puente Logro単o.
This document summarizes two group members' presentations on documentaries about tattoos and graffiti art. It provides details on the documentaries discussed, including topics, footage used, and elements the group members found effective. Key points mentioned are documentaries on the history of tattoos, tattoo artists' work and views, and a graffiti artist commissioned by a hotel. The group members discuss shots, interviews, music, and locations used in the documentaries.
"Why CSI Pays Off" - Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate Case StudyCSI_Literacy
The document discusses the implementation of the Comprehension Strategies Instruction (CSI) literacy program at Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate school. Pre- and post-testing showed that students experienced remarkable gains in literacy achievement after 14 weeks using CSI, with 60% improving one or more curriculum levels. Both Year 7 and 8 students progressed into higher National Standards categories. Teachers found that CSI lessons were easy to follow and engaging for students, helping to accelerate the school's progress toward its literacy goals.
This document discusses an organization that distributes content across various channels including music, radio, parenting, film, gaming, and business/technology. It lists several companies like HTC, Setanta, Aer Lingus, Disney, E1 Movies, Universal Pictures, Sony, and Centra Opel Ulster Bank that partner with the organization to distribute their content through different channels on the i-Believe platform. These channels are dedicated to specific content types and include music, radio, parenting, female, film, gaming, and sport.
The i-Believe Business Channel now includes the Ideas People network of 100 business and tech sites that focus on innovation. The Ideas People Network reaches a highly affluent audience including nearly 15% of senior managers, 15% of IT decision makers, and nearly 20% of affluent online users according to ComScore. It provides access to professionals across science, business, academia and finance through sites like,, and Advertising on the Ideas People Network costs 13 per 1000 impressions with no minimum order requirement.
The document lists various Halloween creatures such as pumpkins, skeletons, demons, bats, spiders, ghosts, witches, werewolves, goblins, werewolves, witches, ghosts, spiders, bats, zombies, vampires, demons, and skeletons. It then asks if the reader is scared now and was produced by Marco Sergio.
The document discusses Halloween vocabulary including ghosts, vampires, witches, and skeletons. Ghosts are described as horrible white monsters that are angry. Vampires drink blood. Witches fly on brooms. Skeletons are very thin. The document also mentions that children wear costumes and masks and go trick or treating at their neighbors' houses on Halloween.
The teacher assigned homework on Independence Day that requires answering questions about why it is celebrated, recipes for Uncle Sam's "I want you" cake and other July 4th desserts, details on the largest fireworks display in the country, release information and plot of the film Independence Day, using linked web pages and images as references.
Pancake Day is celebrated with pancakes and various traditions. It falls on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and is celebrated in many places, particularly in the UK, Ireland and certain Commonwealth countries. To celebrate, people eat pancakes, engage in pancake races, and prepare pancakes using basic ingredients like flour, eggs, milk or water, and a raising agent.
We celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Traditional Christmas food includes turkey and ham. Christmas symbols are the Christmas tree, wreath, mistletoe, stockings and Santa Claus. The history of Christmas traces back to pagan winter festivals and the Christian celebration of Jesus' birth. Typical Christmas decorations include lights, garlands, wreaths, and ornaments on the tree. The document provides links to Wikipedia and a YouTube video about Christmas traditions and history.
Children celebrate Halloween by dressing up in costumes, going trick-or-treating, attending parties, and watching horror films. Decorations like jack-o'-lanterns are meant to scare away monsters, referencing the legend of Jack Lantern. Common Halloween monsters described include spiders, devils, witches riding broomsticks, and werewolves that transform and eat people during a full moon.
Internet safety rules include having antivirus software, not accepting unknown people as Facebook friends, keeping passwords private, asking parents to install filters against inappropriate sites, and avoiding sharing personal information with strangers.
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2. Carta didentit RAZZA:canina ORIGINE:Terranova IMPIEGO:in origine 竪 stato usato come cane da riporto dai cacciatori. Oggi invece,lavora come cane da salvataggio,cane poliziotto, pet therapy, ed altri impieghi. TAGLIA: 竪 alto 56/57 cm il maschio,invece la femmina 竪 alta 54/56 cm. PESO: sui 35/40 kg il maschio. La femmina pesa sui 20/35 kg.
3. ASPETTO Stazza media. Il pelo 辿 duro, liscio, molto spesso e lanoso. La testa 竪 larga, gli occhi sono marroni o di color nocciola, le orecchie sono triangolari, il collo 竪 vigoroso e di media lunghezza. Il petto 竪 profondo e largo, la coda 竪 di media lunghezza, grossa, alla base 竪 sottile e verso la punta 竪 ricoperta da pelo fitto e corto.
4. Colori ereditari Il colore dei cuccioli dipende dai geni ereditari dagli adulti: il nero e il marrone sono caratteri dominanti, ma anche i labrador di questi due colori possono essere portatori del gene recessivo giallo; gli esemplari gialli non hanno geni neri o marroni. Da una coppia di labrador neri possono nascere cuccioli di qualsiasi colore, mentre da due esemplari gialli nasceranno solo cuccioli gialli.
5. Curiosit Per il suo carattere facile 竪 adatto ad essere addestrato e allo svolgimento di tantissime attivit. Per il suo carattere dolce e affettuoso 竪 un cane molto esuberante, sempre pronto al gioco davventura e sempre felice di apprendere e fare nuove conoscenze.
6. Carattere Intelligente, docile e disponibile e facilmente addestrabile,tanto che viene impiegato per diversi lavori di utilit,ad esempio come cane-guida per ciechi. E un compagno fedele e affezionato, senza ombra di aggressivit .Odia la solitudine.