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Imagery in
By Mr. Jet Hokin Paclar
e.e. cummings
The Red Wheelbarrow
so much depends
upon a red wheelbarrow
glazed with rainwater
beside the white chickens.
Image of a 酷温岳鞄艶姻
 What is the name of your father or your
Father figure?
 Write one thing found in your CR that best
describes your fathers smell.
 Complete the statement by providing the
meanest word your father told you: You
said Im ____________.
 Provide a place where you had a
memorable experience with your
 Describe the memorable experience
using only three words.
 If your father is a part of your body,
what part would he be?
 What do you want to tell your father?
The use of figurative language to represent
objects, actions and ideas in such a way
that it appeals to our physical senses.
 makes use of particular words that create
visual representation of ideas in our minds.
 It creates mental images.
Kinds of Imagery
Visual Imagery
 pertains to sight, and allows readers to
visualize events or places or people.
 Characterized most of the time by colors
 It was dark and dim in the forest
 O, she doth teach the torches to burn
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear;
- Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
Auditory Imagery
 pertains to a sound, and allows the
reader to hear the sound in their mind.
 Characterized most of the time
by onomatopoeia.
 Buzzing of the bees and chirping of the birds.
 The children were screaming and shouting in the
 Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft,
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
- To the Autumn, John Keats
Olfactory Imagery
 pertains to an odor or smell
 He whiffed the aroma of brewed
 The smell of dried fish, swam through my
Gustatory Imagery
 pertains to a taste.
 The fresh and juicy orange are very cold
and sweet.
 The ampalaya-like medicine was forced
into my mouth.
Tactile imagery
 pertains to a texture or sensation of touch.
 Characterized by texture
 The girl ran her hands on a soft satin
 My right ear scraped a buckle
Theodore Roethke
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.
The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle.
You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.
Reflection Question
If you will be given a chance
to choose, will you pick the
same father you have now?
Why or why not?
Identify if the statements are Visual, Auditory,
Olfactory, Gustatory or Tactile Imagery.
1. The hand that held my wrist
2. The whiskey on your breath
3. My right ear scraped a buckle.
4. The wind touches my skin
5. The buzzing of the bees
6. His breath like a skunks fart
7. Face as rough as a sandpaper
8. The setting of the orange sun
9. A love thats like licking a sugar filled candy.
10. She talks like a candy cane.

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Imagery in poetry

  • 1. Imagery in Poetry By Mr. Jet Hokin Paclar
  • 3. The Red Wheelbarrow so much depends upon a red wheelbarrow glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens.
  • 4. Image of a 酷温岳鞄艶姻
  • 5. What is the name of your father or your Father figure? Write one thing found in your CR that best describes your fathers smell. Complete the statement by providing the meanest word your father told you: You said Im ____________.
  • 6. Provide a place where you had a memorable experience with your father. Describe the memorable experience using only three words. If your father is a part of your body, what part would he be? What do you want to tell your father?
  • 7. Imagery The use of figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses.
  • 8. Imagery makes use of particular words that create visual representation of ideas in our minds. It creates mental images.
  • 10. Visual Imagery pertains to sight, and allows readers to visualize events or places or people. Characterized most of the time by colors
  • 11. It was dark and dim in the forest O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear; - Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
  • 12. Auditory Imagery pertains to a sound, and allows the reader to hear the sound in their mind. Characterized most of the time by onomatopoeia.
  • 13. Buzzing of the bees and chirping of the birds. The children were screaming and shouting in the fields. Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft, And gathering swallows twitter in the skies. - To the Autumn, John Keats
  • 14. Olfactory Imagery pertains to an odor or smell He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee. The smell of dried fish, swam through my nostrils.
  • 15. Gustatory Imagery pertains to a taste. The fresh and juicy orange are very cold and sweet. The ampalaya-like medicine was forced into my mouth.
  • 16. Tactile imagery pertains to a texture or sensation of touch. Characterized by texture The girl ran her hands on a soft satin fabric. My right ear scraped a buckle
  • 17. MY PAPA'S WALTZ Theodore Roethke The whiskey on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death: Such waltzing was not easy.
  • 18. We romped until the pans Slid from the kitchen shelf; My mother's countenance Could not unfrown itself.
  • 19. The hand that held my wrist Was battered on one knuckle; At every step you missed My right ear scraped a buckle.
  • 20. You beat time on my head With a palm caked hard by dirt, Then waltzed me off to bed Still clinging to your shirt.
  • 21. Reflection Question If you will be given a chance to choose, will you pick the same father you have now? Why or why not?
  • 22. Identify if the statements are Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory or Tactile Imagery. 1. The hand that held my wrist 2. The whiskey on your breath 3. My right ear scraped a buckle. 4. The wind touches my skin 5. The buzzing of the bees 6. His breath like a skunks fart 7. Face as rough as a sandpaper 8. The setting of the orange sun 9. A love thats like licking a sugar filled candy. 10. She talks like a candy cane.