This document provides an overview of ultrasound imaging indications and findings for scrotal diseases. It discusses acute scrotum conditions like infection and torsion, palpable masses that can be intra- or extra-testicular, and infertility evaluations. Key points covered include Doppler ultrasound features of epididymo-orchitis, stages of testicular torsion, characteristics of seminoma and non-seminoma tumors, varicocele assessment, and emerging technologies like elastography.
11. Cont..
- Clinically
- phases
U/S features
Vary with duration and degree of rotation
Grey Scale Nonspecific (Normal if hyper acute)
< 6 hours : Testicular swelling and hypo echogenicity
>24hrs: Heterogeneous due to congestion , hemorrhage and
50. References
Ultrasound of the Male Genitalia, Bruce R. Gilbert, MD, PhD
Diagnostic imaging Genitourinary ,3 rd edition
Diagnostic medical sonography, abdomen and superficial
Carol diagnostic u/s