The document provides background information on Canada's involvement in World War 1. It discusses the causes of WWI including militarism, alliances, nationalism and imperialism. It then outlines Canada's response to entering the war through passing the War Measures Act, mobilizing troops, and the impact on the economy. Finally, it discusses some of the major battles and events on land that Canadian troops engaged in, from the initial plans to the later battles like Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele and Canada's role in the final 100 days of the war.
The document summarizes key events and developments related to the rise of totalitarianism in Europe between World Wars I and II. It describes how liberal democracy declined as totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism grew in popularity in the aftermath of WWI. Specifically, it outlines the establishment of totalitarian regimes in Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and the Soviet Union under Stalin. It also discusses economic and political conditions like hyperinflation in Germany that contributed to the rise of Nazism.
World War II began when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This caused France and Britain to declare war on Germany. Germany then conquered much of Western Europe. In 1941, Germany broke its non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union by invading. The US entered the war after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Over the next several years, the Allied powers including the US, Britain, and Soviet Union fought against Germany and Japan. Germany surrendered in 1945 after the US dropped atomic bombs on Japan, bringing World War II to an end after over 7 years of global conflict.
The document provides background information on Canada's involvement in World War 1. It discusses the causes of WWI including militarism, alliances, nationalism and imperialism. It then outlines Canada's response to entering the war through passing the War Measures Act, mobilizing troops, and the impact on the economy. Finally, it discusses some of the major battles and events on land that Canadian troops engaged in, from the initial plans to the later battles like Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele and Canada's role in the final 100 days of the war.
The document summarizes key events and developments related to the rise of totalitarianism in Europe between World Wars I and II. It describes how liberal democracy declined as totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism grew in popularity in the aftermath of WWI. Specifically, it outlines the establishment of totalitarian regimes in Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and the Soviet Union under Stalin. It also discusses economic and political conditions like hyperinflation in Germany that contributed to the rise of Nazism.
World War II began when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This caused France and Britain to declare war on Germany. Germany then conquered much of Western Europe. In 1941, Germany broke its non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union by invading. The US entered the war after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Over the next several years, the Allied powers including the US, Britain, and Soviet Union fought against Germany and Japan. Germany surrendered in 1945 after the US dropped atomic bombs on Japan, bringing World War II to an end after over 7 years of global conflict.
• Industriella revolutionen
• Kapplöpning mellan länder
• Storbritannien och Frankrike blir enorma
kolonialmakter, många andra länder i Europa har
också kolonier
• USA börjar också vinna mark och stärka sin makt i
• Ryssland är en stor maktfaktor men tar inga
• Afrika och Asien delas upp mellan de
europeiska länderna
• Nord- och Sydamerika likaså
• Kina blir ingen koloni men är inte
• Från många mindre delar
• Till en stor kraftfull helhet
• Ett stort industriland vid
sekelskiftet 1900
• Europas största befolkning
• Men få kolonier
• Panslavism
- Det enade slaviska folket
• Gemenskap för germaner
• Den hotande socialismen
- Arbetare i alla länder
- Regeringarnas stora skräck – Nationalismen är räddningen!
• Industrialism och kolonialism skapar
nationell konkurrens
• Hela världen är uppdelad mellan olika
• Kapprustning
• Alliansbyggen
• Trippelalliansen
- Tyskland och Österrike-
• Ententen
- Storbritannien, Frankrike
och Ryssland
Båda blocken var på olika
sätt knutna till Balkan
• Vi behöver både ett aktörs- och ett strukturperspektiv
• Bakomliggande orsaker och utlösande orsaker
• Historieidealisterna lägger tonvikten på aktörsperspektivet, medan
historiematerialisterna lägger tonvikten på strukturperspektivet