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IMSC Meeting Report
Over 80 participants with almost all countries attending the International Convention
represented, including Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland,
Macao, Malaysia, Nigeria, North America, Pakistan, Qatar/UAE, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Uganda, UK & Zambia
Reported on progress since the Sri Lanka Convention, including the directions from the
Council of Trustees & IMC on the existing practices of membership election in different
Territorial Organisaions (TOs) and Branches
Presented the draft Membership Guidelines for comments and discussion
Supported IMSC to continue preparing the Membership Guidelines to be shared across
Three major areas of feedback
A. Mapping of both educational qualifications and professional
Education qualifications
 Create a list of recognised qualifications/exempting qualifications
 Clearly map the four-tier structure of CILT education and training, i.e. International
Introductory Certificate, the International Certificate, International Diploma &
International Advanced Diploma, to membership grades
Professional experience
 Map relevant qualifications and experience, including those in military services, by
making reference to TOs with good practices
 Clarify whether experience is pre- or post-education qualifications
 Look into professional experience in other professions with jobs related to
transport/logistics, e.g. lawyers in maritime law and accountants in
B. Membership Structure
Provide a pathway to encourage active progression of members both in terms of
personal career and membership grades
Provide guidelines on balance of members in different membership grades, avoid a top
heavy structure
Follow rigorous assessments of CMILTs and FCILTs but be more flexible in handling of
MILTs and Organisation/Corporate memberships to build support and a broad
membership base
Stipulate criteria for FCILTs be related to professional achievements and contributions
to the Institute for a substantial period of time/in a professional manner
Financial contributions should not be rewarded with membership (e.g. FCILT) but be
recognized by other means
C. Upholding professional standards: Value/rewards vs penalties
Encourage active membership
Publicize members achievements/awards across countries, e.g. CILT Newsletter
Foster linkages with support industries (e.g. ICT & finance), trade unions, trade
organisation leaders
Get national political recognition for CILT
Define professional misconduct
Provide more guidelines about membership deregistration, e.g. due to non-
payment of membership fee & professional misconduct
 Grace period for non-payment of membership fee
 Type and level of penalty for a breach of code of professional conduct
 Collecting evidence of CPD and penalty for non-compliance of CPD
Next 12 months:
Membership Guidelines as a useful &
relevant reference for all, yet focused
& simple to use

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Imsc report into icm

  • 1. IMSC Meeting Report Over 80 participants with almost all countries attending the International Convention represented, including Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Macao, Malaysia, Nigeria, North America, Pakistan, Qatar/UAE, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, UK & Zambia Reported on progress since the Sri Lanka Convention, including the directions from the Council of Trustees & IMC on the existing practices of membership election in different Territorial Organisaions (TOs) and Branches Presented the draft Membership Guidelines for comments and discussion Supported IMSC to continue preparing the Membership Guidelines to be shared across countries Three major areas of feedback
  • 2. A. Mapping of both educational qualifications and professional experience Education qualifications Create a list of recognised qualifications/exempting qualifications Clearly map the four-tier structure of CILT education and training, i.e. International Introductory Certificate, the International Certificate, International Diploma & International Advanced Diploma, to membership grades Professional experience Map relevant qualifications and experience, including those in military services, by making reference to TOs with good practices Clarify whether experience is pre- or post-education qualifications Look into professional experience in other professions with jobs related to transport/logistics, e.g. lawyers in maritime law and accountants in transport/logistics
  • 3. B. Membership Structure Provide a pathway to encourage active progression of members both in terms of personal career and membership grades Provide guidelines on balance of members in different membership grades, avoid a top heavy structure Follow rigorous assessments of CMILTs and FCILTs but be more flexible in handling of MILTs and Organisation/Corporate memberships to build support and a broad membership base Stipulate criteria for FCILTs be related to professional achievements and contributions to the Institute for a substantial period of time/in a professional manner Financial contributions should not be rewarded with membership (e.g. FCILT) but be recognized by other means
  • 4. C. Upholding professional standards: Value/rewards vs penalties Value/rewards Encourage active membership Publicize members achievements/awards across countries, e.g. CILT Newsletter Foster linkages with support industries (e.g. ICT & finance), trade unions, trade organisation leaders Get national political recognition for CILT Penalties Define professional misconduct Provide more guidelines about membership deregistration, e.g. due to non- payment of membership fee & professional misconduct Grace period for non-payment of membership fee Type and level of penalty for a breach of code of professional conduct Collecting evidence of CPD and penalty for non-compliance of CPD requirements Next 12 months: Membership Guidelines as a useful & relevant reference for all, yet focused & simple to use