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By Abiya Shah
Oceans is a song by a British music duo, Seafret that play
Alternative/Indie band.
Oceans is the first track on their EP and the sixth track on
the album - Tell Me It's Real.
Seafret have been signed by Sweet Jane Recordings that
are totally focused on the duo band that have gradually
grown in population over time to the large fan base they
now have.
Genre Characteristics
One indie/ alternative genre characteristic that Seafret
have in the Oceans song is the low budget which is a
common characteristic for indie/ alternative bands as they
are thought to have a low budget due to the fact that their
career hasnt peaked.
Both the props and the setting used in the music video are
very minimalistic and of a low budget, therefore
conforming to indie/ alternative genre characteristics.
The need to work late is due to the assumption which some viewers believe, the mother is a
single parent and is the only source of income for the household. When she realises her
mum isnt home and that she is, as the letter states, working late (Again) The lyrics I want
you, Yeah I want you are sung, giving the viewer the impression that this is a frequent
occurrence and as a result the girl feels lonely because of her mums absence. At the very
start of the video the girl is calling out for her mum as she has just came back from school.
Relationship between the lyrics and visuals
Throughout the majority of the song Seafret have used the lyrics as a form of amplification to express the loneliness
that this girl has. The loneliness that has triggered a cycle of bullying which she cant escape as her mother is working
late to provide for her.
At the point where the girl reveals her
vandalized school shirt the lyrics I wish I can
feel your skin are sung which could imply
that the girl wants comfort from her mother
after the incident.
As the girl puts on mask that she get out of her cupboard the lyrics, We hide
our emotions, Under the surface and trying to pretend could symbolize
how she uses the mask as a means of escaping reality and the events to
come in the music video are also pretend as the lyrics suggest.
At the point the girl ignites her powers for the first
time she isnt afraid or confused like expected, she
remains completely calm as if this has happened
before or she is imaging it happening. Subsequently
the lyrics: But it feels like there's oceans, Between
you and me are sung at 1:19, could link to how shes
standing in front of a mirror and she no longer
recognizes herself puts on mask that she get out of her
cupboard the lyrics, We hide our emotions, Under
the surface and trying to pretend could symbolize
how she uses the mask as a means of escaping reality
and the events to come in the music video are also
pretend as the lyrics suggest.
without you is the
lyrics sung at 2:03
to emphasize the
girls loneliness and
possible envious
nature of the couple
that is walking close
to the girl.
The main protagonist featuring in the video is suffering from bullying which has damaged not only
her clothes as seen at 0:39 but also escalates to physical abuse which occur at 2:29. At the time
where she is about to be a victim of harm the pace of editing increases and the frequency of cuts
also increases.
In addition, when she rises back up after being knocked down the soundtrack mimic the girl
movements and escalates until it peaks at the point she retaliates against the bullies.
Towards the end of the song at 3:28 the girl finally sees her mother and still the lyrics It feels like theres
oceans, Between you and me conveys a distance in the relationship that has been consistent throughout the
entire song. This could be due to the powers that the daughter may have or the emotional barrier that she
has just overcome depending on the interpretation, the mother will be oblivious to either possibilities as she
wasnt around to experience it.
There are many close up of the main girl that acts at the protagonist throughout the Oceans music video. The close up
brings the audience closer to the artist and establishes a connection. The framing is central for the almost all of the close ups
to illustrate the artists role in the music video. For this particular star, the close ups may be to highlight who the actor
identity. The actor that plays the girl in the music video is a British actor called Maisie Williams
Oh Wonder - Without You
Oh Wonder are a London-based
alt-indie pop duo, consisting of
Josephine Vander Gucht and
Anthony West. Since releasing
their DIY debut album, they
have seen international success
with their alt-pop singles.
The video starts with
two people waking up
and looking lost in
different places.
As they wake up they
start walking as the
song begins. Long
shots are used to
establish the locations
since Ive been
walking solo is
sung as the two
people are
shown to walk
around alone
and trying to
figure out
where they are.
Im a little bit lost without you plays as the man is shown wandering
around looking to establish where he is, signifying that he is lost.
Pastel colors are used,
which is a conventions
of indie/alternative
pop music
As they sing  where were
you the woman is seen to
be looking at the man
longingly as if she were
asking him this part of the
The two people are shown to be walking around and wandering around
town, shots of the buildings and a bridge are also shown.
Eventually they walk into each other and start walking in the same
direction towards a club
As they enter the club an empty area being sweeped is shown and big
neon letters OW- signifying the band name Oh Wonder. The ambiance
represents a post concert setting as the couple walk close to the stage.
The screen cuts to black and a sound bridge is used to show the couple
sleeping on a train which co-responds with the song lyrics dreaming
you were back home showing that even in their dream they were able
to find each other as the whole song is about the difficulty they would
face without the other.

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  • 2. SEAFRET- OCEANS Oceans is a song by a British music duo, Seafret that play Alternative/Indie band. Oceans is the first track on their EP and the sixth track on the album - Tell Me It's Real. Seafret have been signed by Sweet Jane Recordings that are totally focused on the duo band that have gradually grown in population over time to the large fan base they now have. Genre Characteristics One indie/ alternative genre characteristic that Seafret have in the Oceans song is the low budget which is a common characteristic for indie/ alternative bands as they are thought to have a low budget due to the fact that their career hasnt peaked. Both the props and the setting used in the music video are very minimalistic and of a low budget, therefore conforming to indie/ alternative genre characteristics.
  • 3. The need to work late is due to the assumption which some viewers believe, the mother is a single parent and is the only source of income for the household. When she realises her mum isnt home and that she is, as the letter states, working late (Again) The lyrics I want you, Yeah I want you are sung, giving the viewer the impression that this is a frequent occurrence and as a result the girl feels lonely because of her mums absence. At the very start of the video the girl is calling out for her mum as she has just came back from school. Relationship between the lyrics and visuals Throughout the majority of the song Seafret have used the lyrics as a form of amplification to express the loneliness that this girl has. The loneliness that has triggered a cycle of bullying which she cant escape as her mother is working late to provide for her. At the point where the girl reveals her vandalized school shirt the lyrics I wish I can feel your skin are sung which could imply that the girl wants comfort from her mother after the incident.
  • 4. As the girl puts on mask that she get out of her cupboard the lyrics, We hide our emotions, Under the surface and trying to pretend could symbolize how she uses the mask as a means of escaping reality and the events to come in the music video are also pretend as the lyrics suggest. At the point the girl ignites her powers for the first time she isnt afraid or confused like expected, she remains completely calm as if this has happened before or she is imaging it happening. Subsequently the lyrics: But it feels like there's oceans, Between you and me are sung at 1:19, could link to how shes standing in front of a mirror and she no longer recognizes herself puts on mask that she get out of her cupboard the lyrics, We hide our emotions, Under the surface and trying to pretend could symbolize how she uses the mask as a means of escaping reality and the events to come in the music video are also pretend as the lyrics suggest.
  • 5. without you is the lyrics sung at 2:03 to emphasize the girls loneliness and possible envious nature of the couple that is walking close to the girl. The main protagonist featuring in the video is suffering from bullying which has damaged not only her clothes as seen at 0:39 but also escalates to physical abuse which occur at 2:29. At the time where she is about to be a victim of harm the pace of editing increases and the frequency of cuts also increases. In addition, when she rises back up after being knocked down the soundtrack mimic the girl movements and escalates until it peaks at the point she retaliates against the bullies.
  • 6. Towards the end of the song at 3:28 the girl finally sees her mother and still the lyrics It feels like theres oceans, Between you and me conveys a distance in the relationship that has been consistent throughout the entire song. This could be due to the powers that the daughter may have or the emotional barrier that she has just overcome depending on the interpretation, the mother will be oblivious to either possibilities as she wasnt around to experience it.
  • 7. There are many close up of the main girl that acts at the protagonist throughout the Oceans music video. The close up brings the audience closer to the artist and establishes a connection. The framing is central for the almost all of the close ups to illustrate the artists role in the music video. For this particular star, the close ups may be to highlight who the actor identity. The actor that plays the girl in the music video is a British actor called Maisie Williams
  • 8. Oh Wonder - Without You Oh Wonder are a London-based alt-indie pop duo, consisting of Josephine Vander Gucht and Anthony West. Since releasing their DIY debut album, they have seen international success with their alt-pop singles.
  • 9. The video starts with two people waking up and looking lost in different places. As they wake up they start walking as the song begins. Long shots are used to establish the locations
  • 10. since Ive been walking solo is sung as the two people are shown to walk around alone and trying to figure out where they are.
  • 11. Im a little bit lost without you plays as the man is shown wandering around looking to establish where he is, signifying that he is lost.
  • 12. Pastel colors are used, which is a conventions of indie/alternative pop music As they sing where were you the woman is seen to be looking at the man longingly as if she were asking him this part of the song
  • 13. The two people are shown to be walking around and wandering around town, shots of the buildings and a bridge are also shown. Eventually they walk into each other and start walking in the same direction towards a club
  • 14. As they enter the club an empty area being sweeped is shown and big neon letters OW- signifying the band name Oh Wonder. The ambiance represents a post concert setting as the couple walk close to the stage.
  • 15. The screen cuts to black and a sound bridge is used to show the couple sleeping on a train which co-responds with the song lyrics dreaming you were back home showing that even in their dream they were able to find each other as the whole song is about the difficulty they would face without the other.