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By Abiya Shah
Genre: Rock, Pop Rock, Contemporary R&B
Directed by: John Landis
Produced by: George Folsey Jr., Michael Jackson & John Landis
Written by: John Landis & Michael Jackson
Starring: Michael Jackson and Ola Ray
Special effects: Rick Baker & EFX Inc.
Choreography: Michael Peters and Michael Jackson
Costume Designer: Kelly Kimball &Deborah Nadoolman Landis
Scary Music by: Elmer Bernstein
Performed by: Michael Jackson
Featuring rap by: Vincent Price
When people think about influential music videos, the first one that
comes up is Michael Jackson's 15 minute short film and music video
Thriller. The video was produced by John Landis and came in the
top 5 of MTVs 100 Greatest Videos ever Made.
The pyrotechnics, illusions and makeup that were used were
unimaginable, especially for the time it was made. As a media
student when thinking about all the organisation that must have had
to be done, all the thought that was put into creating the music
video and how long it must have taken to get the actors and
actresses dressed not to mention how many hours of rehearsals it
took to get the dance routine on point
Dance Routine
For one, it is written and
sang by the most
influential artist of al time
and as the most
memorable dance routine
ever! A shot from the video
can be seen in which you
will find zombies dancing
to the song in sync with
Michael Jackson
Story Line
The first storyline that is introduced starts as a horror story, using
Michael Jackson and a petite female character. After it finishes, when it
gets too the point where the girl is about to get eaten, the scene cuts
to a cinema full of people watching a film, including Michael Jackson
The music starts as the couple come out of the cinema. As theyre walking out,
the name of the film they had just seen thriller is seen advertised a lot.
The camera paces from this shot to the next
which zooms to show the two characters.
Many camera shots and angles are used to show the body language of the
characters and how they feel about the situation.
This long shot is used to show how she
Feels after the argument outside the
cinema where Michael was laughing at
how she was scared. This influences the
way she looks at Michael and she isnt
listening to him and wants him to know.
This over the shoulder shot is
used to show that he wants her to
trust him but she is slightly
This close up shot shows the body
language and emotions of both
the characters. She is finding his
behavior funny and lightens up
and they have a connection
The Zombies
The zombies are an important part of the music video. The shots show the
zombies immersing from their graves and then shows them walking slowly
and ganging up together
The music stops as the zombies
surround the couple. Close ups are
used to show the zombies as well
as the couples scared reactions.
Michael Jackson is also seen to turn into a zombie after which he dances in
sync with the other zombies
The zombies follow
the girl into the
house where they
trap her in the
corner as she cowers
in fear on a sofa. The
last thing she sees is
zombie Michael
reaching out to grab
her. As she feels his
touch she screams
only to look up and
find that he is fine
and the zombies are
In the end he offers to
take her home and as
they are walking away
Michael looks back at the
camera and his eyes are
With a menacing laugh to
end it all, the credits start
Its Gonna Be Me  NSYNC
Genre: Dance-Pop
Directed by: Wayne Isham
Written by: Max Martin,
Andreas Carlsson and Rami
Produced by: Rami
Starring: NSYNC and Kim Smith
Debuted: May 23, 2000
The video begins in a large toy store, with "Bye Bye Bye" playing in the
background. Each group member is an animated plastic doll version of
themselves in a box similar to their album cover No Strings Attached . They
punch through the plastic front of their boxes and try to attract the attention of
the girl shopping (Kim Smith) so that they can be bought.
Its an interrupted narrative style video so as the story of them as dolls
carries on, quick cuts are shown to the band in a color-lit room singing
and dancing with the lights changing colors.
Army men abseil down from a higher shelf,
destroy their boxes, and mockingly salute and
laugh at them when they are purchased.
Next, the boys
spot a set of
dolls and go
hang out with
them. The
Barbies drop a
net on them,
and again
tease them
when they are
bought and
NSYNC is not.
Finally, the group gets back to their
shelf and does a dance for the
shopping girl. She buys them, and
upon scanning, each doll becomes the
real-life version of each group member.
The videos ends by showing all the members walking out of the toy
store with the girl as the screen fades to black
BLUE  Marina and the Diamonds
Genre: Indie pop
Release: 16th July 2015
Written by: Marina Diamandis
Directed by: Charlotte Rutherford
Filmed at: Dreamland Pleasure Park
Jewellery by: PANDORA
As the video begins , a 60s style
car is shown. Marina, who has
carried out an old fashioned style
throughout her new album
continues the theme as her hair,
makeup and clothes look very
retro. Pastel colors are used
throughout the video to give it a
girly look.
Close ups are used
to show how she
is upset about
breaking up.
One of the indications of
the song title are shown
when she emphasizes on
the word Blue as she
leans on her car as she
seems to be asking the
boy she broke up with to
give her  all his heart can
bring and how she
doesnt want to be blue
anymore. The heavy use
of blue neon lights can be
seen after the first chorus
as well
This music video is
performance based so
it heavily focuses on
the artist alone. Many
close up shots are
taken as she looks
directly at the camera
The video is shot in
an amusement park
and throughout the
video Marina is seen
on a carnival ride of
some sort as she
Product placement
can also be seen in
the video as
supplied jewelry for
the video are subtly
advertised as well as
Marinas own album
FROOT is advertised
in a few scenes
The video ends with a dance sequence involving Marina and two other
Dance is another aspect of performance based music videos
Music Video Analysis

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Music Video Analysis

  • 2. THRILLER MICHAEL JACKSON Genre: Rock, Pop Rock, Contemporary R&B
  • 3. Directed by: John Landis Produced by: George Folsey Jr., Michael Jackson & John Landis Written by: John Landis & Michael Jackson Starring: Michael Jackson and Ola Ray Special effects: Rick Baker & EFX Inc. Choreography: Michael Peters and Michael Jackson Costume Designer: Kelly Kimball &Deborah Nadoolman Landis Scary Music by: Elmer Bernstein Extra Performed by: Michael Jackson Featuring rap by: Vincent Price
  • 4. Introduction When people think about influential music videos, the first one that comes up is Michael Jackson's 15 minute short film and music video Thriller. The video was produced by John Landis and came in the top 5 of MTVs 100 Greatest Videos ever Made. The pyrotechnics, illusions and makeup that were used were unimaginable, especially for the time it was made. As a media student when thinking about all the organisation that must have had to be done, all the thought that was put into creating the music video and how long it must have taken to get the actors and actresses dressed not to mention how many hours of rehearsals it took to get the dance routine on point
  • 5. Dance Routine For one, it is written and sang by the most influential artist of al time and as the most memorable dance routine ever! A shot from the video can be seen in which you will find zombies dancing to the song in sync with Michael Jackson
  • 6. Story Line The first storyline that is introduced starts as a horror story, using Michael Jackson and a petite female character. After it finishes, when it gets too the point where the girl is about to get eaten, the scene cuts to a cinema full of people watching a film, including Michael Jackson
  • 7. The music starts as the couple come out of the cinema. As theyre walking out, the name of the film they had just seen thriller is seen advertised a lot. The camera paces from this shot to the next which zooms to show the two characters.
  • 8. Many camera shots and angles are used to show the body language of the characters and how they feel about the situation. This long shot is used to show how she Feels after the argument outside the cinema where Michael was laughing at how she was scared. This influences the way she looks at Michael and she isnt listening to him and wants him to know. This over the shoulder shot is used to show that he wants her to trust him but she is slightly unsure. This close up shot shows the body language and emotions of both the characters. She is finding his behavior funny and lightens up and they have a connection
  • 9. The Zombies The zombies are an important part of the music video. The shots show the zombies immersing from their graves and then shows them walking slowly and ganging up together
  • 10. The music stops as the zombies surround the couple. Close ups are used to show the zombies as well as the couples scared reactions.
  • 11. Michael Jackson is also seen to turn into a zombie after which he dances in sync with the other zombies
  • 12. The zombies follow the girl into the house where they trap her in the corner as she cowers in fear on a sofa. The last thing she sees is zombie Michael reaching out to grab her. As she feels his touch she screams only to look up and find that he is fine and the zombies are gone.
  • 13. In the end he offers to take her home and as they are walking away Michael looks back at the camera and his eyes are yellow. With a menacing laugh to end it all, the credits start playing
  • 14. Its Gonna Be Me NSYNC Genre: Dance-Pop Directed by: Wayne Isham Written by: Max Martin, Andreas Carlsson and Rami Produced by: Rami Starring: NSYNC and Kim Smith Debuted: May 23, 2000
  • 15. The video begins in a large toy store, with "Bye Bye Bye" playing in the background. Each group member is an animated plastic doll version of themselves in a box similar to their album cover No Strings Attached . They punch through the plastic front of their boxes and try to attract the attention of the girl shopping (Kim Smith) so that they can be bought.
  • 16. Its an interrupted narrative style video so as the story of them as dolls carries on, quick cuts are shown to the band in a color-lit room singing and dancing with the lights changing colors.
  • 17. Army men abseil down from a higher shelf, destroy their boxes, and mockingly salute and laugh at them when they are purchased.
  • 18. Next, the boys spot a set of Barbie-like dolls and go hang out with them. The Barbies drop a net on them, and again tease them when they are bought and NSYNC is not.
  • 19. Finally, the group gets back to their shelf and does a dance for the shopping girl. She buys them, and upon scanning, each doll becomes the real-life version of each group member.
  • 20. The videos ends by showing all the members walking out of the toy store with the girl as the screen fades to black
  • 21. BLUE Marina and the Diamonds Genre: Indie pop Release: 16th July 2015 Written by: Marina Diamandis Directed by: Charlotte Rutherford Filmed at: Dreamland Pleasure Park Jewellery by: PANDORA
  • 22. As the video begins , a 60s style car is shown. Marina, who has carried out an old fashioned style throughout her new album continues the theme as her hair, makeup and clothes look very retro. Pastel colors are used throughout the video to give it a girly look. Close ups are used to show how she is upset about breaking up.
  • 23. One of the indications of the song title are shown when she emphasizes on the word Blue as she leans on her car as she seems to be asking the boy she broke up with to give her all his heart can bring and how she doesnt want to be blue anymore. The heavy use of blue neon lights can be seen after the first chorus as well
  • 24. This music video is performance based so it heavily focuses on the artist alone. Many close up shots are taken as she looks directly at the camera
  • 25. The video is shot in an amusement park and throughout the video Marina is seen on a carnival ride of some sort as she sings
  • 26. Product placement can also be seen in the video as PANDORA, who supplied jewelry for the video are subtly advertised as well as Marinas own album FROOT is advertised in a few scenes
  • 27. The video ends with a dance sequence involving Marina and two other dancers. Dance is another aspect of performance based music videos