1) Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are designated areas that have more liberal economic laws than the rest of the country in order to encourage investment and job creation.
2) The objectives of SEZs are to create employment opportunities, promote investment, boost exports, generate additional economic activity, and develop infrastructure.
3) SEZs provide various incentives like tax holidays, duty-free imports, single window clearances, and developed industrial spaces to attract businesses. However, some argue that SEZs negatively impact food security, agriculture, and the environment.
Procedures For Small Scale Industrial Licensingitsvineeth209
This document provides information about small scale industries in India. It defines small scale, tiny, and women enterprises based on investment levels. Characteristics of small scale industries include small capital investment, local employment, sole proprietorship, and weak financial discipline. Small industries are important as they are labor intensive, ensure equal wealth distribution, act as entrepreneurs, mobilize resources, and drive capital formation. Running a small industry has advantages like not needing high technology, short timeframes, using local resources, and generating local jobs. The document outlines procedures for small industry licensing and registration.
A brief about the History, Origin and Functionalities and Purpose of the Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone, and its contribution to the growth of the Economy of the Country by way of earning foreign exchange to the tune of Rs 74100 Crore during 2018-19.
Enterpreneurship development assignment on role of district industry centresGunjan Awasthi
Role of DISTRICT INDUSTRY CENTRES in development of young enterpreneurs.
Helpful in Enterpreneurship development syllabus of Undergraduate courses.
Development of young enterprises
A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region with economic laws that are more liberal than a country's domestic laws to attract foreign direct investment and help exports. SEZs aim to create a business-friendly environment through duty exemptions and single-window clearance. India's first SEZ was set up in 1965 and the current SEZ policy dates to 2000, offering tax holidays, duty exemptions, and relaxed regulations to boost investment and exports. However, SEZs have also faced issues regarding loss of government revenue, regional imbalance, environmental impacts, and employee working conditions.
The document summarizes Nepal's efforts to create a conducive business climate and attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Key points include:
- Nepal has enacted new policies like the Industrial Enterprises Act and Special Economic Zone Act to simplify business regulations and provide incentives.
- Infrastructure is being developed, including several special economic zones and industrial districts.
- Major reforms have been made to business registration, approvals and online systems to ease doing business.
- China and India are the top sources of FDI in Nepal, which aims to attract more investment through its improving policies and business environment.
Presentation at Saarc Law- Saroj on FDI 9-3-2016Saroj Ghimire
The document summarizes Nepal's foreign investment policies and sectors. It discusses key statistics on foreign direct investment in Nepal by sector and country from 2012-2015. It outlines the modes of foreign investment allowed, minimum investment amounts, and sectors open and restricted to foreign investment. The document also discusses legislative commitments to foreign investors regarding treatment, taxation, dispute resolution and administrative reforms. It concludes by noting Nepal's international obligations and commitment to reforms to increase foreign direct investment inflows.
Presentation at Saarc Law- Saroj on FDI 9-3-2016Saroj Ghimire
The document summarizes Nepal's foreign investment policies and sectors. It discusses key statistics on foreign direct investment in Nepal by sector and country from 2012-2015. It outlines the modes of foreign investment allowed, minimum investment amounts, and sectors open and restricted to foreign investment. The document also discusses legislative commitments to foreign investors regarding treatment, taxation, dispute resolution and facilitating a business-friendly environment. It concludes by noting Nepal's international obligations and commitment to reforms to increase foreign direct investment inflows.
MSMEs and startups - Sandeep JhunjhunwalaTilak Agarwal
A webinar presentation on "Recent tax and regulatory considerations for MSMEs and Start-ups" with special emphasis on Govt's Atmanirbhar stimulus package" to the members of 10,000 Startups
The document provides information about an online amendment class on the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2076 being the year according to the Nepali calendar). It includes details about the date and time of the class, the resource person, and an overview of some of the key aspects covered in the new act such as definitions, the process for industry registration and permission requirements for certain types of industries. It also summarizes some important points regarding environmental impact assessment requirements and precedents set in court cases related to industry compliance with environmental regulations.
The document provides information about an online amendment class on the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2076 being the year according to the Nepali calendar). It includes details about the date and time of the class, contact information for the resource person, and an overview of some of the key aspects of the new Industrial Enterprises Act and Regulation, such as definitions, the process for registering and obtaining permission for different types of industries, requirements for environmental impact assessments, and appeals processes for registration refusals.
Odisha industrial policy 2007 for finance, subsidy & project related suppor...Radha Krishna Sahoo
This document summarizes the key points of the Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 2007 and MSME Development Policy 2009 of the Government of Odisha, India. The IPR 2007 aims to reinforce and expand the existing policy framework for industrial promotion, facilitate investment, and create an enabling environment. It offers various non-fiscal and fiscal incentives for micro, small and medium enterprises, large industries, thrust sectors, and priority sectors. These include concessions on land allocation and rates, stamp duty and tax exemptions, interest subsidies, power tariff discounts, and reimbursements of VAT and entertainment tax. The MSME Development Policy 2009 focuses on improving infrastructure, access to credit, raw materials, marketing support, technology upgrades, and institutional support
This document provides a summary of key changes made in Korea's 2022 Foreign Investment Guide. It highlights strengthened tax support for research and development (R&D) and facility investment in national strategic technologies. It also notes increased tax credits for hiring young or disabled workers outside major cities and the establishment of a new high-tech investment zone scheme. Additional foreign investment zones were designated and conditions for business incubation were eased to attract more foreign investment and talent.
The document discusses various policies by the Indian government to support small scale industries (SSIs) since independence in 1947. It outlines key provisions and fiscal incentives for SSIs established in Industrial Policy Resolutions from 1948 to 1991, including tax exemptions, reservations of products for SSIs, and preferential treatment. Measures for promoting SSIs are also summarized, such as technical assistance, marketing support, and new initiatives like technology business incubators.
The document summarizes the history and development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India. It discusses how SEZs evolved from Export Processing Zones and initially operated under foreign trade policy before the SEZ Act was passed in 2005. The Act established a single window clearance system and incentives like tax exemptions for both SEZ units and developers. SEZs have significantly increased India's exports, with export growth from SEZs reaching over 120% in some years. There are now 173 operational SEZs across India.
Kscaa bcaj startup conference dec 2 2017 sandeep jhunjhunwalaSandeep Jhunjhunwala
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sandeep Jhunjhunwala on accounting and taxation for startups. Some key points from the presentation include:
- It defines startups based on the Startup India Action Plan and provides details on tax benefits available to recognized startups such as a 100% exemption on profits for 3 out of 7 years.
- It discusses important tax planning considerations for startups like the appropriate legal structure and capital expenditures.
- It also touches on the importance of statutory compliances for startups.
KSCAA BCAJ Start-up Conference - Tax and accounting for startupsSandeep Jhunjhunwala
Income tax benefits for Start-ups
Recognised start-ups for tax benefits
Tax planning thoughts
Importance of statutory compliances
Impact of GST
Significance of Accounting
Accounting of Intellectual Property Rights (IPs)
Role of Chartered Accountants
The document provides information about the revised registration process for MSMEs in India. Key points include:
- The definition of MSMEs was amended in June 2020 to include both investment criteria and annual turnover criteria.
- A new online registration portal called "Udyam Registration" has replaced the previous Udyog Aadhaar Number registration system.
- The registration process is now completely online and self-declaratory with no fees. Key details from Income Tax and GST returns will be automatically verified.
- Once registered, the enterprise is provided an "Udyam Registration Certificate" and classified as Micro, Small or Medium based on investment and turnover criteria.
Small Scale Industry Registration: A Path to Growth894patelnikita
In India, MSME Registration is synonymous with SSI registration, small business registration, or small scale industry registration. The Directorate of Industries of the State Government, on behalf of the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, facilitates SSI Registration.
Civil Services GS Indian Economics Handout 23: EPZs and EOUs in IndiaDr. Subir Maitra
The document discusses the history and objectives of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India. Key points include:
- SEZs were introduced in 2000 to overcome shortcomings of prior Export Processing Zones and attract foreign investment through tax incentives and simplified regulations.
- The SEZ Act of 2005 aimed to generate economic activity, promote exports and investment, and create jobs through SEZ development. It established a single window clearance system.
- SEZs and units receive various tax exemptions and import/export incentives to encourage investment. Exports from SEZs have grown substantially since implementation.
The Guide to the Board of Investment was prepared by the Office of the Board of Investment to provide information regarding investment promotion, including benefits and privileges, list of eligible activities, related announcements and, also, investment promotion applications criteria and conditions.
Special economic zones (SEZs) are specifically delineated duty-free enclaves meant to be foreign territories for trade operations. SEZs aim to generate economic activity, promote exports and investment, and create jobs. They offer tax exemptions and simplified compliance procedures. However, SEZs have also faced criticism for distorting land and labor markets and displacing people. While SEZs have contributed to India's exports and FDI, their implementation has faced challenges around planning, land acquisition policies, and inadequate infrastructure and support. Overall, SEZs can boost the economy but India must ensure proper control, compensation for land, and employment opportunities to maximize benefits and minimize disadvantages.
India Budget 2018...Changing Landscape (by KCM)Jaimish Patel
Over the past few years, we have witnessed both, explicit and subtle changes being made to the overall tax system in India. Be it moving towards substance over form or adopting international practices or paperless administration and the latest, withdrawal of one of the biggest tax exemptions. From Finance Bills filled with hundreds of amendments, India's tax system is on the path of Budgets with fewer changes to bring in consistency with the ultimate objective of implementing a new, redefined and robust direct tax law in the years to come.
Yes, the landscape is changing!
Read through KCM's analysis of the Union Budget 2018 - "India Budget 2018 - Changing Landscape".
India Budget 2018 ...Changing Landscape - Presentation by K. C. Mehta & Co.Prashant Kotecha
This document provides a summary of key points from the Union Budget of India for the fiscal year 2018-19. It discusses economic indicators like GDP growth, fiscal deficit targets, FDI trends, and inflation rates. It then covers direct tax proposals including corporate tax rates, capital gains tax, incentives for startups, and personal income tax deductions. Indirect tax proposals on service tax, excise duty, customs duty, and GST are also summarized. Key proposals regarding transfer pricing and international taxation are highlighted.
India Budget 2018 - Changing Landscape (by KCM)Dhaval Trivedi
This presentation would give you an overview and KCM's analysis of various direct tax and indirect tax proposals put forth by the Finance Minister. This presentation was delivered by Mr. Milin Mehta in Ahmedabad (on 02 Feb 2018) and Baroda/Vadodara (03 Feb 2018).
ASC - Classification of micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) registratio...ASC Group
The micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. The MSMEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for major share of industrial production and exports. We have prepared a small presentation on MSME classification, benefits, compliances and special economic package provided to MSME by Government of India in Covid-19.
SEZs are geographically bounded zones with more liberal economic laws related to trade and exports compared to other parts of India. SEZs provide 100% income tax exemption for 5 years and other benefits like duty exemptions and single window clearance. They aim to increase foreign investment by providing world-class infrastructure and incentives. Currently there are 14 functional SEZs located across major cities in India that have attracted many businesses. SEZ units must achieve positive net foreign exchange and abide by regulations while enjoying tax and duty benefits. State governments play a role in recommending SEZ proposals to the central government.
Presentation at Saarc Law- Saroj on FDI 9-3-2016Saroj Ghimire
The document summarizes Nepal's foreign investment policies and sectors. It discusses key statistics on foreign direct investment in Nepal by sector and country from 2012-2015. It outlines the modes of foreign investment allowed, minimum investment amounts, and sectors open and restricted to foreign investment. The document also discusses legislative commitments to foreign investors regarding treatment, taxation, dispute resolution and facilitating a business-friendly environment. It concludes by noting Nepal's international obligations and commitment to reforms to increase foreign direct investment inflows.
MSMEs and startups - Sandeep JhunjhunwalaTilak Agarwal
A webinar presentation on "Recent tax and regulatory considerations for MSMEs and Start-ups" with special emphasis on Govt's Atmanirbhar stimulus package" to the members of 10,000 Startups
The document provides information about an online amendment class on the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2076 being the year according to the Nepali calendar). It includes details about the date and time of the class, the resource person, and an overview of some of the key aspects covered in the new act such as definitions, the process for industry registration and permission requirements for certain types of industries. It also summarizes some important points regarding environmental impact assessment requirements and precedents set in court cases related to industry compliance with environmental regulations.
The document provides information about an online amendment class on the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2076 being the year according to the Nepali calendar). It includes details about the date and time of the class, contact information for the resource person, and an overview of some of the key aspects of the new Industrial Enterprises Act and Regulation, such as definitions, the process for registering and obtaining permission for different types of industries, requirements for environmental impact assessments, and appeals processes for registration refusals.
Odisha industrial policy 2007 for finance, subsidy & project related suppor...Radha Krishna Sahoo
This document summarizes the key points of the Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 2007 and MSME Development Policy 2009 of the Government of Odisha, India. The IPR 2007 aims to reinforce and expand the existing policy framework for industrial promotion, facilitate investment, and create an enabling environment. It offers various non-fiscal and fiscal incentives for micro, small and medium enterprises, large industries, thrust sectors, and priority sectors. These include concessions on land allocation and rates, stamp duty and tax exemptions, interest subsidies, power tariff discounts, and reimbursements of VAT and entertainment tax. The MSME Development Policy 2009 focuses on improving infrastructure, access to credit, raw materials, marketing support, technology upgrades, and institutional support
This document provides a summary of key changes made in Korea's 2022 Foreign Investment Guide. It highlights strengthened tax support for research and development (R&D) and facility investment in national strategic technologies. It also notes increased tax credits for hiring young or disabled workers outside major cities and the establishment of a new high-tech investment zone scheme. Additional foreign investment zones were designated and conditions for business incubation were eased to attract more foreign investment and talent.
The document discusses various policies by the Indian government to support small scale industries (SSIs) since independence in 1947. It outlines key provisions and fiscal incentives for SSIs established in Industrial Policy Resolutions from 1948 to 1991, including tax exemptions, reservations of products for SSIs, and preferential treatment. Measures for promoting SSIs are also summarized, such as technical assistance, marketing support, and new initiatives like technology business incubators.
The document summarizes the history and development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India. It discusses how SEZs evolved from Export Processing Zones and initially operated under foreign trade policy before the SEZ Act was passed in 2005. The Act established a single window clearance system and incentives like tax exemptions for both SEZ units and developers. SEZs have significantly increased India's exports, with export growth from SEZs reaching over 120% in some years. There are now 173 operational SEZs across India.
Kscaa bcaj startup conference dec 2 2017 sandeep jhunjhunwalaSandeep Jhunjhunwala
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sandeep Jhunjhunwala on accounting and taxation for startups. Some key points from the presentation include:
- It defines startups based on the Startup India Action Plan and provides details on tax benefits available to recognized startups such as a 100% exemption on profits for 3 out of 7 years.
- It discusses important tax planning considerations for startups like the appropriate legal structure and capital expenditures.
- It also touches on the importance of statutory compliances for startups.
KSCAA BCAJ Start-up Conference - Tax and accounting for startupsSandeep Jhunjhunwala
Income tax benefits for Start-ups
Recognised start-ups for tax benefits
Tax planning thoughts
Importance of statutory compliances
Impact of GST
Significance of Accounting
Accounting of Intellectual Property Rights (IPs)
Role of Chartered Accountants
The document provides information about the revised registration process for MSMEs in India. Key points include:
- The definition of MSMEs was amended in June 2020 to include both investment criteria and annual turnover criteria.
- A new online registration portal called "Udyam Registration" has replaced the previous Udyog Aadhaar Number registration system.
- The registration process is now completely online and self-declaratory with no fees. Key details from Income Tax and GST returns will be automatically verified.
- Once registered, the enterprise is provided an "Udyam Registration Certificate" and classified as Micro, Small or Medium based on investment and turnover criteria.
Small Scale Industry Registration: A Path to Growth894patelnikita
In India, MSME Registration is synonymous with SSI registration, small business registration, or small scale industry registration. The Directorate of Industries of the State Government, on behalf of the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, facilitates SSI Registration.
Civil Services GS Indian Economics Handout 23: EPZs and EOUs in IndiaDr. Subir Maitra
The document discusses the history and objectives of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India. Key points include:
- SEZs were introduced in 2000 to overcome shortcomings of prior Export Processing Zones and attract foreign investment through tax incentives and simplified regulations.
- The SEZ Act of 2005 aimed to generate economic activity, promote exports and investment, and create jobs through SEZ development. It established a single window clearance system.
- SEZs and units receive various tax exemptions and import/export incentives to encourage investment. Exports from SEZs have grown substantially since implementation.
The Guide to the Board of Investment was prepared by the Office of the Board of Investment to provide information regarding investment promotion, including benefits and privileges, list of eligible activities, related announcements and, also, investment promotion applications criteria and conditions.
Special economic zones (SEZs) are specifically delineated duty-free enclaves meant to be foreign territories for trade operations. SEZs aim to generate economic activity, promote exports and investment, and create jobs. They offer tax exemptions and simplified compliance procedures. However, SEZs have also faced criticism for distorting land and labor markets and displacing people. While SEZs have contributed to India's exports and FDI, their implementation has faced challenges around planning, land acquisition policies, and inadequate infrastructure and support. Overall, SEZs can boost the economy but India must ensure proper control, compensation for land, and employment opportunities to maximize benefits and minimize disadvantages.
India Budget 2018...Changing Landscape (by KCM)Jaimish Patel
Over the past few years, we have witnessed both, explicit and subtle changes being made to the overall tax system in India. Be it moving towards substance over form or adopting international practices or paperless administration and the latest, withdrawal of one of the biggest tax exemptions. From Finance Bills filled with hundreds of amendments, India's tax system is on the path of Budgets with fewer changes to bring in consistency with the ultimate objective of implementing a new, redefined and robust direct tax law in the years to come.
Yes, the landscape is changing!
Read through KCM's analysis of the Union Budget 2018 - "India Budget 2018 - Changing Landscape".
India Budget 2018 ...Changing Landscape - Presentation by K. C. Mehta & Co.Prashant Kotecha
This document provides a summary of key points from the Union Budget of India for the fiscal year 2018-19. It discusses economic indicators like GDP growth, fiscal deficit targets, FDI trends, and inflation rates. It then covers direct tax proposals including corporate tax rates, capital gains tax, incentives for startups, and personal income tax deductions. Indirect tax proposals on service tax, excise duty, customs duty, and GST are also summarized. Key proposals regarding transfer pricing and international taxation are highlighted.
India Budget 2018 - Changing Landscape (by KCM)Dhaval Trivedi
This presentation would give you an overview and KCM's analysis of various direct tax and indirect tax proposals put forth by the Finance Minister. This presentation was delivered by Mr. Milin Mehta in Ahmedabad (on 02 Feb 2018) and Baroda/Vadodara (03 Feb 2018).
ASC - Classification of micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) registratio...ASC Group
The micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. The MSMEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for major share of industrial production and exports. We have prepared a small presentation on MSME classification, benefits, compliances and special economic package provided to MSME by Government of India in Covid-19.
SEZs are geographically bounded zones with more liberal economic laws related to trade and exports compared to other parts of India. SEZs provide 100% income tax exemption for 5 years and other benefits like duty exemptions and single window clearance. They aim to increase foreign investment by providing world-class infrastructure and incentives. Currently there are 14 functional SEZs located across major cities in India that have attracted many businesses. SEZ units must achieve positive net foreign exchange and abide by regulations while enjoying tax and duty benefits. State governments play a role in recommending SEZ proposals to the central government.
Nepal ranked 102nd in the 2019 travel and tourism competitiveness index, largely due to tourists' purchasing power being a key attracting factor. The index analyzes 141 economies and how their tourism sectors responded to economic, security, and health shocks. Nepal ranked poorly in cultural resources and business travel based on criteria like UNESCO sites and meetings. It ranked 113th in safety and security, needing more protection for tourists. The report suggests Nepal improve air connectivity, transportation access to sites, and accommodation quality to attract more tourists, especially as the global population over 60 grows significantly.
This document discusses different types of middlemen in distribution channels. It defines middlemen as institutions or businesses between producers and final buyers that facilitate the flow of goods. The main types of middlemen discussed are agent middlemen (e.g. brokers, commission agents) and merchant middlemen (e.g. wholesalers, retailers). Wholesalers purchase goods in bulk from manufacturers and sell them in smaller quantities to retailers. Retailers then sell directly to end consumers. The document outlines various functions and classifications of these middlemen.
The document discusses performance of contracts under Nepali law. It defines performance as the fulfillment of obligations by contracting parties. There are different types of performance, including actual performance when obligations are fully met, attempted/tender performance when a party offers to perform, and partial performance when some but not all obligations are met. The key rules for performance are that parties must perform what is specified, within the time and manner agreed upon, and at the location indicated in the contract. Non-performance may be excused in certain circumstances like impossibility, illegality, or death of a party. Overall, timely performance by all parties is essential for upholding contracts and the rule of law.
This document discusses sales promotion, which uses short-term incentives to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of products and services. It can involve coupons, contests, samples, or other incentives for consumers or retailers. The document outlines the goals of consumer and trade sales promotion, compares sales promotion to advertising, and lists common sales promotion tools for both consumers and retailers. It also discusses reasons for the growth of sales promotion and its advantages and disadvantages.
The document provides guidance on key rules of salesmanship including relation building, straight thinking, and presentation. It emphasizes building rapport with customers through smiling, greeting them, and general discussion before jumping to sales. Salespeople should think logically and organize their presentations with valid evidence and benefits of the product. Finally, the document outlines dimensions of selling including knowing the customer's needs and wants, having strong product knowledge with confidence and enthusiasm, and properly introducing and comparing a product to competitors without criticism.
John Halpern, cofounder of Bain Capital, Sued for Sexual Assault.pdflunaticsumon
Plaintiff Christopher Michael Ausnit (hereinafter Plaintiff) was sexually assaulted and abused by Defendant John Dale Halpern (hereinafter Defendant) multiple times during an extensive and extenuating period of time, ranging between 1972 and 1994, approximately. The abuse was systematic, repetitive, horrific, outrageous, and spanned from when the Plaintiff was a minor, to adulthood, causing extensive psychological trauma and emotional distress.
Terrorism Risk Insurance Program 2025 Data CallJasonSchupp1
For many years, CBI has raised concern that only a small number of captive insurance companies participating in the program respond to Treasurys compulsory data calls such as the one subject to this Notice. Treasury has been generally dismissive of CBIs concerns. CBI again raises this concern coupled supported by data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and Treasurys own analysis suggesting that Treasurys data collection reaches at most one-third of all participating captive insurers.
Captive insurance companies are insurers formed to insure the risks of their corporate owners. Because only large businesses have the resources to form captives, captive insurance company performance under the program is a fair proxy for determining the extent to which program benefits flow to large corporations (i.e., through their participating captives) or to small and medium businesses (i.e., through traditional insurers).
While representing a relatively small amount of direct written premium covered by the program, captives play an outsized role in the receipt of potential benefits under the program. Based on Treasurys own reporting, captives represent a mere 5% of the programs premium but are expected to receive up to 95% of any benefits paid out under the program. Given the low response rate of captives to Treasurys data call, even this extraordinary proportion understates the dominance of captive insurance companies (and of their large corporate parents) in the consumption of program benefits.
More complete collection of data from captive insurers would surely reveal that closer to 99% of program benefits flow to large corporations through their participating captive insurance subsidiaries, while small and medium sized businesses receive nearly no benefits under the program. CBI suggests that through outreach to state licensed or registered captive managers Treasury would be in a better position to fulfill its statutory mandate to report on the effectiveness of the program.
This ebook provides a comprehensive exploration of the theme of perfectionism, the inner critic, and the importance of being present in both personal and professional contexts, particularly in legal settings.
1. Silencing the Inner Critic: We begin with a focus on freeing oneself from self-judgment and the judgment of others. I emphasize the importance of slowing down racing thoughts and acknowledging that worrying does not alter the past, nor does it change the future.
2. Perfectionism: I discuss the concept of perfectionism and how it is not only unattainable but also uninteresting. I suggest that audiences are drawn to authenticity rather than flawless performances. The idea is reinforced with examples, such as how mistakes can lead to valuable outcomes. Being human is inherently messy and striving for perfection often stems from past criticism and fear of judgment.
3. Cultural Obsession with Perfection: I discuss society's obsession with perfection, from social media selfies to curated appearances, and the stifling nature of this pursuit on creativity.
4. Authenticity in Legal Practice: I share personal insights from my experience in law, noting that imperfections in presentations can enhance authenticity and resonate more deeply with jurors. The lessons learned suggest that genuine emotion and real-life experiences are more impactful than polished performances.
5. The Power of Words: The significance of words is highlighted, particularly in the courtroom, where they can evoke strong emotions and influence the jury's perception. The balance between passion in advocacy and careful word choice is emphasized, as well as the necessity of being mindful of the energy and emotions conveyed through words.
6. Engaging the Jury: I discuss the dynamics of jury interaction, emphasizing that jurors desire a captivating experience and are often rooting for the lawyer to engage them. Strategies for empowering the jury and acknowledging their role in the courtroom are suggested to foster goodwill and enhance the overall trial experience.
7. Being Present: A significant portion of the presentation focuses on the importance of being present in the moment. Individuals spend a considerable part of their day lost in thoughts of the past or future, leading to stress and anxiety. I encourage mindfulness practices, such as meditation, to cultivate a non-judgmental mind and improve focus on the present.
8. Managing Thoughts and Expectations: Techniques for managing thoughts and expectations are discussed, including the idea of viewing thoughts as passing cars rather than allowing them to derail focus. The importance of setting realistic expectations and being adaptable in the face of objections during legal proceedings is highlighted.
9. Final Thoughts: I conclude with a call to embrace the present moment fully, suggesting that true freedom and spontaneity arise from engaging fully with life as it unfolds.
The Nigerian Insurance Industry An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial La...MerisLabs
The Nigerian Insurance Industry: An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial Landscape
Presented at Zelle International LLP Insurance Conference at The Old Library @ Lloyds
June 26, 2024
Obafemi Agaba, LLM (Lond.); MCIArb (UK); Notary Public, Jackson Etti & Edu
Designed by
Tomide Adeoye
Sales of Goods Act. Contract of sale - sale and agreement to sell - subject matter of sale - Price - Sale distinguished from analogous contracts .Auction sale. Conditions and warrantee. Effect and meaning of implied warranties in a sale . Caveat Emptor Changing concept -Transfer of Property and title. Nemo dat quad non habet - The rule of caveat emptor and the exceptions thereto under the Sale of Goods Act. Delivery of goods: various rules regarding delivery of goods. Unpaid seller and his rights - Remedies for breach of contract; distinction between lien and stoppage in transit.
2. Introduction
The Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2020)
aims to regulate the registration, classification,
and operation of industries in Nepal. It
replaces the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2016
(2073) and introduces significant reforms.
3. Key Provisions
- Mandatory registration for all industries.
- Classification based on capital investment (micro,
cottage, small, medium, large).
- Incentives for local resource-based, export-
promoting, and employment-generating industries.
- Environmental and regulatory compliance
- Clear guidelines for foreign investment and
technology transfer.
4. Industry Classification
- Industries categorized as:
* Micro
* Cottage
* Small
* Medium
* Large
- Broadened scope for IT and infrastructure-
based industries.
5. Registration Process
- Submit application to the Department of
Industry or Provincial Government.
- Industries with foreign investment follow
specific guidelines.
- Maintain proper records for branch or unit
6. Incentives and Facilities
- Tax exemptions and subsidies for specific
- Special benefits for industries in
underdeveloped regions.
- Support for export-oriented and
employment-generating industries.
7. Foreign Investment Provisions
- Encourages technology transfer and
employment generation.
- Aligns foreign investment with national
security and economic goals.
- Detailed guidelines for registration and
8. Compliance and Penalties
- Adherence to environmental standards and
labor laws is mandatory.
- Non-compliance can result in fines and
operational suspension.
9. Compliances Under IEA
The Industrial Enterprises Act of Nepal requires industries to comply
with a number of requirements, including:
All industries must be registered with the Department, regardless of
whether they require permission. Cottage industries must register
within six months of starting operations.
Annual reports
Industries must submit an annual progress report and plans to the
Registering Authority within six months of the end of each financial
year. Audit Reports and Records related to industry registration,
renewal, change in ownership / name / place, capacity / capital
increment, objective alteration, industry cancellation and other
industry management activity.
10. Branch units
If an industry moves its production facilities, it can establish a branch unit
in the new location without registering as a new industry. However, the
branch unit must follow the same procedures as a new industry and keep
records of its production and transactions.
The Act classifies industries based on the size of their fixed assets and the
nature of their business. The Industry and Investment Promotion Board
can recommend to the government that the classification of industries be
11. Dispute Resolution
- Mechanisms for amicable settlements.
- Legal recourse provided for unresolved
12. Conclusion
The Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076 (2020)
streamlines industrial operations, promotes
investment, and enhances regulatory
compliance in Nepal. It offers a robust
framework for industrial growth and