It's not all about top tasks - lightning talk @ Confab 2013 Londondaphneshinn
This document contains a list of various website URLs from places like Liverpool, the Netherlands, and the New York Times. It also includes stock image sites and pages from Goldman Sachs and other companies. Many of the URLs are repeated.
This document discusses pandas, specifically pandas in the United States and pandas in the Netherlands. It concludes with asking if there are any questions or comments about pandas in these two countries. The author provides their contact information to continue the discussion.
Why content matters!
Van 20 - 22 november vond op Texel het Conversion Hotel 2015 plaats. Femke Koning, online specialist bij Presenter, lichtte het belang van content bij conversieverhoging toe.
Friends of search 2016 - een samenvatting in beeldJudith Verhoef
Samenvatting in beeld van Friends of Seach 2016. Presentaties over SEO / SEA van o.a. Larry Kim, Wil Reynolds, Lauren Pope, Stacey MacNaught en Emily Grossman.
Wie moet er centraal staan voor iedereen die aan de slag gaat met online content? Dat is de consument van je content: de klant of gebruiker van je product of dienst.
Wanneer inboundmarketing of contentmarketing op je prioriteitenlijstje verschijnt, wordt de noodzaak voor goede klantgerichte content alleen maar groter.
In dit gastcollege besprak ik twee methoden voor webredacties/contentmarketeers om meer te weten te komen over de klant en zijn vragen/problemen: de toptakenmethodiek en zoekwoordenanalyse (SEO).
"Contentmarketing als cultuurverandering" door Tristan Lavender van Deloitte ...Content Club Nederland
Presentatie Tristan Lavender van Deloitte op Content Club #CC04 op 6 maart 2014 bij Regardz Gele Kegels in Eindhoven.
Thema: Content(marketing) & Cultuurverandering.
Titel presentatie: Conversation Company; hobbels en hoogtepunten
Meer info over Content Club Nederland:
Sponsoren en contentpartners:
Crystal Park New Media
Feeder BV
Founders Content Club Nederland:
Cor Hospes van Tsjee
Mark de Lange van Beklijf
Top 100 merken whitepaper greenberry 2012Greenberry
Dreft is het meest positieve merk op social media, Telfort is het meest negatief.
De Impact van Social
Media op Merken
De impact van social media op merken onderzocht: 3 maanden lang, 2 miljoen berichten geanalyseerd voor de top 100 merken
Dianne Gosens deelt haar stappenplan voor succesvolle contentmigratie.
Welches Content Management System f端r welche Fragestellung? Dominic Brander
Das enorme Angebot an Open Source Content Management Systemen ist kaum 端berblickbar. Und laufend kommen neue hinzu. Dieses Fachreferat bietet eine Hilfeleistung auf der Suche nach dem richtigen System im Dschungel der zahlreichen Open Source CMS.
Das Fachreferat wird nicht im Rahmen eines CMS-Shootouts ablaufen. Daf端r sind die vorgestellten CMS im Anwendungszweck zu unterschiedlich.
Die drei ausgew辰hlten CMS (Drupal, TYPO3 und Wordpress) werden vorgestellt und verglichen von Fachpersonen, die t辰glich mit den Systemen arbeiten. Anhand von Fallbeispielen wird aufgezeigt in welchen Anwendungsf辰llen diese sich besonders bew辰hrt haben.
Der Abschluss bildet der Blick in die Zukunft: In welche Richtung entwickeln sich die drei CMS, was ist konkret geplant?
Das Fachreferat richtet sich in erster Linie an Entscheider und Berater, welche sich objektiv ein Bild der St辰rken und Schw辰chen der vorgestellten CMS machen m旦chten. Aber auch Entwickler werden den einen oder anderen spannenden Input erhalten.
- Vorstellung der Referenten
- Die Open Source CMS Landschaft: Eine bersicht
- Vorstellung der ausgew辰hlten CMS
- Fallbeispiele und wieso das ausgew辰hlte CMS sich jeweils besonders bew辰hrt
- Ausblick
- Ihre Fragen
Connected content planning: customers, communications, organisationsLauren Pope
There are a lot of dots to connect when it comes to content. So many that it can feel a lot easier not to bother. But planning content in silos won't help you create an effective, scalable content programme. In this deck, I look at how connecting more - with your customers, in your communications, and in your organisation itself - is the key to creating content with real impact.
Unusual Uses Of 17 Free Tools For Keyword DiscoveryEvolving SEO
The document discusses Dan Shure's keyword research toolbox and unusual uses of 17 free tools for keyword discovery. It describes tools for finding head/body words like Wikipedia + SEMRush Toolbar, Followerwonk + Allmytweets + Tagcrowd/Wordle, and Amazon Book Search. Tools for long-tail keywords and topics include HARO, Ubersuggest, Prismatic, and Google Correlate. The purpose is to provide ideas for finding keywords through free online resources.
The document discusses plans for a new intranet at Philips:
- There are currently over 900 standalone intranets totaling over 123,000 pages, with over 10 million monthly visits and annual outsourced content curation costs of 436,800 hours.
- The new intranet aims to create a personalized, customizable homepage that provides employees easy access to tools and information needed for their jobs.
- It will transition content from separate sites to being organized by topics, to become a more mature content management system.
You cant break down silos, but you can connect themChristiaan Lustig
As online professionals you want to break down organisational silos. But its not going to work. Not if you keep talking about content, and keep mistaking strategy for tactics and operations. Besides, if you did succeed, youd end up with one big, inflexible and non-scalable silo.
Organisational processes are there for good reasons, anyway. But still, more often than not they get in the way of your customers. Thats why your organisation be it commercial, government or non-profit should rigorously prioritise your customers process over your own. But how?
Identify what your customers top tasks are, and continuously optimise their related (online and offline) processes. This enables cross-silo teams to work on a common goal, resulting in better products and services, happier customers, and higher revenues and/or lower costs.
And youll be able to show management that you did that.
20 Ways to Shaft your Split Tesring : Conversion ConferenceCraig Sullivan
The document discusses common mistakes made in A/B testing and provides advice to avoid false or misleading results. It recommends integrating analytics to properly track and segment test results, running tests for sufficient time periods that include full business cycles to avoid false positives or negatives, and performing thorough quality assurance testing to prevent browser or device-related issues from influencing outcomes. The key is to design hypotheses based on solid customer insights and data rather than guesses, and continue testing until a representative sample is collected rather than stopping early just because a test appears significant.
Beyond the Buzzfeed Effect Content Types Every Website NeedsPaddy Moogan
It can be too easy to focus just on creating the next viral piece of content. This content is needed but it's not the only type of content we should be creating. In this slide deck, Paddy talks through the three different types of content every online business should be creating.
Link Building Through Data Driven Storytelling by @staceycav #fos16Stacey MacNaught
My deck on getting creative with link acquisition through data driven story telling from Friends of Search 2016 in Amsterdam. I talked about the content marketing led work we'd done with data at the centre of it back to 2011 and the lessons that we've learnt from it, then shared the data sources we're using, the criteria we consider important for story telling and what's working for us turning coverage into links.
Nathalie Nahai - The secret psychology of online persuasionNathalie Nahai
In this revealing presentation, Web Psychologist Nathalie Nahai reveals how you can understand the brains primal, emotional and rational systems to predict the behaviour of prospects and tailor your marketing communications for more engagement.
Watch this presentation to discover how to:
- Leverage the brains primal, emotional and rational systems to engage customers and prospects persuasively
- Employ specific online persuasion techniques on your website and in your marketing campaigns
- Improve your marketing communications with a solid understanding of basic web psychology principles
21 must haves om meer resultaat te halen uit Google Analytics Online Boswachters
21 dingen die je zeker niet mag vergeten als het gaat om Google Analytics. Om in te stellen of om te bekijken. Onmisbaar voor elke online marketeer die online marketing serieus neemt. Google Analytics of Google Webmaster Tools is extreem handig voor zowel SEO als voor SEA. Met deze 21 tips ben je er dus helemaal klaar voor.
Wie moet er centraal staan voor iedereen die aan de slag gaat met online content? Dat is de consument van je content: de klant of gebruiker van je product of dienst.
Wanneer inboundmarketing of contentmarketing op je prioriteitenlijstje verschijnt, wordt de noodzaak voor goede klantgerichte content alleen maar groter.
In dit gastcollege besprak ik twee methoden voor webredacties/contentmarketeers om meer te weten te komen over de klant en zijn vragen/problemen: de toptakenmethodiek en zoekwoordenanalyse (SEO).
"Contentmarketing als cultuurverandering" door Tristan Lavender van Deloitte ...Content Club Nederland
Presentatie Tristan Lavender van Deloitte op Content Club #CC04 op 6 maart 2014 bij Regardz Gele Kegels in Eindhoven.
Thema: Content(marketing) & Cultuurverandering.
Titel presentatie: Conversation Company; hobbels en hoogtepunten
Meer info over Content Club Nederland:
Sponsoren en contentpartners:
Crystal Park New Media
Feeder BV
Founders Content Club Nederland:
Cor Hospes van Tsjee
Mark de Lange van Beklijf
Top 100 merken whitepaper greenberry 2012Greenberry
Dreft is het meest positieve merk op social media, Telfort is het meest negatief.
De Impact van Social
Media op Merken
De impact van social media op merken onderzocht: 3 maanden lang, 2 miljoen berichten geanalyseerd voor de top 100 merken
Dianne Gosens deelt haar stappenplan voor succesvolle contentmigratie.
Welches Content Management System f端r welche Fragestellung? Dominic Brander
Das enorme Angebot an Open Source Content Management Systemen ist kaum 端berblickbar. Und laufend kommen neue hinzu. Dieses Fachreferat bietet eine Hilfeleistung auf der Suche nach dem richtigen System im Dschungel der zahlreichen Open Source CMS.
Das Fachreferat wird nicht im Rahmen eines CMS-Shootouts ablaufen. Daf端r sind die vorgestellten CMS im Anwendungszweck zu unterschiedlich.
Die drei ausgew辰hlten CMS (Drupal, TYPO3 und Wordpress) werden vorgestellt und verglichen von Fachpersonen, die t辰glich mit den Systemen arbeiten. Anhand von Fallbeispielen wird aufgezeigt in welchen Anwendungsf辰llen diese sich besonders bew辰hrt haben.
Der Abschluss bildet der Blick in die Zukunft: In welche Richtung entwickeln sich die drei CMS, was ist konkret geplant?
Das Fachreferat richtet sich in erster Linie an Entscheider und Berater, welche sich objektiv ein Bild der St辰rken und Schw辰chen der vorgestellten CMS machen m旦chten. Aber auch Entwickler werden den einen oder anderen spannenden Input erhalten.
- Vorstellung der Referenten
- Die Open Source CMS Landschaft: Eine bersicht
- Vorstellung der ausgew辰hlten CMS
- Fallbeispiele und wieso das ausgew辰hlte CMS sich jeweils besonders bew辰hrt
- Ausblick
- Ihre Fragen
Connected content planning: customers, communications, organisationsLauren Pope
There are a lot of dots to connect when it comes to content. So many that it can feel a lot easier not to bother. But planning content in silos won't help you create an effective, scalable content programme. In this deck, I look at how connecting more - with your customers, in your communications, and in your organisation itself - is the key to creating content with real impact.
Unusual Uses Of 17 Free Tools For Keyword DiscoveryEvolving SEO
The document discusses Dan Shure's keyword research toolbox and unusual uses of 17 free tools for keyword discovery. It describes tools for finding head/body words like Wikipedia + SEMRush Toolbar, Followerwonk + Allmytweets + Tagcrowd/Wordle, and Amazon Book Search. Tools for long-tail keywords and topics include HARO, Ubersuggest, Prismatic, and Google Correlate. The purpose is to provide ideas for finding keywords through free online resources.
The document discusses plans for a new intranet at Philips:
- There are currently over 900 standalone intranets totaling over 123,000 pages, with over 10 million monthly visits and annual outsourced content curation costs of 436,800 hours.
- The new intranet aims to create a personalized, customizable homepage that provides employees easy access to tools and information needed for their jobs.
- It will transition content from separate sites to being organized by topics, to become a more mature content management system.
You cant break down silos, but you can connect themChristiaan Lustig
As online professionals you want to break down organisational silos. But its not going to work. Not if you keep talking about content, and keep mistaking strategy for tactics and operations. Besides, if you did succeed, youd end up with one big, inflexible and non-scalable silo.
Organisational processes are there for good reasons, anyway. But still, more often than not they get in the way of your customers. Thats why your organisation be it commercial, government or non-profit should rigorously prioritise your customers process over your own. But how?
Identify what your customers top tasks are, and continuously optimise their related (online and offline) processes. This enables cross-silo teams to work on a common goal, resulting in better products and services, happier customers, and higher revenues and/or lower costs.
And youll be able to show management that you did that.
20 Ways to Shaft your Split Tesring : Conversion ConferenceCraig Sullivan
The document discusses common mistakes made in A/B testing and provides advice to avoid false or misleading results. It recommends integrating analytics to properly track and segment test results, running tests for sufficient time periods that include full business cycles to avoid false positives or negatives, and performing thorough quality assurance testing to prevent browser or device-related issues from influencing outcomes. The key is to design hypotheses based on solid customer insights and data rather than guesses, and continue testing until a representative sample is collected rather than stopping early just because a test appears significant.
Beyond the Buzzfeed Effect Content Types Every Website NeedsPaddy Moogan
It can be too easy to focus just on creating the next viral piece of content. This content is needed but it's not the only type of content we should be creating. In this slide deck, Paddy talks through the three different types of content every online business should be creating.
Link Building Through Data Driven Storytelling by @staceycav #fos16Stacey MacNaught
My deck on getting creative with link acquisition through data driven story telling from Friends of Search 2016 in Amsterdam. I talked about the content marketing led work we'd done with data at the centre of it back to 2011 and the lessons that we've learnt from it, then shared the data sources we're using, the criteria we consider important for story telling and what's working for us turning coverage into links.
Nathalie Nahai - The secret psychology of online persuasionNathalie Nahai
In this revealing presentation, Web Psychologist Nathalie Nahai reveals how you can understand the brains primal, emotional and rational systems to predict the behaviour of prospects and tailor your marketing communications for more engagement.
Watch this presentation to discover how to:
- Leverage the brains primal, emotional and rational systems to engage customers and prospects persuasively
- Employ specific online persuasion techniques on your website and in your marketing campaigns
- Improve your marketing communications with a solid understanding of basic web psychology principles
21 must haves om meer resultaat te halen uit Google Analytics Online Boswachters
21 dingen die je zeker niet mag vergeten als het gaat om Google Analytics. Om in te stellen of om te bekijken. Onmisbaar voor elke online marketeer die online marketing serieus neemt. Google Analytics of Google Webmaster Tools is extreem handig voor zowel SEO als voor SEA. Met deze 21 tips ben je er dus helemaal klaar voor.
Donderdag 15 november organiseerde SLBdiensten een informatiesessie over Microsoft Azure. Tijdens deze sessie, gepresenteerd door Breinwave, werden ook usercases besproken als:
Apps en websites maken in Azure
Opzetten test en ontwikkelomgevingen
Voorspellen van uitval in de klas
Schoolaccount gebruiken voor allerlei clouddiensten
Veilig en goedkoop opslaan van gebruikersdata.
Waarom Bedrijven Kiezen Voor Drupal Voor De Ontwikkeling Van Futuristische We...Rasin Bekkevold
De out-of-box functies en functionaliteiten van Drupal maken het de eerste keus van moderne bedrijven. De ontwikkeling experts van Drupal leggen uit waarom het de CMS van de toekomst is.
The power of powershell in Office 365 - TechDays 2015Delta-N
Office 365 can be managed using a UI that is becoming richer with options to setup the basics of Office 365. But there are still quite some features that are unknown to the majority of the administrators because these features can only be accessed by using Powershell. In this session, Mike will explain more about using Powershell in Office 365 and will show how you can use Powershell with Office 365 to enable some features that you (probably) did not know about.
In deze workshop laat Mathieu Burgerhout van Redkiwi je alle tips & tricks van WordPress zien, zodat je als je naar huis gaat zelf aan de slag kunt met een WordPress website.
Article (in Dutch) in the AG Connect about automating your IT organization across the entire IT value chain. Most IT organization typically lack a sophisticated plan and approach of how to automated IT activities across the service life cycle from plan, code, build, test, deploy, monitor, etc. Use the IT4IT Reference Architecture from The Open Group to guide this transformation journey.
DX solutions projecten inschatten: (Functie punt analyse (FPA))Xavier Dekeyster
Iedere webdeveloper krijgt heel vaak de vraag: hoelang zou dit duren, hoeveel mag dit kosten?
We moeten eerlijk zijn, inschatten van projecten is niet onze beste kwaliteit, het is en blijft voor velen gokwerk een ramp voor vele webbedrijven projecten die uit scope gaan, dit kost tonnen geld en brengt veel frustratie met zich mee.
Dat hoeft daarom niet zo te zijn door de combinatie van enkele eenvoudige technieken, leer ik je stap voor stap hoe je een project op een goeie manier kunt inschatten.
Ontmoet Pim: een slimme marketeer die zijn productbeheer op orde heeft. Hij helpt je graag uit te leggen waarom product informatie management anno vandaag zo belangrijk is voor E-commerce bedrijven. Pim is slim, wees als Pim!
This document discusses how Bootstrap 3.0, an open source CSS framework, can help a design/development team work more efficiently. It proposes using Bootstrap components like grids and pre-built elements to streamline the design, development, and project management processes. This would allow more collaboration between roles and faster website creation using a shared framework across projects. The document argues that adopting Bootstrap could help teams standardize processes, produce higher quality websites in less time, and increase profits without requiring additional costs or learning new skills.
GeoStart als geografische startpagina voor overheid, burgers en bedrijven - S...Youwe Drecomm OOIP
GeoStart als geografische startpagina voor overheid, burgers en bedrijven. Een presentatie van Matthias Snoei over het gebruik van geografische gegevens bij door de gemeente aangeboden diensten.
The document discusses features and capabilities of Magento eCommerce platforms. It summarizes that Magento platforms offer custom design, large product catalogs, content management, business system integration, search and navigation, marketing campaigns, scalability, payment options, and performance. It then describes specific Magento Enterprise features like marketing tools, product catalogs, consumer experience/design, infrastructure/backend integration, security/compliance, and administration.