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Workplace Bullying
Conference Transitioning towards
a bully free workplace
in partnership with Bully Zero Australia Foundation
Opening Keynote address:
Bernadette ONeill, General Manager:
Executive, Fair Work Commission
Speakers include:
Moira Jenkins, Director,
Aboto Psychology and Workplace
Conflict Management Services
Evelyn Field, Psychologist,
Author & Bully Blocking Expert
Harriet Stacey, CEO, Wise Workplace
Associate Professor Michael Robertson,
Chief Medical Officer - The Recovre Group
and Psychiatrist
Oscar Yildiz, CEO,
Bully Zero Australia Foundation
Richard Calver, National Director of
Industrial Relations and Legal Counsel,
Master Builders Australia
Gold Sponsor
21st - 22nd May 2014 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne
PLUS: Pre and post conference workshops
on Tuesday 20th and Friday 23rd May 2014
Workplace Bullying Conference
Wednesday 21st May 2014
8.30	 Registration and morning coffee
9.00	 Opening remarks from the Chair
Reviewing the legislative changes
9.10 	Opening Keynote Address
	Reviewing the legislation  An update from the Fair Work
 Effect of the new jurisdiction on the Commission to date
 Types of cases and circumstances being dealt with on a regular basis
 Key challenges that the new legislation is presenting to both the
Commission and the Australian workplace
 Resolutions that have been provided to date
	 Bernadette ONeill, General Manager: Executive,
	 Fair Work Commission
Application and implications
9.50	Case Study
	The impact of the new anti-bullying laws on the building and
construction industry
 The impact extends beyond traditional categories of employees
and covers subcontractors. To what extent does it also cover visitors
such as union officials? In fact is the remedy tailored to visitors in
this category? What impact is the law having in the building and
construction industry?
	Richard Calver, National Director of Industrial Relations and Legal
Counsel, Master Builders Australia
10.30	A practical guide for the HR Manager  how to navigate the
anti-bullying jurisdiction
 Preparation of an anti-bullying policy for your workforce
 Implementation of the policy within your organisation
 Guidance for HR Mangers who are required to represent companies
at the Fair Work Commission and tips to mitigate the legal risks
	 Paul OHalloran, Senior Associate  Workplace Law, FCB Group
11.10	 Morning Tea
11.40	Protecting your business from a bullying claim  compliance,
protection, mediation
 Legal impact of the new provisions on your organisation
 Moving from compliant to protected
 Effective and fair mediation of a bullying claim
12.20 	Manufacturing in crisis and workplace bullying - A Unions
	When manufacturing in Australia is in crisis and workplace culture is
driven by cost cuttings and profit margins, we have seen workplace
bullying escalate.油 In this environment workplace bullies often operate
within the established culture, practices and policies of their
organization which makes it very hard to contend with. 油This
presentation will outline how our Union deals with these difficult
workplace issues.
	Katrina Ford, National Industrial Officer,
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
1.00	Lunch
Education and Training
2.00	The role of education and training in combating workplace
 Importance of education and training of management, workplace
trainers and the workforce in anti-bullying policy and legislation
 Its role in facilitating the reporting of workplace bullying complaints
2.40	The importance of bystander intervention
 The power of bystander intervention
 The importance of effective communication to encourage
intervention and reporting in the workplace
 The BZAF mission
	 Oscar Yildiz, CEO, Bully Zero Australia Foundation
3.20	 Afternoon Tea
3.50	Pain Points  recognising the difference between performance
management and bullying
 Examining two case studies where independent investigations
were required relating to complaints of bullying arising out of
performance management. One case resulted in a finding of
bullying where the other resulted in findings that the conduct was
reasonable management action
 The legislation and case law on reasonable management action
will be discussed with tips on recognising bullying disguised as
performance management
	 Harriet Stacey, CEO, Wise Workplace
4.30	 Case Study
	 NRL Tackle Bullying Campaign
 About the NRL Tackle Bullying campaign
 Tackle Bullying Resource kit
 Research and results
 Importance of prevention from a young age
	 Jodie Cross, Community Relations Manager, NRL One Community
5.10	 Closing remarks from the Chair
5.15	 Networking drinks
6.15	 Close of conference and end of day one
Venue Details
Rendezvous Grand Hotel, 328 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 9250 1888, www.rendezvoushotels.com/Melbourne
8.30	 Morning coffee and speed networking
9.00	 Opening remarks from the Chair
Mental health in the workplace
9.10 	The psychology of the bully and their victim
 The underlying psychology of the bully - including understanding
psychodynamic, attachment and learning theories
 The psychology of the victim-perpetrator dyad - the reciprocal
psychopathologies of the bully and their victim
 Bullying as a systemic process - the workplace or organisation as a
system and the emergence of bullying as part of this
 Systemic approaches to the problem of bullying and measures
businesses can take to reduce incidences of bullying
	Associate Professor Michael Robertson, Chief Medical Officer -
The Recovre Group and Psychiatrist
9.50	paneldiscussion:Returningtoworkpostbullyingandharassment
 Important things to consider
 Guidelines and framework for an easy transition
 The role of an injury management plan
 Prevention of reoccurring injury
10.30 	 Morning Tea
Managing workplace culture
11.00 	 Building resilience at work
 Fostering resilience at work
 Building a culture promoting resilience while preventing bullying
 Practical steps for manager and employees to create a more resilient
	 Evelyn Field, Psychologist, Author  Bully Blocking Expert
11.40	The importance of reporting and seeking to analyse bullying
trend patterns in your organisation
 Identify, respond and manage for a positive outcome. We must
 Cost of workplace bullying and injury prevention
 Evaluating your own workplace bullying intervention program
	Moira Jenkins, Director,
Aboto Psychology and Workplace Conflict Management Services
12.20	Lunch
Practical strategies to managing workplace bullying and
conflict resolution
1.20	The ideal bullying investigation
 Responding to a real bullying complaint
 Critical steps to ensure any response is fair, transparent and robust
 Being aware of the 10 fatal errors to avoid any unnecessary grief for
you, the parties involved and your organisation
	 Shane White, Managing Director, Pinnacle Integrity
2.00	Interview techniques in delicate workplace situations 
Conducting a difficult conversation
	 Chris OConnor, Principal Consultant/Trainer, Strategic Questions
2.40	 Afternoon Tea
The new legislation  a critique
3.10	Towards a dignity of work without the regulation  A critique of
the regulatory approach to anti-bullying
 Reviewing the new anti-bullying jurisdiction of the Fair Work
 Detailing existing anti-bullying laws at the Commonwealth and
State levels
 Scope for deregulation and policy options to empower individuals
in the workplace
	 Aaron Lane, Research Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs
3.50	Support from the top down  Unlikely to be effective?
 Top down management of workplace bullying and its shortcomings
 Applying the whole-of-school approach to workplace bullying
 Working to change the culture of the workplace
	 Prof Valerie Braithwaite, Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), ANU
4.30	 Closing remarks from the Chair
4.40	 Close of day two and end of conference
8.30	 Registration and morning coffee
9  12.30pm The ideal bullying investigation and anti-bullying policy
development methods
This workshop will examine some of the finer aspects of investigation and provide
you with some investigation tools to use when responding to a real bullying
complaint, including critical steps to ensure any response is fair, transparent and
robust. You will then spend some time on anti-bullying policy development.
Shane White, Managing Director, Pinnacle Integrity
1.00	 Registration and afternoon coffee
1.30  5pm An introduction to Train the Trainer  using a risk
management framework
Specifically designed for trainers, HR professionals and occupational
development personnel who conduct training in the area, this workshop will
examine; Needs Analysis, Rights and Responsibilities, bullying and the law,
introducing a Risk Management Approach to bullying prevention and key
exercises and messages to make your training interesting and memorable.
Moira Jenkins, Director,
Aboto Psychology and Workplace Conflict Management Services
Tuesday 20th May 2014 - Pre conference workshop Friday 23rd May 2014 - Post conference workshop
Workplace Bullying Conference
Thursday 22nd May 2014
Workplace Bullying Conference - Half Day Workshops
Pricing Details
Register Early  Save Early Bird Rate
Book  pay on or before 31st March 2014
Standard Rate
Book  pay from 1st April 2014
Conference + both workshops $1,695 $169.50 $1,864.50 $220 $1,895 $189.50 $2,084.50
Conference + 1 workshop $1,395 $139.50 $1,534.50 $220 $1,595 $159.50 $1,754.50
Conference only $1,095 $109.50 $1,204.50 $220 $1,295 $129.50 $1,424.50
1 workshop $395 $39.50 $434.50 $110 $495 $49.50 $544.50
2 workshops $695 $69.50 $764.50 $110 $795 $79.50 $874.50
Use your QR Reader App on your
smartphone and scan this code to
take you directly to the website
For full terms and conditions, please visit:
Workplace Bullying Conference
21st - 22nd May 2014 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne
If undeliverable return to: PO BOX Q1439, SYDNEY NSW 1230
3 Easy Ways to Register
(+61 2) 9080 4307  Quoting P14K21
info@informa.com.au  Quoting P14K21
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Informa Workplace Bullying P14K21 PDF

  • 1. Workplace Bullying Conference Transitioning towards a bully free workplace in partnership with Bully Zero Australia Foundation PRESENTING THE 2nd ANNUAL www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying2014 Opening Keynote address: Bernadette ONeill, General Manager: Executive, Fair Work Commission Speakers include: Moira Jenkins, Director, Aboto Psychology and Workplace Conflict Management Services Evelyn Field, Psychologist, Author & Bully Blocking Expert Harriet Stacey, CEO, Wise Workplace Associate Professor Michael Robertson, Chief Medical Officer - The Recovre Group and Psychiatrist Oscar Yildiz, CEO, Bully Zero Australia Foundation Richard Calver, National Director of Industrial Relations and Legal Counsel, Master Builders Australia Gold Sponsor 21st - 22nd May 2014 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne PLUS: Pre and post conference workshops on Tuesday 20th and Friday 23rd May 2014
  • 2. Workplace Bullying Conference Wednesday 21st May 2014 8.30 Registration and morning coffee 9.00 Opening remarks from the Chair Reviewing the legislative changes 9.10 Opening Keynote Address Reviewing the legislation An update from the Fair Work Commission Effect of the new jurisdiction on the Commission to date Types of cases and circumstances being dealt with on a regular basis Key challenges that the new legislation is presenting to both the Commission and the Australian workplace Resolutions that have been provided to date Bernadette ONeill, General Manager: Executive, Fair Work Commission Application and implications 9.50 Case Study The impact of the new anti-bullying laws on the building and construction industry The impact extends beyond traditional categories of employees and covers subcontractors. To what extent does it also cover visitors such as union officials? In fact is the remedy tailored to visitors in this category? What impact is the law having in the building and construction industry? Richard Calver, National Director of Industrial Relations and Legal Counsel, Master Builders Australia 10.30 A practical guide for the HR Manager how to navigate the anti-bullying jurisdiction Preparation of an anti-bullying policy for your workforce Implementation of the policy within your organisation Guidance for HR Mangers who are required to represent companies at the Fair Work Commission and tips to mitigate the legal risks Paul OHalloran, Senior Associate Workplace Law, FCB Group 11.10 Morning Tea 11.40 Protecting your business from a bullying claim compliance, protection, mediation Legal impact of the new provisions on your organisation Moving from compliant to protected Effective and fair mediation of a bullying claim 12.20 Manufacturing in crisis and workplace bullying - A Unions perspective When manufacturing in Australia is in crisis and workplace culture is driven by cost cuttings and profit margins, we have seen workplace bullying escalate.油 In this environment workplace bullies often operate within the established culture, practices and policies of their organization which makes it very hard to contend with. 油This presentation will outline how our Union deals with these difficult workplace issues. Katrina Ford, National Industrial Officer, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union 1.00 Lunch Education and Training 2.00 The role of education and training in combating workplace bullying Importance of education and training of management, workplace trainers and the workforce in anti-bullying policy and legislation Its role in facilitating the reporting of workplace bullying complaints 2.40 The importance of bystander intervention The power of bystander intervention The importance of effective communication to encourage intervention and reporting in the workplace The BZAF mission Oscar Yildiz, CEO, Bully Zero Australia Foundation 3.20 Afternoon Tea 3.50 Pain Points recognising the difference between performance management and bullying Examining two case studies where independent investigations were required relating to complaints of bullying arising out of performance management. One case resulted in a finding of bullying where the other resulted in findings that the conduct was reasonable management action The legislation and case law on reasonable management action will be discussed with tips on recognising bullying disguised as performance management Harriet Stacey, CEO, Wise Workplace 4.30 Case Study NRL Tackle Bullying Campaign About the NRL Tackle Bullying campaign Tackle Bullying Resource kit Research and results Importance of prevention from a young age Jodie Cross, Community Relations Manager, NRL One Community 5.10 Closing remarks from the Chair 5.15 Networking drinks 6.15 Close of conference and end of day one DAY 1 www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying2014 Venue Details Rendezvous Grand Hotel, 328 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone: (03) 9250 1888, www.rendezvoushotels.com/Melbourne
  • 3. 8.30 Morning coffee and speed networking 9.00 Opening remarks from the Chair Mental health in the workplace 9.10 The psychology of the bully and their victim The underlying psychology of the bully - including understanding psychodynamic, attachment and learning theories The psychology of the victim-perpetrator dyad - the reciprocal psychopathologies of the bully and their victim Bullying as a systemic process - the workplace or organisation as a system and the emergence of bullying as part of this Systemic approaches to the problem of bullying and measures businesses can take to reduce incidences of bullying Associate Professor Michael Robertson, Chief Medical Officer - The Recovre Group and Psychiatrist 9.50 paneldiscussion:Returningtoworkpostbullyingandharassment Important things to consider Guidelines and framework for an easy transition The role of an injury management plan Prevention of reoccurring injury 10.30 Morning Tea Managing workplace culture 11.00 Building resilience at work Fostering resilience at work Building a culture promoting resilience while preventing bullying Practical steps for manager and employees to create a more resilient workplace Evelyn Field, Psychologist, Author Bully Blocking Expert 11.40 The importance of reporting and seeking to analyse bullying trend patterns in your organisation Identify, respond and manage for a positive outcome. We must understandwhythebullyingistakingplacetoworktowardsasolution Cost of workplace bullying and injury prevention Evaluating your own workplace bullying intervention program Moira Jenkins, Director, Aboto Psychology and Workplace Conflict Management Services 12.20 Lunch Practical strategies to managing workplace bullying and conflict resolution 1.20 The ideal bullying investigation Responding to a real bullying complaint Critical steps to ensure any response is fair, transparent and robust Being aware of the 10 fatal errors to avoid any unnecessary grief for you, the parties involved and your organisation Shane White, Managing Director, Pinnacle Integrity 2.00 Interview techniques in delicate workplace situations Conducting a difficult conversation Chris OConnor, Principal Consultant/Trainer, Strategic Questions 2.40 Afternoon Tea The new legislation a critique 3.10 Towards a dignity of work without the regulation A critique of the regulatory approach to anti-bullying Reviewing the new anti-bullying jurisdiction of the Fair Work Commission Detailing existing anti-bullying laws at the Commonwealth and State levels Scope for deregulation and policy options to empower individuals in the workplace Aaron Lane, Research Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs 3.50 Support from the top down Unlikely to be effective? Top down management of workplace bullying and its shortcomings Applying the whole-of-school approach to workplace bullying Working to change the culture of the workplace Prof Valerie Braithwaite, Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), ANU 4.30 Closing remarks from the Chair 4.40 Close of day two and end of conference 8.30 Registration and morning coffee 9 12.30pm The ideal bullying investigation and anti-bullying policy development methods This workshop will examine some of the finer aspects of investigation and provide you with some investigation tools to use when responding to a real bullying complaint, including critical steps to ensure any response is fair, transparent and robust. You will then spend some time on anti-bullying policy development. Shane White, Managing Director, Pinnacle Integrity 1.00 Registration and afternoon coffee 1.30 5pm An introduction to Train the Trainer using a risk management framework Specifically designed for trainers, HR professionals and occupational development personnel who conduct training in the area, this workshop will examine; Needs Analysis, Rights and Responsibilities, bullying and the law, introducing a Risk Management Approach to bullying prevention and key exercises and messages to make your training interesting and memorable. Moira Jenkins, Director, Aboto Psychology and Workplace Conflict Management Services Tuesday 20th May 2014 - Pre conference workshop Friday 23rd May 2014 - Post conference workshop Workplace Bullying Conference Thursday 22nd May 2014 Workplace Bullying Conference - Half Day Workshops DAY 2
  • 4. Pricing Details Register Early Save Early Bird Rate Book pay on or before 31st March 2014 Standard Rate Book pay from 1st April 2014 Conference Package PRICE GST TOTAL SAVE PRICE GST TOTAL Conference + both workshops $1,695 $169.50 $1,864.50 $220 $1,895 $189.50 $2,084.50 Conference + 1 workshop $1,395 $139.50 $1,534.50 $220 $1,595 $159.50 $1,754.50 Conference only $1,095 $109.50 $1,204.50 $220 $1,295 $129.50 $1,424.50 1 workshop $395 $39.50 $434.50 $110 $495 $49.50 $544.50 2 workshops $695 $69.50 $764.50 $110 $795 $79.50 $874.50 Use your QR Reader App on your smartphone and scan this code to take you directly to the website For full terms and conditions, please visit: www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying2014 www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying2014 Workplace Bullying Conference 21st - 22nd May 2014 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne If undeliverable return to: PO BOX Q1439, SYDNEY NSW 1230 3 Easy Ways to Register WEB www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying2014 Telephone (+61 2) 9080 4307 Quoting P14K21 Email info@informa.com.au Quoting P14K21 Stay Connected LinkedIn www.informa.com.au/linkedin/irworksafety Twitter www.twitter.com/informa_oz Blog www.informaaustralia.wordpress.com YouTube www.youtube.com/informaoz Google+ www.informa.com.au/googleplus 際際滷share www.slideshare.net/informaoz in