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Prisons 2015
Sharing insights on whole of life cycle management of correctional facilities
17th  18th March 2015 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne
Sponsored by:
Featuring outstanding
presentations from:
Ken Middlebrook, Commissioner,
Northern Territory Department of
Professor Neil Morgan,
Inspector of Custodial Services,
Western Australia
Professor Fiona Measham, Professor of
Criminology, School of Applied Social
Sciences, Durham University UK
Donal Lynch, Building + Interiors
Construction Manager, Project Manager,
Wiri Prison Project, Fletcher Construction
Ya-Qun Xie, Associate Director, Macquarie
Capital, Macquarie Group Limited
Nicole Evison, Senior Associate,
Clayton Utz
Professor Michael Levy AM,
Australian National University
Andrew Thomas, Senior Architect,
Guymer Bailey
Peter Hollis, Director, Human Resources,
Operational Support Services,
Queensland Corrective Services,
Department of Justice and Attorney
Ron Fabre, Prison PC Lead Architect,
Cyber IT Solutions
Matthew Willis, Research Manager,
Criminal Justice Monitoring and Analysis,
Australian Institute of Criminology
Dr Elizabeth Grant, Senior Lecturer,
The University of Adelaide
Dr Anna Eriksson, Senior Lecturer
Criminology, School of Social Sciences,
Monash University
Sarah Paddick, Principal Architect,
Totalspace Design
Prisons 2015
Tuesday 17th March 2015
8:00	 Registration and morning coffee
8:50 	 Opening remarks from the Chair of the day
An introductory overview of correctional services
9:00 	OverviewofAustraliancorrectionalsystemsandprisonpopulations
 Trends in Australian prison populations
 Emerging issues and challenges for the prison environment
 Rights and responsibilities in prison planning and management
	Matthew Willis, Research Manager, Criminal Justice Monitoring and
Analysis, Australian Institute of Criminology
9:40	Planning correctional facilities that meet the health needs of
	 Professor Michael Levy AM, Australian National University
10:20	An update on correctional services in Western Australia
	Professor Neil Morgan,
Inspector of Custodial Services, Western Australia
11:00	 Morning tea
11:20 	Shaping of corrections in Northern Territory and future plans in
this space
 An insight into the Darwin Correctional Precinct Project
 The establishment of the Youth Justice Division
 Central focus on the training of prisoners
	Ken Middlebrook, Commissioner,
Northern Territory Department of Corrections
12:00 	 Jurisdictional update from Victoria
 Planning and development of correctional services
 Meeting the demands on the justice system
 Examining the latest developments and case studies
12:40	 Lunch
1:40	PANEL DISCUSSION: With Australian prisons at capacity, how are
the States and Territories dealing with the issue of overcrowding?
 Discussing the reasons the overcrowding issue has become so severe
 What are the plans to alleviate the situation in the short and longer
	Visit www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 for further updates
Innovation and evolution
2:30 	Thinking inside the box  Innovation in recent prison design
	Prison architecture occurs in a closed setting, making the task of
creating a village a unique challenge. Looking at recent work by GBA
and other prison architects internationally we will explore the results of
applied innovation to the particular constraints of designing a prison.
	 Andrew Thomas, Senior Architect, Guymer Bailey
3:10	Designing secure prisoner computer systems
	Over the past few years many jurisdictions in Australia and
internationally have been looking towards implementing computers
for prisoners for inmate education and societal re-integration. This talk
discusses what is needed to implement a Prisoner Interactive Learning
System securely while not compromising on the functions and features
required by educators and health professionals.
	 Ron Fabre, PrisonPC Lead Architect, Cyber IT Solutions
3:50 	 Afternoon tea
HR  Human Rights and Human Resources
4:10	International Approaches to the accommodation of Indigenous
	The high incarceration rate of people from Indigenous cultures is a
world-wide phenomenon. The reasons for overrepresentation vary in
detail and multiplicity across different contexts but there are
commonalities. This paper examines the manner in which various
countries have sought to accommodate the differing needs of
Indigenous prisoners. It outlines the Native American religious practices
and ceremonies allowed in US prisons and some of the struggles
associated with exercising religious freedoms. The partnerships forged
between US correctional agencies and American Indian agencies to
allow prisoners to serve time on reservations are also discussed. These
experiences are contrasted to the Canadian experience of the
establishment of healing lodges and the integration of Aboriginal
religious ceremonies into mainstream prisons. Australian experiences
have been vastly different and this presentation outlines the various
approaches including the recent construction of a prison to meet the
needs of Aboriginal prisoners in West Kimberley. In response to the large
numbers of Mori imprisoned, New Zealand developed the concept of
Mori Focus Units, built on the premise that increased cultural
knowledge reduces the criminal behaviour. The Mori Focus Units and
Pacific Islander Units present unique responses to incarcerating
Indigenous prisoners. Finally, the paper outlines the establishment of
the first prison in Greenland to respond to needs of the Kalaallit peoples.
	 Dr. Elizabeth Grant, Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide
4:50	Prison Health and Safety  A Managers Perspective
	Examining management of OHS, particularly return to work in a prison
setting, to have a positive impact on your workers compensation
premium. Tangible things you can do in a heavily operational prison
 A systems approach to managing incidents within a risk
management framework
 Using Yammer to communicate the WHS message
 Integrated Case Review for better return to work outcomes
	Peter Hollis, Director, Human Resources, Operational Support Services,
Queensland Corrective Services, Department of Justice and Attorney
Young offender management
5:30	CASE STUDY:Young offender management and rehabilitation 
A case study on The Youth Unit at Port Phillip Prison
 An insight into The Youth Unit
 Programs and initiatives to reduce recidivism among young
 The challenges of young offender management versus that of
an adult
	 Anne Hooker, Youth Development Officer, Port Phillip Prison
6:10	 Closing remarks from the Chair of the day
6:20 	 End of day 1 and networking drinks sponsored by:
8:30 	 Registration and morning coffee
8:50	 Opening remarks from the Chair of the day
Reducing recidivism  international program and innovation
9:00	SKYPE SESSION CASE STUDY: Taking the University to Prison:
Reflections on the UK Inside-Out prison exchange programme
	Professor Fiona Measham, Professor of Criminology, School of Applied
Social Sciences Criminology, Durham University
Planning and design of large scale infrastructure projects
9:40 	 Financial considerations in developing correctional facilities
 Examining the history  financing of Prison projects to date
 What are the current trends and processes in funding correctional
 Whole of life costing and best value for money, ensuring most
profitable outcome for all parties involved
 Different deals = different considerations. Examining the financing
of different Prison projects in Australia and New Zealand
	Ya-Qun Xie, Associate Director, Macquarie Capital,
Macquarie Group Limited
10:20	Future procurement of Australian prisons: Expanding service
delivery in PPPs
 Service PPPs and the inclusion of core services
 Performance based contracting:
 Revenue risk
 Financial incentives for innovation, improved efficiencies and
quality service delivery
 Case study: Ravenhall Prison - Victoria
	 Nicole Evison, Senior Associate, Clayton Utz
11:00	 Morning tea
11:20	 CASE STUDY: An insight into the Wiri Prison Project
	Donal Lynch, Building + Interiors Construction Manager, Project
Manager, Wiri Prison Project, Fletcher Construction
12:00	 Knowledge through Realtime Visualisation
	 Jeremy Harkins, Director, Lucid Edge | ineni RealTime
12:40	BUZZ DISCUSSION: Examining the future of correctional services
in Australia
	Led by the Chair and some of the speakers of the day, this informal and
interactive discussion is the chance for attendees to talk and reflect on
what has been discussed at the conference thus far, voice opinions,
share insights and expertise and discuss the future direction of
correctional services in Australia.
	Visit www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 for further updates
1:00 Lunch
2:00	Best practice prison facility maintenance and management
 Managing operations of all aspects of the prison
 Key performance indicators  how to benchmark success of
programs and processes
 Insights, observations and lessons learned for effective prison
operation and management
2:40 	Relationship management, big brother to little brother - How to
ensure successful interaction and engagement between
consortium partners and subcontractors
 Choosing the right contractors and subcontractors
 Managing a successful project
 Best practice examples
3:20	 Afternoon tea
Changing with the times  Correctional facilities with a
softer feel
3:40 	 People make the prison: Designing for human interaction
	What does a good prison look like? That depends on the aims that
prison is supposed to achieve. Containment, deterrence, punishment,
and rehabilitation are all competing objectives, a lived and political
reality causing uncertainty amongst staff in particular. Prisoners
however, are less uncertain. For them, people make the prison,
irrespective of design and security levels, a contradiction that raises
important questions as to whether a focus on static or dynamic security
is to be preferred. This presentation will discuss the results from a
recently completed study that included empirical research in 14 prisons
at all security levels in Australia and Norway, as well as a previous study
discussing the last 200 years of prison development in the Anglophone
and Nordic countries, with a particular focus on different prison designs
and their impact.
	Dr Anna Eriksson, Senior Lecturer Criminology, School of Social
Sciences, Monash University
4:20 	The Design guidelines for creating more child-friendly prisons
 encouraging the maintenance of family ties throughout a prison
 Why is maintenance of family ties important?
 Location and Type of facility
 Numbers of women and children
 Types of accommodation
 Visiting facilities and arrangements
 Entry points and Screening areas
 A childs perspective
 Successful Residential Parenting Programs
 Examples from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Denmark, Canada
and the US
	 Sarah Paddick, Principal Architect, Totalspace design
5:00	 Closing remarks from the Chair of the day
5:10	 End of day 2 and close of conference
Prisons 2015
Wednesday 18th March 2015 DAY 2
Speaking, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities
For speaking and endorsement enquiries, please contact the Conference
Manager Niamh Horan: +61 2 9080 4138 or Niamh.horan@informa.com.au
For sponsorship and exhibition enquiries, please contact the Sponsorship
Manager Joshua Ward: +61 2 9080 4013 or Joshua.ward@informa.com.au
Use your QR Reader App on your
smartphone and scan this code to
take you directly to the website
For full terms and conditions, please visit:
Prisons 2015
17th  18th March 2015 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne
If undeliverable return to: PO BOX Q1439, SYDNEY NSW 1230
3 Easy Ways to Register
+61 (0)2 9080 4025  Quoting P15K08
conferences@informa.com.au  Quoting P15K08
Stay Connected
	 LinkedIn 	 www.informa.com.au/onlinkedin
	 Twitter 	 www.twitter.com/informa_oz #prisons2015
	Blog 	www.informaaustralia.wordpress.com
	 YouTube 	www.youtube.com/informaoz
	 Google+ 	www.informa.com.au/googleplus
	 際際滷share 	www.slideshare.net/informaoz
Pricing Details
Register Early  Save Early Bird Rate
Book  pay on or before 31st January 2015
Standard Rate
Book  pay from 1st February 2015
Two Day Conference $2295 $229.50 $2524.50 $220 $2495 $249.50 $2744.50
Public Sector and SME Rate $1295 $129.50 $1424.50 $220 $1495 $149.50 $1644.50

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Prisons 2015 - Brochure

  • 1. Prisons 2015 Sharing insights on whole of life cycle management of correctional facilities PRESENTING 17th 18th March 2015 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne Sponsored by: Featuring outstanding presentations from: Ken Middlebrook, Commissioner, Northern Territory Department of Corrections Professor Neil Morgan, Inspector of Custodial Services, Western Australia Professor Fiona Measham, Professor of Criminology, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University UK Donal Lynch, Building + Interiors Construction Manager, Project Manager, Wiri Prison Project, Fletcher Construction Ya-Qun Xie, Associate Director, Macquarie Capital, Macquarie Group Limited Nicole Evison, Senior Associate, Clayton Utz Professor Michael Levy AM, Australian National University Andrew Thomas, Senior Architect, Guymer Bailey Peter Hollis, Director, Human Resources, Operational Support Services, Queensland Corrective Services, Department of Justice and Attorney General Ron Fabre, Prison PC Lead Architect, Cyber IT Solutions Matthew Willis, Research Manager, Criminal Justice Monitoring and Analysis, Australian Institute of Criminology Dr Elizabeth Grant, Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide Dr Anna Eriksson, Senior Lecturer Criminology, School of Social Sciences, Monash University Sarah Paddick, Principal Architect, Totalspace Design www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15
  • 2. Prisons 2015 Tuesday 17th March 2015 8:00 Registration and morning coffee 8:50 Opening remarks from the Chair of the day An introductory overview of correctional services 9:00 OverviewofAustraliancorrectionalsystemsandprisonpopulations Trends in Australian prison populations Emerging issues and challenges for the prison environment Rights and responsibilities in prison planning and management Matthew Willis, Research Manager, Criminal Justice Monitoring and Analysis, Australian Institute of Criminology 9:40 Planning correctional facilities that meet the health needs of prisoners Professor Michael Levy AM, Australian National University 10:20 An update on correctional services in Western Australia Professor Neil Morgan, Inspector of Custodial Services, Western Australia 11:00 Morning tea 11:20 Shaping of corrections in Northern Territory and future plans in this space An insight into the Darwin Correctional Precinct Project The establishment of the Youth Justice Division Central focus on the training of prisoners Ken Middlebrook, Commissioner, Northern Territory Department of Corrections 12:00 Jurisdictional update from Victoria Planning and development of correctional services Meeting the demands on the justice system Examining the latest developments and case studies 12:40 Lunch 1:40 PANEL DISCUSSION: With Australian prisons at capacity, how are the States and Territories dealing with the issue of overcrowding? Discussing the reasons the overcrowding issue has become so severe Whatistheimpactonprisonersthemselvesandontheprisonofficers? What are the plans to alleviate the situation in the short and longer term? Visit www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 for further updates Innovation and evolution 2:30 Thinking inside the box Innovation in recent prison design Prison architecture occurs in a closed setting, making the task of creating a village a unique challenge. Looking at recent work by GBA and other prison architects internationally we will explore the results of applied innovation to the particular constraints of designing a prison. Andrew Thomas, Senior Architect, Guymer Bailey 3:10 Designing secure prisoner computer systems Over the past few years many jurisdictions in Australia and internationally have been looking towards implementing computers for prisoners for inmate education and societal re-integration. This talk discusses what is needed to implement a Prisoner Interactive Learning System securely while not compromising on the functions and features required by educators and health professionals. Ron Fabre, PrisonPC Lead Architect, Cyber IT Solutions 3:50 Afternoon tea HR Human Rights and Human Resources 4:10 International Approaches to the accommodation of Indigenous Prisoners The high incarceration rate of people from Indigenous cultures is a world-wide phenomenon. The reasons for overrepresentation vary in detail and multiplicity across different contexts but there are commonalities. This paper examines the manner in which various countries have sought to accommodate the differing needs of Indigenous prisoners. It outlines the Native American religious practices and ceremonies allowed in US prisons and some of the struggles associated with exercising religious freedoms. The partnerships forged between US correctional agencies and American Indian agencies to allow prisoners to serve time on reservations are also discussed. These experiences are contrasted to the Canadian experience of the establishment of healing lodges and the integration of Aboriginal religious ceremonies into mainstream prisons. Australian experiences have been vastly different and this presentation outlines the various approaches including the recent construction of a prison to meet the needs of Aboriginal prisoners in West Kimberley. In response to the large numbers of Mori imprisoned, New Zealand developed the concept of Mori Focus Units, built on the premise that increased cultural knowledge reduces the criminal behaviour. The Mori Focus Units and Pacific Islander Units present unique responses to incarcerating Indigenous prisoners. Finally, the paper outlines the establishment of the first prison in Greenland to respond to needs of the Kalaallit peoples. Dr. Elizabeth Grant, Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide 4:50 Prison Health and Safety A Managers Perspective Examining management of OHS, particularly return to work in a prison setting, to have a positive impact on your workers compensation premium. Tangible things you can do in a heavily operational prison environment. A systems approach to managing incidents within a risk management framework Using Yammer to communicate the WHS message Integrated Case Review for better return to work outcomes Peter Hollis, Director, Human Resources, Operational Support Services, Queensland Corrective Services, Department of Justice and Attorney General Young offender management 5:30 CASE STUDY:Young offender management and rehabilitation A case study on The Youth Unit at Port Phillip Prison An insight into The Youth Unit Programs and initiatives to reduce recidivism among young offenders The challenges of young offender management versus that of an adult Anne Hooker, Youth Development Officer, Port Phillip Prison 6:10 Closing remarks from the Chair of the day 6:20 End of day 1 and networking drinks sponsored by: DAY 1 www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15
  • 3. 8:30 Registration and morning coffee 8:50 Opening remarks from the Chair of the day Reducing recidivism international program and innovation 9:00 SKYPE SESSION CASE STUDY: Taking the University to Prison: Reflections on the UK Inside-Out prison exchange programme Professor Fiona Measham, Professor of Criminology, School of Applied Social Sciences Criminology, Durham University Planning and design of large scale infrastructure projects 9:40 Financial considerations in developing correctional facilities Examining the history financing of Prison projects to date What are the current trends and processes in funding correctional facilities Whole of life costing and best value for money, ensuring most profitable outcome for all parties involved Different deals = different considerations. Examining the financing of different Prison projects in Australia and New Zealand Ya-Qun Xie, Associate Director, Macquarie Capital, Macquarie Group Limited 10:20 Future procurement of Australian prisons: Expanding service delivery in PPPs Service PPPs and the inclusion of core services Performance based contracting: Revenue risk Financial incentives for innovation, improved efficiencies and quality service delivery Case study: Ravenhall Prison - Victoria Nicole Evison, Senior Associate, Clayton Utz 11:00 Morning tea 11:20 CASE STUDY: An insight into the Wiri Prison Project Donal Lynch, Building + Interiors Construction Manager, Project Manager, Wiri Prison Project, Fletcher Construction 12:00 Knowledge through Realtime Visualisation Jeremy Harkins, Director, Lucid Edge | ineni RealTime 12:40 BUZZ DISCUSSION: Examining the future of correctional services in Australia Led by the Chair and some of the speakers of the day, this informal and interactive discussion is the chance for attendees to talk and reflect on what has been discussed at the conference thus far, voice opinions, share insights and expertise and discuss the future direction of correctional services in Australia. Visit www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 for further updates 1:00 Lunch 2:00 Best practice prison facility maintenance and management Managing operations of all aspects of the prison Key performance indicators how to benchmark success of programs and processes Insights, observations and lessons learned for effective prison operation and management 2:40 Relationship management, big brother to little brother - How to ensure successful interaction and engagement between consortium partners and subcontractors Choosing the right contractors and subcontractors Managing a successful project Best practice examples 3:20 Afternoon tea Changing with the times Correctional facilities with a softer feel 3:40 People make the prison: Designing for human interaction What does a good prison look like? That depends on the aims that prison is supposed to achieve. Containment, deterrence, punishment, and rehabilitation are all competing objectives, a lived and political reality causing uncertainty amongst staff in particular. Prisoners however, are less uncertain. For them, people make the prison, irrespective of design and security levels, a contradiction that raises important questions as to whether a focus on static or dynamic security is to be preferred. This presentation will discuss the results from a recently completed study that included empirical research in 14 prisons at all security levels in Australia and Norway, as well as a previous study discussing the last 200 years of prison development in the Anglophone and Nordic countries, with a particular focus on different prison designs and their impact. Dr Anna Eriksson, Senior Lecturer Criminology, School of Social Sciences, Monash University 4:20 The Design guidelines for creating more child-friendly prisons encouraging the maintenance of family ties throughout a prison sentence Why is maintenance of family ties important? Location and Type of facility Staff Numbers of women and children Types of accommodation Visiting facilities and arrangements Communication Entry points and Screening areas A childs perspective Successful Residential Parenting Programs Examples from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Denmark, Canada and the US Sarah Paddick, Principal Architect, Totalspace design 5:00 Closing remarks from the Chair of the day 5:10 End of day 2 and close of conference Prisons 2015 Wednesday 18th March 2015 DAY 2 Speaking, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities For speaking and endorsement enquiries, please contact the Conference Manager Niamh Horan: +61 2 9080 4138 or Niamh.horan@informa.com.au For sponsorship and exhibition enquiries, please contact the Sponsorship Manager Joshua Ward: +61 2 9080 4013 or Joshua.ward@informa.com.au
  • 4. Use your QR Reader App on your smartphone and scan this code to take you directly to the website For full terms and conditions, please visit: www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 Prisons 2015 17th 18th March 2015 | Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne If undeliverable return to: PO BOX Q1439, SYDNEY NSW 1230 3 Easy Ways to Register WEB www.informa.com.au/prisonsmelbourne15 Telephone +61 (0)2 9080 4025 Quoting P15K08 Email conferences@informa.com.au Quoting P15K08 Stay Connected LinkedIn www.informa.com.au/onlinkedin Twitter www.twitter.com/informa_oz #prisons2015 Blog www.informaaustralia.wordpress.com YouTube www.youtube.com/informaoz Google+ www.informa.com.au/googleplus 際際滷share www.slideshare.net/informaoz in Pricing Details Register Early Save Early Bird Rate Book pay on or before 31st January 2015 Standard Rate Book pay from 1st February 2015 Conference Package PRICE GST TOTAL SAVE PRICE GST TOTAL Two Day Conference $2295 $229.50 $2524.50 $220 $2495 $249.50 $2744.50 Public Sector and SME Rate $1295 $129.50 $1424.50 $220 $1495 $149.50 $1644.50 POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA