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Innovative Public Engagement Techniques for Transportation Projects December 9 th , 2010
Agenda Welcome Formal Presentation Interactive Workshop Participant Follow-up Dissemination of Materials via Streetwise
Presentation Development Process Insights Gained from Across North America and Australia Participation on the TRB Visualization, Public Involvement, and Access Management Committees Discussions with Clients and Teaming Partners Continuous Development of the Process
Work Samples Majority of work samples are our own Due to the time-sensitive nature of public involvement and lack of way to discover past efforts Wed like to collaborate, learn as much from you as otherwise Provide your examples In the informal workshop after the presentation Online at  http://streetwise.kittelson.com/ Lets keep the discussion going after the workshop
Public Involvement vs. Engagement Informed, Educated, and Actively Engaged Stakeholders Transparent Process  Breadcrumb Test Compliant
Storyboarding Public Engagement Scripting the Process Upfront Do you understand how the story will unfold from start to finish? Things to ask yourself about all meetings, workshops, virtual workshops, web interactions, and open houses What is the objective of the engagement?油  How will you engage the participants?油  Who is your audience? What questions are likely to come from participants?油 What are the likely action items from these engagements and schedule to achieving those items? Where do you want the process to go from that meeting?
Storyboarding the Process to the Public Answering the Who, What, Why, Where, and How
Maintaining Transparency Peoples interests are fleeting. Capture it once. Push communications bring the future generations their information. Its easy to communicate in all formats people find comfortable: In person, via email, online, facebook, twitter
Alternative Development Tools
Alternative Development Tools
IAMP Tools
Example IAMP Design Tool Scaled to match the aerial Shows common measurements such as minimum ramp lengths, loop ramp radii, access spacing standards, etc.
How to Use the Tool
IAMP Breadcrumb Test Example Compliance with Breadcrumb Test (Part 1) Why this crossroad location? Why this interchange form? Why this local circulation plan? Why this access management plan? (Part 2)  Why not this? Why not this crossroad location? Why not this interchange form? Why not this local circulation plan? Why not this access management plan?
Breadcrumb Approach
Staging Venues for Optimal Performance Transforming the Environment  Developing a Playbook Create a Learning Environment to Form Concepts & Opinions Develop Brick and Mortar and Online Venues
Use of Icons and Colors Corridor Alignment Streetscape Features Land Use/ Transportation Integration  Project Implementation
Interactive 3-D Models
172 nd  / 190 th  Corridor Plan Why here? Why now?
Website Demonstrations US20: Pioneer Mountain to Eddyville http://us20pme.com/ Tigard Trails Public Drawing Tool http://prj.kittelson.com/tigardtrails 172 nd /190 th  Corridor Plan Virtual Workshops http://voh.172nd.com/   http://vw3.project.kittelson.com/ Interactive Transportation System Plan http://monmouth.project.kittelson.com/
Lessons Learned From Online Public Involvement Consistency is hard Providing a personal experience is hard Lack of search standings due to time-limited nature of public involvement Including discovery of past efforts and achievements by the industry Different people Less vocal minority More guided experience for those without vested, immediate experience necessary
Emerging Trends Interest in moving more public involvement onto the internet Passive forms of communication are commonplace for younger generations Phone calls -> Text Messages Telling people about their life -> Facebook Technology and computers have caught up to provide rich, interactive experiences Nothing replaces human-to-human communication
Other Resources http:// choosingviz.org / Visualization tools list http://www.trbvis.org/ TRB visualization committee http://www.trbpi.com TRB public involvement committee http://mapnificent.net Online mapping website
Demonstration Projects  Louisville, CO
Demonstration Projects
Demonstration Projects
Demonstration Projects
Next Stage of Active Engagement? + +
Workshop Overview Workshop Directions Refreshment Stop Workshop Participation Green Group  Website Tools (Green Room) Yellow Group  Tools and Models (Yellow Room) Red Group  3-D Models (Red Room)
Next Steps Send your Favorite Examples to Streetwise by  December 17 th   Kyle will summarize the examples and share them with the Group Kyle will provide a TRB Update in early February

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Innovative Public Engagement Techniques

  • 1. Innovative Public Engagement Techniques for Transportation Projects December 9 th , 2010
  • 2. Agenda Welcome Formal Presentation Interactive Workshop Participant Follow-up Dissemination of Materials via Streetwise
  • 3. Presentation Development Process Insights Gained from Across North America and Australia Participation on the TRB Visualization, Public Involvement, and Access Management Committees Discussions with Clients and Teaming Partners Continuous Development of the Process
  • 4. Work Samples Majority of work samples are our own Due to the time-sensitive nature of public involvement and lack of way to discover past efforts Wed like to collaborate, learn as much from you as otherwise Provide your examples In the informal workshop after the presentation Online at http://streetwise.kittelson.com/ Lets keep the discussion going after the workshop
  • 5. Public Involvement vs. Engagement Informed, Educated, and Actively Engaged Stakeholders Transparent Process Breadcrumb Test Compliant
  • 6.
  • 7. Storyboarding Public Engagement Scripting the Process Upfront Do you understand how the story will unfold from start to finish? Things to ask yourself about all meetings, workshops, virtual workshops, web interactions, and open houses What is the objective of the engagement?油 How will you engage the participants?油 Who is your audience? What questions are likely to come from participants?油 What are the likely action items from these engagements and schedule to achieving those items? Where do you want the process to go from that meeting?
  • 8. Storyboarding the Process to the Public Answering the Who, What, Why, Where, and How
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Maintaining Transparency Peoples interests are fleeting. Capture it once. Push communications bring the future generations their information. Its easy to communicate in all formats people find comfortable: In person, via email, online, facebook, twitter
  • 15. Example IAMP Design Tool Scaled to match the aerial Shows common measurements such as minimum ramp lengths, loop ramp radii, access spacing standards, etc.
  • 16. How to Use the Tool
  • 17.
  • 18. IAMP Breadcrumb Test Example Compliance with Breadcrumb Test (Part 1) Why this crossroad location? Why this interchange form? Why this local circulation plan? Why this access management plan? (Part 2) Why not this? Why not this crossroad location? Why not this interchange form? Why not this local circulation plan? Why not this access management plan?
  • 20. Staging Venues for Optimal Performance Transforming the Environment Developing a Playbook Create a Learning Environment to Form Concepts & Opinions Develop Brick and Mortar and Online Venues
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Use of Icons and Colors Corridor Alignment Streetscape Features Land Use/ Transportation Integration Project Implementation
  • 24.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. 172 nd / 190 th Corridor Plan Why here? Why now?
  • 29. Website Demonstrations US20: Pioneer Mountain to Eddyville http://us20pme.com/ Tigard Trails Public Drawing Tool http://prj.kittelson.com/tigardtrails 172 nd /190 th Corridor Plan Virtual Workshops http://voh.172nd.com/ http://vw3.project.kittelson.com/ Interactive Transportation System Plan http://monmouth.project.kittelson.com/
  • 30. Lessons Learned From Online Public Involvement Consistency is hard Providing a personal experience is hard Lack of search standings due to time-limited nature of public involvement Including discovery of past efforts and achievements by the industry Different people Less vocal minority More guided experience for those without vested, immediate experience necessary
  • 31. Emerging Trends Interest in moving more public involvement onto the internet Passive forms of communication are commonplace for younger generations Phone calls -> Text Messages Telling people about their life -> Facebook Technology and computers have caught up to provide rich, interactive experiences Nothing replaces human-to-human communication
  • 32. Other Resources http:// choosingviz.org / Visualization tools list http://www.trbvis.org/ TRB visualization committee http://www.trbpi.com TRB public involvement committee http://mapnificent.net Online mapping website
  • 33. Demonstration Projects Louisville, CO
  • 37. Next Stage of Active Engagement? + +
  • 38. Workshop Overview Workshop Directions Refreshment Stop Workshop Participation Green Group Website Tools (Green Room) Yellow Group Tools and Models (Yellow Room) Red Group 3-D Models (Red Room)
  • 39. Next Steps Send your Favorite Examples to Streetwise by December 17 th Kyle will summarize the examples and share them with the Group Kyle will provide a TRB Update in early February

Editor's Notes

  • #8: Things to ask yourself about all meetings, workshops, and open houses What is the objective of the meeting?油 >油 What does your client need out of it?油 What do the other participants need out of it?油 What do you need out of it? What is the best medium(s) (aerials, handouts, PowerPoint, animation, etc.) to use to describe the issue, solution, etc. How many people will there be?油 How many handouts do I need? What are the likely questions that will come from each individual?油 Is there additional materials that could be used to address these issues? What are the likely action items and schedule to achieving those items? Where do you want the process to go from that meeting?油油 Have you set up the agenda and provided the right information prior to or during the meeting to achieve that direction?
  • #19: Discuss Matts IAMP Graphic on the Wall
  • #21: Discuss Tools