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Dr. Shazia Naureen
 Define innovation. Any ideas how to use it for
teaching and learning.
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
 Why there is a need networks in classroom?
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
Innovative use of technology
 How can you use interactive software's for
teaching? Any ideas.
 Boot, Eddy (2005), Building-block solutions for developing
instructional software, PhD Dissertation, Open Universiteit
 Botturi, L., Derntl, M., Boot, E., & Figl, K. (2006). A
Classification Framework for Educational Modeling
Languages in Instructional Design. Proceedings of The 6th
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies, 1216-1220 P
 Gibbons Andrew S., Luca Botturi, Eddy Boot, Jon Nelson
(2007 ?) Design languages, chapter 45, in Ch. Reigeluth
(ed.) (forthcoming). Instructional-Design Theories and
Models: Vol 3.
 Irlbeck, S., Kays, E., Jones, D. & Sims, R. (2006). The
phoenix rising: Emergent models of instructional. design.
Distance Education, 27(2), August 2006.

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  • 3. Define innovation. Any ideas how to use it for teaching and learning.
  • 4. g
  • 9. Why there is a need networks in classroom?
  • 15. How can you use interactive software's for teaching? Any ideas.
  • 16. Boot, Eddy (2005), Building-block solutions for developing instructional software, PhD Dissertation, Open Universiteit Nederland. Botturi, L., Derntl, M., Boot, E., & Figl, K. (2006). A Classification Framework for Educational Modeling Languages in Instructional Design. Proceedings of The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 1216-1220 P Gibbons Andrew S., Luca Botturi, Eddy Boot, Jon Nelson (2007 ?) Design languages, chapter 45, in Ch. Reigeluth (ed.) (forthcoming). Instructional-Design Theories and Models: Vol 3. Irlbeck, S., Kays, E., Jones, D. & Sims, R. (2006). The phoenix rising: Emergent models of instructional. design. Distance Education, 27(2), August 2006. .