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Inside Braga Startup Scene
Guest post by Alexandre Mendes
By Guest Author - Jun 16, 2015
I wasnt born in Braga. I came here to study, 15 years ago. Back then, I was just looking for the
best University teaching Psychology; I could never imagine that I was to be adopted by this city
and its being an amazing journey ever since.
This brief story reveals the pattern of competence that Braga has been showing when it
comes to capturing and 鍖xating talent. No ecosystem could ever grow without people,
Braga has a diverse industrial tissue from weighing equipments, textile, real estate and building
to some engineering intensive factories like Bosch. This city also nurtures a vibrant University
! 334 " 37 # 4 $ 58 % 7 &
that gave birth to some of the most signi鍖cative software pioneers in the country.
Around here, we meet and connect easily and, back in 2008, when the Economy started to bully
our dreams, that was a crucial ingredient. We were young, graduated, full of energy and craving
for accomplishments. We had the skills, we had the will and we even had a few success stories
from the Past to inspire us.
In March 2011, Factory opened doors. We were eager to make a statement introducing a more
informal, innovative and community-driven way of doing things. We took the lead of a cultural
disruption both evangelizing for coworking, freelancing and entrepreneurship, but also trying to
break the silos on the economic ecosystem.
Whether hosting or organizing events, we were on the frontline: Startup Weekend, Startup
Pirates, Design Thinking Global Jam, Changeathon, Lean Startup Meetup, Minho.rb, Minho
Startup Co鍖ee, Udini Drinks or Girls Lean In We were rocking with a systematic events and
meetups program.
Looking back, we made a lot of things, but So You Think You Can Pitch was a blast! It started in
Braga, it had a huge national impact and visibility, involved thousands of people, created jobs
and had a profound e鍖ect on creating a cozier relationship among people, especially, when it
comes to (formerly) deep asymmetric relationships, like between experienced CEOs and job-
seekers or entrepreneurs.
As more and more entrepreneurs were coming to our door, we felt pushed to do even better and
so we went abroad to learn the principles of incubation and startup acceleration.
In the beginning, we were a few underdogs, then people started to join the community and
suddenly it became a widespread movement and we started to get this image of a dynamic
city. Bragas momentum was about to get under the spotlight.
In November 2011, TedxYouth Braga celebrated this constructive feeling gathering an elite of
speakers that were pushing ideas forward.
Ant坦nio Murta
More than being a gentleman and an inspiring entrepreneur, Ant坦nio Murta, our national digital
champion, took the stage sharing his enlightened broad vision for the city and leading by his own
example. Tedx Youth Braga was an amazing experience and gave birth to a star: Miguel
Gon巽alves (whose talk has more than half a million views on YouTube).
Miguel was a compelling speaker challenging pessimism, inactivity, status quo and urging
individual initiative. Somehow, Miguel became an Ambassador taking what was happening in
Braga to every talk or lecture he gave throughout the country. Braga was de鍖nitely on the map
and entrepreneurs from all the region were coming to Braga to see what was happening.
Startups started to pop out and it became impossible to track them all on Made in Minho, a
catalog on the web to keep track of the communitys initiative. Sure, we were having some
successes, but there were also ephemeral events, startups and initiatives. Lets put it this way:
along this journey we also collected real life entrepreneurship lessons to use later
Lets call this, the Granularity Phase, since the ecosystem was still made of independent,
disconcerted agents.
Startup Braga was launched in May 2014 and represents the kick-start of a new phase:
The Structured Braga Startup Scene.
Even though it is still a recent structure, Startup Bragas achievements are already substantial. I
would like to highlight two simple, but hard to get, achievements: strategic action plan and
For the 鍖rst time, Braga, as a city, was intentionally betting on the startup ecosystem as part of
the strategic plan for economic growth. For the 鍖rst time, we had a sustained decision, arguing
the business opportunity of focusing on the development of expertise on creating and raising
MedTech startups. For the 鍖rst time, we had assigned leadership committed to these goals.
Carlos Oliveira
Carlos Oliveira has a strong background in business and performed an important role serving in
the Portuguese Government. Carlos leads the way, combining the soft power skills that move all
sorts of high pro鍖le stakeholders to comply with Startup Bragas goals. On the other hand, Tiago
Sequeira formerly led the informal Startup Scene  on the granularity phase  and knows half a
city. Its a winning combination of skills and pro鍖les!
So, whats up in the Braga startup scene now?
 Entrepreneurship became an ubiquitous possibility.
 In less than 5 years, the number of startups from Braga competing on the international market
rose signi鍖cantly: Farfetch, Gen/Tekzenit, GroupBuddies, Asap54, Bitreserve, Codevision, Q
Better, Edigma and so many others are beating the chances and its competitors. Not only the
products are great, but the quality of the teams leaves a strong impression.
 At the University of Minho every student gets the chance to have proper training in
Entrepreneurship frameworks and core competencies. Kudos to the work done by AAUM LiftO鍖
and some entrepreneurial teachers.
 Entrepreneurs from everywhere have now a place and a team that works full time to deliver a
top notch acceleration program: Startup Braga.
 Startup Braga collected amazing results from the 鍖rst acceleration program: Peekmed and
Sword Health, for instance, were true rockstars. Plus 1.7M in funding and quite an impressive
work done by the founders (referring to the progress achieved in the businesses).
 Startup Braga is having an exciting partnership policy and is now working with the second batch
of startups partnering with FLAD and Fidelidade and maintaining the close fellowship with
Microsoft. You know what they say: Big Fish doesnt come close unless theres strong evidence of
 We are now being recognized as a favorable destination for Portuguese founders, but also,
were managing to capture the interest of foreign entrepreneurs that saw in Braga a place for
starting up.
Theres still a long way to go in this never ending story. The life sciences cluster itself still has a lot
to explore and there are so many problems to be solved that we can only think that the best is
yet to come.
Oh! Have I mentioned that we are now 鍖nally breaking the ice with the unique Iberian
Nanotechnology Lab? Thats right a huge chapter is about to start: Nanotech for huge impact.
Consider this for a second Dont have a clue about nanotech? Not a problem, were launching a
new Meetup about Nanotech this month. We hope you can join us and take part on the be the
birth of the third phase of Braga Startup Scene: Nanotech for huge impact.
Alexandre Mendes has a degree in Psychology and learned as much in books, podcasts and
sur鍖ng on iTunesU. He worked on HR Depts. in a few major companies in the country and then
moved to challenge knowledge transference from universities to the community promoting a
win-win approach. He co-founded Os tais (do v鱈deo), a lovely video company, and hes been an
active promoter of entrepreneurship in Universities but also within top initiatives in the country
like Passaporte do Empreendedorismo (IAPMEI), So You Think You Can Pitch, Startup Pirates,
BetaStart, Lifto鍖, Startup Weekend or Creators School. Keeping a close connection to the startup
scene, much of his late work relates to organizational design, culture, recruitment and helping
startups scale their teams and processes to become bigger companies with a startup
soul. Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
Guest Author
Relevant content for startups and about the Portuguese ecosystem by guests deeply involved in the Portuguese
startup scene.
! " # $ %
! 334 " 37 # 4 $ 58 % 7 &

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Inside braga startup scene

  • 1. Inside Braga Startup Scene Guest post by Alexandre Mendes By Guest Author - Jun 16, 2015 I wasnt born in Braga. I came here to study, 15 years ago. Back then, I was just looking for the best University teaching Psychology; I could never imagine that I was to be adopted by this city and its being an amazing journey ever since. This brief story reveals the pattern of competence that Braga has been showing when it comes to capturing and 鍖xating talent. No ecosystem could ever grow without people, right? Braga has a diverse industrial tissue from weighing equipments, textile, real estate and building to some engineering intensive factories like Bosch. This city also nurtures a vibrant University ! 334 " 37 # 4 $ 58 % 7 &
  • 2. that gave birth to some of the most signi鍖cative software pioneers in the country. Around here, we meet and connect easily and, back in 2008, when the Economy started to bully our dreams, that was a crucial ingredient. We were young, graduated, full of energy and craving for accomplishments. We had the skills, we had the will and we even had a few success stories from the Past to inspire us. In March 2011, Factory opened doors. We were eager to make a statement introducing a more informal, innovative and community-driven way of doing things. We took the lead of a cultural disruption both evangelizing for coworking, freelancing and entrepreneurship, but also trying to break the silos on the economic ecosystem. Whether hosting or organizing events, we were on the frontline: Startup Weekend, Startup Pirates, Design Thinking Global Jam, Changeathon, Lean Startup Meetup, Minho.rb, Minho Startup Co鍖ee, Udini Drinks or Girls Lean In We were rocking with a systematic events and meetups program. Looking back, we made a lot of things, but So You Think You Can Pitch was a blast! It started in Braga, it had a huge national impact and visibility, involved thousands of people, created jobs and had a profound e鍖ect on creating a cozier relationship among people, especially, when it comes to (formerly) deep asymmetric relationships, like between experienced CEOs and job- seekers or entrepreneurs. As more and more entrepreneurs were coming to our door, we felt pushed to do even better and so we went abroad to learn the principles of incubation and startup acceleration. In the beginning, we were a few underdogs, then people started to join the community and suddenly it became a widespread movement and we started to get this image of a dynamic city. Bragas momentum was about to get under the spotlight.
  • 3. In November 2011, TedxYouth Braga celebrated this constructive feeling gathering an elite of speakers that were pushing ideas forward. Ant坦nio Murta More than being a gentleman and an inspiring entrepreneur, Ant坦nio Murta, our national digital champion, took the stage sharing his enlightened broad vision for the city and leading by his own example. Tedx Youth Braga was an amazing experience and gave birth to a star: Miguel Gon巽alves (whose talk has more than half a million views on YouTube). Miguel was a compelling speaker challenging pessimism, inactivity, status quo and urging individual initiative. Somehow, Miguel became an Ambassador taking what was happening in Braga to every talk or lecture he gave throughout the country. Braga was de鍖nitely on the map and entrepreneurs from all the region were coming to Braga to see what was happening. Startups started to pop out and it became impossible to track them all on Made in Minho, a catalog on the web to keep track of the communitys initiative. Sure, we were having some successes, but there were also ephemeral events, startups and initiatives. Lets put it this way: along this journey we also collected real life entrepreneurship lessons to use later Lets call this, the Granularity Phase, since the ecosystem was still made of independent, disconcerted agents. Startup Braga was launched in May 2014 and represents the kick-start of a new phase: The Structured Braga Startup Scene. Even though it is still a recent structure, Startup Bragas achievements are already substantial. I would like to highlight two simple, but hard to get, achievements: strategic action plan and leadership. For the 鍖rst time, Braga, as a city, was intentionally betting on the startup ecosystem as part of the strategic plan for economic growth. For the 鍖rst time, we had a sustained decision, arguing the business opportunity of focusing on the development of expertise on creating and raising
  • 4. MedTech startups. For the 鍖rst time, we had assigned leadership committed to these goals. Carlos Oliveira Carlos Oliveira has a strong background in business and performed an important role serving in the Portuguese Government. Carlos leads the way, combining the soft power skills that move all sorts of high pro鍖le stakeholders to comply with Startup Bragas goals. On the other hand, Tiago Sequeira formerly led the informal Startup Scene on the granularity phase and knows half a city. Its a winning combination of skills and pro鍖les! So, whats up in the Braga startup scene now? Entrepreneurship became an ubiquitous possibility. In less than 5 years, the number of startups from Braga competing on the international market rose signi鍖cantly: Farfetch, Gen/Tekzenit, GroupBuddies, Asap54, Bitreserve, Codevision, Q Better, Edigma and so many others are beating the chances and its competitors. Not only the products are great, but the quality of the teams leaves a strong impression. At the University of Minho every student gets the chance to have proper training in Entrepreneurship frameworks and core competencies. Kudos to the work done by AAUM LiftO鍖 and some entrepreneurial teachers. Entrepreneurs from everywhere have now a place and a team that works full time to deliver a top notch acceleration program: Startup Braga. Startup Braga collected amazing results from the 鍖rst acceleration program: Peekmed and Sword Health, for instance, were true rockstars. Plus 1.7M in funding and quite an impressive work done by the founders (referring to the progress achieved in the businesses). Startup Braga is having an exciting partnership policy and is now working with the second batch of startups partnering with FLAD and Fidelidade and maintaining the close fellowship with Microsoft. You know what they say: Big Fish doesnt come close unless theres strong evidence of
  • 5. value! We are now being recognized as a favorable destination for Portuguese founders, but also, were managing to capture the interest of foreign entrepreneurs that saw in Braga a place for starting up. Theres still a long way to go in this never ending story. The life sciences cluster itself still has a lot to explore and there are so many problems to be solved that we can only think that the best is yet to come. Oh! Have I mentioned that we are now 鍖nally breaking the ice with the unique Iberian Nanotechnology Lab? Thats right a huge chapter is about to start: Nanotech for huge impact. Consider this for a second Dont have a clue about nanotech? Not a problem, were launching a new Meetup about Nanotech this month. We hope you can join us and take part on the be the birth of the third phase of Braga Startup Scene: Nanotech for huge impact. Author: Alexandre Mendes has a degree in Psychology and learned as much in books, podcasts and sur鍖ng on iTunesU. He worked on HR Depts. in a few major companies in the country and then moved to challenge knowledge transference from universities to the community promoting a win-win approach. He co-founded Os tais (do v鱈deo), a lovely video company, and hes been an active promoter of entrepreneurship in Universities but also within top initiatives in the country like Passaporte do Empreendedorismo (IAPMEI), So You Think You Can Pitch, Startup Pirates, BetaStart, Lifto鍖, Startup Weekend or Creators School. Keeping a close connection to the startup scene, much of his late work relates to organizational design, culture, recruitment and helping startups scale their teams and processes to become bigger companies with a startup soul. Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  • 6. Guest Author http://www.portugalstartups.com Relevant content for startups and about the Portuguese ecosystem by guests deeply involved in the Portuguese startup scene. ! " # $ % ! 334 " 37 # 4 $ 58 % 7 &