The document provides information about study opportunities for foreign students in Governance and Public Policy at the University of Passau in Germany. It describes the University of Passau as having about 10,000 students, being internationally focused with over 230 partner institutions, and having excellent rankings. It then details the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Governance and Public Policy, including their core disciplines, module groups, duration, and accreditation. Contact information is also provided for those seeking more details.
6. Partners
Title Country
International Business School
at Vilnius University
Institute of Economic
Ecole Management de
Fontys International Business
school, Venlo
仆亳于亠亳亠 亳仄. 于.
从仂舒仆仂亞仂 于 亞.
7. Partners
Title Country
Curtin University Australia
London School of Business
and Finance
Great Britain
University of Balearic Islands,
School of Tourism
Bayhost - 舒于舒从亳亶
舒从舒亟亠仄亳亠从亳亶 丶亠仆 仗仂
于仂仂仆仂亶 于仂仗亠
20. 亠仆亠亳仍亠亰从亳亶
丕仆亳于亠亳亠, 仂仍舒
Application deadlines for 2013/2014:
Nomination Deadlines (by sending Institution):
Winter semester or whole academic year: - 10 MAY
Summer semester: 10 NOVEMBER 2013
Application Deadlines (by students):
Please be informed that all documents have to be
sent by post to the International Relations Office no
later than:
- 30 MAY 2013 if you apply for winter semester or
whole academic year
- 30 NOVEMBER 2013 if you apply for spring semester
25. Curtin University, Australia
Student Exchange
Running for either one or two semesters, Curtin's Student Exchange program is
open to students currently enrolled at one of our partner institutions abroad.
Curtin's agreement with your university means you don't need to pay tuition
fees to Curtinjust continue to pay tuition to your home university as normal.
Applications for the Student Exchange program are subject to strict
timeframes. If you are seeking to enrol as an exchange student in time for first
semester at Curtin (February to June), your application must be received by
October 15 in the year prior to your desired placement. Applications for
second semester placement (July to November) must be received by April 15.
You are responsible for covering any costs associated with your
exchange, including (but not limited to) accommodation, living
expenses, airfares and other travel expenses, student visa and compulsory
student health insurance.
To find out if your university is one of Curtin's partner institutions, contact your
university's student exchange office.
32. International Business School at Vilnius
University, Lithuania
Tomsk State University, International Department of
Management, Russia
Double Degree Master Program
Ecological Management
International Marketing and Trade
Direction Management. Specialization Ecological
management, International Marketing and Trade
Masters degree students will learn environmental management
and leadership essentials, providing them with critical knowledge
related to technology, law, and economics, as they each relate
to the environment and International Marketing and Trade.
33. Master of
Study level Second Cycle studies
Mode of studies Full-time
Credits 120
Formula of studies 1+1 years (1 year home University, 2 year partner
Language of study Russian, English
Requirements Bachelor or specialty degree
Cost of studies 1 year TSU 2500 euro
2 year IBS VU 3000 euro
Diplomas Tomsk State University
International Business School at Vilnius University
Advantages The best Russian and European standards of education
Well-qualified Russian and European professors
A flexible opportunity to combine the training in native
country and abroad
To get two of the most needed specialties in the world
To have the opportunity to find new international contacts
Double Degree Master Program
57. Thank you for attention!
If you have any questions you can
contact me:
Maslennikova Olga Georgievna
Center of International
Collaboration, office 421, tel.: 529-804