This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, date, text and social sharing options for each news item. When notes are included, it also displays the note headline, author details and overview. Images and links are included for authors and social media profiles. The bulletin can be dynamically updated with new items and includes options to expand the text of each item.
Home and Garden | Home Improvement and Decorating Tipsshortguidebook822
This document provides home improvement and decorating tips. It discusses Joseph Kellard's tips for home and garden projects as well as links to share content on social media. The document loads news bulletin items with titles, text, author information and notes and displays them in a scrolling container that can be reinitialized when new data is received.
This document discusses technology and science news from ABC News. It provides code for dynamically loading and displaying news bulletin items, including titles, text, author information and social links. The code handles updating and displaying the items, including expanding truncated text when an item is clicked. Interval functions are included to periodically refresh and reinitialize the content display.
This document presents a term paper on customer loyalty. It discusses key components of building customer loyalty like establishing relationships between salespeople and customers. It reviews literature on relationship selling, service quality, customer satisfaction, and interpersonal relationships influencing customer purchasing behaviors. The paper also outlines a customer loyalty program with elements like unsurpassed service quality, brand image, distribution lines, product assortment, appealing store environments, loyalty card programs, well-trained employees, consumer satisfaction, relationship marketing, and easy transaction processes. It concludes by recommending a focus on customers, products, personnel, and understanding supply and demand.
GSI Engineering provides a wide range of environmental services including site assessments, remediation, regulatory compliance, underground storage tank mitigation, waste management, and environmental consulting. Services include phase 1 and 2 site assessments, remedial action planning, regulatory audits, monitoring well installation, remedial system installation, aquifer evaluations, and waste characterization. GSI aims to serve as an advocate for clients by keeping up to date on regulatory trends and forecasting solutions.
This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, date, text and social sharing options for each news item. When notes are included, it also displays the note headline, author details and overview. Images and links are included for authors and social media profiles. The bulletin can be dynamically updated with new items and includes options to expand the text of each item.
Home and Garden | Home Improvement and Decorating Tipsshortguidebook822
This document provides home improvement and decorating tips. It discusses Joseph Kellard's tips for home and garden projects as well as links to share content on social media. The document loads news bulletin items with titles, text, author information and notes and displays them in a scrolling container that can be reinitialized when new data is received.
This document discusses technology and science news from ABC News. It provides code for dynamically loading and displaying news bulletin items, including titles, text, author information and social links. The code handles updating and displaying the items, including expanding truncated text when an item is clicked. Interval functions are included to periodically refresh and reinitialize the content display.
This document presents a term paper on customer loyalty. It discusses key components of building customer loyalty like establishing relationships between salespeople and customers. It reviews literature on relationship selling, service quality, customer satisfaction, and interpersonal relationships influencing customer purchasing behaviors. The paper also outlines a customer loyalty program with elements like unsurpassed service quality, brand image, distribution lines, product assortment, appealing store environments, loyalty card programs, well-trained employees, consumer satisfaction, relationship marketing, and easy transaction processes. It concludes by recommending a focus on customers, products, personnel, and understanding supply and demand.
GSI Engineering provides a wide range of environmental services including site assessments, remediation, regulatory compliance, underground storage tank mitigation, waste management, and environmental consulting. Services include phase 1 and 2 site assessments, remedial action planning, regulatory audits, monitoring well installation, remedial system installation, aquifer evaluations, and waste characterization. GSI aims to serve as an advocate for clients by keeping up to date on regulatory trends and forecasting solutions.
El documento describe el proyecto DRIVERS, coordinado por EuroHealthNet y financiado por la Unión Europea, cuyo objetivo fue identificar factores que influyen en las desigualdades en salud a lo largo de la vida y desarrollar recomendaciones para reducirlas. DRIVERS realizó revisiones sistemáticas de la evidencia, estudios de casos en Europa y consultas con partes interesadas para generar conocimientos sobre cómo la primera infancia, el empleo y la protección social afectan la salud. El proyecto produjo principios y recom
This document is a figure showing an evidence-based treatment algorithm for managing locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. The algorithm outlines evaluation of the patient's disease and performance status followed by primary treatment options including concurrent chemoradiation or induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation depending on response. The treatment aims to maximize cure rates while minimizing treatment-related toxicity.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Tonny Lumwaji Lime that includes his personal details, educational background, work experience, hobbies, and personal profile. It details his name, ID number, education including completing primary school and high school, various certificates earned in subjects like doctrines, leadership, and vehicle maintenance. It lists his work history including roles as a ward missionary, branch missionary, and full-time missionary. His hobbies are listed as playing hockey, listening to music, basketball, and watching movies. In his personal profile he describes himself as hardworking, physically strong, and a fast learner. References are also provided.
The document discusses SDS gel electrophoresis and blotting techniques. It provides an overview of SDS-PAGE, describing how SDS denatures and coats proteins with negative charges. This allows proteins to be separated by size when run on a polyacrylamide gel with an electric current. It also summarizes Southern blotting for detecting DNA, Northern blotting for detecting RNA, and Western blotting for detecting proteins. All involve separating molecules, transferring them to a membrane, and using probes or antibodies to identify specific sequences or proteins. The techniques have applications in research, forensics, medicine and molecular biology.
This document discusses Joseph from the Bible and how God was with him even when he faced temptation and oppression. It then provides advice on overcoming temptation by getting your thinking straight beforehand and putting principles into practice, as well as the reassurance that God is with us during temptation. Finally, it outlines what to do if sin occurs, which is to confess, receive cleansing, and allow for renewal.
Este documento presenta las instrucciones para elaborar una cartuchera escolar de manera creativa usando materiales de reciclaje como papel periódico. Explica los pasos a seguir como enrollar el periódico, pegar los rollos formando la estructura, impermeabilizarla con pegamento y pintura, forrar uno de los lados con tela decorada, y cerrarla con dobleces y velcro. El propósito es que los estudiantes desarrollen su imaginación y habilidades manuales mientras aprenden sobre la importancia del reciclaje.
Este documento trata sobre el clima de España. Brevemente describe la situación climática de España en Europa y cómo el clima afecta a la vegetación y los paisajes agrÃcolas.
This document discusses politics news and U.S. elections coverage from ABC News. It contains code for dynamically loading news bulletin items, displaying item details, and handling interactions like expanding text. The code also handles sharing links and checking for updated data.
This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, text snippet, author and date for each news item. It also includes options to share or see more of each item. The bulletin dynamically loads and displays the latest news updates using JavaScript.
This document is an article from the ABC News technology and science section. It discusses updates to their news bulletin widget, including updating the content and links displayed in the widget periodically. It also describes the code for displaying items, notes, and social media information for authors within the widget. The widget code handles checking for new data, loading and displaying items, and setting timeouts to prevent caching issues.
This document contains code for displaying news bulletins and updates on a website. It includes functions for loading new data from an API, displaying items in the bulletin with author information and social links, showing more text when an item is expanded, and reinitializing the content area when new data is received. Interval timers are also used to periodically refresh the content and check for updates.
5. this.noteAuthorBlock = '
this.notesocial = '';
this.noteSocialStyle = '';
if( != null != '')else
this.notesocial = '';
if (idx == nbNotes.length-1)
nbNoteDivider = '';
this.nbNoteDiv = '
nbNoteStr += this.nbNoteDiv;
this.rowTemp += nbNoteStr;
return this.rowTemp;
function showMoreText(id)
//grab old item height
var oldItemHeight = $('#nbItem_'+id).height();
//retrieve the content from the array
//store id a list of opened objects
6. var newContainerHeight = $("#nbItemContainer").height() + ($('#nbItem_'+id).height()-
$("#nbItemContainer").css('height', newContainerHeight);
//reinitialize scroll
lastNBObjStr = '';
function isNewData(data)
isNewTemp = false;
currNBObjStr = '';
$.each(data.updates, function(ind)
currNBObjStr = currNBObjStr + data.updates[ind].objId + data.updates[ind].date;
if(currNBObjStr != lastNBObjStr)
isNewTemp = true;
//console.log('no refresh');
lastNBObjStr = currNBObjStr;
return isNewTemp;
isHeaderLinkLoaded = false; // flag to check if the header link is loaded
isShareLinkLoaded = false; // flag to check if the share link is loaded
isDoneLoading = false; // flag to check if the html is done loading in the jScrollPane
function newsBulletin(data)
isNewDataFlag = isNewData(data);
7. if(isNewDataFlag)
//clear contents first
newsbulletin.nbDiv.innerHTML = '';
updates = data.updates;
headerLink = data.widgetLink;
shareLink = data.shareLink;
if (headerLink != '' headerLink != null !isHeaderLinkLoaded)
var twitterImg = " "
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .widget_head").append("");
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .widget_head .twitterLink a .twitterContent").append("" +
twitterImg + "");
isHeaderLinkLoaded = true;
//clear the author cutouts array
newsbulletin.authorCutouts = [];
// check to see if there is a height set for container, if so clear it
// prevents cacheing
var hasHeight = $('#nbItemContainer').attr('style');
if (typeof hasHeight != 'undefined')
$.each(updates, function(ind)
var itemDetails = new Object();
it = updates[ind];
//populate the itemDetails object = it.objId;
itemDetails.title = it.title;
8. itemDetails.objType = it.objType; =; =;
itemDetails.label = it.label; =;
itemDetails.authorbio =;
itemDetails.authorfb =;
itemDetails.authortwitter =;
itemDetails.feed = it.feed;
itemDetails.category = it.category;
//set defaults if item is a status update
if(itemDetails.label == 'Status Update')
if( == '') = ''
if( == '') = 'ABC News'
itemDetails.authorfb = ''
itemDetails.authortwitter = ''
//only pass the author image if it's not displayed in any of the items yet
if($.inArray(, newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -1)
itemDetails.authorimage =;
//add to ignore list
if( != '' ($.inArray(, newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -1))
if(it.text != '')
itemDetails.text = it.text;
9. else
itemDetails.bgPos = 'bottom right';
if (it.notes)
itemDetails.notes = it.notes;
//build a name value pair list of id/text
contentObject[] = itemDetails.text
itemDetails.isExpanded = ($.inArray(, fullTextList) -1) ? true : false;
//build markup
//set the height of container div
if (shareLink != '' shareLink != null !isShareLinkLoaded)
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .nbFooter").css("height":"35px", "border-top":"1px solid #d5d5d5",
"border-bottom":"border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea");
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .nbFooter").append("");
isShareLinkLoaded = true;
if ($.browser.version .midcontainer .nbFooter").css("display":"none");
var timeoutId = setTimeout(function()
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .nbFooter").css("display":"block");
, 3000);
isDoneLoading = true;
10. if ($.browser.webkit)
if(nbjsId .midcontainer .nbFooter").css("display":"none");
var timeoutId = setTimeout(function()
$("#newsbulletin .midcontainer .nbFooter").css("display":"block");
, 3000);
// we could call "pane.jScrollPane(settings)" again but it is
// more convenient to call via the API as then the original
// settings we passed in are automatically remembered.
// Initialization of the container should be done after all the markup has been loaded
// since there is no listener that could be passed into reinitialise() for callback
if (isDoneLoading)
isDoneLoading = false;
, 5000);