Home and Garden | Home Improvement and Decorating Tipsshortguidebook822
This document provides home improvement and decorating tips. It discusses Joseph Kellard's tips for home and garden projects as well as links to share content on social media. The document loads news bulletin items with titles, text, author information and notes and displays them in a scrolling container that can be reinitialized when new data is received.
This document contains code for dynamically loading and displaying news bulletin items on a website. It includes functions for retrieving new data, building HTML elements for each item, and handling interactions like expanding text. The code handles author images, social links, notes and reinitializing the content container on updates.
This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, date, text and social sharing options for each news item. When notes are included, it also displays the note headline, author details and overview. Images and links are included for authors and social media profiles. The bulletin can be dynamically updated with new items and includes options to expand the text of each item.
Cdr Gopal Krishan Sharma is a Marine Engineer Officer with over 26 years of experience in the Indian Navy, specializing in project management, facilities management, logistics supply chain management, and training and development. He has served as Chief Engineer on four naval warships and held several leadership roles, including Commanding Officer of the Naval NCC West Bengal and Sikkim, Joint Director of Dockyards at Naval Headquarters, and Joint Director of Logistics at Naval Headquarters. Cdr Sharma has a distinguished career spanning management, engineering, logistics, and training.
The document discusses the Alumniportal Deutschland (APD), a social network that connects alumni from around the world who have studied or worked in Germany. The APD aims to facilitate dialogue between civilizations and cultures. It allows alumni to connect professionally and personally, find career opportunities and training programs. The APD hosts various events globally each year including alumni fairs, information sessions, and workshops. Organizations are also able to engage with the APD community to find experts and announce opportunities.
This document contains code for dynamically loading and displaying news bulletin items on a website. It includes functions for retrieving new data, building HTML elements for each item, and handling interactions like expanding text. The code handles author images, social links, notes and reinitializing the content container on updates.
This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, date, text and social sharing options for each news item. When notes are included, it also displays the note headline, author details and overview. Images and links are included for authors and social media profiles. The bulletin can be dynamically updated with new items and includes options to expand the text of each item.
Cdr Gopal Krishan Sharma is a Marine Engineer Officer with over 26 years of experience in the Indian Navy, specializing in project management, facilities management, logistics supply chain management, and training and development. He has served as Chief Engineer on four naval warships and held several leadership roles, including Commanding Officer of the Naval NCC West Bengal and Sikkim, Joint Director of Dockyards at Naval Headquarters, and Joint Director of Logistics at Naval Headquarters. Cdr Sharma has a distinguished career spanning management, engineering, logistics, and training.
The document discusses the Alumniportal Deutschland (APD), a social network that connects alumni from around the world who have studied or worked in Germany. The APD aims to facilitate dialogue between civilizations and cultures. It allows alumni to connect professionally and personally, find career opportunities and training programs. The APD hosts various events globally each year including alumni fairs, information sessions, and workshops. Organizations are also able to engage with the APD community to find experts and announce opportunities.
Nuevo m辿todo para clasificar el aceite de oliva de las almazaras de manera au...ainia centro tecnol坦gico
La revista Almazaras ha publicado un art鱈culo sobre la nueva t辿cnica para la clasificaci坦n del aceite en funci坦n de su calidad desarrollada por AINIA. Gracias a la aplicaci坦n de tecnolog鱈as de espectroscop鱈a visible e infrarrojo cercano se puede diferenciar aceites de oliva virgen extra, virgen y lampante en los controles rutinarios y en los procesos de recepci坦n y de clasificaci坦n de aceites dentro de la almazara.
La escalera es un elemento constructivo dise単ado para comunicar espacios a diferentes alturas. Este documento describe los tipos de escaleras, partes de una escalera, y c坦mo calcular las medidas de una escalera. Tambi辿n explica los revestimientos, acabados y estucados que se pueden aplicar a las escaleras para proteger y decorar las superficies. Finalmente, proporciona ejemplos de diferentes tipos de estucados y una bibliograf鱈a.
Planeacion y Programacion de Proyectos G4BJAlmonte
Este documento presenta la planeaci坦n y programaci坦n de un proyecto de construcci坦n de una cisterna y caseta de bombeo para abastecer de agua un edificio residencial de 8 apartamentos. Se describen los servicios de suministro de agua propuestos, que incluyen el c叩lculo de caudales, di叩metro de la acometida, y capacidad de la cisterna. Tambi辿n se incluyen planos y c叩lculos t辿cnicos para el dise単o de las instalaciones hidr叩ulicas.
This document is a news bulletin from ABC News that provides technology and science news updates. It includes the headline, text snippet, author and date for each news item. It also includes options to share or see more of each item. The bulletin dynamically loads and displays the latest news updates using JavaScript.
This document is an article from the ABC News technology and science section. It discusses updates to their news bulletin widget, including updating the content and links displayed in the widget periodically. It also describes the code for displaying items, notes, and social media information for authors within the widget. The widget code handles checking for new data, loading and displaying items, and setting timeouts to prevent caching issues.
Contractions, or recessions, are defined as periods of decline in economic activity between a peak and trough of the business cycle. The provided table lists details of US business cycle peaks and troughs from 1854 to present day, including the duration of contractions and expansions. The National Bureau of Economic Research determines the official start and end dates of recessions for the US economy based on factors such as GDP, income, employment and sales data.
This document provides instructions for submitting news tips, photos, and videos to the Sun Sentinel newspaper. It states that any submissions may be shared with media partners but should not be used to send letters to the editor or for customer service. Photos must not be altered and must include the submitter's name, phone number, and email for verification purposes. All submitted content is subject to the site's terms and conditions and does not reflect the newspaper's endorsement.
Students Were the Victims, but the School System Suffers Too油|油Eric Cooperblogginatl1963
The article discusses the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal from 2005 and its aftermath. It summarizes that while educators were found guilty of cheating, Atlanta students' test scores on the independent NAEP actually improved significantly in the years following, indicating real educational gains. It questions whether the cheating scandal unfairly damaged effective teaching methods and reforms in the school system.
2. ';if (nbItemObj.notes) nbNotes = nbItemObj.notes;nbNoteStr = '';nbNoteDivider = '';$.each(nbNotes,
function(idx) nbNote = nbNotes[idx];this.noteAuthorBlock = '';this.notefb =
'';if(nbNote.noteAuthor.facebook != null && nbNote.noteAuthor.facebook != '')this.notefb =
''this.notetwitter = '';if(nbNote.noteAuthor.twitter != null && nbNote.noteAuthor.twitter !=
'')this.notetwitter = ''this.notebio = '';if(nbNote.noteAuthor.bio != null && nbNote.noteAuthor.bio !=
'')this.notebio = ''+nbNote.noteAuthor.name+''this.noteAuthorBlock = '
'this.notesocial = '';this.noteSocialStyle = '';if(nbNote.noteAuthor.name != null &&
nbNote.noteAuthor.name != '')if(this.notefb != '' elsethis.notesocial = '';if (idx == nbNotes.length-1)
nbNoteDivider = '';this.nbNoteDiv = '
';nbNoteStr += this.nbNoteDiv;);this.rowTemp += nbNoteStr;return this.rowTemp;function
showMoreText(id)//grab old item heightvar oldItemHeight = $('#nbItem_'+id).height();//retrieve the
content from the array$('#text_'+id).html(contentObject[id])//store id a list of opened
objectsfullTextList.push(id.toString());var newContainerHeight = $("#nbItemContainer").height() +
newContainerHeight);//reinitialize scrollwindow.api.reinitialise();lastNBObjStr = '';function
isNewData(data)isNewTemp = false;currNBObjStr = '';$.each(data.updates,
function(ind)currNBObjStr = currNBObjStr + data.updates[ind].objId +
bjStr != lastNBObjStr)isNewTemp = true;else//console.log('no refresh');lastNBObjStr =
currNBObjStr;return isNewTemp;isHeaderLinkLoaded = false; // flag to check if the header link is
loadedisShareLinkLoaded = false; // flag to check if the share link is loadedisDoneLoading = false; //
flag to check if the html is done loading in the jScrollPanefunction
newsBulletin(data)if(data)isNewDataFlag = isNewData(data);if(isNewDataFlag)//clear contents
firstnewsbulletin.nbDiv.innerHTML = '';//console.log('refresh');updates = data.updates;headerLink =
data.widgetLink;shareLink = data.shareLink;if (headerLink != '' && headerLink != null &&
!isHeaderLinkLoaded)var twitterImg = " "$("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer >
.widget_head").append("");$("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer > .widget_head > .twitterLink a >
.twitterContent").append("" + twitterImg + "");isHeaderLinkLoaded = true;//clear the author cutouts
arraynewsbulletin.authorCutouts = [];// check to see if there is a height set for container, if so clear
it// prevents cacheingvar hasHeight = $('#nbItemContainer').attr('style');if (typeof hasHeight !=
'undefined')$('#nbItemContainer').removeAttr('style');$.each(updates, function(ind)var itemDetails =
new Object();it = updates[ind];//populate the itemDetails objectitemDetails.id =
it.objId;itemDetails.title = it.title;itemDetails.objType = it.objType;itemDetails.link =
it.link;itemDetails.date = it.date;itemDetails.label = it.label;itemDetails.author =
it.author.name;itemDetails.authorbio = it.author.bio;itemDetails.authorfb =
it.author.facebook;itemDetails.authortwitter = it.author.twitter;itemDetails.feed =
it.feed;itemDetails.category = it.category;//set defaults if item is a status updateif(itemDetails.label
3. == 'Status Update')if(it.author.image == '')it.author.image =
'http://a.abcnews.com/assets/images/abc_news_logo_84x84.png'if(it.author.name ==
'')itemDetails.author = 'ABC News'itemDetails.authorfb =
'http://www.facebook.com/abcnews'itemDetails.authortwitter = 'http://twitter.com/abc'//only pass
the author image if it's not displayed in any of the items yetif($.inArray(it.author.image,
newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -1)itemDetails.authorimage = it.author.image;//add to ignore
listif(it.author.image != '' &&($.inArray(it.author.image, newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -
1))newsbulletin.authorCutouts.push(it.author.image);if(it.text != '')itemDetails.text =
it.text;elseitemDetails.bgPos = 'bottom right';if (it.notes) itemDetails.notes = it.notes;//build a name
value pair list of id/textcontentObject[itemDetails.id] = itemDetails.textitemDetails.isExpanded =
($.inArray(itemDetails.id, fullTextList) > -1) ? true : false;//build
er").append('');//set the height of container
div$("#nbItemContainer").css('height',$("#nbItemContainer").height());if (shareLink != '' &&
shareLink != null && !isShareLinkLoaded)$("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer >
.nbFooter").css("height":"35px", "border-top":"1px solid #d5d5d5", "border-bottom":"borde-
-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea");$("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer >
.nbFooter").append("");isShareLinkLoaded = true;if($.browser.msie)if ($.browser.version
.midcontainer > .nbFooter").css("display":"none");var timeoutId = setTimeout(function()
$("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer > .nbFooter").css("display":"block");clearTimeout(timeoutId);,
newsbulletin.baseloc+'/xmldata/newsbulletin?id=14640490&'+nbjsId);isDoneLoading = true;if
($.browser.webkit) if(nbjsId .midcontainer > .nbFooter").css("display":"none");var timeoutId =
setTimeout(function() $("#newsbulletin > .midcontainer >
etInterval(function() // we could call "pane.jScrollPane(settings)" again but it is// more convenient to
call via the API as then the original// settings we passed in are automatically remembered.//
Initialization of the container should be done after all the markup has been loaded// since there is no
listener that could be passed into reinitialise() for callbackif
(isDoneLoading)window.api.reinitialise();isDoneLoading = false;,