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Adelphi Goes Global for International Education Week
During the week of Nov. 17, Adelphi got in sync with the world.
Eighteen university departments collaborated to sponsor this years In-
ternational Education Week. The week consisted of a variety of cultural
events that included informative lectures, a language lunch and an inter-
faith dialogue.
The events were well attended, with the Language and Culture
Lunch mid-week and East meets West as the closing event being the
biggest draws for students, said Gregory Bruhn, Interim Director of the
Center for International Education. For the 鍖rst time, we used the entire
UC Ballroom for the lunch, in fact.
Also, there was an international reception and study abroad photo
exhibit that was attended by 100 students, faculty members and adminis-
tration, demonstrating peoples interest in the program.
As a life-long advocate of international exchange, I think that
this annual week of events is an important way to highlight all of the
good work being done at Adelphi, said Bruhn. It allows any student to
come into contact with the wide range of international students and vari-
ous cultures present on campus.
As the International Education Week attendance continues to
grow, so will the amount of events. This year a workshop was included
that taught students how to market their study abroad experiences both
on their resume and in interviews.
By Eileen Interiano
Page 6
This is vital for the job market as international experience can
really be the needed foot in the door, said Bruhn. Students need to be
ready to articulate their experiences well by pointing to the speci鍖c skills
gained and how that can translate to their chosen career. Next year, wed
like to add a series of mock interviews to help students be prepared with
their own speci鍖c narratives.
Furthermore, there has been a signi鍖cant growth in the amount of
students studying abroad and international students studying at Adelphi.
We currently have 423 international students studying at Adelphi
in degree seeking programs, said Wendy Badala, Director of Interna-
tional Student Services and the Interfaith Center, as well as the coordina-
tor of the events for International Education Week.
Twenty-four current Adelphi students are currently studying
aboard for the fall semester and 18 students plan to study abroad for the
spring semester, Badala added.
The international of鍖ces will continue to work on getting more
awareness of the international efforts at Adelphi. This years events
turned out successfully which showed how much the department is grow-
I am thankful to be part of a university that dedicates its time
and energy on international education and exchange, said Badala. I
feel our university departments, student organizations and community
partners have worked together seamlessly to provide wonderful events
and opportunities to all.
By Victoria Chiesa
Campus Community Rallies to Fight Discrimination
Chants of No justice, no peace! and Hands up, dont shoot!
rang out outside the Ruth S. Harley University Center on Monday, Dec. 1
as the Adelphi community came together in a peaceful protest. The group
gathered to demonstrate against the decision of a Ferguson, Mo. grand jury
not to indict Darren Wilson, a police of鍖cer, in the August shooting death
of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager.
[A day after the indictment], I walked into the African, Black and
Carribean Studies department...and I said, What can we do?, said Trev-
ena Goulbourne, a graduate student who helped organize the event. Im
upset and I want to channel my anger in the correct way. And if Im upset,
there are countless other people on campus who are upset.
Beginning with a four-and-a-half minute moment of silence, the
rally featured numerous guest speakers, including Associate Provost for
Faculty Affairs and Institutional Diversity Perry Greene; Dr. Marsha Dar-
ling, director and professor in the African, Black and Carribean Studies
department; and university President Dr. Robert Scott. Other students and
staff in attendance were encouraged to climb up onto the bench outside the
entrance to the UC to speak out and share their views. While those who
spoke out didnt always see eye-to-eye, the forum was a respectful one and
all opinions were heard.
I think on this campus, we have a culture of diversity and a culture
of greater acceptance, said Darling. I was very, very glad to see that this
was...student initiated and student led. A small number of students came
to a few of us last week...and they wanted to do something immediately to
bring a community of concern together. I think thats what happened today
and Im optimistic that momentum will keep moving.
To further raise awareness following a Staten Island grand jury de-
cision not to indict a police of鍖cer in the death of Eric Garner, the Criminal
Justice program, Collaboration Project and Criminal Justice Club hosted
a presentation and discussion on Race, Police Use of Force and the Law:
From Mike Brown to Eric Garner and Beyond on Monday, Dec. 8. The
event featured remarks from Alex Vitale, an associate professor of sociol-
ogy at Brooklyn College, who is a noted expert in police use of force.
Dr. Alex Vitale gave a wonderful talk on the larger structural
problem with policing in the United States, and how broken windows
policies and quality of life policing strategies, embraced by so many cit-
ies, is the real problem leading to such incidents, said Stephanie Lake,
director of the criminal justice program. We need to change how we think
about policing in this country and what we see as the role of police.
Events such as these have helped promote discourse in the campus
community, connecting students to events happening to the world at large.
Democracy is about all the voices, said Darling. Any time we
crush voices, we start crushing democracy.
Students pose with their hands up during the rally on Dec. 1. Photo by Victoria Chiesa

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International Week

  • 1. News Adelphi Goes Global for International Education Week During the week of Nov. 17, Adelphi got in sync with the world. Eighteen university departments collaborated to sponsor this years In- ternational Education Week. The week consisted of a variety of cultural events that included informative lectures, a language lunch and an inter- faith dialogue. The events were well attended, with the Language and Culture Lunch mid-week and East meets West as the closing event being the biggest draws for students, said Gregory Bruhn, Interim Director of the Center for International Education. For the 鍖rst time, we used the entire UC Ballroom for the lunch, in fact. Also, there was an international reception and study abroad photo exhibit that was attended by 100 students, faculty members and adminis- tration, demonstrating peoples interest in the program. As a life-long advocate of international exchange, I think that this annual week of events is an important way to highlight all of the good work being done at Adelphi, said Bruhn. It allows any student to come into contact with the wide range of international students and vari- ous cultures present on campus. As the International Education Week attendance continues to grow, so will the amount of events. This year a workshop was included that taught students how to market their study abroad experiences both on their resume and in interviews. By Eileen Interiano Page 6 This is vital for the job market as international experience can really be the needed foot in the door, said Bruhn. Students need to be ready to articulate their experiences well by pointing to the speci鍖c skills gained and how that can translate to their chosen career. Next year, wed like to add a series of mock interviews to help students be prepared with their own speci鍖c narratives. Furthermore, there has been a signi鍖cant growth in the amount of students studying abroad and international students studying at Adelphi. We currently have 423 international students studying at Adelphi in degree seeking programs, said Wendy Badala, Director of Interna- tional Student Services and the Interfaith Center, as well as the coordina- tor of the events for International Education Week. Twenty-four current Adelphi students are currently studying aboard for the fall semester and 18 students plan to study abroad for the spring semester, Badala added. The international of鍖ces will continue to work on getting more awareness of the international efforts at Adelphi. This years events turned out successfully which showed how much the department is grow- ing. I am thankful to be part of a university that dedicates its time and energy on international education and exchange, said Badala. I feel our university departments, student organizations and community partners have worked together seamlessly to provide wonderful events and opportunities to all. By Victoria Chiesa Campus Community Rallies to Fight Discrimination Chants of No justice, no peace! and Hands up, dont shoot! rang out outside the Ruth S. Harley University Center on Monday, Dec. 1 as the Adelphi community came together in a peaceful protest. The group gathered to demonstrate against the decision of a Ferguson, Mo. grand jury not to indict Darren Wilson, a police of鍖cer, in the August shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager. [A day after the indictment], I walked into the African, Black and Carribean Studies department...and I said, What can we do?, said Trev- ena Goulbourne, a graduate student who helped organize the event. Im upset and I want to channel my anger in the correct way. And if Im upset, there are countless other people on campus who are upset. Beginning with a four-and-a-half minute moment of silence, the rally featured numerous guest speakers, including Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Institutional Diversity Perry Greene; Dr. Marsha Dar- ling, director and professor in the African, Black and Carribean Studies department; and university President Dr. Robert Scott. Other students and staff in attendance were encouraged to climb up onto the bench outside the entrance to the UC to speak out and share their views. While those who spoke out didnt always see eye-to-eye, the forum was a respectful one and all opinions were heard. I think on this campus, we have a culture of diversity and a culture of greater acceptance, said Darling. I was very, very glad to see that this was...student initiated and student led. A small number of students came to a few of us last week...and they wanted to do something immediately to bring a community of concern together. I think thats what happened today and Im optimistic that momentum will keep moving. To further raise awareness following a Staten Island grand jury de- cision not to indict a police of鍖cer in the death of Eric Garner, the Criminal Justice program, Collaboration Project and Criminal Justice Club hosted a presentation and discussion on Race, Police Use of Force and the Law: From Mike Brown to Eric Garner and Beyond on Monday, Dec. 8. The event featured remarks from Alex Vitale, an associate professor of sociol- ogy at Brooklyn College, who is a noted expert in police use of force. Dr. Alex Vitale gave a wonderful talk on the larger structural problem with policing in the United States, and how broken windows policies and quality of life policing strategies, embraced by so many cit- ies, is the real problem leading to such incidents, said Stephanie Lake, director of the criminal justice program. We need to change how we think about policing in this country and what we see as the role of police. Events such as these have helped promote discourse in the campus community, connecting students to events happening to the world at large. Democracy is about all the voices, said Darling. Any time we crush voices, we start crushing democracy. Students pose with their hands up during the rally on Dec. 1. Photo by Victoria Chiesa