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Page 4 news
LASO Celebrates Hispanic Heritage
By Eileen Interiano
As an organization, Adelphis Latin American Student Organiza-
tion (LASO) strives to make their meetings enjoyable but informative at
the same time. The groups main mission is to make the presence of the
Hispanic community felt on campus and perform hands-on social action
as a method of aiding the broader community beyond the boundaries of
Adelphi. In celebration of Hispanic heritage month during September,
LASO organized events 鍖lled with culture and entertainment for the
campus community, including a dance workshop, Jeopardy night and
group discussions.
LASOs vision is for members to have fun, but also to engage in
social action, said John Medina, a senior psychology major and presi-
dent of LASO. Medina helped plan the dance workshop that consisted of
learning how to perform the cha-cha and how to dance bachata.
My favorite event was the dance workshop, said Medina. It
was a lot of fun because I love dancing and teaching people to dance.
One of our executive board members is also a certi鍖ed Zumba instructor,
so we incorporated that into the event too.
All of the events were successful, including LASO Jeopardy.
LASO Jeopardy featured questions regarding Hispanic culture, as well
as pop culture, which included lyric 鍖ll-ins to songs like Anaconda
by Nicki Minaj. The students of LASO also wrote letters to the undocu-
mented children who were detained earlier this year because they were
crossing the border illegally. Some of children are being sent to families
on Long Island and the letters are meant to be friendly welcome cards.
LASO also organized student discussions, which included topics
such as the attrition rate of Latinos/Hispanic and other minority groups
on campus.
I felt like there wasnt a lot of Latino culture or students when
I started out as a freshman, said Medina. But now as a senior and the
LASO president, I notice the change. Not only in the Latino community,
but diversity in general.
The last event that LASO organized was another group discussion
where they invited guest speaker Angel Reyes of Long Island Immigrant
Student Advocates (LISSA). Reyes spoke about his own personal, dif-
鍖cult life story involving his mothers deportation and having to work
hard to survive. The story was very inspirational to all the students in at-
tendance, making them all the more aware of the dif鍖culties the Hispanic
community deals with.
Medina was satis鍖ed with how all the events turned out. I think
the events were very successful, he said. I was always more concerned
with the quality of the events rather than exactly how many people at-
tended. Every event attracted a decent crowd and the people had good
fun, were engaged and asked questions.
The recent release of the iPhone 6 caused an uproar from Apple
supporters and opponents. While many loyal Apple users are confused
by the drastic design change, the chatter was not all negative. In fact,
some thought that the phone was exactly what Apple needed. Despite the
mixed opinions, the most common question being asked is a simple one.
Is the iPhone 6 worth the upgrade?
Over 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were
sold worldwide in the 鍖rst week of release. These 鍖rst week sales beat
those of the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c. Although the iPhone 5 is still a rela-
tively new phone, many wanted to make the change. According to Forbes
statistics, 40 percent of iPhone 4s users upgraded to iPhone 6, while 36
percent of iPhone 5 users chose to upgrade.
Vinny Amodeo, a junior
communications major, thinks that
the upgrade from the iPhone 5 to
the iPhone 6 is not worth it.
If anyone has the iPhone
5s, they shouldnt upgrade,
Amodeo said. Its the same phone
just larger. The iPhone 6 is an
alright size but the iPhone 6 Plus is
just annoyingly big.
So, how much bigger did
the iPhone really get? The iPhone
5 measures 4.87 inches in length
and 7.6 millimeters in depth. The
iPhone 6 measures 4.7 inches
long, but a depth of 7.1 millime-
ters makes it the thinnest of the
iPhones. The iPhone 6 Plus mea-
sures 6.22 inches in length and 7.1
By Tara Raymond
Go Big or Go Home: Is the iPhone 6 Worth It?
millimeters in depth, making it signi鍖cantly longer than the iPhone 5.
Some of Apples loyal customers are happy about the new design,
鍖nding that its about time the iPhone came out with a product that chal-
lenged the Androids larger screen.
Christina Mastropolo, a senior psychology major, feels that Apple
made the right choice in going larger. I always like when a new upgrade
comes out, said Mastropolo. It always has better software and it gives
me a chance to get a new phone. It was a good idea that they made it big-
ger because the industry is going in the direction. [When] any new Apple
product comes out, people feel they need to have it because there are so
many technology junkies.
The sales and numbers thus far dont lie. Many Apple users do
feel that they need the newest phone.
John Drew, professor of
social media and new media at
Adelphi, said that everyone else
having it is reason enough for the
booming iPhone 6 sales.
There are a lot of people
out there who buy the next Apple
product the same way they buy
a new pair of shoes, Drew said.
They feel they have to keep up
with the Joneses. There is a certain
population that you could label as
Apple fanatics.
The answer to the upgrade
question really comes down to a
few things: ones loyalty to Apple,
their preference in size and that do
I need to have it? feeling. None-
theless, the Apple hype continues.

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  • 1. Page 4 news LASO Celebrates Hispanic Heritage By Eileen Interiano As an organization, Adelphis Latin American Student Organiza- tion (LASO) strives to make their meetings enjoyable but informative at the same time. The groups main mission is to make the presence of the Hispanic community felt on campus and perform hands-on social action as a method of aiding the broader community beyond the boundaries of Adelphi. In celebration of Hispanic heritage month during September, LASO organized events 鍖lled with culture and entertainment for the campus community, including a dance workshop, Jeopardy night and group discussions. LASOs vision is for members to have fun, but also to engage in social action, said John Medina, a senior psychology major and presi- dent of LASO. Medina helped plan the dance workshop that consisted of learning how to perform the cha-cha and how to dance bachata. My favorite event was the dance workshop, said Medina. It was a lot of fun because I love dancing and teaching people to dance. One of our executive board members is also a certi鍖ed Zumba instructor, so we incorporated that into the event too. All of the events were successful, including LASO Jeopardy. LASO Jeopardy featured questions regarding Hispanic culture, as well as pop culture, which included lyric 鍖ll-ins to songs like Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. The students of LASO also wrote letters to the undocu- mented children who were detained earlier this year because they were crossing the border illegally. Some of children are being sent to families on Long Island and the letters are meant to be friendly welcome cards. LASO also organized student discussions, which included topics such as the attrition rate of Latinos/Hispanic and other minority groups on campus. I felt like there wasnt a lot of Latino culture or students when I started out as a freshman, said Medina. But now as a senior and the LASO president, I notice the change. Not only in the Latino community, but diversity in general. The last event that LASO organized was another group discussion where they invited guest speaker Angel Reyes of Long Island Immigrant Student Advocates (LISSA). Reyes spoke about his own personal, dif- 鍖cult life story involving his mothers deportation and having to work hard to survive. The story was very inspirational to all the students in at- tendance, making them all the more aware of the dif鍖culties the Hispanic community deals with. Medina was satis鍖ed with how all the events turned out. I think the events were very successful, he said. I was always more concerned with the quality of the events rather than exactly how many people at- tended. Every event attracted a decent crowd and the people had good fun, were engaged and asked questions. The recent release of the iPhone 6 caused an uproar from Apple supporters and opponents. While many loyal Apple users are confused by the drastic design change, the chatter was not all negative. In fact, some thought that the phone was exactly what Apple needed. Despite the mixed opinions, the most common question being asked is a simple one. Is the iPhone 6 worth the upgrade? Over 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were sold worldwide in the 鍖rst week of release. These 鍖rst week sales beat those of the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c. Although the iPhone 5 is still a rela- tively new phone, many wanted to make the change. According to Forbes statistics, 40 percent of iPhone 4s users upgraded to iPhone 6, while 36 percent of iPhone 5 users chose to upgrade. Vinny Amodeo, a junior communications major, thinks that the upgrade from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 6 is not worth it. If anyone has the iPhone 5s, they shouldnt upgrade, Amodeo said. Its the same phone just larger. The iPhone 6 is an alright size but the iPhone 6 Plus is just annoyingly big. So, how much bigger did the iPhone really get? The iPhone 5 measures 4.87 inches in length and 7.6 millimeters in depth. The iPhone 6 measures 4.7 inches long, but a depth of 7.1 millime- ters makes it the thinnest of the iPhones. The iPhone 6 Plus mea- sures 6.22 inches in length and 7.1 By Tara Raymond Go Big or Go Home: Is the iPhone 6 Worth It? millimeters in depth, making it signi鍖cantly longer than the iPhone 5. Some of Apples loyal customers are happy about the new design, 鍖nding that its about time the iPhone came out with a product that chal- lenged the Androids larger screen. Christina Mastropolo, a senior psychology major, feels that Apple made the right choice in going larger. I always like when a new upgrade comes out, said Mastropolo. It always has better software and it gives me a chance to get a new phone. It was a good idea that they made it big- ger because the industry is going in the direction. [When] any new Apple product comes out, people feel they need to have it because there are so many technology junkies. The sales and numbers thus far dont lie. Many Apple users do feel that they need the newest phone. John Drew, professor of social media and new media at Adelphi, said that everyone else having it is reason enough for the booming iPhone 6 sales. There are a lot of people out there who buy the next Apple product the same way they buy a new pair of shoes, Drew said. They feel they have to keep up with the Joneses. There is a certain population that you could label as Apple fanatics. The answer to the upgrade question really comes down to a few things: ones loyalty to Apple, their preference in size and that do I need to have it? feeling. None- theless, the Apple hype continues.