This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and encourages the viewer to get started making their own. It contains 3 stock photos with captions crediting their photographers and a call to action to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and encourages the viewer to get started making their own. It contains 3 stock photos with captions crediting their photographers and a call to action to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
Coders Workshop: API First Mobile Development Featuring Angular and NodeApigee | Google Cloud
This document provides an agenda and overview for a workshop on API-driven app development. The agenda includes sections on Node.js, RESTful API best practices, Apigee 127, AngularJS, mobile backend as a service (mBaaS), and building a sample application that integrates these technologies. It discusses Node.js, why it is popular, and provides a crash course on key concepts. It also covers RESTful API design best practices and introduces Apigee 127 for building and deploying APIs. The document introduces AngularJS and Ionic for building hybrid mobile apps, and using a mBaaS like Apigee's API platform. It concludes with an exercise of integrating these pieces to build
This document discusses the benefits of structured cabling over point-to-point cabling in data centers. Structured cabling allows for easy scaling with no downtime, standardized documentation and labeling for easy understanding by any technician, less stressed cables that last longer, improved airflow by eliminating excess cable bulk, and reduced cable volumes by up to 75%. In contrast, point-to-point cabling makes troubleshooting difficult, has excess cable that causes poor airflow and higher temperatures, and is slower to scale to support business growth. The document recommends embracing structured cabling to set your data center up for success.
Dokumen tersebut membahas hubungan permintaan antara dua barang dalam babikroekonomi. Ada dua jenis hubungan yang dapat terjadi: barang pengganti dan melengkapi. Barang pengganti adalah barang yang dapat saling menggantikan, sementara melengkapi adalah barang yang selalu dikonsumsi bersama-sama. Dokumen ini juga membahas definisi kasar dan bersih dari pengganti dan melengkapi serta contohnya dalam
Flexbox provides a new way to lay out items in rows or columns and allows developers to easily align and distribute space among items within the parent flex container. It solves common layout problems like equal height columns more semantically and responsively than previous techniques like floats or tables. While flexbox is not a silver bullet and is designed primarily for content-driven layouts rather than grids, it handles responsive design, vertical alignment, and ordering of items better than previous methods. Polyfills exist to support older browsers, and tools like Flexbox Grid and Bootstrap's alpha grid system provide frameworks to help build layouts with flexbox.
Financial inclusion is a buzzword now and has attracted the global attention in the recent past. As the approach of 12th five year plan (2012-2017) is faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth, the issue of financial inclusion is emerging as the new paradigm of economic growth. Financial inclusion plays a major role in driving a way the poverty from the country. The main focus of financial inclusion in India is to promote sustainable development and generating employment in rural areas for the rural population. C.Rangarajan Committee (2008) defined financial inclusion as, ¡°The process of access to financial services, and timely and adequate credit needed by vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low income groups at an affordable cost.¡± The purpose of financial inclusion is to provide equitable opportunities to every individual to avail the facility of formal financial channels for better life, better living and better income. It can be described as the provision of affordable financial services, viz., access to payments and remittance facilities, savings, loans and insurance services by the formal financial system to those who are excluded. Though there are few people who are enjoying all kinds of services from savings to net banking, but still in our country around 40% of people lack access to even basic financial services like savings, credit and insurance facilities. Financial inclusion is the road that India needs to travel towards becoming a global player. This paper attempts to study the overview of financial inclusion in India.
Building a Desktop Streaming console with Node.js and WebKitEmanuele Rampichini
This document discusses building desktop applications using Node.js and Electron. It describes Electron as allowing you to build desktop apps using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js modules. It highlights features like desktop integration, debugging with Chromium tools, autoupdating, and crash reporting. Downsides discussed include app size and inability to distribute through app stores. The overall message is that Electron enables fast, fun desktop development.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that uses a component-based approach. Components allow the user interface to be split into independent, reusable pieces. Data flows in one direction through the application via actions and a centralized state, rather than having two-way data binding. This unidirectional data flow model helps avoid bugs and makes the app more predictable and efficient. React uses a virtual DOM for rendering components, allowing it to efficiently update the real DOM when data changes.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pasar monopoli anggur di Norwegia yang dikuasai oleh perusahaan milik negara, (2) Pasar monopoli ini ditetapkan pemerintah untuk mengatur konsumsi alkohol, dan (3) Studi ini menganalisis karakteristik pasar serta tantangan yang dihadapi monopoli untuk memuaskan konsumen dan mempromosikan keragaman anggur.
O documento faz compara??es entre ¨¢rvores e amizades, afirmando que ambos fornecem beleza, prote??o e s?o eternos. Ele tamb¨¦m convida o leitor a se inscrever para receber mensagens motivacionais semanais por e-mail.
Building Native Experiences with ElectronBen Gotow
Listen to this talk!
Tips and tricks for creating Electron apps that look beautiful and work the way users expect.
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bankogborhws
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewisgulombahoum
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis