According to a 2003 Ministry of Health survey: 1) One-third of adults in New Zealand are not physically active enough for good health, 2) This inactivity leads to health problems like obesity and increased risk of disease, 3) Sedentary lifestyles have become more common in developed countries and are major contributors to preventable disease and death.
Las redes de ordenadores permiten la conexi坦n y comunicaci坦n entre equipos a trav辿s de cables, se単ales u ondas. Se clasifican en redes de 叩rea personal (PAN), local (LAN), metropolitana (MAN) y amplia (WAN) seg炭n su extensi坦n geogr叩fica. Una LAN conecta ordenadores dentro de un edificio compartiendo recursos e informaci坦n, e incluye estaciones de trabajo, servidores, tarjetas de red, cableado y equipos de conectividad. Para funcionar requiere un sistema operativo de red que gestione los servic
Designing an innovative and unusual campaign to prevent drunk driving. Presented by Parsons Design + Management students: James Burr, Aaron Bakalar, Min Jung Kim, and Daniel Gonzalez
The document discusses the use of prepositions of time "in", "at", and "on". It provides examples of how each preposition is used for different time contexts such as months, days, dates, periods, and expressions without prepositions like "last week". It then has a short quiz to test understanding.