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Site 1

Bi polar scoring
Negative                 1   2   3   4   5   Positive             Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will
                                                                  improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them.
Very big impact on the                       Very small impact
environment                                  on the environment
Very poor access                             Very good access

Very big impact on                           Very small impact
local residents                              on local residents
Not at all sustainable                       Very sustainable

Total score
Site 2

Bi polar scoring
Negative                 1   2   3   4   5   Positive             Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will
                                                                  improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them.
Very big impact on the                       Very small impact
environment                                  on the environment
Very poor access                             Very good access

Very big impact on                           Very small impact
local residents                              on local residents
Not at all sustainable                       Very sustainable

Total score
Site 3

Bi polar scoring
Negative                 1   2   3   4   5   Positive             Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will
                                                                  improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them.
Very big impact on the                       Very small impact
environment                                  on the environment
Very poor access                             Very good access

Very big impact on                           Very small impact
local residents                              on local residents
Not at all sustainable                       Very sustainable

Total score
Think , Pair, Share.

 What can we
use maps for?
Where should
Nottingham Forest
build their new

Learning objectives:

To be able to use OS maps and satellite images to inform a decision about
different places (level 4).

To be able to use map symbols appropriately (level 4)

Extended learning objectives:

To explain a decision about a place using map evidence (level 5)

To evaluate the decision you have made (level 6)
Roles                                          Instructions
Chair person
You are in charge of making sure everyone      1) Complete bi-polar scoring
is doing their job and contributing to             for each site
discussions. You need to tell the scribe       2) Decide which site is the
what to write and help the person giving          best
the speech
                                               3) Add a maximum of 4 map
Innovator / speaker                               symbols to your map to
You are in charge of coming up with               improve the site
original and interesting ideas. You are also
going to explain your group’s decision at
the end of the lesson
Scribe                                         Evaluate how sustainable
You are in charge of writing down the          your chosen site is. Ask
group’s speech. You must also keep an eye
on the time.                                   one of the experts for help
Think , Pair, Share.

Why is being
Describe your site’s location using evidence from the map (Level 4)
What is the site near to? What roads are there? What public transport?

Explain which site you have chosen. Justify your choice using evidence from the
maps (Level 5)

Our group decided that...Our reasons for this are…Our evidence from the map is…

Explain which map symbols you have added to your map. What will they add to
your site? (Level 5)

We decided to add… Our reasons for this are… Adding this to our map will result

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your decision. What is the most
important advantage? How could it be improved? (Level 6)

The advantages of our site are… on the other hand, the disadvantages are… The
most important advantage of our site is… Our site could be further improved by…

Evaluate how sustainable your proposal is.(Level 6)
Peer Assessment

Use the sentence stems below to assess the group’s understanding.

•Your priority is the environment,
wildlife and their habitats
•You must consider the impact that
building a new stadium would have.
•It is your job to make sure people know
what sustainable means.
Chief of transport, Nottingham City

•Your priority is public transport and
new roads
•You must consider how well people will
be able to access the stadium.
•It is your job to make sure people know
what sustainable means.
Chair person of Nottingham Resident’s

•Your priority is local resident’s
•You must consider the impact that the
stadium will have on people.
•It is your job to make sure people know
what sustainable means.



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Interview lesson

  • 1. Site 1 Bi polar scoring Negative 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them. Very big impact on the Very small impact environment on the environment Very poor access Very good access Very big impact on Very small impact local residents on local residents Not at all sustainable Very sustainable Total score
  • 2. Site 2 Bi polar scoring Negative 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them. Very big impact on the Very small impact environment on the environment Very poor access Very good access Very big impact on Very small impact local residents on local residents Not at all sustainable Very sustainable Total score
  • 3. Site 3 Bi polar scoring Negative 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that will improve the site. Make sure you can explain why you chose them. Very big impact on the Very small impact environment on the environment Very poor access Very good access Very big impact on Very small impact local residents on local residents Not at all sustainable Very sustainable Total score
  • 4. Think , Pair, Share. What can we use maps for?
  • 5. Where should Nottingham Forest build their new stadium? Learning objectives: To be able to use OS maps and satellite images to inform a decision about different places (level 4). To be able to use map symbols appropriately (level 4) Extended learning objectives: To explain a decision about a place using map evidence (level 5) To evaluate the decision you have made (level 6)
  • 6. Roles Instructions Chair person You are in charge of making sure everyone 1) Complete bi-polar scoring is doing their job and contributing to for each site discussions. You need to tell the scribe 2) Decide which site is the what to write and help the person giving best the speech 3) Add a maximum of 4 map Innovator / speaker symbols to your map to You are in charge of coming up with improve the site original and interesting ideas. You are also going to explain your group’s decision at the end of the lesson Extension Scribe Evaluate how sustainable You are in charge of writing down the your chosen site is. Ask group’s speech. You must also keep an eye on the time. one of the experts for help
  • 7. Think , Pair, Share. Why is being sustainable important?
  • 8. Describe your site’s location using evidence from the map (Level 4) What is the site near to? What roads are there? What public transport? Explain which site you have chosen. Justify your choice using evidence from the maps (Level 5) Our group decided that...Our reasons for this are…Our evidence from the map is… Explain which map symbols you have added to your map. What will they add to your site? (Level 5) We decided to add… Our reasons for this are… Adding this to our map will result in… Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your decision. What is the most important advantage? How could it be improved? (Level 6) The advantages of our site are… on the other hand, the disadvantages are… The most important advantage of our site is… Our site could be further improved by… Evaluate how sustainable your proposal is.(Level 6)
  • 9. Peer Assessment Use the sentence stems below to assess the group’s understanding.
  • 10. Environmentalist •Your priority is the environment, wildlife and their habitats •You must consider the impact that building a new stadium would have. •It is your job to make sure people know what sustainable means.
  • 11. Chief of transport, Nottingham City Council •Your priority is public transport and new roads •You must consider how well people will be able to access the stadium. •It is your job to make sure people know what sustainable means.
  • 12. Chair person of Nottingham Resident’s association •Your priority is local resident’s happiness •You must consider the impact that the stadium will have on people. •It is your job to make sure people know what sustainable means.