This document summarizes a lecture on introduction to translation. It defines translation as conveying meaning from the source language to the target language using processes like analysis, transfer, and restructuring. It discusses how translation involves determining the demands of both the source and target languages. The key aspects that are translated are meaning, which is influenced by language components like words, grammar, style, and sounds. Translation methods can be literal, free, semantic, communicative, formal, dynamic, pragmatic, or creative. The translation process involves analyzing the source text, transferring meaning to a universal representation, and restructuring it in the target language.
3. What is Translation? As a subject, translation is defined as all the processes and methods used to convey meaning of the source language into the target language by means of : * The verb translate has been equated with synonyms such as render, rephrase, transmit, re express replace.
4. What is Translation? We "render", "reproduce", "convey", and "transfer" For example: Write 惠惡 忰悋愕惡 Computer 惡惠惘
5. What is Translation? According to New mark (1981) translation is an attempt to replace a message or a statement in one language by the same message or statement in another language. For Catford (1965) translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) (20). Nida (1964) defines translation in terms of the receptors understanding of the translated text, in other words, the intelligibility of the TL text. Accordingly, translation is reproducing in the receptors language the closest equivalent of the message of the SL, first in terms of meaning and then in terms of style
6. What is Translation? What all definitions agree on are the following: Translation involves determining two extremes at the same time; the SL demands and the TL demands. Translation involves thinking and rethinking, expressing and re-expressing. Translation involves equivalence in respect of different levels of presentation (equivalent in respect of context, of semantics, of grammar, of lexis, etc.) and at different ranks (Word-for-sentence) and in different degrees (fully or partially equivalent)
7. What do we translate? We translate nothing but "MEANING".
8. What is Meaning? It is a complicated network of language components It is the product of different elements of language. Taken together occurring in a certain type of texts and contexts, and directed to a certain kind of readership.
10. What do we translate? We are always interested in how these elements combine, produce, influence, reflect and crystallize meaning.
11. How do we translate? Making use of two concepts Processes of Translation Methods of Translation Transfer Analysis Restructuring
12. Processes of Translation It describes how we proceed at translating something in practice, in other words, it is the STAGES of translating
13. Processes of Translation Since translation is a communicative process, it has to deal with the following processes: Analysis (Comprehension) Transfer Restructuring (Rearrangement or rewriting)
14. What do we translate? The process of Transfer , or what linguists call "Transfer Strategy" can be summarized in the following steps:
16. Translation: Process vs. Product We have to distinguish between Translating: the process which refers to the activity rather than the tangible object, and Translation: the product of the process of translating, i.e. the translated text. The word translation can also refer to the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of translating and the product of that process.
17. Translation: Process vs. Product In order to arrive at a comprehensive and useful understanding of the process of translating we need to draw on the resources of linguistics, particularly, psycholinguistics and socio linguistics. The first of these examines the process in the mind of the translator, the second places the source language text (SLT) and the target language text (TLT) in their cultural context.
18. The Translation Process (Bell, 1991:21) Memory SLT Analysis Synthesis TLT Semantic Representation
19. Translation Process The SLT is transformed into a TLT by means of process which take place within memory: The analysis of the language specific text (the SLT) into a universal (non-language specific) semantic representation. The synthesis of that semantic representation into a second language specific text (the TLT).
20. Translation Process 惓悋 惺 悖悸 悋惘忰悸 悋悖悽惘悸 悋惠惘悴悸 悋惶悋愃悸 悋悖愕惡悸 悋惠 惠惷 惺 悋惶 惡惘 惘忰 : In order to bring the Egyptian banking sector in line with international banking norms, a new law 37 was introduced in June 1992. 惠悋愆 悋愀悋惺 悋惶惘 悋惶惘 惺 悋悖惺惘悋 悋惡悸 悋惆悸 惠 悋惶惆悋惘 悋 悴惆惆 悖悋 37 1992. 惺悋 1992 惶惆惘 悋 惶惘 悴惆惆 惘 37 惠悋愆 悋愀悋惺 悋惶惘 惺 悋悖惺惘悋 悋惡悸 悋惆悸 .
21. Translation Process When dinner was over, the senator made a speech. A speech was made by the senator after dinner. The senator made a post-prandial oration. 惡惺惆 悖 悋惠 悋惺愆悋悄 悖 悋愕悗 悸 . 悖 悋愕悗 悽愀悋惡悋 惡惺惆 悋惺愆悋悄 . 悖 悋愕惆 悽愀悋惡悋 愀悋悋 惘悋悋 惡惺惆 悋惺愆悋悄 .
22. Methods of Translation Methods of Translation literal vs. free semantic vs. communicative formal vs. dynamic pragmatic vs. non-pragmatic creative vs. non-pragmatic
23. Methods of Translation Monolingual communication (Bell, 1991 : 18) Code Channel Channel SENDER Signal Receiver Content
24. Bilingual communication (Bell, 1991 : 19) Code 1 Channel Channel SENDER Signal 1 Translator Content 1 Code 2 RECEIVER Signal 2 Content 2
25. Translation: Process vs. Product Translator receives signal 1 containing message recognizes code 1 decodes signal 1 retrieves message comprehends message selects code 2 encodes message by means of code 2 selects channel transmits signal 2 containing message
26. Translation: Process vs. Product There are crucial difference between communication and translation as follows: There are two codes, two signals and consequently two sets of content provided that there is no 100 percent equivalence between languages
27. What are the tools of a Translator? Mono-lingual dictionaries (English) Websters (unabridged) dictionary The Oxford English dictionary Encyclopedic World dictionary Mono-lingual (Arabic) Al Munjid Al Waseet Bilingual dictionaries English / Arabic Al Mawrid Al Nafees Arabic / English The HansWehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic
28. What are the tools of a Translator? Dictionaries of English usage Dictionary of English usage Thesaurus Dictionary of slang terms Dictionaries of Idioms Dictionaries of proverbs
29. What are the tools of a Translator? Specialized Dictionaries Encyclopedia (general) Encyclopedia (specialized) Grammar Books Computers