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The ActiveRecord
     for CakePHP
        Basuke Suzuki @basuke

? Basuke Suzuki @basuke
? Mac / iPhone / Newton
? PHP : 10+ years
What is CakeEntity?
?   Plugin for CakePHP
?   Support ActiveRecord in Model
?   100% compatible with the standard Model.
?   Open source. Available in GitHub
?   https://github.com/kanshin/CakeEntity
?   CakePHP 1.3, PHP 5.2 >
Active Record

ActiveRecord is "an object that wraps a row in a

database table or view, encapsulates database

access and adds domain logic on that data".

                                     Fowler, 2003

 ?nd() returns array of object.
 You can manipulate object immediately, directly.

$post = $this->Post->entity(); // creation
$post->content = "Hello world!";
Cons. cont.

? Less array() and [ brankets ].
? Makes code structure simple.
  ? Safe access to domain logic from View.
  ? More code moves from Helper to Model.
  ? More code moves from Controller to Model.
? Testable.
?rst things ?rst

Place in the plugins directory.
Name should be ¡°Entity¡±.

Extends EntityModel

App::import('Model', 'Entity.EntityModel');
class Post extends EntityModel {
'entity' => true

$this->Post->?nd('all', array(
      'conditions' => ...
      'order' => ...
      'entity' => true,
Result is array of

$result = [
   {id: 1, title:"title1", author_id:"123", ... }
   {id: 2, title:"title2", content:"...", }

// works ?ne with paginate()
Works with
// Post -> belongsTo -> Author
$this->Post->?nd('all', array(
      'conditions' => ...
      'contain' => array('Author'),
      'entity' => true,
Property is also Entity

 $result = [
     {title:"title1", author: {id:3,
     name:"Basuke"}, ... }
     {title:"title2", author:null, ... }
 // property name is converted to lower case
Of course, works with
// Post -> hasMany -> Image
$this->Post->?nd('all', array(
      'conditions' => ...
      'contain' => array('Image'),
      'entity' => true,
Property holds array
     of Entity
$result = [
    {title:"title1", images: [ {path:"..."},
    {path:"..."}] }
    {title:"title2", images: [{path:"..."}, ...] }
// property name is pluralized.
Fetch one entity
$post = $this->Post->?nd('?rst', array(
       'conditions' => array('id'=>$id),
       'entity' => true,
$post = $this->Post->entityById($id);
Instantiation is easy

  $post = $this->Post->entity();
  $post->title = ¡°Hello¡±;

? Don¡¯t use ¡°new¡±. PostEntity class has no
  information of model.
  $post = new PostEntity();
Save is easy.

$post->title = "Hello world";
$post->content = ?le_get_content(...);
if ($post->save()) {
Entity Class

Entity Class is a default class when EntityModel
will instantiate object.
Customizable with sub class of Entity.
Many features to works with View layer.
The result of method call can be cached.
Property access can be restricted.
Entity Subclass
If class with model¡¯s name + ¡°Entity¡± is exists, that
class is used instead.

class PostEntity extends Entity {


Or override entityClass().
Custom subclass
  depending by data
protected function entityClassForData($data) {

 switch ($data[¡®type¡¯]) {

 case ¡®hyper¡¯:

 return ¡®HyperPostEntity¡¯;


 return ¡®PlainPostEntity¡¯;

Domain logic can be
placed in Entity subclass

 Object is the place of domain logic.

 Method for collection should be placed in Model.
 Method for record should be placed in Entity.
   ex) isHidden(), publish() is the candidates.
Easy access for
 property and method
? For $post->property_name
  ? $post[¡®property_name¡¯] is OK
? For $post->some_method()
  ? $post[¡®some_method¡¯] is also OK
? Array access is cacheable.

? Wait! I want to increase [ ] any more! Why?
{Smarty} uses ¡°.¡±

? Smarty uses dot to access array.
  ? i.e {$post.property_name}
? Also reduce ( ) for method access.
? Easier code reading.
Method access control
 public function allows() {
 return array();

? Override allows(). Return name of method to
  allow access.

? Or de?ne public method.
Result is cached
    public $comments;
    public function comments() {
 $Comment = $this->getModel()->Comment;
 return $Comment->?nd(array(

?   $post[¡®comments¡¯] is cached.

CakePHP 2.0, of course.
Reverse conversion to array structure.
More tests.
saveAll() support.
dirty property detection.
Document is

not ready. Sorry.
Sample is available soon.


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Introducing CakeEntity

  • 1. CakeEntity The ActiveRecord for CakePHP Basuke Suzuki @basuke https://github.com/kanshin/CakeEntity
  • 2. me ? Basuke Suzuki @basuke ? Mac / iPhone / Newton ? PHP : 10+ years
  • 3. What is CakeEntity? ? Plugin for CakePHP ? Support ActiveRecord in Model ? 100% compatible with the standard Model. ? Open source. Available in GitHub ? https://github.com/kanshin/CakeEntity ? CakePHP 1.3, PHP 5.2 >
  • 4. Active Record ActiveRecord is "an object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates database access and adds domain logic on that data". Fowler, 2003 http://www.martinfowler.com/books.html
  • 5. Cons. ?nd() returns array of object. You can manipulate object immediately, directly. $post = $this->Post->entity(); // creation $post->content = "Hello world!"; $post->save();
  • 6. Cons. cont. ? Less array() and [ brankets ]. ? Makes code structure simple. ? Safe access to domain logic from View. ? More code moves from Helper to Model. ? More code moves from Controller to Model. ? Testable.
  • 8. ?rst things ?rst Place in the plugins directory. Name should be ¡°Entity¡±. app/plugins/entity/ or plugins/entity/
  • 10. Find
  • 11. 'entity' => true $this->Post->?nd('all', array( 'conditions' => ... 'order' => ... 'entity' => true, ));
  • 12. Result is array of object $result = [ {id: 1, title:"title1", author_id:"123", ... } {id: 2, title:"title2", content:"...", } ... ]; // works ?ne with paginate()
  • 13. Works with ¡°belongsTo¡± // Post -> belongsTo -> Author $this->Post->?nd('all', array( 'conditions' => ... 'contain' => array('Author'), 'entity' => true, ));
  • 14. Property is also Entity $result = [ {title:"title1", author: {id:3, name:"Basuke"}, ... } {title:"title2", author:null, ... } ... ]; // property name is converted to lower case
  • 15. Of course, works with ¡°hasMany¡± // Post -> hasMany -> Image $this->Post->?nd('all', array( 'conditions' => ... 'contain' => array('Image'), 'entity' => true, ));
  • 16. Property holds array of Entity $result = [ {title:"title1", images: [ {path:"..."}, {path:"..."}] } {title:"title2", images: [{path:"..."}, ...] } ... ]; // property name is pluralized.
  • 17. load
  • 18. Fetch one entity $post = $this->Post->?nd('?rst', array( 'conditions' => array('id'=>$id), 'entity' => true, )); or $post = $this->Post->entityById($id);
  • 20. Instantiation is easy $post = $this->Post->entity(); $post->title = ¡°Hello¡±; ? Don¡¯t use ¡°new¡±. PostEntity class has no information of model. $post = new PostEntity();
  • 21. Save
  • 22. Save is easy. $post->title = "Hello world"; $post->content = ?le_get_content(...); if ($post->save()) { $this->isCool(); }
  • 23. Entity Class Entity Class is a default class when EntityModel will instantiate object. Customizable with sub class of Entity. Many features to works with View layer. The result of method call can be cached. Property access can be restricted.
  • 24. Entity Subclass If class with model¡¯s name + ¡°Entity¡± is exists, that class is used instead. class PostEntity extends Entity { ... } Or override entityClass().
  • 25. Custom subclass depending by data protected function entityClassForData($data) { switch ($data[¡®type¡¯]) { case ¡®hyper¡¯: return ¡®HyperPostEntity¡¯; default: return ¡®PlainPostEntity¡¯; } }
  • 26. Domain logic can be placed in Entity subclass Object is the place of domain logic. Method for collection should be placed in Model. Method for record should be placed in Entity. ex) isHidden(), publish() is the candidates.
  • 27. Easy access for property and method ? For $post->property_name ? $post[¡®property_name¡¯] is OK ? For $post->some_method() ? $post[¡®some_method¡¯] is also OK ? Array access is cacheable. ? Wait! I want to increase [ ] any more! Why?
  • 28. {Smarty} uses ¡°.¡± ? Smarty uses dot to access array. ? i.e {$post.property_name} ? Also reduce ( ) for method access. ? Easier code reading.
  • 29. Method access control public function allows() { return array(); } ? Override allows(). Return name of method to allow access. ? Or de?ne public method.
  • 30. Result is cached automatically public $comments; public function comments() { $Comment = $this->getModel()->Comment; return $Comment->?nd(array( ... )); } ? $post[¡®comments¡¯] is cached.
  • 31. Future CakePHP 2.0, of course. Reverse conversion to array structure. More tests. saveAll() support. dirty property detection.
  • 32. Document is not ready. Sorry. Sample is available soon.

Editor's Notes