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11/02/16  Rachel Knowles BreakingBoundaries
AftersecuringtheirfirstUKnumber1 withfigure itout; BreakingBoundarieshave become the most
captivatingandinspiringalternativerockbandin the music industry to date. With honest, relatable
and authenticlyrics; this established band has certainly lived up to their name and have definitely
broken the boundaries on all things music. Therefore, Era felt it was about time that we met the
sensational band known as Breaking Boundaries; in their first exclusive interview.
Dressedinthe same casual look,theyall appearto have coordinated for the photoshoot as they are
all wearing a black top and black jeans; however Megan and Chloe appear to be wearing their
heroes band t-shirts  Chloe is wearing Bring Me The Horizons merchandise top with their fourth
album cover art Sempiternal. Megan on the other hand is wearing Pvris new baseball tee as Pvris
are another upcoming band who are also going to be supporting Neck Deep alongside Breaki ng
Boundaries at their UK leg of their worldwide tour.
Back in 2011, Megan, Chloe andJay all met at college as they fortunately happened to be placed in
the same psychology class together; however they didnt all start on the best of terms
Automatically IassumedChloe was stuck up as she only seemed to care about herself in class and
didntspeakmuchto the restof us Megan explained, However, one day our teacher paired us up
and all I remember thinking was how this was going to be the slowest two hours of my life she
laughed as she knew how wrong she was. I was just insane; my head was all over the place at the
time. But honestly I wasnt what Meg thought I was, I was just trying to be on the down low so
people didntnoticeme inthe classwhich seemedtoworkforJay Chloe laughed. Tobegin with I
didnt have an opinion on the two girls, to me they were just another person in my class; I didnt
evenknowtheirnamesuntil the fourth month in to the course, I was that oblivious to college life
Jay began to reveal. I was heavily addicted to any drug I could possibly get my hands on, I felt
better, I felt more alive. However, I know thats not the person I want to be anymore. It was a
fuckingshittime inmylife,if Icouldchange anything it would have been that; without a doubt. But
ina wayI am glad I have learnt from my incredibly addictive habit, I know I would never go back to
drugs however hard things get.
A fewmonthsin to the unexpected friendship they all realised the extreme passion and love they
seemedtoshare formusicwhenMegan allowedJayandChloe toreadthe music she had previously
written.Timesgottoughforme; I didntknow if Iwas goingto topmyself orcarryon breathingshe
sighedsleepingpillsseemedtodothe trick forabout five months during year 11. Nothing else was
working;Igot prescribedanti-depressantsbutall theyseemedtodowasmake me feel shittier about
myself. Sleeping pills allowed me to feel normality, I didnt feel drained, but in fact I didnt feel
anything, thats what made me addicted. I was addicted to the numbness of my life. she looked
down towards the clean wooden floor as she realised how far she has come in her life; Chloe
continuedtoexplainMegansstoryasshe suddenlywentquiet,musicreallyhelpsusall,itallowsus
to expresshowwe all feel atspecifictimes in our life and I feel thats what makes our music so raw
and original.Eachand everysonghascome from our darkpast and it meanssomethingto us all. We
all hope that our fanscan relate tothe musicwe are producing.We have all been to hell but we are
glad that were back to some sort of normality. Jay quickly interrupted as quickly as he possibly
couldI thinkthats why everyone was so captivated by Figure It Out because of how relatable the
lyrics were Jay continued, he then started to sing to me the chorus of the song find my way
throughthe dark nowI see it clearlyeverysingleone of usrelatestothis specific line alone purely
because of the shit past that collectively weve all had, but it shows how far weve come since we
were in this fucked up stage of our lives
When it comes to artists writing their own music you would expect most bands to rely on
professionalsongwriters to do the majority of the hard work for the artist to then turn around and
give their approval; but Breaking Boundaries is a whole new subject. Every heartfelt word was
writtenandproducedbythe talented,freshfaced bandthathas certainlygone through hell. But we
all love themforwhothey are mainly because of how proud I am especially of the band; they have
reallybecome aninspirationtoeveryone who listens to their music. That is why they have become
the most sensational band of 2016.

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  • 1. 11/02/16 Rachel Knowles BreakingBoundaries AftersecuringtheirfirstUKnumber1 withfigure itout; BreakingBoundarieshave become the most captivatingandinspiringalternativerockbandin the music industry to date. With honest, relatable and authenticlyrics; this established band has certainly lived up to their name and have definitely broken the boundaries on all things music. Therefore, Era felt it was about time that we met the sensational band known as Breaking Boundaries; in their first exclusive interview. Dressedinthe same casual look,theyall appearto have coordinated for the photoshoot as they are all wearing a black top and black jeans; however Megan and Chloe appear to be wearing their heroes band t-shirts Chloe is wearing Bring Me The Horizons merchandise top with their fourth album cover art Sempiternal. Megan on the other hand is wearing Pvris new baseball tee as Pvris are another upcoming band who are also going to be supporting Neck Deep alongside Breaki ng Boundaries at their UK leg of their worldwide tour. Back in 2011, Megan, Chloe andJay all met at college as they fortunately happened to be placed in the same psychology class together; however they didnt all start on the best of terms Automatically IassumedChloe was stuck up as she only seemed to care about herself in class and didntspeakmuchto the restof us Megan explained, However, one day our teacher paired us up and all I remember thinking was how this was going to be the slowest two hours of my life she laughed as she knew how wrong she was. I was just insane; my head was all over the place at the time. But honestly I wasnt what Meg thought I was, I was just trying to be on the down low so people didntnoticeme inthe classwhich seemedtoworkforJay Chloe laughed. Tobegin with I didnt have an opinion on the two girls, to me they were just another person in my class; I didnt evenknowtheirnamesuntil the fourth month in to the course, I was that oblivious to college life Jay began to reveal. I was heavily addicted to any drug I could possibly get my hands on, I felt better, I felt more alive. However, I know thats not the person I want to be anymore. It was a fuckingshittime inmylife,if Icouldchange anything it would have been that; without a doubt. But ina wayI am glad I have learnt from my incredibly addictive habit, I know I would never go back to drugs however hard things get. A fewmonthsin to the unexpected friendship they all realised the extreme passion and love they seemedtoshare formusicwhenMegan allowedJayandChloe toreadthe music she had previously written.Timesgottoughforme; I didntknow if Iwas goingto topmyself orcarryon breathingshe sighedsleepingpillsseemedtodothe trick forabout five months during year 11. Nothing else was working;Igot prescribedanti-depressantsbutall theyseemedtodowasmake me feel shittier about myself. Sleeping pills allowed me to feel normality, I didnt feel drained, but in fact I didnt feel anything, thats what made me addicted. I was addicted to the numbness of my life. she looked down towards the clean wooden floor as she realised how far she has come in her life; Chloe continuedtoexplainMegansstoryasshe suddenlywentquiet,musicreallyhelpsusall,itallowsus to expresshowwe all feel atspecifictimes in our life and I feel thats what makes our music so raw and original.Eachand everysonghascome from our darkpast and it meanssomethingto us all. We all hope that our fanscan relate tothe musicwe are producing.We have all been to hell but we are glad that were back to some sort of normality. Jay quickly interrupted as quickly as he possibly couldI thinkthats why everyone was so captivated by Figure It Out because of how relatable the lyrics were Jay continued, he then started to sing to me the chorus of the song find my way throughthe dark nowI see it clearlyeverysingleone of usrelatestothis specific line alone purely because of the shit past that collectively weve all had, but it shows how far weve come since we were in this fucked up stage of our lives
  • 2. When it comes to artists writing their own music you would expect most bands to rely on professionalsongwriters to do the majority of the hard work for the artist to then turn around and give their approval; but Breaking Boundaries is a whole new subject. Every heartfelt word was writtenandproducedbythe talented,freshfaced bandthathas certainlygone through hell. But we all love themforwhothey are mainly because of how proud I am especially of the band; they have reallybecome aninspirationtoeveryone who listens to their music. That is why they have become the most sensational band of 2016.