The document provides 10 tips for improving English learning abilities, including how to memorize new words, improve reading, speaking, listening, grammar, translation, distinguish synonyms, learn verb tenses, and select an English dictionary. The tips emphasize practicing pronunciation, understanding meaning from context, and repeating skills through exercises to strengthen abilities over time through continuous study.
The document discusses various approaches to teaching grammar, including deductive and inductive methods. It defines descriptive and prescriptive grammar, and explains that the most effective way to teach grammar is through an inductive approach that focuses on meaning and uses reading and writing activities. The PPP (presentation, practice, production) model is presented as a widely used framework for teaching grammar lessons, with the goal of students producing the target grammar through contextual examples and exercises.
Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to communicate effectively. These skills allow the speaker, to convey his message in a passionate, thoughtful, and convincing manner. Speaking skills also help to assure that one won't be misunderstood by those who are listening.
The document discusses vocabulary and how it is taught. It defines vocabulary as the words used in a language. There are two main criteria teachers consider when choosing vocabulary - frequency of use and coverage. Frequency refers to how commonly words are used, while coverage refers to how broadly a word's meaning applies. The document also examines what it means to "know" a word and lists six components: meaning, use, word formation, spelling, grammar, and phonology. It distinguishes between active vocabulary that is used versus passive vocabulary that is understood but not used. Effective vocabulary teaching involves conveying meaning, checking understanding, and consolidation through practice.
The document discusses strategies for developing vocabulary skills. It outlines different types of vocabulary including listening, speaking, reading and writing vocabulary. It provides tips for choosing words to teach like examining the text type and determining if words appear in directive, non-directive or mis-directive contexts. Strategies for enhancing vocabulary are discussed like developing a reading habit, using context clues, dictionaries and thesauruses, understanding word roots and maintaining a personal word list.
This document discusses various aspects of analyzing language for teaching purposes. It addresses selecting grammar items to teach, analyzing grammatical form and meaning, exploring relationships between words and concepts, and considering communicative functions and contexts. The overall aim is to effectively break down language for learners by understanding grammar, vocabulary, meanings, and appropriate usage.
1. English grammar refers to the rules and structure of the English language including word classes, phrases, clauses, sentence structure, negation, and history.
2. There are two main approaches to grammar - descriptive grammar studies how language is actually used while prescriptive grammar focuses on defining correct usage.
3. The earliest published English grammar was in 1586, but English grammars were often written in Latin for many years due to the influence of Latin grammar in education.
Evaluation EssayAssignmentWe have the opportunity to select.docxturveycharlyn
Evaluation Essay
We have the opportunity to select and evaluate a subject in order to present our overall assessment by supporting it with criteria and evidence. The essay will be approximately 3-5 pages in length, incorporate at least two sources, and include a Works Cited page. Note: Any essay that does not have a Works Cited page will have the final grade lowered by one letter. This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.
The skills used in this assignment are essential creating a coherent essay based on criteria, justification, and evidence as well as creating a discussion based on a controlling idea (e.g., claim).
1. Select a subject that you¡¯re familiar with that also falls under one of the following categories: commercial product/service, work of art, or performance.
2. Determine 4-5 criteria by which to evaluate the subject and determine to what degree the subject meets each standard.
3. Formulate a claim that represents your overall assessment about the subject.
4. Construct a 3-5 page evaluation essay presents your claim and supports it with criteria, justification, and evidence.
Essay Organization/Structure:
Because this essay is arranged deductively, we¡¯ll use the following essay structure:
Introductory paragraph(s): Provide an engaging lead, background information about the work of subject, and claim.
Body paragraphs: Provide a transition, state the standard being used to evaluate the subject and why/how it¡¯s important, followed by evidence that demonstrates the ways in which the subject meets or doesn¡¯t meet the standard.
Conclusion: Provide an ending that ¡°wraps up¡± the discussion rather than summarizes it.
Keep in Mind:
We must determine the criteria before we evaluate the subject. We must ask ourselves: What is the general subject? What are the criteria? Why are the criteria important? What is the specific subject? How does the subject meet/not meet each standard? What is my overall claim?
Also, we may use the sources we research any way we want. For instance, we may want to use sources to help present background information about the subject or to help present the evidence. No matter what, though, we must cite and document the sources.
Effective Essay:
An effective evaluation essay will have the following characteristics:
¡¤ A narrowed scope and clear, precise claim
¡¤ A clear sense of purpose, focus, and perspective
¡¤ Development of the overall analysis and evaluation
¡¤ An organizational structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context
¡¤ Language and style appropriate to the audience and context
¡¤ Appropriate detail, information, and examples
¡¤ Proper mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
Format and Design:
Your essay will follow these format and design requirements:
¡¤ Use MLA format where in the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date; include a title for your essay using standard capitaliz.
The document provides tips for efficiently studying English as a second language. It recommends listening to English radio and music frequently to improve listening comprehension and pronunciation. It also suggests practicing speaking English with friends and teachers to build vocabulary and conversational skills. Regular reading of English books, newspapers and magazines can aid writing ability while exposing students to varied word usage and styles. Maintaining an English language diary is an engaging way to practice writing. Memorizing new vocabulary and studying grammar rules is also important, along with applying this knowledge in speaking and writing exercises.
The document provides tips for efficiently studying English as a second language. It recommends listening to English radio and music frequently to improve listening comprehension and pronunciation. It also suggests practicing speaking English with friends and teachers to build vocabulary and conversational skills. Regular reading of English books, newspapers and magazines can aid writing ability while exposing students to varied word usage and styles. Maintaining an English language diary is an engaging way to practice writing. Memorizing new vocabulary and studying grammar rules are also important, along with applying this knowledge across all language skills.
Learning grammar is essential for learning a new language. Some language learners feel nervous about grammar because they don't understand it, while others want to learn more than just the basics. Mastering a new language takes a long time and practice. While children have more opportunities to practice a new language, adult learners have advantages like longer concentration spans and more developed reasoning skills. The first step in a new language is becoming aware of its grammar rules, as grammar transforms a list of words into understandable phrases by governing the relationships between words.
Introduction to grammar & Approaches in teaching grammarConstance Chee
The document discusses various approaches to teaching grammar to young English language learners, including using grammar in context rather than in isolation, using the M-U-F (meaning, use, form) framework to introduce new grammar points meaningfully, and integrating grammar instruction with the teaching of other language skills like reading, listening, speaking and writing. It also compares descriptive and prescriptive grammar as well as covert and overt approaches to teaching grammar.
The document discusses Word Grammar and provides definitions and examples of key concepts in Word Grammar including open class words, closed class words, grammar words, sentence grammar, and text grammar. It notes that Word Grammar is a theory of language structure that unifies different aspects of linguistics. Sentence grammar governs sentence structure and meaning while ensuring form and function are balanced. Text grammar studies language in context as cohesive texts rather than isolated sentences and defines texts as having conventions, structure, cohesion, coherence and communicative purpose.
This document provides advice and information about the IELTS Speaking test. It describes the structure and scoring of the test, which consists of three parts: an introduction and interview, a long turn, and a two-way discussion. The document outlines what is required in each part and gives tips for improving fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It emphasizes the importance of practice, such as recording mock interviews, to identify errors and enhance speaking skills.
The document discusses developing speaking skills in a foreign language. It identifies speaking as one of the four productive skills that must be mastered. It provides tips for improving speaking skills, such as finding native English speakers to practice with, slowing down speech for clarity, and recording oneself to identify areas for improvement. Effective instructors teach speaking strategies like using minimal responses and recognizing scripts to help students expand their language skills and confidence.
This document provides an overview of English grammar. It begins by defining grammar as the structural foundation of expressing oneself in language. It then discusses different types of grammar, including descriptive grammar which refers to how language is actually used, and prescriptive grammar which refers to how some think the language should be used. The document also covers parts of speech, negation, clause and sentence structure, the history of English grammar, and defines English grammar as the body of rules describing the structure of expressions in the English language.
The document discusses the style of academic writing. It begins by explaining that academic writing has a formal style but is not meant to mimic any particular writer. It then provides guidelines for academic style, including using tentative rather than assertive language, formal vocabulary, and formal grammar structures. The document also lists features of academic writing such as complexity, formality, objectivity, explicitness of relationships between ideas, and responsibility to support claims. Overall, the document provides guidance on developing a formal academic writing style.
1) Grammar refers to the rules that govern the structure and usage of a language. Modern English grammar describes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the English language.
2) There are different types of grammar including prescriptive grammar which lays down rules of correct usage, and descriptive grammar which objectively records how language is used. Other types include linguist's grammar, learner's grammar, and teacher's grammar.
3) Factors like dialect, register, collocation, and non-linguistic considerations determine whether a sentence is acceptable or unacceptable in a language. The study of grammar is important for teaching, testing, and research.
1) Grammar refers to the rules governing a language and describes how words are combined to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. It can be studied from prescriptive and descriptive perspectives.
2) There are different types of grammar including linguist's grammar, learner's grammar, teacher's grammar, and others. Grammar can be studied implicitly through usage or explicitly by explaining rules.
3) Factors like dialect, register, collocation, and social/psychological criteria determine whether a sentence is acceptable or unacceptable in a language. Indian English also has distinguishing features compared to other varieties of English.
Listening as a special skill of teaching English language - transcribingSubmissionResearchpa
1. The document discusses various techniques for teaching English language listening skills, including having students transcribe speech recordings. Transcribing speech word-for-word helps students practice understanding spoken English and improves their listening comprehension.
2. The document outlines different types of transcription, such as phonetic, systematic, and word-for-word transcription. It also provides steps teachers should follow when having students transcribe recordings, such as listening multiple times and allowing dictionary use.
3. Transcribing recordings is a beneficial exercise for students as it helps them master English sounds, practice writing, and display their grammar knowledge through self-correction. It also prepares students for conversational English.
Teaching English grammar helps students develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Without knowledge of grammar, students will not be able to speak or write English correctly. Grammar plays an important role in teaching and learning any language. If you want to know how to improve your Grammar visit this one!
-COPY & PASTE it on your browser or DOWNLOAD the file and CLICK the link.
- Grammar is the system of rules and conventions that govern language use. While languages evolve over time without formal rules being created, understanding a language's grammar can help one learn it more quickly and efficiently.
- The five most common grammatical errors are run-on sentences, pronoun errors, mistakes in apostrophe usage, lack of subject-verb agreement, and misplaced modifiers. Knowing how to identify and fix these errors improves clarity.
- Structural grammar analyzes how elements of a sentence like phrases and parts of speech relate to each other. This provides meaning and is an important tool for improving communication.
the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.
This document provides tips for improving English language skills such as speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, and writing. Some key points covered include practicing speaking aloud, focusing on correct pronunciation, using vocabulary in context, understanding grammar rules, actively listening without judgment, different types of reading, and outlining before writing essays.
Cunningham Learning Module- Spoken Grammar, Idioms, and Slang: How is Convers...Courtney Cunningham
This document provides an overview of a learning module about spoken grammar, idioms, and slang in English. It begins by introducing the purpose and structure of the module. The module will cover the main registers in English, characteristics of conversation versus writing, common idioms, and differences between idioms and slang. It provides learning objectives and outlines the key content to be covered in sections on registers, features of conversation, idiomatic expressions, and differences between idioms and slang. Interactive quizzes are included throughout to test comprehension. The overall goal is to help English language learners better understand and participate in conversations.
Descriptive grammar describes how a language is actually used by its speakers without making judgments about correctness, observing patterns in usage. Prescriptive grammar prescribes how the language should be used according to established rules, distinguishing between right and wrong usage. Examples provided illustrate descriptive grammar explaining subject/object pronoun usage and prescriptive rules prohibiting ending sentences with prepositions and use of contractions like "ain't".
1. English grammar refers to the rules and structure of the English language including word classes, phrases, clauses, sentence structure, negation, and history.
2. There are two main approaches to grammar - descriptive grammar studies how language is actually used while prescriptive grammar focuses on defining correct usage.
3. The earliest published English grammar was in 1586, but English grammars were often written in Latin for many years due to the influence of Latin grammar in education.
Evaluation EssayAssignmentWe have the opportunity to select.docxturveycharlyn
Evaluation Essay
We have the opportunity to select and evaluate a subject in order to present our overall assessment by supporting it with criteria and evidence. The essay will be approximately 3-5 pages in length, incorporate at least two sources, and include a Works Cited page. Note: Any essay that does not have a Works Cited page will have the final grade lowered by one letter. This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.
The skills used in this assignment are essential creating a coherent essay based on criteria, justification, and evidence as well as creating a discussion based on a controlling idea (e.g., claim).
1. Select a subject that you¡¯re familiar with that also falls under one of the following categories: commercial product/service, work of art, or performance.
2. Determine 4-5 criteria by which to evaluate the subject and determine to what degree the subject meets each standard.
3. Formulate a claim that represents your overall assessment about the subject.
4. Construct a 3-5 page evaluation essay presents your claim and supports it with criteria, justification, and evidence.
Essay Organization/Structure:
Because this essay is arranged deductively, we¡¯ll use the following essay structure:
Introductory paragraph(s): Provide an engaging lead, background information about the work of subject, and claim.
Body paragraphs: Provide a transition, state the standard being used to evaluate the subject and why/how it¡¯s important, followed by evidence that demonstrates the ways in which the subject meets or doesn¡¯t meet the standard.
Conclusion: Provide an ending that ¡°wraps up¡± the discussion rather than summarizes it.
Keep in Mind:
We must determine the criteria before we evaluate the subject. We must ask ourselves: What is the general subject? What are the criteria? Why are the criteria important? What is the specific subject? How does the subject meet/not meet each standard? What is my overall claim?
Also, we may use the sources we research any way we want. For instance, we may want to use sources to help present background information about the subject or to help present the evidence. No matter what, though, we must cite and document the sources.
Effective Essay:
An effective evaluation essay will have the following characteristics:
¡¤ A narrowed scope and clear, precise claim
¡¤ A clear sense of purpose, focus, and perspective
¡¤ Development of the overall analysis and evaluation
¡¤ An organizational structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context
¡¤ Language and style appropriate to the audience and context
¡¤ Appropriate detail, information, and examples
¡¤ Proper mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
Format and Design:
Your essay will follow these format and design requirements:
¡¤ Use MLA format where in the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date; include a title for your essay using standard capitaliz.
The document provides tips for efficiently studying English as a second language. It recommends listening to English radio and music frequently to improve listening comprehension and pronunciation. It also suggests practicing speaking English with friends and teachers to build vocabulary and conversational skills. Regular reading of English books, newspapers and magazines can aid writing ability while exposing students to varied word usage and styles. Maintaining an English language diary is an engaging way to practice writing. Memorizing new vocabulary and studying grammar rules is also important, along with applying this knowledge in speaking and writing exercises.
The document provides tips for efficiently studying English as a second language. It recommends listening to English radio and music frequently to improve listening comprehension and pronunciation. It also suggests practicing speaking English with friends and teachers to build vocabulary and conversational skills. Regular reading of English books, newspapers and magazines can aid writing ability while exposing students to varied word usage and styles. Maintaining an English language diary is an engaging way to practice writing. Memorizing new vocabulary and studying grammar rules are also important, along with applying this knowledge across all language skills.
Learning grammar is essential for learning a new language. Some language learners feel nervous about grammar because they don't understand it, while others want to learn more than just the basics. Mastering a new language takes a long time and practice. While children have more opportunities to practice a new language, adult learners have advantages like longer concentration spans and more developed reasoning skills. The first step in a new language is becoming aware of its grammar rules, as grammar transforms a list of words into understandable phrases by governing the relationships between words.
Introduction to grammar & Approaches in teaching grammarConstance Chee
The document discusses various approaches to teaching grammar to young English language learners, including using grammar in context rather than in isolation, using the M-U-F (meaning, use, form) framework to introduce new grammar points meaningfully, and integrating grammar instruction with the teaching of other language skills like reading, listening, speaking and writing. It also compares descriptive and prescriptive grammar as well as covert and overt approaches to teaching grammar.
The document discusses Word Grammar and provides definitions and examples of key concepts in Word Grammar including open class words, closed class words, grammar words, sentence grammar, and text grammar. It notes that Word Grammar is a theory of language structure that unifies different aspects of linguistics. Sentence grammar governs sentence structure and meaning while ensuring form and function are balanced. Text grammar studies language in context as cohesive texts rather than isolated sentences and defines texts as having conventions, structure, cohesion, coherence and communicative purpose.
This document provides advice and information about the IELTS Speaking test. It describes the structure and scoring of the test, which consists of three parts: an introduction and interview, a long turn, and a two-way discussion. The document outlines what is required in each part and gives tips for improving fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It emphasizes the importance of practice, such as recording mock interviews, to identify errors and enhance speaking skills.
The document discusses developing speaking skills in a foreign language. It identifies speaking as one of the four productive skills that must be mastered. It provides tips for improving speaking skills, such as finding native English speakers to practice with, slowing down speech for clarity, and recording oneself to identify areas for improvement. Effective instructors teach speaking strategies like using minimal responses and recognizing scripts to help students expand their language skills and confidence.
This document provides an overview of English grammar. It begins by defining grammar as the structural foundation of expressing oneself in language. It then discusses different types of grammar, including descriptive grammar which refers to how language is actually used, and prescriptive grammar which refers to how some think the language should be used. The document also covers parts of speech, negation, clause and sentence structure, the history of English grammar, and defines English grammar as the body of rules describing the structure of expressions in the English language.
The document discusses the style of academic writing. It begins by explaining that academic writing has a formal style but is not meant to mimic any particular writer. It then provides guidelines for academic style, including using tentative rather than assertive language, formal vocabulary, and formal grammar structures. The document also lists features of academic writing such as complexity, formality, objectivity, explicitness of relationships between ideas, and responsibility to support claims. Overall, the document provides guidance on developing a formal academic writing style.
1) Grammar refers to the rules that govern the structure and usage of a language. Modern English grammar describes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the English language.
2) There are different types of grammar including prescriptive grammar which lays down rules of correct usage, and descriptive grammar which objectively records how language is used. Other types include linguist's grammar, learner's grammar, and teacher's grammar.
3) Factors like dialect, register, collocation, and non-linguistic considerations determine whether a sentence is acceptable or unacceptable in a language. The study of grammar is important for teaching, testing, and research.
1) Grammar refers to the rules governing a language and describes how words are combined to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. It can be studied from prescriptive and descriptive perspectives.
2) There are different types of grammar including linguist's grammar, learner's grammar, teacher's grammar, and others. Grammar can be studied implicitly through usage or explicitly by explaining rules.
3) Factors like dialect, register, collocation, and social/psychological criteria determine whether a sentence is acceptable or unacceptable in a language. Indian English also has distinguishing features compared to other varieties of English.
Listening as a special skill of teaching English language - transcribingSubmissionResearchpa
1. The document discusses various techniques for teaching English language listening skills, including having students transcribe speech recordings. Transcribing speech word-for-word helps students practice understanding spoken English and improves their listening comprehension.
2. The document outlines different types of transcription, such as phonetic, systematic, and word-for-word transcription. It also provides steps teachers should follow when having students transcribe recordings, such as listening multiple times and allowing dictionary use.
3. Transcribing recordings is a beneficial exercise for students as it helps them master English sounds, practice writing, and display their grammar knowledge through self-correction. It also prepares students for conversational English.
Teaching English grammar helps students develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Without knowledge of grammar, students will not be able to speak or write English correctly. Grammar plays an important role in teaching and learning any language. If you want to know how to improve your Grammar visit this one!
-COPY & PASTE it on your browser or DOWNLOAD the file and CLICK the link.
- Grammar is the system of rules and conventions that govern language use. While languages evolve over time without formal rules being created, understanding a language's grammar can help one learn it more quickly and efficiently.
- The five most common grammatical errors are run-on sentences, pronoun errors, mistakes in apostrophe usage, lack of subject-verb agreement, and misplaced modifiers. Knowing how to identify and fix these errors improves clarity.
- Structural grammar analyzes how elements of a sentence like phrases and parts of speech relate to each other. This provides meaning and is an important tool for improving communication.
the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.
This document provides tips for improving English language skills such as speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, and writing. Some key points covered include practicing speaking aloud, focusing on correct pronunciation, using vocabulary in context, understanding grammar rules, actively listening without judgment, different types of reading, and outlining before writing essays.
Cunningham Learning Module- Spoken Grammar, Idioms, and Slang: How is Convers...Courtney Cunningham
This document provides an overview of a learning module about spoken grammar, idioms, and slang in English. It begins by introducing the purpose and structure of the module. The module will cover the main registers in English, characteristics of conversation versus writing, common idioms, and differences between idioms and slang. It provides learning objectives and outlines the key content to be covered in sections on registers, features of conversation, idiomatic expressions, and differences between idioms and slang. Interactive quizzes are included throughout to test comprehension. The overall goal is to help English language learners better understand and participate in conversations.
Descriptive grammar describes how a language is actually used by its speakers without making judgments about correctness, observing patterns in usage. Prescriptive grammar prescribes how the language should be used according to established rules, distinguishing between right and wrong usage. Examples provided illustrate descriptive grammar explaining subject/object pronoun usage and prescriptive rules prohibiting ending sentences with prepositions and use of contractions like "ain't".
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM¡¯s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM¡¯s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO¡¯s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots¡ªsystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI¡ªthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide we¡¯ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
3. First thing goes first!
? 1. What is grammar?
? 2. Why do we study grammar?
? 3. How can grammar be acquired/learned?
? 4. What shall we do in this course?
4. 1. What is grammar
? Grammar is the formal study of the
structure of a language and describes how
words fit together in meaningful
? A property of brain
? a specific description, study or analysis of
rules for language use
5. ? Home computers are now much cheaper.
Home computers now much are cheaper.*
? Susan likes Tom.
Tom likes Susan.
6. operational grammar vs. analytic
? We acquire a working knowledge of our
native language simply through being
exposed to it from early childhood.
? You study grammar, however, if you want to
be able to analyse your language. The
analytic grammar makes explicit the
knowledge of the rules with which you
operate when you use the language.
7. Descriptive vs. prescriptive
? A descriptive rule is one that describes how people use their
? Sometimes people speaking the same dialect disagree in their
evaluation of particular sentences. For example, some speakers of
standard British English find acceptable I demand that she gives her
reasons; others prefer or require a different form of the verb in the that-
clause, either that she give her reasons or that she should give her
? Rules that specify which usages should be adopted or avoided are
called prescriptive rules. Examples of prescriptive rules are:
? Don¡¯t use like as a conjunction, as in He speaks like his father does.
? Don¡¯t use between you and I.
? Don¡¯t split an infinitive, as in to actually feel.
? Don¡¯t end a sentence with a preposition.
8. ? Knowing the rules in evaluative and
operational senses does not mean that
you can say what the rules are.
9. What makes a good rule?
? Truth
? Limitation
? Clarity
? Simplicity
? Familiarity
? Relevance
10. 2. Why do we study grammar?
? Read the following two reflective
comments and discuss your opinions