Explain the concept of cultural diversity and workplace diversity in tourism and hospitality industry
Discuss about the management and issues of cultural diversity in tourism and hospitality industry
Study the impact on cultural diversity in tourism and hospitality industry
?Globalization and internationalization is current trends.
?It makes people moving work and live with people with diverse backgrounds.
?Cultural diversity also can create conflict.
?In hospitality industry, has great dimension of cultural diversity from staff, guest and tourist.
Advanced of computer technology efficient communication system Transportation (budget – high class) Easy to book accommodation.
Tourism and hospitality organizations will work in very complex multicultural tourism environment.
?They must understand the perception of culture and the role of national culture and how impact to tourist behavior.
?The organization responsible to reduce gap of cultural distance in workplace.
? Cultural fit interview
? Shoes that it sells online
? Zappos hires according to cultural fit first and foremost
? New employees are offered $2,000 to quit after the first week of training if they decide the job isn’t for them.
? This promotes the culture and happy employees, which ultimately leads to happy customers.
? Has been making and selling prescription glasses online since 2010
? Designs its own glasses, and sells directly to customers, cutting out the middleman and keeping prices low.
? “Culture crushes,” - means that team have a positive culture is on the forefront, setting up fun lunches, events and programs ? Make sure the entire team works well together by insisting everyone helps keep break areas clean or sending random employees out to lunch together.
? Culture- workers rave
? Rooftop meetings, friendly coworkers and a team-oriented environment
? Employees of twitter can also expect free meals at the san francisco headquarters,
? Along with yoga classes and unlimited vacations for some
? Twitter team decided that san francisco was to remain the place they call home, and moved into office space at 1355 market street, market square.
?Free meals,
?Employee trips and parties,
?Financial bonuses,
? Open presentations by high-level executives,
? A dog-friendly environment and so on.
Google office at London headquarters in Victoria
Google at Tokyo, Japan
? Air Asia is a huge company with a lot of employees
? Tony Fernandes, he wanted a company where people can pursue their dreams
? They advise openness and want people to be creative and passionate about what they do
? Employees can communicate directly with tony and
This topic introduces the cultural diversity in tourism and hospitality industry. it also discusses the types of culture and the advantages of cultural diversity in the hospitality industry.
This document discusses communication in a diverse environment. It begins by defining environment and culture. Culture includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, and habits acquired as a member of society. There are three levels of culture that influence international business: national culture, business culture, and organizational culture. National culture is dominant within a country's boundaries and affects language and laws. Business culture provides norms for conducting business. Organizational culture refers to shared philosophies within a company. There are also primary and secondary dimensions of diversity like gender, age, race, education, and work background. The document outlines elements of culture like language, religion, attitudes, and beliefs. It emphasizes that managing diversity can provide benefits like diverse ideas but also
Culture and Communication in the Global Workforce.pptmohdshahyar
This document discusses culture and communication in the global workforce. It begins by defining culture and explaining how cultural norms, values, beliefs, and language make groups distinctive from one another. It then discusses how culture blends in work environments as companies take on multinational operations and managers must deal with diverse cultures. Effective cultural competency training is needed to avoid issues like miscommunication and conflict that can endanger productivity. Developing cultural competence allows one to understand, communicate with, and interact effectively across cultures in today's global business environment.
Communication in a culturally diverse organizationSaugata Palit
The document discusses communication in a diverse environment. It defines culture and the different levels of culture - national, business, and organizational - that influence international operations. National culture is shaped by a country's dominant language, education system, and laws. Business culture provides norms for conducting business. Organizational culture refers to shared values within a company. Managing diversity requires understanding these cultural dimensions and leveraging cultural differences as a competitive advantage through inclusive practices.
This document discusses cultural diversity and corporate culture. It defines culture and diversity, noting that diversity includes differences in human characteristics, ideas, backgrounds, and other factors. Cultural diversity is important for companies and the hospitality industry as it increases creativity, respect for others, and business reputation. The document also examines examples of companies with great corporate cultures, like Zappos, Warby Parker, Twitter, Google, and Air Asia. These companies emphasize values like cultural fit, teamwork, and work-life balance to create positive work environments.
The ppt describes cross cultural communication as an aspect of our business environment and notice the need of engagement of different cultures in a business scenario.
The document discusses various aspects of a firm's socio-cultural environment including levels of education, occupation, lifestyles, cultural traits and values, tastes and preferences, behavior, social networks, and social class. It provides details on education levels in the Philippines and the advantages of education for employers, workers, and a nation's economy. Occupation is defined in terms of work experience and socioeconomic status. Lifestyles reflect individual identity and cultural symbols. Core Filipino cultural traits center around social harmony and values of hiya and amor propio. Social networks and institutions govern social cooperation and behavior within communities. Social class refers to hierarchical social categories such as upper, middle, and lower classes.
The document discusses different elements and levels of culture that influence business operations internationally. It describes culture as consisting of complex patterns including knowledge, beliefs, customs, and capabilities acquired by individuals in a society. Culture is learned, shared, trans-generational, symbolic, patterned, and adaptive. The document outlines three levels of culture - national culture, business culture, and occupational/organizational cultures. It provides examples of how these different levels of culture, such as language, religion, and customs, shape business norms and interactions globally.
This document discusses the importance of cultural competence for social workers. It outlines standards for cultural competency set by NASW, including ethics and self-awareness. Social workers should understand how culture influences behavior and have knowledge of their clients' cultures to provide sensitive services. They should also seek education on diversity related to characteristics like race, gender, and disability. Developing cultural competency is an ongoing process that requires awareness of one's own identity and perspectives.
Culture refers to the cumulative knowledge, experiences, beliefs, and objects that a group acquires over generations. Culture is shared systems of knowledge that connect a group. Multiculturalism is the acceptance of multiple ethnic cultures within a place like a city or nation for practical and diversity reasons. It involves recognizing distinct subgroups within the overarching national culture. Supporters argue multiculturalism can improve decision-making and innovation by exposing a workforce to diverse perspectives. It also helps companies address labor needs by appealing to different cultural groups. Many large companies have diversity programs to recruit and support multicultural employees.
The document discusses cultural diversity in healthcare and the workplace. It outlines national standards introduced in 2000 to increase cultural competence in healthcare. Many federal agencies now require cultural competence training for healthcare professionals. Workplace diversity training focuses on developing respect for cultural differences and effective teamwork. Managers must consider cultural differences related to ethnicity, religion, gender, and geography when evaluating their organizations. Training, mentors, and sensitivity to differences can help employees from various cultures work together effectively.
Culture has a significant influence on consumer behavior. It determines values and lifestyle choices that impact thoughts, motives and consumption patterns. Core cultural values define how products are used and perceptions of brands. While globalization is dissolving boundaries, local culture still influences heterogeneity in consumption. Culture is learned and influences language, family structure, product evaluations, and communication style. It must be considered in marketing strategy, particularly regarding products, pricing, distribution and communication.
Cultural Awareness in Tourism & HospitalityMonte Christo
This document discusses cultural awareness in hospitality and tourism. It defines culture diversity as valuing differences between people. Cultural awareness involves understanding one's own cultural values and how others may differ. Multicultural education aims to reduce divisions and help citizens participate in society. The document recommends offering cultural awareness training in hospitality/tourism programs. It also provides seven practices workplaces can implement to increase cultural awareness, such as cultural training, celebrating holidays, observing others, and achieving awareness through community activities. Several Filipino hotels promoting cultural identity are highlighted.
The document discusses how culture impacts business globally and domestically. It defines culture and explains how cultural differences can affect marketing, business practices, and corporate culture. The document also discusses the benefits of diversity in the workplace and laws prohibiting discrimination.
Tools for exploring the meanings of multiculturalism
(MULTINATIONS) is a 24 months project, founded by
the European Commission, through ERASMUS+
program, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for youth.
The aim of the project is to develop innovative tools
and creative methods for youth workers and trainers
who are active in non-formal education, in order to
create a non-discriminatory and equal society. The
project is implemented with the help of the following
partners: Association D.G.T. (Romania), ENOROS
(Lithuania) and DANISH YOUTH TEAM (Denmark).
Dissecting culture and its application to business.docxmadlynplamondon
culture and its
application to
What we’ll cover
1. What is the nature of culture?
2. Variety and variation in culture
3. How have globalisation, migration and diversity impacted on
national culture?
4. Use these insights to critically evaluate models of national culture
5. Culture traps: problems and pitfalls to avoid
6. Dynamic models of culture
7. Groupwork exercise: apply your cultural knowledge to business
1. What is culture?
Read the following descriptions of national values
for China, India, Britain
?What do these descriptions tell us about the nature of
i.e. what kinds of things do we call ‘culture’?
? How long might it take an outsider to understand these
So what is the nature of culture?
“a complex frame of reference that consists of patterns of traditions,
beliefs, values, norms, symbols, and meanings that are shared to varying
degrees by interacting members of a community”
(Ting-Toomey, 1999, p.10)
traditions rituals, ceremonies, rites of passage
beliefs, values, norms underlying principles governing behaviours
symbols language (verbal, non-verbal) also images
meanings Interpretations of symbols held by members
‘shared to varying degrees’ not every single member of the culture to the same degree!
‘a frame of reference’ for making sense of the world
Culture is socially constructed; a basis for shared, collective identities
What are the key
words to highlight
in this definition?
Another definition
“the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s
concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what
things are appropriate, and dictates behaviour”
(Varner & Beamer, 2011, p.5)
coherent an entire, consistent world view
learned we are not born with it; culture is transmitted
view of a group agreed, shared views of a society
What are the key
words to highlight
in this definition?
The Iceberg of Culture
In awareness Visible
Out of conscious
The Iceberg of Culture Fine arts Literature
Drama Classical music Popular music
Folk dancing Games Cooking Dress
Notions of modesty Conceptions of beauty Ideas about child raising
Rules of descent Cosmology Relationship to animals Courtship practices
Patterns of superior/subordinate relations Definitions of sin
Conceptions of justice Notions of leadership Incentive to work Tempo of work
Attitudes to the dependent Approaches to problem solving
Patterns of group decision making Eye behaviour Conceptions of cleanliness
Theories of disease Conception of status mobility
Roles in relation to status by age, sex, class, occupation, kinship etc
Definition of insanity Nature of friendship Conception of self
Patterns of visual perception Body language Facial expression
Notions of logic and validity Patterns of handling emotions ...
Cultural values form the core of cultures and can include factors like time orientation, family obligations, communication patterns, interpersonal relationships, gender, education, socioeconomic status, and religious beliefs. Cultural diversity is important for businesses and communities to not only survive but thrive, as all community members need to feel respected and utilized. A culturally diverse workplace can provide benefits like improved customer service, access to new markets, and innovative ideas from a range of viewpoints, while a lack of diversity can lead to tensions, low morale, and poorer service quality.
This document discusses the socio-cultural environment and its influence on business. It covers several key aspects of socio-cultural environment including levels of education, occupation, lifestyles, cultural traits and values, tastes and preferences, behavior, social networks, and social class. The socio-cultural factors can determine what businesses succeed by influencing consumer preferences and demographics. An educated population is advantageous for both businesses and the overall economy.
Standardized Cultural Competency In-Service Training ProceedNCTSTA
Train staff members with this interactive presentation that includes various teaching tools such as: videos, quizzes, diagrams, visuals, discussion segments and hands-on activities to aid the learning process and maintain participant engagement.
Socio Cultural Environment in Global Marketingvip1233
The document discusses various aspects of culture including definitions, features, and how culture influences business functions and global marketing. It provides examples of cultural differences between Eastern and Western societies and how they impact behaviors and decision making. The document also summarizes how McDonald's localized their menu and operations to be successful in India by removing beef and pork and developing culturally appropriate menu items. Language, values, customs, religion, and other elements that make up culture are also outlined.
This in-service training discusses enhancing cultural competence in relationships and organizations. It covers topics like understanding one's own culture and worldview, recognizing cultural differences, and assessing cultural competence on an individual and organizational level. The training provides strategies for improving cultural competence, such as getting to know oneself and one's community, and evaluating where one falls on the cultural competence continuum in order to strengthen relationships and better serve diverse groups.
Organizational Culture and Structure (2).pptxAbedElharazin1
This document discusses organizational culture and structure. It defines culture and explains that culture is learned and helps groups solve problems. It also discusses how globalization impacts organizational culture. Different types of organizational structures are described like centralized vs decentralized structures. Factors that impact organizational culture and the importance of having the right culture for organizational improvement are also covered.
Organizational culture refers to the values, expectations, and practices that guide employee actions. It encompasses the traits that define a company. Culture affects all aspects of business from employee benefits to performance. Companies that prioritize culture can better withstand challenges. A strong culture also helps attract talent and outperform competitors. Key qualities of positive cultures include alignment, appreciation, trust, and innovation. Cultural diversity values people from different backgrounds. Common types of cultural differences are generational, ethnic, religious, and educational. To address differences, companies should learn about employee backgrounds and acknowledge various holidays.
The document discusses the cultural environment in international business. It defines culture as shared attitudes, values, and practices that characterize a group. The main components of culture are values, norms, and society. Culture is learned, shared, patterned, symbolic, transgenerational, and adaptive. There are several dimensions of culture, including national culture, business culture, organizational culture, and occupational culture. Elements that shape culture include attitudes and beliefs, demographics, religion, language, education, family structure, social organization, and class structure.
national Culture and its connect with organizational cultureociety.pptxSanikaGupte3
The document discusses key concepts related to organizational culture. It defines organizational culture as the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence employee behavior within an organization. Sources of organizational culture include the organization's founder, vision and mission, past practices, and behaviors of top management. A strong culture creates commitment and performance but can prevent innovation, while a weak culture lacks influence. Employees learn the culture through stories and rituals that reinforce core values.
Culture influences business strategy and operations in many ways. Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that guide how a company is managed and how it interacts externally. Business strategies must consider cultural factors globally to ensure wide acceptance. Companies like Tata and Mahindra have achieved global recognition due to their strong cultural values. Studies have also shown that core cultural values within companies directly correlate to better business performance. For businesses to be successful globally, they must understand cultural differences and adapt their strategies accordingly.
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This document discusses the importance of cultural competence for social workers. It outlines standards for cultural competency set by NASW, including ethics and self-awareness. Social workers should understand how culture influences behavior and have knowledge of their clients' cultures to provide sensitive services. They should also seek education on diversity related to characteristics like race, gender, and disability. Developing cultural competency is an ongoing process that requires awareness of one's own identity and perspectives.
Culture refers to the cumulative knowledge, experiences, beliefs, and objects that a group acquires over generations. Culture is shared systems of knowledge that connect a group. Multiculturalism is the acceptance of multiple ethnic cultures within a place like a city or nation for practical and diversity reasons. It involves recognizing distinct subgroups within the overarching national culture. Supporters argue multiculturalism can improve decision-making and innovation by exposing a workforce to diverse perspectives. It also helps companies address labor needs by appealing to different cultural groups. Many large companies have diversity programs to recruit and support multicultural employees.
The document discusses cultural diversity in healthcare and the workplace. It outlines national standards introduced in 2000 to increase cultural competence in healthcare. Many federal agencies now require cultural competence training for healthcare professionals. Workplace diversity training focuses on developing respect for cultural differences and effective teamwork. Managers must consider cultural differences related to ethnicity, religion, gender, and geography when evaluating their organizations. Training, mentors, and sensitivity to differences can help employees from various cultures work together effectively.
Culture has a significant influence on consumer behavior. It determines values and lifestyle choices that impact thoughts, motives and consumption patterns. Core cultural values define how products are used and perceptions of brands. While globalization is dissolving boundaries, local culture still influences heterogeneity in consumption. Culture is learned and influences language, family structure, product evaluations, and communication style. It must be considered in marketing strategy, particularly regarding products, pricing, distribution and communication.
Cultural Awareness in Tourism & HospitalityMonte Christo
This document discusses cultural awareness in hospitality and tourism. It defines culture diversity as valuing differences between people. Cultural awareness involves understanding one's own cultural values and how others may differ. Multicultural education aims to reduce divisions and help citizens participate in society. The document recommends offering cultural awareness training in hospitality/tourism programs. It also provides seven practices workplaces can implement to increase cultural awareness, such as cultural training, celebrating holidays, observing others, and achieving awareness through community activities. Several Filipino hotels promoting cultural identity are highlighted.
The document discusses how culture impacts business globally and domestically. It defines culture and explains how cultural differences can affect marketing, business practices, and corporate culture. The document also discusses the benefits of diversity in the workplace and laws prohibiting discrimination.
Tools for exploring the meanings of multiculturalism
(MULTINATIONS) is a 24 months project, founded by
the European Commission, through ERASMUS+
program, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for youth.
The aim of the project is to develop innovative tools
and creative methods for youth workers and trainers
who are active in non-formal education, in order to
create a non-discriminatory and equal society. The
project is implemented with the help of the following
partners: Association D.G.T. (Romania), ENOROS
(Lithuania) and DANISH YOUTH TEAM (Denmark).
Dissecting culture and its application to business.docxmadlynplamondon
culture and its
application to
What we’ll cover
1. What is the nature of culture?
2. Variety and variation in culture
3. How have globalisation, migration and diversity impacted on
national culture?
4. Use these insights to critically evaluate models of national culture
5. Culture traps: problems and pitfalls to avoid
6. Dynamic models of culture
7. Groupwork exercise: apply your cultural knowledge to business
1. What is culture?
Read the following descriptions of national values
for China, India, Britain
?What do these descriptions tell us about the nature of
i.e. what kinds of things do we call ‘culture’?
? How long might it take an outsider to understand these
So what is the nature of culture?
“a complex frame of reference that consists of patterns of traditions,
beliefs, values, norms, symbols, and meanings that are shared to varying
degrees by interacting members of a community”
(Ting-Toomey, 1999, p.10)
traditions rituals, ceremonies, rites of passage
beliefs, values, norms underlying principles governing behaviours
symbols language (verbal, non-verbal) also images
meanings Interpretations of symbols held by members
‘shared to varying degrees’ not every single member of the culture to the same degree!
‘a frame of reference’ for making sense of the world
Culture is socially constructed; a basis for shared, collective identities
What are the key
words to highlight
in this definition?
Another definition
“the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s
concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what
things are appropriate, and dictates behaviour”
(Varner & Beamer, 2011, p.5)
coherent an entire, consistent world view
learned we are not born with it; culture is transmitted
view of a group agreed, shared views of a society
What are the key
words to highlight
in this definition?
The Iceberg of Culture
In awareness Visible
Out of conscious
The Iceberg of Culture Fine arts Literature
Drama Classical music Popular music
Folk dancing Games Cooking Dress
Notions of modesty Conceptions of beauty Ideas about child raising
Rules of descent Cosmology Relationship to animals Courtship practices
Patterns of superior/subordinate relations Definitions of sin
Conceptions of justice Notions of leadership Incentive to work Tempo of work
Attitudes to the dependent Approaches to problem solving
Patterns of group decision making Eye behaviour Conceptions of cleanliness
Theories of disease Conception of status mobility
Roles in relation to status by age, sex, class, occupation, kinship etc
Definition of insanity Nature of friendship Conception of self
Patterns of visual perception Body language Facial expression
Notions of logic and validity Patterns of handling emotions ...
Cultural values form the core of cultures and can include factors like time orientation, family obligations, communication patterns, interpersonal relationships, gender, education, socioeconomic status, and religious beliefs. Cultural diversity is important for businesses and communities to not only survive but thrive, as all community members need to feel respected and utilized. A culturally diverse workplace can provide benefits like improved customer service, access to new markets, and innovative ideas from a range of viewpoints, while a lack of diversity can lead to tensions, low morale, and poorer service quality.
This document discusses the socio-cultural environment and its influence on business. It covers several key aspects of socio-cultural environment including levels of education, occupation, lifestyles, cultural traits and values, tastes and preferences, behavior, social networks, and social class. The socio-cultural factors can determine what businesses succeed by influencing consumer preferences and demographics. An educated population is advantageous for both businesses and the overall economy.
Standardized Cultural Competency In-Service Training ProceedNCTSTA
Train staff members with this interactive presentation that includes various teaching tools such as: videos, quizzes, diagrams, visuals, discussion segments and hands-on activities to aid the learning process and maintain participant engagement.
Socio Cultural Environment in Global Marketingvip1233
The document discusses various aspects of culture including definitions, features, and how culture influences business functions and global marketing. It provides examples of cultural differences between Eastern and Western societies and how they impact behaviors and decision making. The document also summarizes how McDonald's localized their menu and operations to be successful in India by removing beef and pork and developing culturally appropriate menu items. Language, values, customs, religion, and other elements that make up culture are also outlined.
This in-service training discusses enhancing cultural competence in relationships and organizations. It covers topics like understanding one's own culture and worldview, recognizing cultural differences, and assessing cultural competence on an individual and organizational level. The training provides strategies for improving cultural competence, such as getting to know oneself and one's community, and evaluating where one falls on the cultural competence continuum in order to strengthen relationships and better serve diverse groups.
Organizational Culture and Structure (2).pptxAbedElharazin1
This document discusses organizational culture and structure. It defines culture and explains that culture is learned and helps groups solve problems. It also discusses how globalization impacts organizational culture. Different types of organizational structures are described like centralized vs decentralized structures. Factors that impact organizational culture and the importance of having the right culture for organizational improvement are also covered.
Organizational culture refers to the values, expectations, and practices that guide employee actions. It encompasses the traits that define a company. Culture affects all aspects of business from employee benefits to performance. Companies that prioritize culture can better withstand challenges. A strong culture also helps attract talent and outperform competitors. Key qualities of positive cultures include alignment, appreciation, trust, and innovation. Cultural diversity values people from different backgrounds. Common types of cultural differences are generational, ethnic, religious, and educational. To address differences, companies should learn about employee backgrounds and acknowledge various holidays.
The document discusses the cultural environment in international business. It defines culture as shared attitudes, values, and practices that characterize a group. The main components of culture are values, norms, and society. Culture is learned, shared, patterned, symbolic, transgenerational, and adaptive. There are several dimensions of culture, including national culture, business culture, organizational culture, and occupational culture. Elements that shape culture include attitudes and beliefs, demographics, religion, language, education, family structure, social organization, and class structure.
national Culture and its connect with organizational cultureociety.pptxSanikaGupte3
The document discusses key concepts related to organizational culture. It defines organizational culture as the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence employee behavior within an organization. Sources of organizational culture include the organization's founder, vision and mission, past practices, and behaviors of top management. A strong culture creates commitment and performance but can prevent innovation, while a weak culture lacks influence. Employees learn the culture through stories and rituals that reinforce core values.
Culture influences business strategy and operations in many ways. Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that guide how a company is managed and how it interacts externally. Business strategies must consider cultural factors globally to ensure wide acceptance. Companies like Tata and Mahindra have achieved global recognition due to their strong cultural values. Studies have also shown that core cultural values within companies directly correlate to better business performance. For businesses to be successful globally, they must understand cultural differences and adapt their strategies accordingly.
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Governance of seabed integrity in the Baltic Seapermagoveu
Seabed integrity depends on the health and wellbeing of benthic habitats found on the seafloor. These habitats include geological and biological components that are constantly pressured by human activities e.g. dredging, bottom trawling.
PERMAGOV analysis of governance arrangements shows that the availability of knowledge is an essential enabler for seabed governance. Missing knowledge about the locations and extent of benthic habitat types, impacts of bottom trawling, cumulative impacts of activities, and the recovery potential of habitats hamper seabed governance.
Setting threshold values can support seabed governance by providing concrete quantified targets for seabed protection and legal depth for the enforcement of the MSFD.
Considerations for appropriate assessment of efficacy of biopesticides in the...OECD Environment
The OECD Seminar on Different aspects of efficacy evaluation of biopesticides, held on 28-29 June 2021, covered the similarities and differences of the efficacy evaluation of the different categories of biopesticides, new application techniques, efficacy evaluation of biopesticides based on plant defence inducers (PDI), comparison of efficacy requirements for biostimulants vs. biopesticides, how to evaluate different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) modules, and registration pathways with limited or no evaluation of efficacy. The event facilitated exchanges between policy makers, academia, and industry.
Day 2 Seminar Local Government Reorganisation and Planning Seminar_web.pptxmhutttch
Prepare for the impact of devolution and local government reorganisation! This workshop explores how these changes will affect planning and how local authorities can adapt smoothly. Hear insights from those in newly formed and combined authorities
Wildlife Day 2025: Celebrating Nature and Conservation Effortssun web solutionss
Join us as we celebrate Wildlife Day 2025! This 狠狠撸Share presentation explores the fascinating world of wildlife and highlights the importance of conservation efforts. From majestic elephants to endangered species, we delve into the unique behaviors and habitats of various animals and discuss how we can contribute to protecting these incredible creatures. Discover the beauty of biodiversity and learn about the crucial role we all play in preserving our natural world. Let's come together to make every day a Wildlife Day
Breakout session Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Precision Farming with Smart Soil Insights: How Advanced Soil Profiling Enhances Farm Economics and Ecology
Traditional soil analysis is limited in scope and insight. Breakthroughs with in-field sensors and in-lab analytics provide a complete soil profile to help maximize yield and minimize impact.
Speaker: Kiana Sinner, Thurston Conservation District
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate a body of water, making it toxic to humans and the environment.
Point source pollution: Pollution from specific sources like sewage treatment plants or factories
Diffuse pollution: Pollution from widespread sources like farming and power plants
Oil spills: Accidental spills, transportation, runoff, and intentional dumping
Industrial wastewater: Heavy metals, dyes, and other pollutants released into water bodies
Agricultural runoff: Fertilizers, pesticides, and salt
Breakout session Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Explore the value of STAR's adaptable framework in aligning state partners & amplifying conservation efforts using a locally led, science-based approach to evaluating & guiding practice adoption.
Speaker: Jake Deutmeyer, STAR: Saving Tomorrow's Agriculture Resources
Quality Management in Oil Spill Response Clean-up and.pptxJustinNickaf3
? Explain the concept of cultural diversity and
workplace diversity in tourism and hospitality
? Discuss about the management and issues of
cultural diversity in tourism and hospitality industry
? Study the impact on cultural diversity in tourism and
hospitality industry
IS THE SAME? (HOMOGENEOUS) OR Is different? (Heterogeneous).
? “The set of common beliefs and practices that a person shares with a group”
(robins et al., 2006)
? The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors and
customs unique to a particular group of people and that are passed down
from generation to generation
? Cultural identity is how people recognize where they belong
? “Diversity” relates to individuals and
groups with different socioeconomic
backgrounds and physical capabilities who
engage in a variety of languages
? People of all ages, genders, races,
ethnicity and sexual orientation.
? Human characteristics Ideas
? World-views
? Age
? Experience
? Disability (mental, learning,
? Economic background
? Education
? Ethnicity
? gender identity
? geographic background
? language(s) spoken
? marital/partnered status
? physical appearance
? political affiliation
? race
? religious beliefs
? sexual orientation
? veteran's status.
?Globalization and internationalization is current trends.
?It makes people moving work and live with people with diverse
?Cultural diversity also can create conflict.
?In hospitality industry, has great dimension of cultural diversity from
staff, guest and tourist.
? Advanced of computer technology efficient communication
system Transportation (budget – high class) Easy to book
Tourism and hospitality organizations will work in very
complex multicultural tourism environment.
?They must understand the perception of culture and the role
of national culture and how impact to tourist behavior.
?The organization responsible to reduce gap of cultural
distance in workplace.
CD importance to companies for LONG TERM value.
? Hospitality industry its growing .
? Expand ability to speak in different language..
? Able to understand and more respect others religion and belief
? Have mutual respect
? Increase creativity and more exciting
? New attitudes and have different sight of view
? Conflict resolution- minimize potential conflict.
? Great business reputation- build trust from customer
? Job promotion
? Increase exposure and knowledge
? The term corporate culture widely used in research
professionals and managers in many organization all
over the word especially in Japan and Americans.
? “ The systems of shared beliefs, values and
standards of solving problems, which is created in
the forming and developing process of corporation
and demonstrated through physical and nonphysical
forms and behaviors of it member”
? Cultural fit interview
? Shoes that it sells online
? Zappos hires according to cultural fit first and foremost
? New employees are offered $2,000 to quit after the first week of training if they decide
the job isn’t for them.
? This promotes the culture and happy employees, which ultimately leads to happy
? Has been making and selling prescription glasses online since 2010
? Designs its own glasses, and sells directly to customers, cutting out the middleman
and keeping prices low.
? “Culture crushes,” - means that team have a positive culture is on the forefront, setting
up fun lunches, events and programs ? Make sure the entire team works well together
by insisting everyone helps keep break areas clean or sending random employees out
to lunch together.
14. 3. TWITTER
? Culture- workers rave
? Rooftop meetings, friendly coworkers and a team-oriented environment
? Employees of twitter can also expect free meals at the san francisco headquarters,
? Along with yoga classes and unlimited vacations for some
? Twitter team decided that san francisco was to remain the place they call home, and
moved into office space at 1355 market street, market square.
?Free meals,
?Employee trips and parties,
?Financial bonuses,
? Open presentations by high-level executives,
? A dog-friendly environment and so on.
Google office at London headquarters in Victoria
Google at Tokyo, Japan
15. 5. AIR ASIA
? Air Asia is a huge company with a lot of employees
? Tony Fernandes, he wanted a company where people can pursue
their dreams
? They advise openness and want people to be creative and
passionate about what they do
? Employees can communicate directly with tony and provide
suggestions on how Air Asia can be more productive and efficient.
? “ In anthropology and geography a cultural region, cultural sphere and cultural area”
?These are often associated with an ethnolinguistic group and the territory it inhabits
? Culture region is an area inhabited by people who have one or more cultural traits in common,
such as language, religion, or system of livelihood.
? It is an area that is relatively homogeneous with regard to one or more cultural traits.
? The geographer who identifies a formal culture region must locate cultural borders. Because
cultures overlap and mix, such boundaries are rarely sharp, even if only a single cultural trait is
17. WORLD 7 Continents And 5 Ocean
- Language
- Food - ‘Customs (‘adat’)
- Religion - Economic activity
- Parenting style
?Socioeconomic status (SES) is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's
work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others,
based on income, education, and occupation.
?Socioeconomic diversity has a mix of people/staff/students from different income levels, social
backgrounds, and in some cases, racial and ethnic backgrounds
Socio-economic differences
18. Socio-economic group refers to a person's position in society's structural and
functional systems. Its involved an activity, occupation, occupational status and industry. Can be
classified according to socio-economic group: Upper level Medium level Lower level Poor
SOCIAL CLASS refers to a group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence, and status.
Sociologists typically use three methods to determine social class:
? The lower class
? Poverty, homelessness, and unemployment
? Suffer from lack of medical care, adequate housing and food, decent clothing, safety
? The working class
? Those minimally educated people who engage in “manual labor” with little or no prestige.
? Unskilled workers - dishwashers, cashiers, maids, and waitresses
? Skilled workers in this class - carpenters, plumbers, and electrician
?The middle class
? Lower middle class - less educated people with lower incomes, such as managers, small
business owners, teachers.
19. ? Upper middle class is - highly educated business and professional
people with high incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and
?The upper class
? The lower‐upper class - those with “new money,” or money made
from investments, business ventures, and so forth.
? The upper‐upper class - those aristocratic and “high‐society” families
with “old money” who have been rich for generations. More prestigious
than the lower‐upper class
Titanic: true love stories between lower class and upper class.
20. Social Pyramid Of Ancient Egypt
? Upper-income families - send their children to private schools because they view the
education and security as superior to that of public schools.
? Medium or lower income – send their kids to public school.
? Recent study found that an institution with a socioeconomically diverse student body has
more frequent interactions across class, which in turn are associated with higher levels of
cross-racial interactions and engagement in diversity-related activities overall.
CULTURE OF VARIOUS AGE-GROUPS - Age diversity which is the acceptance of all age groups in the
? Age diversity offers positive advantages for healthy organisations, just like any other sort of diversity in
work and life.
? Treating people fairly, regardless of age, is central to the principles of ethical business and ethical
i. Diverse Skill Set- creates an environment where each generation brings different
skills and talents to the table.
ii. young professionals grew up in a high-tech world and have greater familiarity with
business technology tools compared to their more mature staff.
iii. age diversity gives businesses the advantage of being able to communicate and
deal with customers across all age spectrums.
iv. mixed-age workforce where companies value knowledge, experience and
skill above age, seniority or gender, employees of all ages have the opportunity to teach,
share and learn from one another. v. senior workers can share deeper industry
knowledge or offer advice on negotiation and benefits