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Introduction to Qualitative
Week 1
Dr Kiran Hashmi
Todays Session
 Overview of the Course
 Introduction to Qualitative Research
 The Researcher and the Research Lens
 Learning Outcome
 recognize the influence of the researcher's background, experiences, and
biases in qualitative research
 understand the importance of reflexivity and maintaining ethical standards in
their own research practice.
 develop the ability to critically analyze and discuss the role of the researcher's
lens, and apply strategies to address potential biases in qualitative research.
Course Overview
 Course Overview
 Individually read the outline of the PhD course on Advanced
Qualitative Research.
 Advance Qualitative Research-Course Outline-KH.docx
 Share your views on the description, outcomes, outline, assessments
and readings.
 Share your satisfaction level by showing the following emotions.
Think as a Researcher!!!
Research Scenario 1
 Investigating the Impact of Parental Involvement on Academic
 Researchers are interested in understanding the role of parental involvement
in students' academic achievement. They plan to conduct interviews with
parents, teachers, and students to explore their perspectives on parental
involvement and its impact on academic outcomes.
Research Scenario 2
 Exploring the Experience of Work-Life Balance Among Working
 Researchers aim to explore the experiences of working professionals in
achieving work-life balance. They plan to conduct focus group discussions to
gather insights into the challenges, strategies, and personal experiences of
individuals striving to balance their work and personal lives.
Research Scenario 3
 Examining the Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perception
Among Adolescents
 Researchers want to investigate the influence of social media on body image
perception among adolescents. They plan to use a combination of interviews
and participant observation to understand how social media platforms impact
adolescents' self-perception, body image ideals, and self-esteem.
Research Scenario 4
 Investigating the Factors Affecting Employee Motivation in the
 Researchers aim to explore the factors that contribute to employee
motivation in the workplace. They plan to conduct in-depth interviews with
employees and managers to gain insights into the motivational strategies,
organizational culture, and job satisfaction levels that influence employee
Quantitative Qualitative
Write your definition
Qualitative Research is
Let us summarize
Unstructured Data
Interview, focus
Structure Data
Thoughts, feelings
why people act in
the way they do
Let us summarize
Unstructured Data



Interview, focus

Structure Data
Thoughts, feelings

why people act in
the way they do

Introduction to Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not
everything that counts can be counted
~ Albert Einstein
Introduction to Qualitative Research
 Qualitative research is a systematic approach used to understand complex phenomena through in-depth
exploration and interpretation of subjective experiences, meanings, and perspectives.
 It focuses on gathering rich, detailed data and aims to uncover the underlying meanings and processes that
shape human behavior and social phenomena.
 Qualitative research is characterized by its flexibility, contextuality, and holistic understanding of the
research subject.
 Unlike quantitative research that emphasizes numerical data and statistical analysis, qualitative research
relies on textual, visual, and narrative data.
 It is often used in social sciences, humanities, and other disciplines where understanding human behavior,
culture, and social interactions is essential.
 Qualitative research methods include interviews, observations, focus groups, document analysis, and other
techniques that allow for deep exploration and understanding.
 Key principles of qualitative research include reflexivity, subjective interpretation, contextuality, and an
iterative approach to data collection and analysis.
 By embracing the complexity of human experiences, qualitative research offers valuable insights, nuanced
understanding, and opportunities for social change and improvement.
Dimensions of Qualitative Methods
 Understanding context
 How economic, political, social, cultural, environmental and organizational
factors influence health?
 Understanding people
 How people make sense of their experiences of health and disease?
 Understanding interaction
 How the various actors involved in different public health activities
interact each other?
Important Concepts in Designing Qualitative Research
Concept Description
Natural setting Participants are free from any control & data are
collected in their natural environment
Holism The whole is more than the sum, take
magnitude of contextual factors in to account
Human as a
Researcher is involved in every step being
responsive, flexible, adaptive and good listener
Emergent design Study design emerges as further insights are
gained through data collection and analysis
A stage where additional interview or observation is
not believed to add new information-enough is
Common Qualitative Study Designs
Study design Description
Ethnography Portrait of people- study of the story and culture of a
group usually to develop cultural awareness & sensitivity
Phenomenology Study of individuals lived experiences of events-e.g. the
experience of AIDS care
Grounded theory Going beyond adding to the existing body of
knowledge-developing a new theory about a
phenomenon-theory grounded on data
Participatory action
Individuals & groups researching their own personal
beings, socio-cultural settings and experiences
Case study In-depth investigation of a single or small number of units at a
point (over a period) in time. e.g. Evaluation of service
The Researcher and the Research Lens
Visual Reflection - The Researcher's Lens
 In pairs, analyse the shared pictures.
 Select one image that you believe best represents the influence of the
researcher's lens in qualitative research.
 Discuss and analyze your chosen image, relating it to the concepts of
reflexivity and the researcher's influence in qualitative research.
 Present the chosen image to the whole class and explain how it reflects the
researcher's lens.
 Share your interpretations of the images and discuss the potential impact
of the researcher's background, experiences, and biases on qualitative
 Reflect on the ethical considerations and strategies for addressing potential
bias and maintaining integrity in their research.
No single or ultimate truth to be discovered, more
likely there are multiple perspectives
What do you see?
Introduction to Qualitative Research-Week 1.pptx
Introduction to Qualitative Research-Week 1.pptx
Case Study
 In pairs, read the given case study: Exploring the Influence of Online
Learning Platforms on Student Engagement and Academic
 Discuss, analyse a specific aspect of the case and later share with the
 Pair 1: research questions
 Pair 2: data collection methods
 Pair 3: ethical considerations
 XYZ University recently implemented an online learning platform to
supplement traditional classroom instruction. The university administration
is interested in understanding the impact of this platform on student
engagement and academic performance.
1. Research Questions:
 How does the use of the online learning platform influence student engagement?
 What are the perceived benefits and challenges of using the online learning platform from the students'
 Does the use of the online learning platform have an impact on students' academic performance?
2. Data Collection Methods:
 Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews with a sample of students to gather their experiences, opinions, and
perceptions regarding the online learning platform.
 Surveys: Administer a survey to a larger sample of students to collect quantitative data on their engagement levels,
satisfaction with the platform, and academic performance.
 Observation: Observe students' interactions with the online learning platform during their virtual classes or study
sessions to gain insights into their engagement behaviors and usage patterns.
3. Ethical Considerations:
 Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from the participants before conducting interviews or administering
surveys, ensuring they understand the purpose of the study and their rights as participants.
 Confidentiality: Assure participants that their responses will remain confidential and only be used for research
purposes, protecting their privacy.
 Data Protection: Safeguard the collected data by storing it securely and ensuring it is only accessible to authorized
Key Considerations in Qualitative Research
 In pairs, read the questions shared.
 Discuss and share your perspectives, experiences, and challenges.
 Pair 1: Questions 1-3
 Pair 2: Questions 4-6
 Pair 3: Questions 8-10
1. What are some of the ethical challenges that researchers may encounter when conducting qualitative
research, and how can they navigate those challenges?
2. How does the researcher's background, experiences, and biases influence the research process and
outcomes in qualitative research? Can researchers ever truly be objective?
3. In what ways can the use of reflexivity enhance the quality and credibility of qualitative research? How
can researchers effectively reflect on their own subjectivity?
4. When designing a qualitative research study, how can researchers ensure the trustworthiness and
validity of their findings? What strategies can be employed to enhance rigor?
5. How do the principles of generalizability and transferability apply to qualitative research? Can qualitative
research findings be applied to contexts beyond the specific study population?
6. What are some of the advantages and limitations of using qualitative data collection methods such as
interviews, observations, and focus groups? How can researchers address these limitations?
7. How can researchers establish and maintain rapport with participants in qualitative research studies?
What strategies can be employed to foster a trusting and open relationship?
8. What are some potential challenges and considerations when analyzing qualitative data? How can
researchers ensure the integrity and reliability of their data analysis process?
9. How can qualitative research findings be effectively communicated to various stakeholders, such as
policymakers, practitioners, or the general public? What strategies can researchers employ to maximize
the impact of their research?
10. How does the choice of theoretical framework or conceptual framework influence the design and
interpretation of qualitative research studies? How can researchers select an appropriate framework for
their study?
Reading Task
 Read the chapter Introduction to Qualitative Research By Creswell
 John W. Creswell Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing
Among Five Approaches 2006.pdf
 Write a 500 words summary of the main aspects of the chapter.
 3 things you leant
 2 you want to explore more
 1 unclear idea

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Introduction to Qualitative Research-Week 1.pptx

  • 2. Todays Session Content Overview of the Course Introduction to Qualitative Research The Researcher and the Research Lens Learning Outcome recognize the influence of the researcher's background, experiences, and biases in qualitative research understand the importance of reflexivity and maintaining ethical standards in their own research practice. develop the ability to critically analyze and discuss the role of the researcher's lens, and apply strategies to address potential biases in qualitative research.
  • 3. Course Overview Course Overview Individually read the outline of the PhD course on Advanced Qualitative Research. Advance Qualitative Research-Course Outline-KH.docx Share your views on the description, outcomes, outline, assessments and readings. Share your satisfaction level by showing the following emotions.
  • 4. Think as a Researcher!!!
  • 5. Research Scenario 1 Investigating the Impact of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement Researchers are interested in understanding the role of parental involvement in students' academic achievement. They plan to conduct interviews with parents, teachers, and students to explore their perspectives on parental involvement and its impact on academic outcomes.
  • 6. Research Scenario 2 Exploring the Experience of Work-Life Balance Among Working Professionals Researchers aim to explore the experiences of working professionals in achieving work-life balance. They plan to conduct focus group discussions to gather insights into the challenges, strategies, and personal experiences of individuals striving to balance their work and personal lives.
  • 7. Research Scenario 3 Examining the Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perception Among Adolescents Researchers want to investigate the influence of social media on body image perception among adolescents. They plan to use a combination of interviews and participant observation to understand how social media platforms impact adolescents' self-perception, body image ideals, and self-esteem.
  • 8. Research Scenario 4 Investigating the Factors Affecting Employee Motivation in the Workplace Researchers aim to explore the factors that contribute to employee motivation in the workplace. They plan to conduct in-depth interviews with employees and managers to gain insights into the motivational strategies, organizational culture, and job satisfaction levels that influence employee motivation.
  • 11. Let us summarize Unstructured Data Summary Subjective conclusions Interview, focus groups Structure Data Objective Conclusion Survey, Experiment Thoughts, feelings Understanding why people act in the way they do Qualitative Research
  • 12. Let us summarize Unstructured Data Summary Subjective conclusions Interview, focus groups Structure Data X Objective Conclusion X Survey, Experiment X Thoughts, feelings Understanding why people act in the way they do Qualitative Research
  • 14. Qualitative Research Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted ~ Albert Einstein
  • 15. Introduction to Qualitative Research Qualitative research is a systematic approach used to understand complex phenomena through in-depth exploration and interpretation of subjective experiences, meanings, and perspectives. It focuses on gathering rich, detailed data and aims to uncover the underlying meanings and processes that shape human behavior and social phenomena. Qualitative research is characterized by its flexibility, contextuality, and holistic understanding of the research subject. Unlike quantitative research that emphasizes numerical data and statistical analysis, qualitative research relies on textual, visual, and narrative data. It is often used in social sciences, humanities, and other disciplines where understanding human behavior, culture, and social interactions is essential. Qualitative research methods include interviews, observations, focus groups, document analysis, and other techniques that allow for deep exploration and understanding. Key principles of qualitative research include reflexivity, subjective interpretation, contextuality, and an iterative approach to data collection and analysis. By embracing the complexity of human experiences, qualitative research offers valuable insights, nuanced understanding, and opportunities for social change and improvement.
  • 16. Dimensions of Qualitative Methods Understanding context How economic, political, social, cultural, environmental and organizational factors influence health? Understanding people How people make sense of their experiences of health and disease? Understanding interaction How the various actors involved in different public health activities interact each other? 16
  • 17. Important Concepts in Designing Qualitative Research 17 Concept Description Natural setting Participants are free from any control & data are collected in their natural environment Holism The whole is more than the sum, take magnitude of contextual factors in to account Human as a research instrument Researcher is involved in every step being responsive, flexible, adaptive and good listener Emergent design Study design emerges as further insights are gained through data collection and analysis Saturation or redundancy A stage where additional interview or observation is not believed to add new information-enough is enough!
  • 18. Common Qualitative Study Designs 1 8 Study design Description Ethnography Portrait of people- study of the story and culture of a group usually to develop cultural awareness & sensitivity Phenomenology Study of individuals lived experiences of events-e.g. the experience of AIDS care Grounded theory Going beyond adding to the existing body of knowledge-developing a new theory about a phenomenon-theory grounded on data Participatory action research Individuals & groups researching their own personal beings, socio-cultural settings and experiences Case study In-depth investigation of a single or small number of units at a point (over a period) in time. e.g. Evaluation of service
  • 19. The Researcher and the Research Lens
  • 20. Visual Reflection - The Researcher's Lens In pairs, analyse the shared pictures. Select one image that you believe best represents the influence of the researcher's lens in qualitative research. Discuss and analyze your chosen image, relating it to the concepts of reflexivity and the researcher's influence in qualitative research. Present the chosen image to the whole class and explain how it reflects the researcher's lens. Share your interpretations of the images and discuss the potential impact of the researcher's background, experiences, and biases on qualitative research. Reflect on the ethical considerations and strategies for addressing potential bias and maintaining integrity in their research.
  • 21. Introduction No single or ultimate truth to be discovered, more likely there are multiple perspectives What do you see? 2 1
  • 24. Case Study In pairs, read the given case study: Exploring the Influence of Online Learning Platforms on Student Engagement and Academic Performance. Discuss, analyse a specific aspect of the case and later share with the class. Pair 1: research questions Pair 2: data collection methods Pair 3: ethical considerations
  • 25. XYZ University recently implemented an online learning platform to supplement traditional classroom instruction. The university administration is interested in understanding the impact of this platform on student engagement and academic performance. 1. Research Questions: How does the use of the online learning platform influence student engagement? What are the perceived benefits and challenges of using the online learning platform from the students' perspective? Does the use of the online learning platform have an impact on students' academic performance? 2. Data Collection Methods: Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews with a sample of students to gather their experiences, opinions, and perceptions regarding the online learning platform. Surveys: Administer a survey to a larger sample of students to collect quantitative data on their engagement levels, satisfaction with the platform, and academic performance. Observation: Observe students' interactions with the online learning platform during their virtual classes or study sessions to gain insights into their engagement behaviors and usage patterns. 3. Ethical Considerations: Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from the participants before conducting interviews or administering surveys, ensuring they understand the purpose of the study and their rights as participants. Confidentiality: Assure participants that their responses will remain confidential and only be used for research purposes, protecting their privacy. Data Protection: Safeguard the collected data by storing it securely and ensuring it is only accessible to authorized researchers.
  • 26. Key Considerations in Qualitative Research In pairs, read the questions shared. Discuss and share your perspectives, experiences, and challenges. Pair 1: Questions 1-3 Pair 2: Questions 4-6 Pair 3: Questions 8-10
  • 27. 1. What are some of the ethical challenges that researchers may encounter when conducting qualitative research, and how can they navigate those challenges? 2. How does the researcher's background, experiences, and biases influence the research process and outcomes in qualitative research? Can researchers ever truly be objective? 3. In what ways can the use of reflexivity enhance the quality and credibility of qualitative research? How can researchers effectively reflect on their own subjectivity? 4. When designing a qualitative research study, how can researchers ensure the trustworthiness and validity of their findings? What strategies can be employed to enhance rigor? 5. How do the principles of generalizability and transferability apply to qualitative research? Can qualitative research findings be applied to contexts beyond the specific study population? 6. What are some of the advantages and limitations of using qualitative data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and focus groups? How can researchers address these limitations? 7. How can researchers establish and maintain rapport with participants in qualitative research studies? What strategies can be employed to foster a trusting and open relationship? 8. What are some potential challenges and considerations when analyzing qualitative data? How can researchers ensure the integrity and reliability of their data analysis process? 9. How can qualitative research findings be effectively communicated to various stakeholders, such as policymakers, practitioners, or the general public? What strategies can researchers employ to maximize the impact of their research? 10. How does the choice of theoretical framework or conceptual framework influence the design and interpretation of qualitative research studies? How can researchers select an appropriate framework for their study?
  • 28. Reading Task Read the chapter Introduction to Qualitative Research By Creswell John W. Creswell Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing Among Five Approaches 2006.pdf Write a 500 words summary of the main aspects of the chapter.
  • 29. 3-2-1 3 things you leant 2 you want to explore more 1 unclear idea

Editor's Notes

  • #10: 2 minutes time Dividing the terminologies into quantitative and qualitative Justification for categorizing as either quantitative o qualitative Define qualitative research in your own words Use the worksheet
  • #11: Sharing a bit of literature here
  • #12: Which of these is a part of qualitative research? What is your justification for your selected items?