
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
What Info Should a Mobile
Product Page Present?
The ins and outs of your most
important page
What Well Talk About
 About Crocs/Abt
 Principles of Good Mobile Design
 Mobile PDP Teardown (Crocs vs. Abt)
Who is talking to you
About Abt
 Privately held electronics and appliance retailer.
 Founded in 1936 by Jewel and David Abt.
 Single location storefront.
 Employs 1200 experts.
 Named Best Place to buy appliances. 3X
 Received several awards for retail excellence.
 Answer is always YES to any reasonable request.
Abt in 1936
Abt Now
Abt Now
A truly different shopping experience
A truly different shopping experience
A truly different shopping experience
A truly different shopping experience
Abt is a Green company.
 Own recycling center.
 Electric car charging
 Create own energy with
wind spires and solar
 Actively recycles 95% of
About Abt.com
 Launched in 1997.
 Generates 25% of
companies revenue.
 Traffic steadily
increasing month over
Many famous companies started in a garage.
Crocs started on a boat.
On a sailing trip in 2002, three friends had an
idea for a better boat shoe. The original Crocs
were light. Had good grip. Let water drain
quickly. And they looked like nothing else.
We didnt set out to create a shoe to help
people run faster, or longer, or whatever.
We just created a shoe that was really, really
comfortable. We didnt tell people its purpose
or how to wear it. We simply put it out there
and let the world decide what to do with it.
Turns out people  millions of people  simply
like being comfortable.
Our Garage was Our Boat
About Crocs
 11 year old company
 $1 billion in annual revenue (<50% from clogs)
 547 retail locations in more than 90 countries
 200 million shoes sold since inception (50
million/year currently)
About Crocs.com
 21 country sites in 4
regions and 15 languages
supported by a global
team and 3+ regional
 Generates $100M+ year in
revenue (10% of total)
 During the past 12 months,
global ecommerce traffic
increased 25 percent.
Setting the Stage
Why are Smartphones So Big?
 Knows how to
dish out guilt
 (crocs fan)
Harriet Stein (aka my mother-in-law)
Why are Smartphones so Big?
 Theyre small (always
with you)
 Always connected
 Can do a lot for you
Why are Smartphones so Big?
 Theyre small (always
with you)
 Always connected
 Can do a lot for you
General Principles
 Consider the opportunity cost of
each design element.
 Minimize the interaction cost.
 Fast page load times.
 Design for interruptions.
 Save state for the users and allow
users to save state.
 Dont ask users to go elsewhere
for information.
 Take advantage of the phone
 Clean purposeful design.
Usability of Mobile Websites and Applications,
Neilsen/Norman Group, 2012
Design with
your users in
Abt Mobile User Profile
 Over 50% iPhone
 Over 70% high resolution devices
 94% supports cookies
 90% spend 3 minutes or less
 65% of traffic leads directly to product detail pages.
Contact us and Store hours and directions are the
7th and 9th most popular pages
 CR on mobile is 遜 of desktop
 Our customer consist of males between the ages of 25
and 34
Crocs Mobile User Profile
 Over 50% iPhone
 Over 60% on 320x480 (lower resolution phones)
 Over 94% supports cookies
 Store locator receives 8% of traffic (7th most
popular page)
 71% spend 5 minutes or less (desktop it is 60%)
 CR on mobile is 遜 of desktop
 Our customer is typically older (45+) and female
PDP Parts
 Product Description
 Social Links
 Store Locator
Goal of m.crocs and m.abt
Make it is as easy as possible to
for customers to purchase on
their mobile devices!!
Imagery: Crocs
Multiple Angles
See as much of the shoe as
Color Selector
Tell customers we have lots of
colors and make it easy to see
Enlarge Function
See even more of the shoe
GOAL: Make sure
customers can
without being able
to physically touch
GOAL: Make sure
customers can
without being able
to physically touch
Imagery: Abt
Additional Information
Supportive of product
GOAL: Provide
consumer with a
seamless viewing
Additional color options, size
& downloadable docs
Multi Viewing
Image advancement
by swipe, tap, or
Multiple Angles
See as much of the product as
possible. Close up images of
Make sure
customers can see
the product without
being able to
touch it.
Make critical
content available
without clicks.
GOAL: Maintain
clean design and
encourage user
Product Description: Abt
Full Detailed Description
Full Detailed Description
Clickable for further research.
Key Selling Points
No clicks.
Product Description: Crocs
Critical Information
No clicks; higher on page
Less Critical Information
Lower on page; behind clicks
GOAL: Make critical
content available
without clicks; less
critical is available
with clicks
GOAL: Make critical
content available
without clicks; less
critical is available
with clicks
Product Reviews: Crocs
Star Rating is Critical
Good to know that the
product is highly rated
Details behind Clicks
Its important, but not as
important as the stars
GOAL: Make critical
content available
without clicks; less
critical is available
with clicks
GOAL: Make critical
content available
without clicks; less
critical is available
with clicks
GOAL: Provide
customer reviews
for selling support.
Product Reviews: Abt
Details On Same Page
Minimize clicks during
Star Rating is
Provides opinions
from other
consumers to aid
decision making
User reviews are
important to
support the
decision making
Recommendations: Abt
Not critical to
purchase path on
Goal: Keep the
consumer engaged
and focused with
the product.
Recommendations are import.
However due to spacing
limitations, we chose to suggest
product accessories instead.
Recommendations: Crocs
Important but not as
Recommendations are
important to the purchase
path, but will be useful to
users only after they have
consumed the current
GOAL: Critical to
purchase path, but
is secondary to
current product
GOAL: Critical to
purchase path, but
is secondary to
current product
Social Links: Crocs
Dont disrupt purchase path
While we need to state our
presence, it is secondary to
the purchase path
GOAL: Make them
available, but dont
disrupt the
purchase path
GOAL: Make them
available, but dont
disrupt the
purchase path
Social has positive
effects and is
required but not
Social Links: Abt
GOAL: Make social
links available, but
dont disrupt the
purchase path.
Available but not critical to
purchasing process.
Store Locator: Crocs
Popular but not that popular
Lots of people use the mobile
site to find our retail stores.
But since we want people to
experience product first, we
put it
GOAL: Provide a
consistent place to
find a key use of
mobile site even if it
is secondary
GOAL: Provide a
consistent place to
find a key use of
mobile site even if it
is secondary
Store Locator: Abt
One of the most visited pages
Contact us page provides store
location, call number, and even
a live chat option.
GOAL: Provide a
consistent place to
find support.
Key Takeaways
 Understand the goal of your site
 Minimize clicks by keep focused on the prize
 Understand your users
 Put your most important stuff on top
 Create as few barriers to get people to add to
 Iterate, iterate, then iterate some more
Contact Info
 Josh Zapin: @jzapin; jzapin@crocs.com;
 Ken Au: kenau@abt.com ;

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  • 1. What Info Should a Mobile Product Page Present? The ins and outs of your most important page
  • 2. What Well Talk About About Crocs/Abt Principles of Good Mobile Design Mobile PDP Teardown (Crocs vs. Abt)
  • 3. ABOUT US Who is talking to you
  • 4. About Abt Privately held electronics and appliance retailer. Founded in 1936 by Jewel and David Abt. Single location storefront. Employs 1200 experts. Named Best Place to buy appliances. 3X Received several awards for retail excellence. Answer is always YES to any reasonable request.
  • 8. A truly different shopping experience
  • 9. A truly different shopping experience
  • 10. A truly different shopping experience
  • 11. A truly different shopping experience
  • 12. Abt is a Green company. Own recycling center. Electric car charging stations. Create own energy with wind spires and solar panels. Actively recycles 95% of waste.
  • 13. About Abt.com Launched in 1997. Generates 25% of companies revenue. Traffic steadily increasing month over month.
  • 16. Many famous companies started in a garage. Crocs started on a boat. On a sailing trip in 2002, three friends had an idea for a better boat shoe. The original Crocs were light. Had good grip. Let water drain quickly. And they looked like nothing else. We didnt set out to create a shoe to help people run faster, or longer, or whatever. We just created a shoe that was really, really comfortable. We didnt tell people its purpose or how to wear it. We simply put it out there and let the world decide what to do with it. Turns out people millions of people simply like being comfortable. Overview Our Garage was Our Boat
  • 17. About Crocs 11 year old company $1 billion in annual revenue (<50% from clogs) 547 retail locations in more than 90 countries 200 million shoes sold since inception (50 million/year currently)
  • 18. About Crocs.com 21 country sites in 4 regions and 15 languages supported by a global team and 3+ regional teams Generates $100M+ year in revenue (10% of total) During the past 12 months, global ecommerce traffic increased 25 percent.
  • 20. Why are Smartphones So Big? 20 (retired) Suburban Housewife Techno-phobe Knows how to dish out guilt 21+++++ (crocs fan) Harriet Stein (aka my mother-in-law)
  • 21. Why are Smartphones so Big? Theyre small (always with you) Always connected Can do a lot for you
  • 22. Why are Smartphones so Big? Theyre small (always with you) Always connected Can do a lot for you SMALL SCREEN SLOW DISTRACTIONS
  • 23. General Principles Consider the opportunity cost of each design element. Minimize the interaction cost. Fast page load times. Design for interruptions. Save state for the users and allow users to save state. Dont ask users to go elsewhere for information. Take advantage of the phone features. Clean purposeful design. Usability of Mobile Websites and Applications, Neilsen/Norman Group, 2012 BOTTOM LINE: Design with your users in mind!
  • 24. Abt Mobile User Profile Over 50% iPhone Over 70% high resolution devices 94% supports cookies 90% spend 3 minutes or less 65% of traffic leads directly to product detail pages. Contact us and Store hours and directions are the 7th and 9th most popular pages CR on mobile is 遜 of desktop Our customer consist of males between the ages of 25 and 34
  • 25. Crocs Mobile User Profile Over 50% iPhone Over 60% on 320x480 (lower resolution phones) Over 94% supports cookies Store locator receives 8% of traffic (7th most popular page) 71% spend 5 minutes or less (desktop it is 60%) CR on mobile is 遜 of desktop Our customer is typically older (45+) and female
  • 27. PDP Parts Imagery Product Description Reviews Recommendations Social Links Store Locator
  • 28. Goal of m.crocs and m.abt Make it is as easy as possible to for customers to purchase on their mobile devices!!
  • 29. Imagery: Crocs Multiple Angles See as much of the shoe as possible Color Selector Tell customers we have lots of colors and make it easy to see Enlarge Function See even more of the shoe GOAL: Make sure customers can experience without being able to physically touch it. GOAL: Make sure customers can experience without being able to physically touch it.
  • 30. Imagery: Abt Additional Information Supportive of product GOAL: Provide consumer with a seamless viewing experience. Resources Additional color options, size & downloadable docs Multi Viewing Options Image advancement by swipe, tap, or inline. Multiple Angles See as much of the product as possible. Close up images of connections. Make sure customers can see the product without being able to physically touch it.
  • 31. Make critical content available without clicks. GOAL: Maintain clean design and encourage user engagement. Product Description: Abt Full Detailed Description Scrollable Full Detailed Description Clickable for further research. Key Selling Points No clicks.
  • 32. Product Description: Crocs Critical Information No clicks; higher on page Less Critical Information Lower on page; behind clicks GOAL: Make critical content available without clicks; less critical is available with clicks GOAL: Make critical content available without clicks; less critical is available with clicks
  • 33. Product Reviews: Crocs Star Rating is Critical Good to know that the product is highly rated Details behind Clicks Its important, but not as important as the stars GOAL: Make critical content available without clicks; less critical is available with clicks GOAL: Make critical content available without clicks; less critical is available with clicks
  • 34. GOAL: Provide customer reviews for selling support. Product Reviews: Abt Details On Same Page Minimize clicks during research. Star Rating is Critical Provides opinions from other consumers to aid decision making process. User reviews are important to support the decision making process.
  • 35. Recommendations: Abt Not critical to purchase path on mobile. Goal: Keep the consumer engaged and focused with the product. Recommendations are import. However due to spacing limitations, we chose to suggest product accessories instead.
  • 36. Recommendations: Crocs Important but not as important Recommendations are important to the purchase path, but will be useful to users only after they have consumed the current product GOAL: Critical to purchase path, but is secondary to current product elements GOAL: Critical to purchase path, but is secondary to current product elements
  • 37. Social Links: Crocs Dont disrupt purchase path While we need to state our presence, it is secondary to the purchase path GOAL: Make them available, but dont disrupt the purchase path GOAL: Make them available, but dont disrupt the purchase path
  • 38. Social has positive effects and is required but not crucial. Social Links: Abt GOAL: Make social links available, but dont disrupt the purchase path. Available but not critical to purchasing process.
  • 39. Store Locator: Crocs Popular but not that popular Lots of people use the mobile site to find our retail stores. But since we want people to experience product first, we put it GOAL: Provide a consistent place to find a key use of mobile site even if it is secondary GOAL: Provide a consistent place to find a key use of mobile site even if it is secondary
  • 40. Store Locator: Abt One of the most visited pages Contact us page provides store location, call number, and even a live chat option. GOAL: Provide a consistent place to find support.
  • 41. Key Takeaways Understand the goal of your site Minimize clicks by keep focused on the prize (purchases) Understand your users Put your most important stuff on top Create as few barriers to get people to add to cart Iterate, iterate, then iterate some more
  • 42. Contact Info Josh Zapin: @jzapin; jzapin@crocs.com; www.linkedin.com/in/jzapin/ Ken Au: kenau@abt.com ; http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ken- au/8/15a/158

Editor's Notes

  • #2: [JZ+KA] How many people have a mobile site? How many people have mobile commerce site? How many people are starting to see the growth of traffic starting to exceed desktop? How many people are worried about this trend and thats why theyre at this conference right now?
  • #3: [KA]
  • #4: [KA]
  • #5: Privately held company. Founded in 1936 by Jewel and David Abt. Single location storefront. Employs 1100 experts. Named Best Place to buy appliances. 3X BY CONSUMER REPORTS MAGAZINE. Received several awards for retail excellence. FROM SOME OF THE MOST RESPECTED MANUFACTURERS, BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS, PUBLICATIONS in the world. Answer is always YES to any reasonable request
  • #6: First location in 1936.
  • #7: Our newest location now sits on 37 acres of land in Glenview, Il
  • #8: Our newest location now sits on 37 acres of land in Glenview, Il
  • #9: We focus on classy not trashy. Yes that is a water fountain in our atrium.
  • #10: The Abt Atrium houses several different custom boutiques.
  • #11: 100,000 Sq.Ft. showroom floor and still expanding.
  • #12: 7500 gallon fish tank to keep the kids entertained.
  • #13: Abt has a commitment to a cleaner environment. We were named the greenest A/V retailer in the country.
  • #14: Since we are a single location, we wanted to reach out the different demographics to spread the Abt experience.
  • #15: Raise your hand if youve heard of crocs? Now keep your hand raised if this is what you think of when you hear of crocs? Now keep your hand raised if this is what you think?...
  • #16: Although were still very much known for our iconic clog, the reality is that were much more than that now. Selling casual shoes, to flip flops, and even winter BOOTS. From casual shoes you can wear to work, to acitve, to boots (yes, boots), we are way more than the clog. In fact, we have more than 300 four-season footwear styles. So, why redesign.
  • #17: How many people know that Crocs was invented on a boat. The original concept for our shoe was to make a better boat shoe. We call our birth at the Boat show in Fort Lauderdale. Thats where it was introduced. Why? It was light, comfortable, had good grip and (it even floats). Of course, it became MUCH more than that. People with boats, without boats, kids, adults, gardners, seemingly for a period of time, everyone wore our shoes. We put it out there, and lots of people wore them. Millions of people. And for those of you who thought that crocs was dead, Im here to tell you that were not.
  • #18: 11 years: Not old for a shoe company, but longer than some people thought (even a few years ago) Our revenue has never been higher and were now an omnichannel retailer selling shoes, lots of shoes, in our own branded stores across the globe. And, most importantly, we still sell lots of shoes all over the globe.
  • #19: Our crocs digital properties is a huge part of who we do business. Originally set up as an outlet store We sell crocs all over the globe, both physcial stores and digitally. I am part of the global team that supports 4 regional teams that have sites that sell and fullfill the selling our product in 20 countries. There are 40+ Full time employees who manage the sites (about dozen on the global team alone) Our collective sites generate over 100M of our 1B in revenue with great margins, conversion rates, etc. Thats 10% revenue and while we dont know for sure if thats the optimal number, we know that it aint bad etiher.
  • #20: Now that weve told you a bit about us and our companies, to set the stage on what mobile means to us and help you understand some design decisions, we want to ground you on some principles of good mobile design. Why? Well, understanding this is critical to understanding design mobile design decisions. and how Abt and Crocs
  • #21: This is how I know its big. Okay we know that theyre not physically big, but know there are a lot of them. Raise your hand if you have a smartphone? Keep your hand up if you know more than 5 people who dont have a five people. This lady is my mother-in-law. She is a retired suburban Housewife. Not sure what that means. A self-professed techno-phobe. On a visit to her house last year, she complained to me how rude it was for me to be checking email while I was in the same room as her. Way older than 21. And as of this yearan owner of a Samsung Galaxy S II
  • #22: [JZ] Theyre computers that are with you all te time. Theyre always connected to the inernet making checking anything possible anywhere and any time. But the can Now, while theyre huge in terms of how importntant they are in our lives, there is a darkside.
  • #23: [JZ] That small, mean they have small screen. Less pixels to give to do stuff. Theyre always connected, but they can be slow (3G connections) And since they do a lot, they can create a lot of distractions. How many of us get a text or email while we doing something else? (How many just got one right now and arent listening to me?)
  • #24: [KA} When you think about this powerful device and how to maximize a customers experience, you have to think about its limitations.
  • #25: [KA]
  • #26: [JZ] In contrast, the Abt, there are a few differences in the crocs mobile user. Over 60% have smaller resolutions. Thats a critical thing to consider. Also, a lot of folks use the mobile device to find out physical stores. And our users are older and femalelike my mother-in-law (but dont tell her
  • #27: [JZ] Now that weve provided a basis to evaluate good mobile design and have an idea of our user, were going to teardown our respective mobile PDPs so that you can better understand the parts and some of the rationale.
  • #28: [JZ] We will look at these parts for each site bouncing back an forth between crocs and Abt. One thing you must keep in mindand thats the real goal of our sites, which is exactly the same.
  • #29: [JZ] + [KA] This may seem trite or obvious, but it is worth stating. Because it may not be the first goal. For example, for the goal of my sites might be to inform people about our product(s). As much as there are people who buy from us online, there are even more than buy from us from other retailers or even in our own stores. But in our case, were building a site to make it easier for people to purchase.
  • #30: One thing I want you to note is that these are screen captures from our UK site. We are in the middle of rolling out a new mobile experience around the globe and is being experimented with. First up is product imagery. How many people shop for apparel online? How many people return some of the things the buy because they dont think it looks/feels what they thought online? Such is the biggest challenge for apparel retailers that arent selling a commodity product. (Or in our case, not just a commodity product). Product Imagery is easily our most important asset. Presenting it correctly is second to none.
  • #31: Like eating a meal with your eyes first, presentation is key Images are undoubtedly the most important element besides pricing on page. Images should be clear, crisp and vibrant.
  • #32: When it comes down to product detail, some consumers love to research research and research - but where do you find the space? Provide an expansion for more detail for in depth research. Keep in mind to consider font size. Text must be legible/viewable without magnifying or sliding side to side on the screen.
  • #33: Similar to Abt, we want important content available without clicks (scrolls are okay). First thing you should notice is size messaging is first and foremost. Getting people the proper size is our biggest issue. From what I learned being in the shoe business for three years is getting correct sizing is not simple. While most of us know our sizes, building a product that fits exactly to our size is not straightforward. How many people have ever tried on the same shoe from the same manufacturer and have had them fit differently? While I know more than you would ever want to why that is the case, but our website needs to accommodate that. So the size messaging is up front and center. For crocs, product description is less important than product imagery or (whats lower on the page) add to cart. That being said, it is something that were experimenting This our chance to
  • #34: Product Reviews are a critical part of any site. But here, the star ratings are more important. Thats why its up front and center at the top of the page. If the customer wants more info, they can get it, but its lower on the page.
  • #36: On our desktop site we offer recommendations. However, to due size restraints we wanted to keep the customer engaged with the product they are viewing and suggest accessories to assure the consumer will have everything they need for optimal experience when the product arrives.
  • #37: Recommendations are an important way for people to explore our product. But it is secondary to the purchase path, so heirarchly, we put it on the bottom of the page.
  • #41: We have been called The House That Service Built We want our customers to be able to contact us. Contact link on every above the fold. Contact options for phone numbers, store location and even a live chat service to speak to an Abt expert.
  • #42: [JZ] + [KA]