The document discusses inspiration for elements in an opening film sequence, including a psychopathic murderer as the antagonist inspired by the film "Seven", using a montage like in "Seven" to show the protagonist's life before being murdered, and low-key lighting as used in horror films to establish the genre for the opening sequence.
This document contains a draft plan for creating a documentary series and first episode. It includes the script outlines for the intro to the series, intro to the first episode, and endings. It also includes a timeline and storyboard laying out the shots and structure. Finally, it lists the actors, costumes, props, and locations needed.
10 ways to improve your dental lecture andanomalousmed
Having healthy teeth and gums is important for your overall health and well-being. Proper dental hygiene includes brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, getting professional cleanings twice a year, and seeing the dentist immediately if you experience any signs of infection or injury. Maintaining good oral health can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.
El documento resume lo siguiente:
1) Los gobiernos federal y estatal de Oaxaca dieron por concluido el censo de viviendas afectadas por el sismo del 20 de marzo en 27 municipios.
2) Más de 30 municipios mixtecos fueron declarados zonas de desastre por la Segob debido a los daños causados por el sismo.
3) Falta cultura de protección civil en la región de la Mixteca para atender mejor los desastres naturales.
JUAN VIDAL. El diseñador revelación es mileurista. Por Juan Carlos RodrÃguez....Juan Carlos RodrÃguez
Un tsunami es una ola o grupo de olas con gran energÃa producidas principalmente por terremotos submarinos que desplazan grandes masas de agua. La capacidad destructiva de un tsunami depende de su altura y velocidad, siendo mayor a mayor profundidad. Antes de llegar a la costa, el mar suele retirarse cientos de metros, y la ola principal puede tardar entre 5 a 10 minutos en llegar, a veces precedida por olas menores.
Un software es un conjunto de programas que permiten a una computadora realizar tareas especÃficas. Existen dos tipos principales de software: el software libre, cuyo código fuente está disponible y puede modificarse libremente, y el software propietario, cuyas capacidades de modificación y redistribución son limitadas. Los sistemas operativos son programas que administran los recursos de una computadora, y existen varios tipos como Lliurex, una distribución Linux basada en GNOME.
The document discusses the different stages of digital media production: pre-production, production, and post-production. It instructs students to write three examples for each stage for various assignments. It also addresses analyzing real media texts for conventions and themes, using creativity across areas, and the research and planning process.
This document is a proposal from Michael J Mika, a digital marketing consultant, for a service called 2ManyApps to help optimize websites for mobile users. The proposal discusses how mobile experiences need to be tailored specifically for each mobile platform and not just be a copy of the desktop site. It proposes a 4 step audit to analyze if a site is optimized for mobile, if landing pages are designed for touchscreens, if A/B testing has been done, and if monetization through search ads is needed. The audit would provide recommendations on mobile content, landing pages, touchpoints back to the main site, and determining if an app makes sense for the business.
This document provides information about the target audience for a film. The audience is described as LaceyNewstead, a 16-year-old girl from South East London who enjoys socializing, shopping and dresses in a stereotypical feminine way. She listens to pop music, watches shows on channel E4, and enjoys romantic teen books and films like The Notebook that feature love stories. The film will appeal to her because she fantasizes about romance and the characters are teenagers.
Un tsunami es una ola o grupo de olas con gran energÃa producidas principalmente por terremotos submarinos que desplazan grandes masas de agua. La capacidad destructiva de un tsunami depende de su altura y velocidad, siendo mayor a mayor profundidad. Antes de llegar a la costa, el mar suele retirarse cientos de metros, y la ola principal puede tardar entre 5 a 10 minutos en llegar, a veces precedida por olas menores.
Un software es un conjunto de programas que permiten a una computadora realizar tareas especÃficas. Existen dos tipos principales de software: el software libre, cuyo código fuente está disponible y puede modificarse libremente, y el software propietario, cuyas capacidades de modificación y redistribución son limitadas. Los sistemas operativos son programas que administran los recursos de una computadora, y existen varios tipos como Lliurex, una distribución Linux basada en GNOME.
The document discusses the different stages of digital media production: pre-production, production, and post-production. It instructs students to write three examples for each stage for various assignments. It also addresses analyzing real media texts for conventions and themes, using creativity across areas, and the research and planning process.
This document is a proposal from Michael J Mika, a digital marketing consultant, for a service called 2ManyApps to help optimize websites for mobile users. The proposal discusses how mobile experiences need to be tailored specifically for each mobile platform and not just be a copy of the desktop site. It proposes a 4 step audit to analyze if a site is optimized for mobile, if landing pages are designed for touchscreens, if A/B testing has been done, and if monetization through search ads is needed. The audit would provide recommendations on mobile content, landing pages, touchpoints back to the main site, and determining if an app makes sense for the business.
This document provides information about the target audience for a film. The audience is described as LaceyNewstead, a 16-year-old girl from South East London who enjoys socializing, shopping and dresses in a stereotypical feminine way. She listens to pop music, watches shows on channel E4, and enjoys romantic teen books and films like The Notebook that feature love stories. The film will appeal to her because she fantasizes about romance and the characters are teenagers.