El documento describe la historia de Squanto, un indio nativo americano que fue capturado por comerciantes ingleses y luego vendido como esclavo en Espa単a. M叩s tarde, los frailes franciscanos lo salvaron y regres坦 a su tribu en Am辿rica, solo para descubrir que todos hab鱈an muerto de enfermedades europeas. Luego ayud坦 a los peregrinos ingleses que se hab鱈an establecido en Plymouth a sobrevivir ense単叩ndoles a cultivar ma鱈z, calabazas y frijoles, y los peregrinos celebraron
Participatory Networks: Web 2.0 and Library 2.0Heyam hayek
The document discusses the concepts of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. It notes that Web 2.0 allows for collaboration and sharing of information online through tools like wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, and folksonomies. Library 2.0 operates with rapid change, flexibility, new Web 2.0 tools, and user participation to efficiently meet user needs. The ideal librarian of the future, or "Librarian 2.0," deeply understands users and connects them to information and expertise through various online and mobile channels based on how users prefer to communicate and share content.
This document provides a summary of Jacey Ma's qualifications, education, and experience in film, television, stage, and camera work. It lists relevant training and certifications in areas such as animal CPR, firearms safety, production assisting, and grip work. It then details over 30 film, television, and commercial productions that Jacey has worked on in roles such as production assistant, props, set decoration, extras, and camera assisting. The document also lists stage experience as a stage manager, props master, and technician for over 10 years at a dinner theatre.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the U.S. and Canada on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a time for families to gather, eat traditional foods like turkey and stuffing, and watch football games. The origins of the holiday come from the Pilgrims sharing a feast with Native Americans in 1620 to celebrate survival and their first harvest in Plymouth colony.
The document discusses the mercy seat from the Old Testament, which was the gold covering of the Ark of the Covenant where God met with the high priest. It says in the New Testament, our mercy seat is represented by taking communion together as a community, where we remember Jesus' blood sacrifice and find calm, Christ, community, and comfort. The passage encourages believers not to take for granted gathering at their mercy seat of communion.
Botafogo, Felice - Humait叩
Tipo: Apartamentos de 2 ou 3 quartos com metragens de 88 92 m族
Edici坦n digital del Diario Qu辿! de Alicantemirymar
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas de la edici坦n digital del peri坦dico Diario Qu辿!. Se explica que se trata de un peri坦dico gratuito con 12 ediciones en Espa単a que tambi辿n tiene una versi坦n digital compuesta principalmente por blogs creados por ciudadanos. Sin embargo, la edici坦n digital tiene pocas actualizaciones y contiene informaci坦n falsa y sin verificar, lo que cuestiona si realmente puede considerarse periodismo.
Sabar Kannan is seeking a passionate job where he can utilize his skills and contribute to upgrading the organization. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in computer science from Knowledge Institute of Technology with 64.6% marks. He has experience in web and mobile application development using languages like C, C++, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP. He has completed value added courses in web and mobile app development. Some of his projects include an Android app for BMI calculation and a web-based placement portal. He has work experience at Smart Reach Technologies and UNIQ Technologies. He is active in various technical clubs and has received awards for his academic and project achievements.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la administraci坦n financiera y los recursos propios de las instituciones educativas p炭blicas. Resume los diferentes tipos de recursos que pueden captar las instituciones como ingresos propios, recursos de la APAFA, alquiler de espacios y actividades productivas. Tambi辿n explica los comit辿s y normativas que rigen estos procesos de gesti坦n financiera en las escuelas p炭blicas.
Photos, Mobile, Location and the Social Media Cyclemor
The document discusses research on analyzing geotagged photos and their metadata like tags. It presents two models - a location-driven model that derives representative tags for map regions based on photo clustering, and a tag-driven model that examines individual tags' patterns to derive meaningful data. It also describes a user study which found that motivations for tagging photos included organization/retrieval, sharing with community, and wanting to inspire or be inspired by others. Suggested tags from the system were seen as very helpful but could potentially lead to overtagging. The research aims to better understand user tagging behaviors and improve applications like photo sharing and search.
En 3 oraciones:
El documento describe la fisiopatolog鱈a de la presi坦n intracraneal y la meningitis. Explica que cualquier aumento del volumen cerebral, del l鱈quido cefalorraqu鱈deo o de la sangre dentro del cr叩neo puede causar hipertensi坦n intracraneal. Tambi辿n detalla los s鱈ntomas, signos y tratamiento de la meningitis aguda, que se produce por la inflamaci坦n de las meninges cerebrales, generalmente por un agente infeccioso.
Este documento describe las tradiciones de Acci坦n de Gracias en Estados Unidos y Canad叩. En Estados Unidos se celebra el cuarto jueves de noviembre, mientras que en Canad叩 es el segundo lunes de octubre. En ambos pa鱈ses, la festividad implica reunirse en familia para compartir una gran comida que t鱈picamente incluye pavo, relleno, papas, jud鱈as verdes y pasteles de calabaza, nuez pacana o manzana.
It is a powerpoint presentation that discusses about the lesson or topic: Paraphrasing. It also talks about the definition and different characteristics and tips about Paraphrasing.
This is a Hungarian presentation on 21st century journalism. - A N辿pszabads叩g-Ringier Oktat叩si Studi坦 tananyaga. Munkaverzi坦. Tov叩bbi inform叩ci坦: http://www.21stCenturyJournalism.com
Botafogo, Felice - Humait叩
Tipo: Apartamentos de 2 ou 3 quartos com metragens de 88 92 m族
Edici坦n digital del Diario Qu辿! de Alicantemirymar
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas de la edici坦n digital del peri坦dico Diario Qu辿!. Se explica que se trata de un peri坦dico gratuito con 12 ediciones en Espa単a que tambi辿n tiene una versi坦n digital compuesta principalmente por blogs creados por ciudadanos. Sin embargo, la edici坦n digital tiene pocas actualizaciones y contiene informaci坦n falsa y sin verificar, lo que cuestiona si realmente puede considerarse periodismo.
Sabar Kannan is seeking a passionate job where he can utilize his skills and contribute to upgrading the organization. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in computer science from Knowledge Institute of Technology with 64.6% marks. He has experience in web and mobile application development using languages like C, C++, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP. He has completed value added courses in web and mobile app development. Some of his projects include an Android app for BMI calculation and a web-based placement portal. He has work experience at Smart Reach Technologies and UNIQ Technologies. He is active in various technical clubs and has received awards for his academic and project achievements.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la administraci坦n financiera y los recursos propios de las instituciones educativas p炭blicas. Resume los diferentes tipos de recursos que pueden captar las instituciones como ingresos propios, recursos de la APAFA, alquiler de espacios y actividades productivas. Tambi辿n explica los comit辿s y normativas que rigen estos procesos de gesti坦n financiera en las escuelas p炭blicas.
Photos, Mobile, Location and the Social Media Cyclemor
The document discusses research on analyzing geotagged photos and their metadata like tags. It presents two models - a location-driven model that derives representative tags for map regions based on photo clustering, and a tag-driven model that examines individual tags' patterns to derive meaningful data. It also describes a user study which found that motivations for tagging photos included organization/retrieval, sharing with community, and wanting to inspire or be inspired by others. Suggested tags from the system were seen as very helpful but could potentially lead to overtagging. The research aims to better understand user tagging behaviors and improve applications like photo sharing and search.
En 3 oraciones:
El documento describe la fisiopatolog鱈a de la presi坦n intracraneal y la meningitis. Explica que cualquier aumento del volumen cerebral, del l鱈quido cefalorraqu鱈deo o de la sangre dentro del cr叩neo puede causar hipertensi坦n intracraneal. Tambi辿n detalla los s鱈ntomas, signos y tratamiento de la meningitis aguda, que se produce por la inflamaci坦n de las meninges cerebrales, generalmente por un agente infeccioso.
Este documento describe las tradiciones de Acci坦n de Gracias en Estados Unidos y Canad叩. En Estados Unidos se celebra el cuarto jueves de noviembre, mientras que en Canad叩 es el segundo lunes de octubre. En ambos pa鱈ses, la festividad implica reunirse en familia para compartir una gran comida que t鱈picamente incluye pavo, relleno, papas, jud鱈as verdes y pasteles de calabaza, nuez pacana o manzana.
It is a powerpoint presentation that discusses about the lesson or topic: Paraphrasing. It also talks about the definition and different characteristics and tips about Paraphrasing.
This is a Hungarian presentation on 21st century journalism. - A N辿pszabads叩g-Ringier Oktat叩si Studi坦 tananyaga. Munkaverzi坦. Tov叩bbi inform叩ci坦: http://www.21stCenturyJournalism.com