The document proposes extracting Petiveria alliacea L. to test its ability to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It outlines experiments to determine if the extract can increase stomach pH levels and reduce acid irrigation over time. Mice will receive diets with or without the extract, with and without acid promoters, to analyze pH and acid levels in the stomach over 4 weeks. The goal is to provide an alternative GERD treatment that relieves pain and controls the disease through neutralizing stomach acid.
This resume summarizes Megan Laliier-Barron's education and work experience. She is currently pursuing an M.S. in Arts Administration at the University of Oregon. Her previous experience includes cultural education roles at museums and archaeological field work. Skills include art history and archaeological studies from SUNY College at Potsdam. Contact information is provided to learn more.
CAT: Presentació sobre Twitter a les organitzacions: concepte, tipus, usos, element... I una segona part que explica el Twitter com a primera xarxa social.
EN: Presentation about Twitter in organizations: concept, types, elements, uses... And a second part that explains the Twitter as first social network.
Hungary Cardiovascular Devices Investment Opportunities, Analysis and Forecas...ReportsnReports
The report provides an in-depth analysis of the cardiovascular devices market in Hungary from 2004-2018. Key findings from the 342-page report include:
1) The total cardiovascular devices market in Hungary is expected to grow from $XX million in 2011 to $XX million in 2018 at a compound annual growth rate of X%.
2) The report segments the market into 10 categories and provides historic revenue and forecast figures for each segment. The largest segments by revenue in 2011 were interventional cardiology and cardiac rhythm management.
3) The report also provides company share and distribution channel share data for each market segment in 2010-2011. Medtronic and Boston Scientific were the leading companies overall based on revenue share.
Company History
Locations Map
Product Information
Unit Layout Drawings
Summary of Furniture
Summary of Lead Times
Health and Safety Policy
Environment Policy
Terms and Conditions
Nanoengineered Curie temperature in laterally patterned ferromagnetic semicon...Oleg Maksimov
This document summarizes research on manipulating the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures through nanolithography. The key findings are:
1) Patterning buried (Ga,Mn)As layers into nanowires exposes free surfaces along the sidewalls, allowing Mn interstitials to diffuse out during annealing.
2) Annealing nanowired samples leads to an enhanced Curie temperature and reduced resistivity compared to unpatterned samples, due to the removal of Mn interstitials.
3) The enhancement of Curie temperature is larger for narrower nanowires, as the smaller width facilitates the removal of Mn interstitials during annealing for a fixed time.
Presentation by Roelof Temmingh and Haroon Meer at Blackhat USA in 2002.
This presentation is about the trojan setiri, which was created by the presenters. Setiri was the first publicized trojan to implement the concept of using a web browser to communicate with its controller.
1) The document discusses rehabilitation of articular cartilage lesions in athletes' knees. It focuses on focal lesions, advanced full-thickness lesions, and bone bruises.
2) Risk factors for developing cartilage lesions include joint injuries, biomechanics, genetics, activities, and biochemistry. Injuries to the ACL and meniscus may increase risk.
3) Treatment for young athletes with cartilage lesions is difficult and limited in success. The document discusses evaluation and non-operative treatment strategies.
This document appears to be an exam answer sheet for a test with 50 multiple choice questions. It provides instructions for candidates taking the exam, including how to fill out personal information, examine the question booklet, mark answers, and rules around calculator/table use and negative marking. The answer sheet is then used by exam officials to record marks obtained for each question.
This document provides a course exam for diseases of pets (internal medicine). It lists 7 multiple choice questions covering various internal medical conditions in dogs and cats. The questions cover gastrointestinal disorders, esophageal and gastric disorders in dogs, congestive heart failure in dogs, chronic and acute renal failure, feline urological syndrome, and allergic skin conditions. Students are instructed to answer 5 of the 7 questions in the 1 hour exam.
The document proposes extracting Petiveria alliacea L. to test its ability to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It outlines experiments to determine if the extract can increase stomach pH levels and reduce acid irrigation over time. Mice will receive diets with or without the extract, with and without acid promoters, to analyze pH and acid levels in the stomach over 4 weeks. The goal is to provide an alternative GERD treatment that relieves pain and controls the disease through neutralizing stomach acid.
This resume summarizes Megan Laliier-Barron's education and work experience. She is currently pursuing an M.S. in Arts Administration at the University of Oregon. Her previous experience includes cultural education roles at museums and archaeological field work. Skills include art history and archaeological studies from SUNY College at Potsdam. Contact information is provided to learn more.
CAT: Presentació sobre Twitter a les organitzacions: concepte, tipus, usos, element... I una segona part que explica el Twitter com a primera xarxa social.
EN: Presentation about Twitter in organizations: concept, types, elements, uses... And a second part that explains the Twitter as first social network.
Hungary Cardiovascular Devices Investment Opportunities, Analysis and Forecas...ReportsnReports
The report provides an in-depth analysis of the cardiovascular devices market in Hungary from 2004-2018. Key findings from the 342-page report include:
1) The total cardiovascular devices market in Hungary is expected to grow from $XX million in 2011 to $XX million in 2018 at a compound annual growth rate of X%.
2) The report segments the market into 10 categories and provides historic revenue and forecast figures for each segment. The largest segments by revenue in 2011 were interventional cardiology and cardiac rhythm management.
3) The report also provides company share and distribution channel share data for each market segment in 2010-2011. Medtronic and Boston Scientific were the leading companies overall based on revenue share.
Company History
Locations Map
Product Information
Unit Layout Drawings
Summary of Furniture
Summary of Lead Times
Health and Safety Policy
Environment Policy
Terms and Conditions
Nanoengineered Curie temperature in laterally patterned ferromagnetic semicon...Oleg Maksimov
This document summarizes research on manipulating the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures through nanolithography. The key findings are:
1) Patterning buried (Ga,Mn)As layers into nanowires exposes free surfaces along the sidewalls, allowing Mn interstitials to diffuse out during annealing.
2) Annealing nanowired samples leads to an enhanced Curie temperature and reduced resistivity compared to unpatterned samples, due to the removal of Mn interstitials.
3) The enhancement of Curie temperature is larger for narrower nanowires, as the smaller width facilitates the removal of Mn interstitials during annealing for a fixed time.
Presentation by Roelof Temmingh and Haroon Meer at Blackhat USA in 2002.
This presentation is about the trojan setiri, which was created by the presenters. Setiri was the first publicized trojan to implement the concept of using a web browser to communicate with its controller.
1) The document discusses rehabilitation of articular cartilage lesions in athletes' knees. It focuses on focal lesions, advanced full-thickness lesions, and bone bruises.
2) Risk factors for developing cartilage lesions include joint injuries, biomechanics, genetics, activities, and biochemistry. Injuries to the ACL and meniscus may increase risk.
3) Treatment for young athletes with cartilage lesions is difficult and limited in success. The document discusses evaluation and non-operative treatment strategies.
This document appears to be an exam answer sheet for a test with 50 multiple choice questions. It provides instructions for candidates taking the exam, including how to fill out personal information, examine the question booklet, mark answers, and rules around calculator/table use and negative marking. The answer sheet is then used by exam officials to record marks obtained for each question.
This document provides a course exam for diseases of pets (internal medicine). It lists 7 multiple choice questions covering various internal medical conditions in dogs and cats. The questions cover gastrointestinal disorders, esophageal and gastric disorders in dogs, congestive heart failure in dogs, chronic and acute renal failure, feline urological syndrome, and allergic skin conditions. Students are instructed to answer 5 of the 7 questions in the 1 hour exam.
In deze presentatie, in het kader van het seminarie "Drupal als platform voor overheidswebsites" komen 5 tips aan bod voor het uitwerken van uw Drupal project.
The Coa-Comp M is an automatic bipolar electrocoagulator recommended for use in various surgical specialties. It is lightweight, portable, and has rapid setup. The generator continuously monitors tissue impedance and stops producing energy once coagulation is achieved, preventing over-coagulation. It has an LED display and audio tones to confirm activation and provide operating information. Built-in self-tests allow users to easily check that it is functioning properly.
This document discusses the pathology of diabetes and its complications. It covers the etiology and pathogenesis of types 1 and 2 diabetes and common complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy and cardiovascular disease. It also discusses acute metabolic complications of diabetes like ketoacidosis and coma. Several case studies are presented examining specific pathologies found in patients with diabetes, such as nodular glomerulosclerosis and renal papillary necrosis.
Isn't it strange, the place that feels like home is your embrace...
2. ‘Zullen we eindelijk beginnen?’ Matthews stem klinkt vermoeid, ook al is de avond net begonnen. Er klinkt zacht gemompel. Hij zucht. ‘Dat dacht ik al.’ Het is de avond van de prom. De zaal staat nog leeg, maar binnen tien minuten zal hij helemaal vol zitten met laatstejaars. Verveeld zit Host of accident aan een van de tafeltjes. Matthew probeert al bijna een uur iedereen aan het werk te krijgen, maar Brad en Gavin zijn er gewoon niet met hun hoofd bij.
3. Matthew neemt nog een slok water en klapt het glas op tafel. ‘Goed dan, laat ik voor psycholoog spelen.’ Hij knikt naar Brad. ‘Waarom praat je niet, scheer je je niet, kleed je je niet om, doe je niets?’ Brad haalt zijn schouders op en maakt aanstalten om te praten. Matthew heft zijn handen op. ‘Wacht, zeg maar niets, ik hoor het al. Een meisje. Beth, heeft ze je dan toch pijn gedaan?’ Brad schud zijn hoofd. ‘Ik heb het uitgemaakt zodra ik wist dat ze het niet om mij deed. Ze probeerde nog verder te liegen ook, maar daar trapte ik niet in.’
4. Matthew knikt begripvol. ‘Oke, Gavin, doe je verhaal.’ Gavin kleurt dieprood. ‘Mhm, misschien beter niet.’ Brad port hem met zijn ellenboog. ‘Ik praat er ook liever niet over, maar ik doe het toch ook. Is het ook een meisje?’ Gavin knikt, staart even voor zich uit, en schud dan zijn hoofd. Matthew grinnikt. ‘Ja en nee dus? Wil ik weten wat dat betekent?’ Gavin glimlacht waterig. ‘Weet ik veel, jij begon er toch over.’ Matthew rolt met zijn ogen, maar lacht vrolijk, blij dat zijn vrienden eindelijk praten. ‘Goed, vertel.’
5. ‘Vroeger haatte ik schoolfeesten. Niet speciaal om het dansen, om de herrie of om de menigte, maar om dan stukje aan het einde.’ Als Brad en Matthew hem vragend aan blijven kijken, verduidelijkt hij: ‘Slowen. Misschien kan ik het, misschien ook niet, ik weet het gewoon niet, want,’ Hij bloost. ‘Ik heb het nog nooit gedaan.’ Brad glimlacht. ‘Zo erg is dat toch niet.’ Gavin haalt zijn schouders op. ‘Dat zeg je nu. Maar als iedereen om je heen danst, en je loopt vastberaden op dat ene meisje af, en zij vlucht snel weg, dan piep je wel anders.’
6. Brad knikt. ‘Oke, dat is inderdaad niets.’ ‘Oh, ik ben nog niet klaar,’ vervolgt Gavin dreigend. ‘Als dat meisje weggaat, sta je aan de zijkant te kijken naar hoe iedereen danst, te bang om iemand te vragen, bang voor die reactie, en dat ene meisje waar je net verliefd op bent, staat ook alleen, maar je durft niet meer naar haar heen te gaan. En zo word het hele schoolfeest voor je verpest.’
7. Matthew zucht en leunt achterover. ‘Oh, meisjes… Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Gavin, jij moet je eroverheen zetten, heb je iemand op het oog?’ Gavin bloost opnieuw. ‘Carol,’ zegt hij zonder na te hoeven denken. Matthew knikt. ‘Goed dan, zorg dat je met die Carol danst,’ adviseert hij. ‘Maar ze heeft al een date…’ ‘Nou en? Dat is vast een of andere eikel, dat kan jij natuurlijk beter.’
8. Hij knikt naar Brad. ‘En jij, nou, mensen zeggen altijd dat een relatie geven en nemen is, toch? Nou, misschien moet jij dan iets geven.’ Brad haalt zijn schouders op. ‘Misschien. Maar wat heeft ze mij dan gegeven?’ ‘Dat is mijn punt niet. Doe gewoon iets oke.’ Even staart Brad voor zich uit. ‘Ik weet al wat perfect zou zijn. Laten we beginnen met oefenen.’ Matthew grijnst tevreden. ‘Ben ik niet geweldig wijs?’