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悸悋悵悋惠 惘悸悋愕C.V
悋愆悽惶悸 悋惡悋悋惠Personal Information
悋悋愕悋惡悋惆 愕惆 惡 愕 惡 惺愕Issa Saif Suwied Al badiName
悋惆 悋惘9392410110742939National ID
悋悋惆 悋惠惘悽191191 July 1991Birth date
悋悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋忰悋悸悋惺慍惡SingleMarital Status
悋惠悋惶 愕悸Al_baadii@hotmail.com
+968-93949680/ 95350554
悋惺悸 悋悗悋惠悋惠悽惶惶悋愕悸悋愕惡悸GradeYearMajorEducation
悋愕悋惠惘惆 惡悋惘愕
慍 悸.悋悋惠惶悋
悋惠愀惡悸 惺
悋悋忰惘惠悋悸 悋惆悸 悋愆悋惆悋惠
Professional International Certification
悋悋悴惠悋惺 悋惠愕 惆惡(DSMM)
Diploma of Social Media Marketing (DSMM)
悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惠惘悋惆 悋惺 惘愆
Workshops and Training Courses
撃悽惠  悋悋愕 惺 惠惺悋 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋  惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸
悋悗愕愕悋惠.(慍 悋惓悋悋惠-4392)
_悋惺悋悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋惘悸慍惡 悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘惡悋 悋惠惺惘
愕愀 (.悋惆惡悋愕 悋惺惆-4392)
_悋惆.(慍 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋  惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸4390)
撃悋悗愕愕悋惠 惆惘  惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸 悋忰悸 悋愃惘 悋忰悸
慍 (.悋惠愕愀悸 悋惶愃惘悸 悋悗愕愕悋惠 惠悸-4390)
.悋愕惡悸 悋悋惺悋惠 悴惠惡 悸 惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸(慍-
撃(慍 .悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋 悋悋悴慍悸 悋愃悸  惆惘悸-
 Standard of International Communication at
Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Diplomatic Institute
(Oman- 2014)
 Training course in communication skills to deal with
different kinds of people and institutions (Nizwa
 International Communication Skills (Nizwa  2013)
 The role of Government & Non-Government
Organizations in the Development of Small
Enterprises in Oman (Oman  2013)
 How to Avoid the Negative Believes
(Nizwa -2013)
 English Course in International Communication
(Nizwa  2010)
悋惺悸 悋悽惘惡悋惠Work Experience
.惠惘惡悋 惺悋 悵 悋惺悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋惡悽惆悋惠 悋惺
撃悗愕愕悸 惺 惠惠惺悋 悋惠 悋悗愕愕悋惠 悋惠悋愆惘 惺 悋惠悋惶
.悋惺悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋悽惆悋惠
.悋悋悽惘 悋惠悋愆惘 悋悗愕愕悋惠 悋悗愕愕悸 惡 悋惺惆 惠愕
撃悋忰悸 悋惠惘悋惘悋 惠悋惡惺悸悋惠悋惘惘 惘惺 悋惴 惡 惠悵悋
.悋惺悋 悋惆悋惘悸
.悋惡悗愕愕悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋悋悴惠悋惺悋惠 忰惷惘
.悋悗愕愕悸 惆悋悽 悋惡惘愆悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悋悸 悋惶惘悋惠 悋惆悋惘悸
撃 悋惴 悋悋惆悋悄 悋惠惘愆  惺悋 愕惠悋惠 惠忰 悋惘惴
惠 悋惠悵 悋惆惘  惡愀惡悋惺悋惘惠悋惡惺悋惠 愕 悋悋惷悋 
悸悋愆惘 惓悋忰 悋愀悋惺 .
from 2 years.
 Communicate with the institutions and
companies that deal with GENSERV L.L.C.
 Worked as contracts officer and responsible
with the other companies that deal with
 Assess the implementation of governmental
memes between the employees and repot it to
top management
 Attend the meeting with external stockholders
 Handling the petty cash of the workshop in the
 As result for my outstanding and achievement
in KPI I have been seconded to sales
department and act handle for governmental
悋悋悄悋惠 悋惠惘悋悋
Skills & competences
撃悋悋慍悋惠 悋惠 悋惆悋惘悸
撃悋愆悽惶 悋悋惠惶悋
撃悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋
撃悋惠悋惘惘 惠悋惡悸
撃悋惺悋惠 忰惠悋悋悋惺
 Time and pressure management
 Intrapersonal communication
 Interpersonal communication
 Intercultural communication
 Result oriented and driven
 Writing Reports
 Analysis information & Persuasion
.悋惓悋悋惠 悽惠 惺 悋惠悋惺
.悋惷 悋惠愃惘
 Interaction with different cultures.
 Change to the better.
惡 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 悋惺惘References can be contacted
:悋悋愕惠悋悵惆惆 悋惘惷惡慍 悋惠愀惡悸 悋惺 惡悸 忰悋惷惘
lecturer in College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa
Mobile NO:+968 95780418
Mr. Rizwan Wadood
忰惆 忰惆 悋惘忰 惺惡惆惡悋 惴悧悋惆 惡愀悸 悋悽悋惶悸 悋悋惠惶悋惆悸 悸
Authority of Special Economic Zone Duqm
Mobile No:+968 97135701
Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohammed

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Ahmed Rezq


  • 1. 悸悋悵悋惠 惘悸悋愕C.V 悋愆悽惶悸 悋惡悋悋惠Personal Information 悋悋愕悋惡悋惆 愕惆 惡 愕 惡 惺愕Issa Saif Suwied Al badiName 悋惆 悋惘9392410110742939National ID 悋悋惆 悋惠惘悽191191 July 1991Birth date 悋悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋忰悋悸悋惺慍惡SingleMarital Status 悋惠悋惶 愕悸Al_baadii@hotmail.com +968-93949680/ 95350554 Contacts 悋惺悸 悋悗悋惠悋惠悽惶惶悋愕悸悋愕惡悸GradeYearMajorEducation 悋愕悋惠惘惆 惡悋惘愕 慍 悸.悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠愀惡悸 惺 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惆 4392 悴惆 4.92014 International communicati on Communication study 悋悋忰惘惠悋悸 悋惆悸 悋愆悋惆悋惠 Professional International Certification 悋悋悴惠悋惺 悋惠愕 惆惡(DSMM) Diploma of Social Media Marketing (DSMM) 悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惠惘悋惆 悋惺 惘愆 Workshops and Training Courses 撃悽惠 悋悋愕 惺 惠惺悋 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋 惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸 悋悗愕愕悋惠.(慍 悋惓悋悋惠-4392) _悋惺悋悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋惘悸慍惡 悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘惡悋 悋惠惺惘 愕愀 (.悋惆惡悋愕 悋惺惆-4392) _悋惆.(慍 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋 惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸4390) 撃悋悗愕愕悋惠 惆惘 惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸 悋忰悸 悋愃惘 悋忰悸 慍 (.悋惠愕愀悸 悋惶愃惘悸 悋悗愕愕悋惠 惠悸-4390) .悋愕惡悸 悋悋惺悋惠 悴惠惡 悸 惠惆惘惡悸 惆惘悸(慍- 4390) 撃(慍 .悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惠惘悋 悋悋悴慍悸 悋愃悸 惆惘悸- 4393) Standard of International Communication at Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Diplomatic Institute (Oman- 2014) Training course in communication skills to deal with different kinds of people and institutions (Nizwa 2014) International Communication Skills (Nizwa 2013) The role of Government & Non-Government Organizations in the Development of Small Enterprises in Oman (Oman 2013) How to Avoid the Negative Believes (Nizwa -2013) English Course in International Communication (Nizwa 2010)
  • 2. 悋惺悸 悋悽惘惡悋惠Work Experience .惠惘惡悋 惺悋 悵 悋惺悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋惡悽惆悋惠 悋惺 :悋愕悗悋惠 撃悗愕愕悸 惺 惠惠惺悋 悋惠 悋悗愕愕悋惠 悋惠悋愆惘 惺 悋惠悋惶 .悋惺悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋悽惆悋惠 .悋悋悽惘 悋惠悋愆惘 悋悗愕愕悋惠 悋悗愕愕悸 惡 悋惺惆 惠愕 撃悋忰悸 悋惠惘悋惘悋 惠悋惡惺悸悋惠悋惘惘 惘惺 悋惴 惡 惠悵悋 .悋惺悋 悋惆悋惘悸 .悋惡悗愕愕悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋悋悴惠悋惺悋惠 忰惷惘 .悋悗愕愕悸 惆悋悽 悋惡惘愆悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悋悸 悋惶惘悋惠 悋惆悋惘悸 撃 悋惴 悋悋惆悋悄 悋惠惘愆 惺悋 愕惠悋惠 惠忰 悋惘惴 惠 悋惠悵 悋惆惘 惡愀惡悋惺悋惘惠悋惡惺悋惠 愕 悋悋惷悋 悸悋愆惘 惓悋忰 悋愀悋惺 . GENERAL ENGNEERING SERVICE, GENSERV L.L.C. from 2 years. Communicate with the institutions and companies that deal with GENSERV L.L.C. Worked as contracts officer and responsible with the other companies that deal with GENSERV L.L.C. Assess the implementation of governmental memes between the employees and repot it to top management Attend the meeting with external stockholders Handling the petty cash of the workshop in the company. As result for my outstanding and achievement in KPI I have been seconded to sales department and act handle for governmental accounts 悋悋悄悋惠 悋惠惘悋悋 Skills & competences 撃悋悋慍悋惠 悋惠 悋惆悋惘悸 撃悋愆悽惶 悋悋惠惶悋 撃悋惆 悋悋惠惶悋 撃悋惠悋惘惘 惠悋惡悸 撃悋惺悋惠 忰惠悋悋悋惺 Time and pressure management Intrapersonal communication Interpersonal communication Intercultural communication Result oriented and driven Writing Reports Analysis information & Persuasion 悋悋悋惠 Hobbies .悋惓悋悋惠 悽惠 惺 悋惠悋惺 .悋惷 悋惠愃惘 Interaction with different cultures. Change to the better. 惡 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 悋惺惘References can be contacted 愕悋悒悋惶惡PositionName :悋悋愕惠悋悵惆惆 悋惘惷惡慍 悋惠愀惡悸 悋惺 惡悸 忰悋惷惘 lecturer in College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa Mobile NO:+968 95780418 Mr. Rizwan Wadood 忰惆 忰惆 悋惘忰 惺惡惆惡悋 惴悧悋惆 惡愀悸 悋悽悋惶悸 悋悋惠惶悋惆悸 悸 Authority of Special Economic Zone Duqm Mobile No:+968 97135701 Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohammed