de kenmerken van moderne marketing met moderne middelen vlgens maarten op een rij, plus cases en idee?n voor de vastgoed sector. Preso gegeven op 12 juni 2007 bij Funda aan een groep vastgoed makelaars.
Leverage social media to drive business the case sept 2012SimoneVersteeg
Dell has leveraged social media extensively over the past 15 years, beginning with launching online discussion forums and blogs in the mid-2000s. Notable events include launching IdeaStorm in 2007 to allow customers to submit ideas, joining Twitter in 2007, and being named the #1 most social brand in 2009. Dell now has a large social media presence across platforms and over 8,000 employees trained in social media strategies.
This document is the introduction and table of contents for a proposed consumer protection law in South Africa. It outlines the purpose and policy goals of promoting and protecting consumer rights, access to information, safety, and means of redress. It also establishes the structure and organization of the law, which will be comprised of 7 chapters covering topics like fundamental consumer rights, enforcement of rights, business names and industry codes, national consumer institutions, and general provisions. The overall aim is to enact a comprehensive law that strengthens consumer rights and responsibilities within South Africa's economic environment.
Australia prioritizes building closer economic, cultural, and political relationships with Asian and Pacific neighbors due to its geographical location, as directed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This aims to improve security, wealth, and cooperation in the region. Historically, Australia has had strong links with the United Kingdom due to colonization, the United States and Canada for aid in World War 2, and New Zealand as allies in many conflicts as ANZACs.
The document discusses planning in management. It defines planning and describes the types and levels of planning including strategic, intermediate, and operational planning. The planning process and key steps are outlined including establishing objectives, developing strategies, determining premises and alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting actions, formulating derivative plans, and reviewing the process. Advantages of planning such as facilitating management by objectives and minimizing uncertainty are highlighted. Limitations including cost, time consumption, and uncertainty are also reviewed.
The document provides a weekly news summary covering several topics:
1) Tata Group donated $50 million to Harvard Business School, the largest gift from an international donor. Earlier, Anand Mahindra donated $10 million.
2) Security was heightened in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games to prevent potential attacks by al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba planned for October 12-13.
3) The US Air Force's secret X-37B space shuttle went missing again after being in orbit for 173 days, fueling speculation about its purpose.
4) Punjab's finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was removed from his position due to his comments about the state's large debt.
This document summarizes a research project on sustainable practices in small restaurants in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The project surveyed 26 restaurants on their waste management, energy usage, recycling programs, and awareness of lean and green practices. Key findings include that most restaurants track inventory by hand daily, commonly waste food items like pizza and cheese, and the majority are interested in further improving recycling and energy efficiency. The purpose is to highlight current sustainable behaviors and opportunities for enhancing lean and green operations in small restaurants.
Tiga kalimat ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Dokumen tersebut merangkum wawancara dengan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) mengenai visi dan rencananya jika terpilih menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta, termasuk program untuk anak muda dan komitmennya akan transparansi dan profesionalitas.
2. facebook marketing concepts and resourceshenry7vernon
Facebook provides many marketing opportunities for businesses. Some effective Facebook marketing strategies include creating an attractive business page to engage users, posting engaging status updates, forming groups around products/services to generate discussions, using videos to subtly provide solutions to problems, and incentivizing users to expand the reach of the business page through their social connections. Constantly paying attention to user feedback and keeping updated on new Facebook features are also important for optimizing the business's virtual presence and brand. Above all, the content should focus on helping other users rather than overt sales pitches to achieve the best engagement within the social platform.
ZF Hero Chassis Systems is in talks with Suzuki and Honda to supply auto components in India. It currently supplies axles to GM India and will invest Rs. 100 crore to expand capacity by 70%.
The RBI divested its remaining 1% stake in NABARD worth Rs. 1,430 crore, transferring ownership to the Government of India which now holds 99% of NABARD.
Mobile operators added 12.4 million new GSM subscribers in September. BSNL added the most at 2.3 million and Uninor added the second highest to reach over 11.2 million subscribers.
South Korean company E-land is acquiring Mumbai-based Mudra
Fluido/Scrive Salesforce for E-sign seminarjohanhil
The document summarizes an event about e-signing via Salesforce. The agenda includes a breakfast, presentation on e-signing solutions Fluido and Scrive including legal aspects, and a demo of Scrive e-signing in Salesforce. There will also be a question and answer session and networking.
At we believe on finding the best tool for the job.
In the quest of finding a great persistence solution to power our "Explore" system one of our engineers stumbled upon
A few years later, we run 25 different Redis instances powering several features for our 10 million users.
From Tag Browsing, to Autocomplete Search, persisting Player sessions and our News Feed. Our 4 engineers team eats the redis documentation for breakfast.
Come join me in some redis love while I tell you why we're such big fans of zsets, set intersections and some other nice features that help us power 12.5 million hours of streaming per month.
The document discusses the impacts of climate change and global warming. It summarizes that the overall driver of human impact on the Earth is the destruction of biophysical resources and ecosystems. It then provides examples of how climate change is causing glaciers and snowpack to recede, more frequent extreme weather events like fires and floods, sea level rise threatening coastal areas, and potential collapse of ocean food chains due to acidification if carbon emissions continue rising unabated. The impacts are projected to worsen the more the temperature increases globally.
Leverage social media to drive business finalSimoneVersteeg
Dell has leveraged social media in various ways to drive its business functions like product development, marketing, sales, customer service, and communications. It has established a listening command center to monitor social conversations, launched communities and support services on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and trained employees on social media principles and tools through a university. Dell has seen benefits across the customer lifecycle from awareness to sales to loyalty. Social media provides insights into customers, opportunities for engagement and resolution, and contributes to demand generation and higher revenue.
The document discusses the importance of pilgrimages in the Middle Ages and the significance of sites like Santiago de Compostela. It describes the religious mentality of the time and the dangers of pilgrimages given the lack of infrastructure. However, people were devoted to traveling long distances on foot to sites housing important relics in hopes of miracles or salvation. Monasteries like Cluny played a key role in supporting pilgrims and spreading culture along pilgrimage routes in Spain. Military orders also helped protect travelers.
This document is the introduction and table of contents for a proposed consumer protection law in South Africa. It outlines the purpose and policy goals of promoting and protecting consumer rights, access to information, safety, and means of redress. It also establishes the structure and organization of the law, which will be comprised of 7 chapters covering topics like fundamental consumer rights, enforcement of rights, business names and industry codes, national consumer institutions, and general provisions. The overall aim is to enact a comprehensive law that strengthens consumer rights and responsibilities within South Africa's economic environment.
Australia prioritizes building closer economic, cultural, and political relationships with Asian and Pacific neighbors due to its geographical location, as directed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This aims to improve security, wealth, and cooperation in the region. Historically, Australia has had strong links with the United Kingdom due to colonization, the United States and Canada for aid in World War 2, and New Zealand as allies in many conflicts as ANZACs.
The document discusses planning in management. It defines planning and describes the types and levels of planning including strategic, intermediate, and operational planning. The planning process and key steps are outlined including establishing objectives, developing strategies, determining premises and alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting actions, formulating derivative plans, and reviewing the process. Advantages of planning such as facilitating management by objectives and minimizing uncertainty are highlighted. Limitations including cost, time consumption, and uncertainty are also reviewed.
The document provides a weekly news summary covering several topics:
1) Tata Group donated $50 million to Harvard Business School, the largest gift from an international donor. Earlier, Anand Mahindra donated $10 million.
2) Security was heightened in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games to prevent potential attacks by al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba planned for October 12-13.
3) The US Air Force's secret X-37B space shuttle went missing again after being in orbit for 173 days, fueling speculation about its purpose.
4) Punjab's finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was removed from his position due to his comments about the state's large debt.
This document summarizes a research project on sustainable practices in small restaurants in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The project surveyed 26 restaurants on their waste management, energy usage, recycling programs, and awareness of lean and green practices. Key findings include that most restaurants track inventory by hand daily, commonly waste food items like pizza and cheese, and the majority are interested in further improving recycling and energy efficiency. The purpose is to highlight current sustainable behaviors and opportunities for enhancing lean and green operations in small restaurants.
Tiga kalimat ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Dokumen tersebut merangkum wawancara dengan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) mengenai visi dan rencananya jika terpilih menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta, termasuk program untuk anak muda dan komitmennya akan transparansi dan profesionalitas.
2. facebook marketing concepts and resourceshenry7vernon
Facebook provides many marketing opportunities for businesses. Some effective Facebook marketing strategies include creating an attractive business page to engage users, posting engaging status updates, forming groups around products/services to generate discussions, using videos to subtly provide solutions to problems, and incentivizing users to expand the reach of the business page through their social connections. Constantly paying attention to user feedback and keeping updated on new Facebook features are also important for optimizing the business's virtual presence and brand. Above all, the content should focus on helping other users rather than overt sales pitches to achieve the best engagement within the social platform.
ZF Hero Chassis Systems is in talks with Suzuki and Honda to supply auto components in India. It currently supplies axles to GM India and will invest Rs. 100 crore to expand capacity by 70%.
The RBI divested its remaining 1% stake in NABARD worth Rs. 1,430 crore, transferring ownership to the Government of India which now holds 99% of NABARD.
Mobile operators added 12.4 million new GSM subscribers in September. BSNL added the most at 2.3 million and Uninor added the second highest to reach over 11.2 million subscribers.
South Korean company E-land is acquiring Mumbai-based Mudra
Fluido/Scrive Salesforce for E-sign seminarjohanhil
The document summarizes an event about e-signing via Salesforce. The agenda includes a breakfast, presentation on e-signing solutions Fluido and Scrive including legal aspects, and a demo of Scrive e-signing in Salesforce. There will also be a question and answer session and networking.
At we believe on finding the best tool for the job.
In the quest of finding a great persistence solution to power our "Explore" system one of our engineers stumbled upon
A few years later, we run 25 different Redis instances powering several features for our 10 million users.
From Tag Browsing, to Autocomplete Search, persisting Player sessions and our News Feed. Our 4 engineers team eats the redis documentation for breakfast.
Come join me in some redis love while I tell you why we're such big fans of zsets, set intersections and some other nice features that help us power 12.5 million hours of streaming per month.
The document discusses the impacts of climate change and global warming. It summarizes that the overall driver of human impact on the Earth is the destruction of biophysical resources and ecosystems. It then provides examples of how climate change is causing glaciers and snowpack to recede, more frequent extreme weather events like fires and floods, sea level rise threatening coastal areas, and potential collapse of ocean food chains due to acidification if carbon emissions continue rising unabated. The impacts are projected to worsen the more the temperature increases globally.
Leverage social media to drive business finalSimoneVersteeg
Dell has leveraged social media in various ways to drive its business functions like product development, marketing, sales, customer service, and communications. It has established a listening command center to monitor social conversations, launched communities and support services on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and trained employees on social media principles and tools through a university. Dell has seen benefits across the customer lifecycle from awareness to sales to loyalty. Social media provides insights into customers, opportunities for engagement and resolution, and contributes to demand generation and higher revenue.
The document discusses the importance of pilgrimages in the Middle Ages and the significance of sites like Santiago de Compostela. It describes the religious mentality of the time and the dangers of pilgrimages given the lack of infrastructure. However, people were devoted to traveling long distances on foot to sites housing important relics in hopes of miracles or salvation. Monasteries like Cluny played a key role in supporting pilgrims and spreading culture along pilgrimage routes in Spain. Military orders also helped protect travelers.
Digitaal Willen we Allemaal? Digitaal MOETEN we Allemaal! Search Engine Marketing is een onmisbaar element van elk Marketingplan. Spreek bijvoorbeeld de taal van de doelgroep en breidt stap voor stap je Search activiteiten uit. Kijk voor meer informatie op
Privacy First Digital Marketing Event 2024 - Privacy First Marketing Strategy...OrangeValley
De overstap naar cookieless marketing komt voort uit toenemende zorgen over privacy en de groeiende roep om transparantie in digitale marketing. Traditionele cookies, die vaak worden gebruikt voor het volgen van gebruikersgedrag over verschillende websites, staan onder druk door privacyregelgeving en technologische veranderingen, zoals browserupdates die het gebruik van third-party cookies beperken. Onderzoek toont aan dat consumenten meer controle willen over hun persoonlijke gegevens, wat heeft geleid tot een verschuiving naar privacygerichte benaderingen. Cookieless marketing richt zich op alternatieve methoden, zoals first-party data, contextuele targeting en nieuwe trackingtechnologie?n, om relevante advertenties te leveren zonder de individuele privacy te schenden. Deze transitie is een reactie op de groeiende behoefte aan ethische gegevenspraktijken en het waarborgen van de privacy van online gebruikers. Welke keuzes maken bedrijven op basis van de privacy first beweging en wat is de imapct op de strategie?
Het business model cavans model met nederlandse toelichting en uitleg in de verschillende velden. Tip print het op A3 uit als je er mee aan de slag gaat.
Verkopen via internet, uw verkooporganisatie en internetRobert Hamminga
Verkopen via internet. Wat zijn de mogelijkheden van verkopen via internet, verkopen online. Middelen, nieuwe ideeen en een plan.
Verkopen via internet door internet sales consultant Robert Hamminga.
Trend Event LECTRIC: marketing in veranderingLECTRIC
Tijdens het Trend Event van LECTRIC sprak Martin van Kranenburg bevlogen over customer insight management. Om klanten en hun gedrag te begrijpen, is het omzetten van data naar inzichten van vitaal belang voor de strategie van uw organisatie. Zo kan de klant daadwerkelijk optimaal bediend worden. De beschikbaarheid van de enorme hoeveelheid data en de daarmee toegenomen mogelijkheid tot analyse van klantgedrag biedt slimme bedrijven kansen voor real time en one-to-one mogelijkheden. Echte aandacht en relevantie zijn de sleutelwoorden voor het succes van morgen.
Presentatie Masterclass Internet Marketing Strategie Nyenrode 2010 door eFocusValtech
eFocus presenteerde dinsdag 11 mei 'De ontwikkeling van websites en de invloed op online marketing' en tevens een succes case tijdens de Masterclass Internet Marketing Strategie op Nyenrode.
Na de presentatie gingen de deelnemers aan de slag met een groepsopdracht zodat zij het geleerde direct konden toetsen met een praktijkopdracht.
A training on how to work with metrics and learn the basics of analytics. How to find the right metric and how to qualify them. Included also practical examples and exercises.
2. Bestaat uit twee business units:1. istruXureICTICT Consultancy (Netwerkinfrastructuren en Datacenters)2. internetmarketingCompleet.nlInternet Marketing & Business is een TradeMark of istruXure
4. Internet MarketingMaak Kennis met de Meest Complete en Krachtige Business en Marketing Strategie!Word Optimaal Gevonden door Uw KlantenDe Beste en Meest Krachtige Tool voor een GedegenMarkt- en ConcurrentenonderzoekEn Onderscheid U Hiermee van Uw Concurrenten
5. De BenefitsDe Voordelen voor U als Ondernemer/Organisatie:Meer Klanten WervenMeer Omzet GenererenAanzienlijk Kosten ReducerenMaximale Winst uit Onderneming en Website Behalen
6. Onderzoek wijst uit..Uit verschillende onderzoeken is het volgende gebleken:Er zich een duidelijke en zichtbare verschuiving voordoet van een fysieke naar een digitale wereld en dat deze onze maatschappij in een steeds sneller tempo verandert.Meer dan 80% van alle priv¨¦ en zakelijke aankoopbeslissingen vinden hun herkomst op het internet!Google heeft als internet zoekmachine een marktaandeel van meer dan 90% in Nederland.Mensen hebben 1 tot 7 contactmomenten nodig voordat zij overgaan tot een aankoop.Ondernemers die worden gevonden, hebben meer succes dan ondernemers die zelf op zoek gaan naar klanten.
8. Voordelen (1)Internetmarketing versus traditionele marketing:SegmentatieU kunt precies de (potenti?le) klanten bereiken die naar uw product of dienst op zoek zijn. De (potenti?le) klanten die een probleem hebben dat u voor hen kan oplossen of een verlangen hebben dat u voor hen kan inlossen. Geen waste!Kosteneffici?ntVele malen goedkoper dan advertenties plaatsen (in tijdschriften, kranten en dagbladen), uitzenden van radiocommercials, vertegenwoordigd zijn op vakbeurzen en ¡°koud¡± bellen van potenti?le klanten, etc. U betaalt nooit voor exposure waar u niets aan heeft!Tijdseffici?ntU kunt binnen een dag een product of dienst lanceren.
9. Voordelen (2)Internetmarketing versus traditionele marketing:MeetbaarU weet op de seconde af wat er gebeurd. Hoeveel en door wie er op uw advertenties wordt geklikt, welke zoekwoorden deze bezoekers hebben ingetypt, welke zoekwoorden u de meeste sales opleveren, hoe lang deze bezoekers op uw website bleven (en op welke pagina¡¯s zij hebben gekeken), wat precies voor u de kosten zijn per conversie/verkoop, etc.TestmogelijkhedenAlles kunt u testen. Om vervolgens te kunnen bepalen wat de beste varianten zijn voor advertenties, sales letters, visuals (afbeeldingen, video¡¯s, etc.), headlines, etc. U kunt oneindig lang vergaderen, maar u weet pas echt iets, als het is getest. Alles wat mensen zelf bedenken is immers subjectief, gebaseerd op hun eigen perceptie en kijk op de wereld maar niet via de wereld.
10. Internet MarketingWaaruit bestaat Internet Marketing:Monetization (Internet Verdienmodellen)Traffic (Maximaal Bezoekers Genereren)Conversion (Maak Uw Bezoekers tot Klanten)Content (Teksten, Afbeeldingen, Video¡¯s, etc.)
15. DienstenMet onze Diensten Helpen wij U Direct Verder!Internet Marketing ConsultancyAdviesTraining & CoachingWorkshops & SeminarsSalesVerkooptrainingenBusiness Consultant & Sparring PartnerSupportImplementatie begeleidingBegeleiding bij uitvoering
16. EindeDe Roadmap naar een Blijvend Succesvolle en Winstgevende Onderneming!Breng een bezoek aan internetmarketingCompleet.nlNeem Vrijblijvend Contact met ons OpBedankt voor Uw Aandacht!