The document analyzes the mise-en-scene and camera work in Ellie Goulding's music video for "Goodness Gracious." It discusses several examples of mise-en-scene, including the outdoor setting by a pool that establishes the fun, upbeat tone, Ellie's sequined coat as she drives to emphasize her fashionable image, and a party scene that portrays socializing. Camera work is also examined, such as over-the-shoulder shots that involve the audience and focus on Ellie's face to highlight her performance and emotion. Tight frames that fill the frame with activity are said to make the video look professional and match the song's beat.
Vi p奪 IVT Center V辰rme & Kylteknik i Vassmol旦sa har marknadens bredaste sortiment. Hos oss hittar du bergv辰rmepumpar, jordv辰rmepumpar, sj旦v辰rmepumpar, grundvattenv辰rmepumpar, luft/vattenv辰rmepumpar, luft/luftv辰rmepumpar och solv辰rmel旦sningar f旦r b奪de villor och fastigheter.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pencemaran lingkungan air khususnya Sungai Citarum di Jawa Barat. Sungai Citarum tercemar berat akibat limbah cair dari 31 pabrik dan limbah domestik dari penduduk setempat. Pencemaran air Sungai Citarum telah memasuki tingkat berbahaya karena kadar zat kimia beracun yang tinggi. Berbagai upaya perlu dilakukan untuk membersihkan Sungai Citarum.
The document analyzes the mise-en-scene and camera work in Ellie Goulding's music video for "Goodness Gracious." It discusses several examples of mise-en-scene, including the outdoor setting by a pool that establishes the fun, upbeat tone, Ellie's sequined coat as she drives to emphasize her fashionable image, and a party scene that portrays socializing. Camera work is also examined, such as over-the-shoulder shots that involve the audience and focus on Ellie's face to highlight her performance and emotion. Tight frames that fill the frame with activity are said to make the video look professional and match the song's beat.
Vi p奪 IVT Center V辰rme & Kylteknik i Vassmol旦sa har marknadens bredaste sortiment. Hos oss hittar du bergv辰rmepumpar, jordv辰rmepumpar, sj旦v辰rmepumpar, grundvattenv辰rmepumpar, luft/vattenv辰rmepumpar, luft/luftv辰rmepumpar och solv辰rmel旦sningar f旦r b奪de villor och fastigheter.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pencemaran lingkungan air khususnya Sungai Citarum di Jawa Barat. Sungai Citarum tercemar berat akibat limbah cair dari 31 pabrik dan limbah domestik dari penduduk setempat. Pencemaran air Sungai Citarum telah memasuki tingkat berbahaya karena kadar zat kimia beracun yang tinggi. Berbagai upaya perlu dilakukan untuk membersihkan Sungai Citarum.