Thierry-Serranou-resumevisual_resumeThierry Serranou has worked as an SAP Consultant for logistics since 2005, first as responsible for SRM at Chu Poitiers hospital and then as a consultant for ISARTIS. He received his engineering degree in Industrial Systems Engineering and has experience in the Information Technology & Services industries.
Proyecto osomultidiscapacidadzona11El documento discute la importancia de centrarse en el estudiante y en sus procesos de aprendizaje. Resalta que el estudiante debe ser el centro y referente fundamental del aprendizaje, para que pueda continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida. También describe la planeación centrada en la persona como un proceso de colaboración para ayudar a las personas a acceder a los apoyos que necesitan para mejorar su calidad de vida de acuerdo a sus propias preferencias y valores.
crear base de datos para empresaadancamilo1La empresa Microempresa L&L proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para crear una nueva base de datos en blanco en Microsoft Access: 1) Abrir una base de datos en blanco y asignarle un nombre, 2) Hacer clic derecho en la pestaña tabla para seleccionar la vista de diseño y asignar nombres y tipos a los campos, 3) Hacer clic derecho en la pestaña otra vez para seleccionar la vista de hoja de datos y llenar la base de datos.
Fred GWU Grad Certificate class projectW Fred SeigneurOne of several documents describing an earlier version of the Secure Computing InFrastructure (SCIF) architecture and embodiment for a medical applicaton
El conectivismoDago OlveraGeorge Siemens desarrolló la teoría del conectivismo para interpretar el efecto de la tecnología en cómo aprendemos. El aprendizaje ocurre en una variedad de ambientes fuera del control individual, y el conocimiento puede residir fuera de las personas en bases de datos. El conocimiento se encuentra en nodos interconectados que permiten aumentar el estado actual de conocimiento. El conectivismo reconoce la obsolescencia del conocimiento y la necesidad de desarrollar habilidades críticas para discernir nueva información importante.
BungalowShaneAlemao1) The TVC opens with a girl standing outside her old, dilapidated flat in black and white, playing a sad flute tune.
2) A voiceover asks if she wants to change her situation, and a giant hand replaces the old building with a picture of a beautiful new home.
3) When the girl nods yes, the annoying flute player is thrown out. The hand then gives her information about Canara Bank's affordable home loans with easy EMIs.
4) Reassured, the girl confidently says "I Can" change her picture, as the frame dissolves into color with her standing in front of her new home.
Piramide poblacio nuria rosNuriaRos15El documento proporciona datos demográficos de varias ciudades españolas, incluyendo la población por sexo y edad en grupos quinquenales. Muestra tablas con estas cifras y gráficos de pirámides de población para Xàbia, Dénia, Alicante, Pamplona, La Coruña.
samsung showroom at Benghazi-LibyaFaisal IshaqMEGT Middle East General Trading Company is expanding its operations in eastern Libya by opening a third showroom for Samsung products in Benghazi. The document describes MEGT's new showroom, including its large prominent signage located on a busy road, store layout and visual merchandising techniques used to influence customer purchases and showcase Samsung products. MEGT aims to display products using fixtures, racks and settings that present the store as a story and guide customers through discovery.
Christmas Ideas - Christmas Photo Scavenger HuntKen SappThis document describes a photo scavenger hunt Christmas activity where teams must take photos satisfying descriptions on a list. Teams are given a digital camera and have a time limit to complete the hunt at a mall or shopping center. The rules state photos must include all team members and cannot use drawings instead of objects. The scavenger hunt item list includes photos like a team member in a dress or the team donating gifts.
Operations Grid TasksallymcleanUse this task with students or a group of teachers. It shows the power of collaboration. Math is not a solitary activity!
Planet of slumsdanielle47The document discusses several topics related to slums and rapid urbanization in developing countries:
1) Population growth is occurring mainly in developing countries, with their populations expected to double to four billion over the next generation, leading to unprecedented urban growth including mega-cities growing 40 times their original size.
2) Slums are characterized by overcrowding, poor housing, lack of access to water/sanitation, and insecure land tenure, with 99.4% of urban populations in Ethiopia and Chad living in slums.
3) An architect theorized that slums could benefit development banks by providing cheap housing, akin to the idea of pulling oneself up by their bootstraps, though critics argue this
X6 Citra AstariGlobal warming atau pemanasan global terjadi akibat meningkatnya suhu rata-rata bumi yang disebabkan oleh efek rumah kaca. Gas-gas rumah kaca seperti karbon dioksida dan metana menyebabkan efek rumah kaca yang memperangkap panas matahari di atmosfer bumi. Pemanasan global diperkirakan akan menyebabkan perubahan iklim ekstrem dan kenaikan permukaan laut.
crear base de datos para empresaadancamilo1La empresa Microempresa L&L proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para crear una nueva base de datos en blanco en Microsoft Access: 1) Abrir una base de datos en blanco y asignarle un nombre, 2) Hacer clic derecho en la pestaña tabla para seleccionar la vista de diseño y asignar nombres y tipos a los campos, 3) Hacer clic derecho en la pestaña otra vez para seleccionar la vista de hoja de datos y llenar la base de datos.
Fred GWU Grad Certificate class projectW Fred SeigneurOne of several documents describing an earlier version of the Secure Computing InFrastructure (SCIF) architecture and embodiment for a medical applicaton
El conectivismoDago OlveraGeorge Siemens desarrolló la teoría del conectivismo para interpretar el efecto de la tecnología en cómo aprendemos. El aprendizaje ocurre en una variedad de ambientes fuera del control individual, y el conocimiento puede residir fuera de las personas en bases de datos. El conocimiento se encuentra en nodos interconectados que permiten aumentar el estado actual de conocimiento. El conectivismo reconoce la obsolescencia del conocimiento y la necesidad de desarrollar habilidades críticas para discernir nueva información importante.
BungalowShaneAlemao1) The TVC opens with a girl standing outside her old, dilapidated flat in black and white, playing a sad flute tune.
2) A voiceover asks if she wants to change her situation, and a giant hand replaces the old building with a picture of a beautiful new home.
3) When the girl nods yes, the annoying flute player is thrown out. The hand then gives her information about Canara Bank's affordable home loans with easy EMIs.
4) Reassured, the girl confidently says "I Can" change her picture, as the frame dissolves into color with her standing in front of her new home.
Piramide poblacio nuria rosNuriaRos15El documento proporciona datos demográficos de varias ciudades españolas, incluyendo la población por sexo y edad en grupos quinquenales. Muestra tablas con estas cifras y gráficos de pirámides de población para Xàbia, Dénia, Alicante, Pamplona, La Coruña.
samsung showroom at Benghazi-LibyaFaisal IshaqMEGT Middle East General Trading Company is expanding its operations in eastern Libya by opening a third showroom for Samsung products in Benghazi. The document describes MEGT's new showroom, including its large prominent signage located on a busy road, store layout and visual merchandising techniques used to influence customer purchases and showcase Samsung products. MEGT aims to display products using fixtures, racks and settings that present the store as a story and guide customers through discovery.
Christmas Ideas - Christmas Photo Scavenger HuntKen SappThis document describes a photo scavenger hunt Christmas activity where teams must take photos satisfying descriptions on a list. Teams are given a digital camera and have a time limit to complete the hunt at a mall or shopping center. The rules state photos must include all team members and cannot use drawings instead of objects. The scavenger hunt item list includes photos like a team member in a dress or the team donating gifts.
Operations Grid TasksallymcleanUse this task with students or a group of teachers. It shows the power of collaboration. Math is not a solitary activity!
Planet of slumsdanielle47The document discusses several topics related to slums and rapid urbanization in developing countries:
1) Population growth is occurring mainly in developing countries, with their populations expected to double to four billion over the next generation, leading to unprecedented urban growth including mega-cities growing 40 times their original size.
2) Slums are characterized by overcrowding, poor housing, lack of access to water/sanitation, and insecure land tenure, with 99.4% of urban populations in Ethiopia and Chad living in slums.
3) An architect theorized that slums could benefit development banks by providing cheap housing, akin to the idea of pulling oneself up by their bootstraps, though critics argue this
X6 Citra AstariGlobal warming atau pemanasan global terjadi akibat meningkatnya suhu rata-rata bumi yang disebabkan oleh efek rumah kaca. Gas-gas rumah kaca seperti karbon dioksida dan metana menyebabkan efek rumah kaca yang memperangkap panas matahari di atmosfer bumi. Pemanasan global diperkirakan akan menyebabkan perubahan iklim ekstrem dan kenaikan permukaan laut.
1. İşte Dünya 03.11.2010<br />Herhangi bir şehirde, her hangi bir parkta, herhangi bir baharsabahıydı. Osırada parkta hiç kimse yoktu. Çocuklar okullarındaydı.Büyükler ya işte ya alışvarişte ya da herhangi bir bahar sabahında hep ne parlarsa onu yapıyolardı.<br />Ortalık çok sakindi.Sonra birden dört bir yandan çıka gelen hayvanlar parkın ortasında toplanmaya başladı. Banklardan birisinin arkasından bir kılıç dişli kaplan fırladı Çalılıkların arkasından bir kürklü mamut göründü. Ağaçların arkasından sallana sallana bir tyranosaunus rex çıktı. Derken başka yaratıklarda belirdi. Soyu tükenmiş hayvanlar buluşmasına katılmaya gelmişlerdi.<br />33864551127760-711201127760Her on bin yılda bir toplanıp dünyada şöyle bir tur atarak, uzak akrabalrını ziyaret eder, hep birlikte eğlenirlerdi eğlenirlerdi. Ama bu defa terslik vardı. Sanki Dünya bıraktıkları gibi değildi…<br />15576553235325Furkan Efe GÜLSEVEN<br />