Thierry Serranou has worked as an SAP Consultant for logistics since 2005, first as responsible for SRM at Chu Poitiers hospital and then as a consultant for ISARTIS. He received his engineering degree in Industrial Systems Engineering and has experience in the Information Technology & Services industries.
The document discusses a campaign against drinking and driving. It provides a brief history of drinking and driving, noting that it began before cars existed and was not regulated until the late 1960s. It describes several previous campaigns from organizations like MADD to reduce drunk driving by increasing awareness. The document then analyzes the target audience and outlines a communication plan involving interactive exhibits at events. Finally, it provides statistics on drunk driving accidents and deaths to emphasize the need for the campaign.
One of several documents describing an earlier version of the Secure Computing InFrastructure (SCIF) architecture and embodiment for a medical applicaton
This short poem expresses the speaker's enduring love and commitment to their partner. They promise to stay by their partner's side through all hardships, shielding them from harm, keeping their days happy, and remembering small gestures like buying flowers. The speaker conveys that despite any challenges that come with age or memory loss, their love will remain steadfast.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los transg辿nicos y agrocombustibles. Explica que los transg辿nicos son organismos a los que se les han transferido genes de otras especies usando ingenier鱈a gen辿tica. Tambi辿n describe los riesgos ambientales y de salud que plantean los transg辿nicos y agrocombustibles, as鱈 como los impactos socioecon坦micos negativos. El documento promueve la agricultura ecol坦gica como una alternativa m叩s saludable y sostenible.
Presentasi dari Deny Supryadi, Crew dari Agate Studio dalam event Talent Development Saturday Agate Studio.
Talent Development Saturday adalah acara Agate Studio crew sharing berbagai topik. Mulai dari Art, Programming, Game Production dan General Business/Management. TDS ini dilakukan tanggal 8 Februari 2014 di Bandung Digital Valley.
El documento describe las etiquetas HTML para insertar subt鱈tulos, tablas, filas, columnas, marquesinas, comentarios, t鱈tulos, e im叩genes en una p叩gina web. Explica c坦mo usar las etiquetas <h1>, <h2>, <table>, <tr>, <td>, <marquee>, <!-- //-->, e <img> para agregar estos elementos y atributos como src, height, y width para controlar el tama単o de las im叩genes.
O documento discute a import但ncia da qualidade do leite para a ind炭stria e consumidores, destacando que a qualidade 辿 avaliada por par但metros como teor de gordura e prote鱈na, contagem de c辿lulas som叩ticas e contagem bacteriana total. Boas pr叩ticas de manejo e higiene s達o essenciais para produzir leite de alta qualidade e agregar valor.
Matthieu Pfleger is an Innovation Promotion Officer at Orange Labs. His work experience and education are not specified in the document. The industries he has worked in and skills are also not provided.
Este documento describe c坦mo crear y utilizar bases de datos relacionales en Microsoft Access 2010. Explica los conceptos b叩sicos de bases de datos, c坦mo crear tablas, establecer relaciones entre tablas, e incluye instrucciones para crear informes. El objetivo general es comprender los elementos necesarios para dise単ar una base de datos en Access, incluyendo tablas, relaciones e informes.
A webquest is an assignment that asks students to use the internet to learn about and synthesize knowledge on a specific topic. An effective webquest requires students to accomplish a task, such as solving a hypothetical problem, to demonstrate their understanding. Webquests make learning engaging by allowing students to discover information themselves from curated websites. They also allow students to work at their own pace individually or in groups. Well-designed webquests provide authentic learning experiences by posing real-world problems for students to address through research. Elements of an effective webquest include an introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
Modul ini memberikan panduan singkat tentang dasar-dasar menggunakan CorelDRAW untuk membuat desain grafis. Modul ini menjelaskan tentang interface CorelDRAW, alat-alat dasar untuk membuat berbagai jenis objek seperti garis, bentuk dasar, teks, dan lainnya. Modul ini juga menjelaskan cara mengatur halaman kerja dan menyimpan hasil desain yang dibuat.
This document discusses issues around social change, free markets, and debates surrounding concepts like choice, freedom, and human rights. It examines debates around whether free market exchanges are truly voluntary and informed or if certain goods should not be commodified. It also explores questions about how technological changes have impacted areas like surrogacy and questions of free choice in a market system. Finally, it discusses different philosophical approaches to morality and ethics, comparing utilitarian, libertarian, and deontological perspectives as related to concepts of human rights and autonomy.
Thierry Serranou has worked as an SAP Consultant for logistics since 2005, first as responsible for SRM at Chu Poitiers hospital and then as a consultant for ISARTIS. He received his engineering degree in Industrial Systems Engineering and has experience in the Information Technology & Services industries.
The document discusses a campaign against drinking and driving. It provides a brief history of drinking and driving, noting that it began before cars existed and was not regulated until the late 1960s. It describes several previous campaigns from organizations like MADD to reduce drunk driving by increasing awareness. The document then analyzes the target audience and outlines a communication plan involving interactive exhibits at events. Finally, it provides statistics on drunk driving accidents and deaths to emphasize the need for the campaign.
One of several documents describing an earlier version of the Secure Computing InFrastructure (SCIF) architecture and embodiment for a medical applicaton
This short poem expresses the speaker's enduring love and commitment to their partner. They promise to stay by their partner's side through all hardships, shielding them from harm, keeping their days happy, and remembering small gestures like buying flowers. The speaker conveys that despite any challenges that come with age or memory loss, their love will remain steadfast.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los transg辿nicos y agrocombustibles. Explica que los transg辿nicos son organismos a los que se les han transferido genes de otras especies usando ingenier鱈a gen辿tica. Tambi辿n describe los riesgos ambientales y de salud que plantean los transg辿nicos y agrocombustibles, as鱈 como los impactos socioecon坦micos negativos. El documento promueve la agricultura ecol坦gica como una alternativa m叩s saludable y sostenible.
Presentasi dari Deny Supryadi, Crew dari Agate Studio dalam event Talent Development Saturday Agate Studio.
Talent Development Saturday adalah acara Agate Studio crew sharing berbagai topik. Mulai dari Art, Programming, Game Production dan General Business/Management. TDS ini dilakukan tanggal 8 Februari 2014 di Bandung Digital Valley.
El documento describe las etiquetas HTML para insertar subt鱈tulos, tablas, filas, columnas, marquesinas, comentarios, t鱈tulos, e im叩genes en una p叩gina web. Explica c坦mo usar las etiquetas <h1>, <h2>, <table>, <tr>, <td>, <marquee>, <!-- //-->, e <img> para agregar estos elementos y atributos como src, height, y width para controlar el tama単o de las im叩genes.
O documento discute a import但ncia da qualidade do leite para a ind炭stria e consumidores, destacando que a qualidade 辿 avaliada por par但metros como teor de gordura e prote鱈na, contagem de c辿lulas som叩ticas e contagem bacteriana total. Boas pr叩ticas de manejo e higiene s達o essenciais para produzir leite de alta qualidade e agregar valor.
Matthieu Pfleger is an Innovation Promotion Officer at Orange Labs. His work experience and education are not specified in the document. The industries he has worked in and skills are also not provided.
Este documento describe c坦mo crear y utilizar bases de datos relacionales en Microsoft Access 2010. Explica los conceptos b叩sicos de bases de datos, c坦mo crear tablas, establecer relaciones entre tablas, e incluye instrucciones para crear informes. El objetivo general es comprender los elementos necesarios para dise単ar una base de datos en Access, incluyendo tablas, relaciones e informes.
A webquest is an assignment that asks students to use the internet to learn about and synthesize knowledge on a specific topic. An effective webquest requires students to accomplish a task, such as solving a hypothetical problem, to demonstrate their understanding. Webquests make learning engaging by allowing students to discover information themselves from curated websites. They also allow students to work at their own pace individually or in groups. Well-designed webquests provide authentic learning experiences by posing real-world problems for students to address through research. Elements of an effective webquest include an introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
Modul ini memberikan panduan singkat tentang dasar-dasar menggunakan CorelDRAW untuk membuat desain grafis. Modul ini menjelaskan tentang interface CorelDRAW, alat-alat dasar untuk membuat berbagai jenis objek seperti garis, bentuk dasar, teks, dan lainnya. Modul ini juga menjelaskan cara mengatur halaman kerja dan menyimpan hasil desain yang dibuat.
This document discusses issues around social change, free markets, and debates surrounding concepts like choice, freedom, and human rights. It examines debates around whether free market exchanges are truly voluntary and informed or if certain goods should not be commodified. It also explores questions about how technological changes have impacted areas like surrogacy and questions of free choice in a market system. Finally, it discusses different philosophical approaches to morality and ethics, comparing utilitarian, libertarian, and deontological perspectives as related to concepts of human rights and autonomy.
1. PAMUKKALE<br />Kuma uzanan dalgalar脹n k旦p端klerinin beyaz脹Evleri,yollar脹, dedii her eyi tek renge boyayan kar tanelerini beyaz脹 Masmavi g旦k y端z端nde pamuk gibi duran bulutlar脹n beyaz脹 gibi bembeyaz Pamukkaledeki travertenler Huzurun , safl脹脹n rengi beyaz Sanki Pamukkaledeki bu da脹n etekleri karlarla kaplanm脹, sanki ben beyaz dalgalarla 旦rt端nm端, sanki kocaman bir bulut olmu 巽旦kelez da脹<br />-40640401637536264851063625146051060450 Yer alt脹 su kaynaklar脹n脹n oluturduu etkileyici travertenleri ve minik elaleleri ile Pamukkale, eine az rastlan脹r bir doa harikas脹. Denizli ye 22 kilometre uzakl脹ktaki Pamukkale yaln脹zca travertenleri ile deil, kapl脹calar脹 ve Hierapolis, Laodikeia ve Teipolis gibi antik kentleri ile de g旦r端lmeye deer<br />