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Jagdeep Singh
+91 9716199502
Ground Floor, 5/12, Vaishali, Ghaziabad,
Email: jaggisangi@yahoo.co.in
Gain more and more Experience and become a successful Finance Professional with
strong cross functional knowledge.
Dec 1997 | Final Examination of ICWAI
Jul 1994 | B.Com (Hons), [Delhi University]
 Financial Reporting and Control
 Management Accounts Reporting and Control
 Product Analysis and Pricing
 Revenue Accounting, Billing and Revenue Reporting
 Practical knowledge & experience of Business Proposal Evaluation (NPV, IRR, PBP, PI)
 Detailed evaluation of business requirements and supporting decision making
 Short term and Long term Projection and variance analysis
 MIS Design - Conceptualization, implementation and control of KPIs
 Carrying out and control of Annual Operating Plan Process
 Hands on experience and expertise in Financial Modeling
 Fair knowledge and understanding of technological aspects of Telecom Business.
 Good understanding of S&D, and CSD functions (in telecom)
 Experience and knowledge of ERP
 Team Management Skills
Nov 2008  At present | AGM (Finance)
Aircel Limited | Corporate Office, Gurgaon, Haryana
Aug 2013 onwards : Financial Reporting and Control Profile
Head of Financial Reporting and Control for Aircel Business Solutions (Enterprise and
Wholesale Voice Division of Aircel Group)
Handling a Team of 6 people.
 Management and control of Payments
 Payment Posting control
 Payment Process control
 LOA compliance
 Foreign Remittance (A2)
documentation control
 Management and control of Revenue
Accounting control
 Billing Assurance
 Billing Exposure control, and mitigation
(Insurance and BG)
 Bad Debts reporting and control
 Review and control of Provisions for
 Balance Sheet review and scrutiny
 Forecasting of Monthly Numbers in Flash
and Actuals review
 Budget control
 Finalization of Books  Annual / Quarterly /
 Fixed Assets accounting control and
 Commercial Negotiations
 Evaluation of Vendor selection
 VAT compliances and Assessment
 Direct Taxes  WHT / TDS compliance
(Domestic and Foreign Payments  DTAA,
 Transfer Pricing Compliance
 Handling the External and Internal Audit
Nov 2008 to Aug2013: Management Accounting Profile
Management Accounting is a very important function in the organization, which takes
care of defining, measuring and monitoring the Business KPIs, assisting in Business
Decision Support and Business Planning.
Handling the Wholesale Voice / Data Business and Retail Mobility Business related Profile
in Management Accounting Function at Corporate Office which involves constant
interaction with other functional heads to update them on state of business, suggest
improvement plans, and to understand need for further development in reporting
 Preparation and control of Annual
Operating Plan
 Concept, Design and implementation of
Reporting Framework for Business
 Defining the Key Performance Indicators
 Publishing of Monthly Business MIS with KPI
 AoP Tracking and Variance Analysis
 Financial Evaluation of New Product
Development proposals, eg Value
Added Services, Calling Cards, Tariff Plans
 Financial Evaluation of New Investment
proposals, eg Network expansion, Make
or Buy etc (NPV, IRR, PBP, PI)
 Ad hoc Analysis and Investigation
projects (eg Usage Behaviours etc)
 Costing and Pricing of Enterprise Data
Solutions / NLD / ILD
 Post implementation review of Business /
Product proposals to benchmark actual
 Monthly flash and actual financials
compilation according to Profit Centre
May 2006  Nov 2008 | Sr Manager (Finance-RA/MIS)
Idea Communications Limited | Circle Office, Lucknow, Uttar
Head of Credit & Revenue Assurance Function and MIS Function
During Launch Phase (Ensuring Process Control from Financial point of view):
 Implementation of Billing System & Surround Applications
 Mediation Process Validation
 Fraud Management System Implementation and Validation
 Credit/Exposure Policy Formulation
Operational Phase:
 Product Analysis
Cross Product Impact Analysis  Cannibalization etc
Evaluation of Product Contribution Analysis
Product Performance Review
Evaluation and suggestion of Promotional Schemes
 Management Reporting
Revenue/Traffic Pattern Analysis
Daily Revenue/Subscriber Number Reporting
Monthly AoP Vs Actual EBITDA Flash Reporting
 Capex/Opex Proposal Evaluation
 Credit Risk & Revenue Assurance
Assurance of revenue generation process for all the streams
System/Process Audit and control
System/Process Change Audit, Control & UAT
IUC Payout minimization
Credit Risk Management (Fraud Control and Exposure Monitoring)
May 2005  May 2006 | Assistant Manager (Revenue Assurance)
Bharti Airtel Limited | Circle Office, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Revenue Assurance function is very important in Telecom Industry. Its related to
assurance of processes in order to mitigate any Revenue Leakage/Loss, which is a very
big risk in the highly automated systems involved in telecom.
Worked as Head of Revenue Assurance Function, and the highlights of the profile were:
 Checking/Audit/Ensuring of Switch/Billing
 Switch/Mediation/Billing CDR
reconciliations and rejection analysis
 Waivers/Adjustments control and audit
 System Cash Cycle Management and
 Routing Analysis/Audit to ensure optimum
 IUC Billing Process Assurance
 Roaming Reconciliations and Assurance
 Postpaid Billing Process Assurance
 Prepaid product/tariff configuration
 VAS reconciliations with Content
Providers Data
 Revenue/Traffic Pattern
Nov 1998  May 2005 | Officer (Finance)
Tata Communications Limited erstwhile VSNL | New Delhi
Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables
 Billing/Revenue Accounting For
 Channel Payout Management
 Fixed Assets Accounting
 Staff & Vendor Payments Management
 Collection Accounting
 Bank Reconciliation
 Last Mile Charges Billing & Payment
 Revenue Assurance:
 Reconciliation of Technical (Routers
configuration) data with Order
fulfillment Groups Data and finally with
Billing Data to ensure accuracy of
billing and check for any revenue
 Monthly Revenue Reporting and
comparison of Key Performance
 Ensuring compliance of Discount
Delegation Matrix by Sales Team
 Checking of proper authorization of
Special Bid Requests Moved in
connection with Order Received
 Accounting & payment of service-tax
 MIS relating to revenue & debtors
 Co-ordination with internal/statutory
auditors in connection with Revenue
 Staff Payments Management &
 Opex & Capex Control MIS & Variance
Apr 1996  Jul 1997 | Sales Tax Assistant
Ultra International Limited | Sahibabad, U.P.
 Maintaining of records pertaining to Sales-tax rules
 Issuance/procurement of statutory forms relating to Sales-tax, ie Form C, Form 31, Form 3B.
 Filing of Sales-tax return
 Sales-tax assessment
 Developed software for Invoicing as per Excise duty rules requirements
 Developed software for issuance & recording TDS certificates
May 1993  Jul 1995 | Accounts Exec cum Computer Programmer
Metalite Industries | Darya Ganj, New Delhi
 Automated the accounting system of the concern
 Routine accounting work done using own software
Computer Skills
 Expert level knowledge of MS-Power Point, MS-Excel, MS-Word, MS-Access
 Knowledge of SAP FI/PA Module,
 Knowledge of Arbor (Kenan), BSCS and TBMS billing Systems
 Database Programming: Foxpro, Visual Basic, SQL, MySQL
 Developed & Implemented user-friendly Payroll Accounting software for Northern region
using Foxpro, which resulted in discontinuation of maintaining manual ledgers for Staff
payments, and increased efficiency.
 Developed & Implemented new Billing & Outstandings Management System for Leased
Lines Billing/Credit Management, which is backed up by web-based database and
enables branches to update the details on-line.
 Was awarded Outstanding Performance Award by CFO of VSNL
 Development of CDR Reconciliation Tool to ensure correct billing
 Development of Exposure Monitoring Tool
 Development of Routing Analysis Tool for IUC cost reduction
 Process correction for Rejection Control
 Achievers Award presented by Chief Operating Officer
 Revenue process related testing of New MSC Launch
 UAT of Long Term Revenue Assurance Tool
Idea Cellular
 Green Belt Project in Reduction of Interconnect Usage cost
 Setting up of framework for Business MIS for Wholesale business from scratch.
 Setting up of system and process for Analysis and Monitoring of Business Proposals
 Implemented total Project Control through Project System Module in SAP.
Other Details
Personal Details
Male born on 2nd March 1972, in Rajasthan, brought up & educated in Delhi. Father,
retired architect. Married in Jan 2002, proud father of a sweet daughter and a naughty
Languages known
English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Chess, computers, poetry, movies

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  • 1. 1 JagdeepSingh Jagdeep Singh +91 9716199502 Ground Floor, 5/12, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, U.P. Email: jaggisangi@yahoo.co.in Objectives Gain more and more Experience and become a successful Finance Professional with strong cross functional knowledge. Education Dec 1997 | Final Examination of ICWAI Jul 1994 | B.Com (Hons), [Delhi University] Experience Summary Financial Reporting and Control Management Accounts Reporting and Control Product Analysis and Pricing Revenue Accounting, Billing and Revenue Reporting Practical knowledge & experience of Business Proposal Evaluation (NPV, IRR, PBP, PI) Detailed evaluation of business requirements and supporting decision making Short term and Long term Projection and variance analysis MIS Design - Conceptualization, implementation and control of KPIs Carrying out and control of Annual Operating Plan Process Hands on experience and expertise in Financial Modeling Fair knowledge and understanding of technological aspects of Telecom Business. Good understanding of S&D, and CSD functions (in telecom) Experience and knowledge of ERP Team Management Skills
  • 2. 2 JagdeepSingh Nov 2008 At present | AGM (Finance) Aircel Limited | Corporate Office, Gurgaon, Haryana Aug 2013 onwards : Financial Reporting and Control Profile Head of Financial Reporting and Control for Aircel Business Solutions (Enterprise and Wholesale Voice Division of Aircel Group) Handling a Team of 6 people. Management and control of Payments Payment Posting control Payment Process control LOA compliance Foreign Remittance (A2) documentation control Management and control of Revenue Accounting control Billing Assurance Billing Exposure control, and mitigation (Insurance and BG) Bad Debts reporting and control Review and control of Provisions for Expenses Balance Sheet review and scrutiny Forecasting of Monthly Numbers in Flash and Actuals review Budget control Finalization of Books Annual / Quarterly / Monthly Fixed Assets accounting control and Capitalization Commercial Negotiations Evaluation of Vendor selection VAT compliances and Assessment Direct Taxes WHT / TDS compliance (Domestic and Foreign Payments DTAA, Non DTAA) Transfer Pricing Compliance Handling the External and Internal Audit Nov 2008 to Aug2013: Management Accounting Profile Management Accounting is a very important function in the organization, which takes care of defining, measuring and monitoring the Business KPIs, assisting in Business Decision Support and Business Planning. Handling the Wholesale Voice / Data Business and Retail Mobility Business related Profile in Management Accounting Function at Corporate Office which involves constant interaction with other functional heads to update them on state of business, suggest improvement plans, and to understand need for further development in reporting framework. Preparation and control of Annual Operating Plan Concept, Design and implementation of Reporting Framework for Business Intelligence Defining the Key Performance Indicators Publishing of Monthly Business MIS with KPI review AoP Tracking and Variance Analysis Financial Evaluation of New Product Development proposals, eg Value Added Services, Calling Cards, Tariff Plans etc Financial Evaluation of New Investment proposals, eg Network expansion, Make or Buy etc (NPV, IRR, PBP, PI)
  • 3. 3 JagdeepSingh Ad hoc Analysis and Investigation projects (eg Usage Behaviours etc) Costing and Pricing of Enterprise Data Solutions / NLD / ILD Post implementation review of Business / Product proposals to benchmark actual performance Monthly flash and actual financials compilation according to Profit Centre segmentation. May 2006 Nov 2008 | Sr Manager (Finance-RA/MIS) Idea Communications Limited | Circle Office, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Head of Credit & Revenue Assurance Function and MIS Function During Launch Phase (Ensuring Process Control from Financial point of view): Implementation of Billing System & Surround Applications Mediation Process Validation Fraud Management System Implementation and Validation Credit/Exposure Policy Formulation Operational Phase: Product Analysis Cross Product Impact Analysis Cannibalization etc Evaluation of Product Contribution Analysis Product Performance Review Evaluation and suggestion of Promotional Schemes Management Reporting Revenue/Traffic Pattern Analysis Daily Revenue/Subscriber Number Reporting Monthly AoP Vs Actual EBITDA Flash Reporting Capex/Opex Proposal Evaluation Credit Risk & Revenue Assurance Assurance of revenue generation process for all the streams (Prepaid/Postpaid/VAS/IUC/Roaming) System/Process Audit and control System/Process Change Audit, Control & UAT IUC Payout minimization Credit Risk Management (Fraud Control and Exposure Monitoring)
  • 4. 4 JagdeepSingh May 2005 May 2006 | Assistant Manager (Revenue Assurance) Bharti Airtel Limited | Circle Office, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Revenue Assurance function is very important in Telecom Industry. Its related to assurance of processes in order to mitigate any Revenue Leakage/Loss, which is a very big risk in the highly automated systems involved in telecom. Worked as Head of Revenue Assurance Function, and the highlights of the profile were: Checking/Audit/Ensuring of Switch/Billing Configurations Switch/Mediation/Billing CDR reconciliations and rejection analysis Waivers/Adjustments control and audit System Cash Cycle Management and reconciliation Routing Analysis/Audit to ensure optimum routing IUC Billing Process Assurance Roaming Reconciliations and Assurance Postpaid Billing Process Assurance Prepaid product/tariff configuration assurance VAS reconciliations with Content Providers Data Revenue/Traffic Pattern Analysis/Reporting Nov 1998 May 2005 | Officer (Finance) Tata Communications Limited erstwhile VSNL | New Delhi Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables Billing/Revenue Accounting For ILL/IPLC/NPLC/VPN/IDC Channel Payout Management Fixed Assets Accounting Staff & Vendor Payments Management Collection Accounting Bank Reconciliation Last Mile Charges Billing & Payment processing Revenue Assurance: Reconciliation of Technical (Routers configuration) data with Order fulfillment Groups Data and finally with Billing Data to ensure accuracy of billing and check for any revenue leakage. Monthly Revenue Reporting and comparison of Key Performance Parameters. Ensuring compliance of Discount Delegation Matrix by Sales Team Checking of proper authorization of Special Bid Requests Moved in connection with Order Received Accounting & payment of service-tax MIS relating to revenue & debtors Co-ordination with internal/statutory auditors in connection with Revenue Accounting Staff Payments Management & Accounting Opex & Capex Control MIS & Variance Analysis
  • 5. 5 JagdeepSingh Apr 1996 Jul 1997 | Sales Tax Assistant Ultra International Limited | Sahibabad, U.P. Maintaining of records pertaining to Sales-tax rules Issuance/procurement of statutory forms relating to Sales-tax, ie Form C, Form 31, Form 3B. Filing of Sales-tax return Sales-tax assessment Developed software for Invoicing as per Excise duty rules requirements Developed software for issuance & recording TDS certificates May 1993 Jul 1995 | Accounts Exec cum Computer Programmer Metalite Industries | Darya Ganj, New Delhi Automated the accounting system of the concern Routine accounting work done using own software Computer Skills Expert level knowledge of MS-Power Point, MS-Excel, MS-Word, MS-Access Knowledge of SAP FI/PA Module, Knowledge of Arbor (Kenan), BSCS and TBMS billing Systems Database Programming: Foxpro, Visual Basic, SQL, MySQL Achievements VSNL Developed & Implemented user-friendly Payroll Accounting software for Northern region using Foxpro, which resulted in discontinuation of maintaining manual ledgers for Staff payments, and increased efficiency. Developed & Implemented new Billing & Outstandings Management System for Leased Lines Billing/Credit Management, which is backed up by web-based database and enables branches to update the details on-line. Was awarded Outstanding Performance Award by CFO of VSNL Airtel Development of CDR Reconciliation Tool to ensure correct billing Development of Exposure Monitoring Tool Development of Routing Analysis Tool for IUC cost reduction Process correction for Rejection Control Achievers Award presented by Chief Operating Officer Revenue process related testing of New MSC Launch UAT of Long Term Revenue Assurance Tool Idea Cellular Green Belt Project in Reduction of Interconnect Usage cost
  • 6. 6 JagdeepSingh Aircel Setting up of framework for Business MIS for Wholesale business from scratch. Setting up of system and process for Analysis and Monitoring of Business Proposals Implemented total Project Control through Project System Module in SAP. Other Details Personal Details Male born on 2nd March 1972, in Rajasthan, brought up & educated in Delhi. Father, retired architect. Married in Jan 2002, proud father of a sweet daughter and a naughty son. Languages known English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Interests Chess, computers, poetry, movies