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Nimmi Batra
E-Mail:nimmi.batra@yahoo.com Mobile: 09910211005
A competent and dynamic individual with 5+ years of experience in supervising the entire gamut of
financial operations entailing Management and Reporting. Proficient in building internal financial
controls, Proficient in evaluating systems & procedures & implementing corrective action for
shortcomings. Successfully handling Accounts, Reconciliations, Financial Reporting etc. Adept in
ascertaining needs and goals, streamlining operations and envisioning new concepts. Demonstrated
communication and relationship management skills coupled with excellent team handling abilities
Key Result Areas
Financial Planning/Analysis /: Managing the complete profit centre operations with key focus on
bottom line profitability by ensuring optimal utilization of available resources. Interpreting financial
data for determining past financial performance & projecting financial probability of process and
ensuring that the financial information is presented clearly, consistently and on time. Supports the
financial reporting process by providing periodic financial data to functional management and US
based financial analysts on an accurate and timely basis. This includes providing data and reports
for analysis and completing research on variances to plan, prior year, and forecasts. Also prepares
periodic flash report for further review. Supports the fiscal year planning process by providing
historical data and trend information for review.
Accounting & Reporting: Conceptualizing and implementing the Accounting Policies as well as
devising and instituting suitable internal controls in the system. Overseeing accounting operations
right up to the financial statements as per the mandatory accounting standards. Furnishing financial
performance/MIS reports to top management to facilitate the decision making process related to
management of profitability.
Client Relationship Management: Managing customer centric operations and ensuring customer
satisfaction by achieving delivery and service quality norms. Identifying improvement areas &
implementing measures to maximize customer satisfaction levels. Handling the planning, execution
and evaluation of customer campaign programs.
From September 2015 till date G4S Secure Solution Pvt Ltd Senior
Finance Executive
Responsibilities GA/AP/AR/Fixed Assets/Monthly Reporting
WentAustraliaforBusiness transition,SuccessfullyTransitioned& Stabilizethe processof 7 FTE.
Workingon monthlyprovisions&passingthe necessaryjournal entriesinbooks.
Bank statementuploadsinERPonweeklybasis&preparationof Bankreconciliationwhich
involve identifyingthe variance &workingonopenitemsinordertoknockof them& reducing
Updatingof prepaymentschedulesonmonthlybasis,workingonthe same & passingof
necessaryjournal entry.Prepaymentslikeinsurance,rent, leasing,capital finance.
Workingon MonthlyIncome & Expense accrualson basisof P&L draft till date andpassingthe
necessaryjournal entry.
Workingon intercompanypayment,intercompanyrecharge,intercompanyreconciliation,
intercompanyinvoicingbothforSales&purchase creation& postingthe same in ERP.
Workingon Payroll tax frompayroll reportsonmonthlybasisinorderensure timely&accurate
payroll tax payments.
FixedAssetsaddition,chargingdepreciation&preparationof Fixedassetscheduleonmonthly
basis. Analysisof Capex provisions,actualizationandmovement(walkfromlastmonth,fullyear
etc)Analysis inorder reduce the agingof CWIP(Capex provisions) &followingwithotherteams
inorder actualize themforsoundaccountingof the same.
Preparationof Balance sheet schedules,Balance sheetreconciliationof 13 entities&takingcare
of Headoffice accountsreconciliation&workingalsoonmonthlybasis.
Ensure tax compliancesviz.all taxesare deductedbeforemakingpayments,accountingof all
credits(VAT,Service tax) sothatthere isno lossto the organization.
Workingon GST reconciliation(Netof payable &receivable)inordertoensure timelyTax
payments&refundif any receivable.
Trial balance & P&L analysisonmonthlybasisinorderto ensure robustprocessesandcontrols
are inplace.
Managing payable portfolio,vendorinvoicesprocessingonERP.Responsible,Vendor
Reconciliation,preparingof auditschedules,Reportsanalysis .
Manages the accountspayable function,includingreview of invoices,expense reports,andcash
Manages the accountsreceivable function, creationof invoicesinordertoensure billingof
customer& follow-upstoensure cashreceiptfromdebtors.
Responsible forensuringall invoicesandexpensereportsare postedtothe correct general
ledgeraccountand Company.
positionof Overheads, P&L& Balance sheet.
Preparation inorderto supportBPC reporting&P&L Vs Balance sheet
Assistingauditorsduringaudit&helpthemfinalizationof audit
Creationof Standardof operatingprocedure(SOP) inordertostreamlinethe process.
Impartedtraningto otherteammemeberstoensure efficientknowledgetransfer.
Actingas Mentor takingof team of 6 memembers&Overall Supporttothe team.
MIS reporting& ClientInteraction toensure overall improvements&Feedback.
MonthlyDashboards& SLA ,KPIdata preparation& sharingthe same withmanagement.
Abilitytoworkunderpressure inordertoensure timelydeliverablestocustomers.
From September 2014 till September 2015 Bharti Airtel, Gurgaon
Senior Executive
Responsibilities in Bharti Airtel
Fixed Assets & General Leger
 Perform Month end accounting, preparation & posting of Journals into ERP.
 Prepare Balance sheet reconciliations (Monthly / Daily) as per Organization policy.
 Preparation of Bank reconciliations (daily/weekly/monthly) for different entities.
 Preparation of audit schedules for statutory audit, and interact frequently with
Accounts Payable and other regional teams.
 Develop Knowledge of the Business, Accounting Systems, Reconciliation policy,
Finance Control Standards & Quality Framework and ensure compliance with these
 Perform Knowledge based self-review of work and ensure work with highest standards
of Accuracy is delivered consistently.
 Preparation of Intercompany Reconciliation on Monthly Basis.
 Analysis on Aging & keeping Control on them by taking a timely follow up & Remedial
Action on them.
 Support internal BORM / FORM Reviews of the processes, External Audit
requirements, and other requests
 Budget variance analysis in terms of preparing report analyzing difference actual
expenses & finding the root cause of variances with budgets.
 Ad hoc query management from accounts payable team and business divisions.
Month end closing Activities
 File Creation i.e. Lines received from Supply Chain Management is worked upon in form of
scrutinizing, analyzing & necessary categorization is done into Capex/CWIP & Opex considering
a number of parameters.
 Uploading of File Creation through ADI in Oracle. Check of Dump & ensuring the same is
 CWIP Provisional Capitalization working inclusive of preparation of SDH Equipment
summary,ECRM Summary & considering number of parameters in order to capitalize Assets &
provisionally capitalize them by passing entries in General Ledger module.
 Payable lines in terms of service needs to be worked upon, categorizing into expense type these
lines are worked upon by analyzing invoices & purchase order then allocating them location on
which material is actually capitalized & then making the quick addition of the respective
assets(3-way PO working).
 Clearing (Control) Account working, that involve analyzing the transactions & allocation of same
into Capex, Opex, Contra etc. Capex transactions entries are prepared & passed in order to
nullify them, opex transaction forwarded to AP team ensuring that same is nil.
 FAR extraction & preparation of Reconciliation such as FAR vs FAR & CIP & CAP vs FCN.
 Addition basic Hygiene check in order to ensure their Date of Place in service & nature of
material issues to a specific location.
 Addition validation of Assets to ensure that Note of approval (NFA) are of Capex/Opex nature.
 Responsible for Fixed Assets Capitalization in FA module through inventory module & payable
 Prepare FA vs GL Reconciliation,Site wise Analysis,CWIP Aging, Addition ,FAR,CIP Detail &
Depreciation Analysis.
 Inter Unit Transaction (IUT) Intercompany Acceptance both for Capex/Opex on Oracle ,Also
preparing Intercompany Reconciliation.
 Scrutinizing Monthly addition, Cost Adjustment, Retirement & disposal of asset.
 Month end closing & Reporting & presenting the same in Monthly Dashboard.
Post-Closing Activities
 CIP to CAP Working: Basis the various criteria, lines have to capitalized
 Analysis of current month addition in terms of category, Depreciation code & useful life.
Changes updated on Oracle.
 Depreciation Code Validation i.e verification of depreciation code in FAR against each Category.
 Check in CWIP Report & FAR for current month additions if there are any missing details like
Invoice Number, Vendor Number,MRR No etc & update the same on Oracle where required.
 Updating details on Oracle like Circuit ID & Customer name.
 Site master & Item master to be updated.
 Working on Short Address on basis of monthly Addition & updating the same in Oracle with
help of Address ID that overall has great impact over gross block of Assets.
 Budget Variance analysis- Addressing the difference b/w actual & budget expenses & finding
reasons of difference to avoid discrepancies.
Other Activities (For Audit Purpose)
 Coordinate with Statutory Auditors(EY Statutory Auditors):By providing documents needed
for audit i.e. Purchase Orders, Bill of Entry, Invoice, Material Receipt Report, Letter of
Commising ,HOTO etc. & validating the values & Ensuring Efficient Closure of the same.
From May2012 till August2014 GENPACT, Gurgaon Process Developer
Responsibilities as a Process Developer
In General Accounting: (R2R)
 Managing various Closing & Reporting Activities like PC/CC Analysis, Prepayment & Accruals analysis ,
journal processing etc.
 Managing various Reconciliation like Bank Reconciliation, Nominal Reconciliation, Fixed Asset Reconciliation,
Balance Sheet Recs etc.
 Managing various Reports from SAP like Cash Forecasting, Fixed Asset, Work-in-progress, Accounts
Analysis, Cost Centre & Profit Centre Analysis etc.
 Managing various Reports from Oracle like interfacing of bank reports, General ledger reports, posting &
importing of journals, Running depreciation, booking of fixed assets , updating invoices ,preparation of
FAR(fixed assets register)
 Managing various reports from UNIX like w eekly journals etc
 Preparation of dashboards for monthly reporting purposes.
 Updating SOP(Standards of operating procedures)
 Discussion of open items w ith client on w eekly basis.
From DEC 2010 till March 2012 WNS Global services ltd, gurgaon Operation Analyst
In Accounts Receivable:
 Bank Bookings for receipts and payments (Daily)
 Cash Pool Bookings (Daily)
 AR Follow-ups (Daily)
 Monthly Aged Debt Report & Bad Debt Provision.
 Customer Master Data creation
 Posting of Manual invoices & Credit notes.
In Reconciliation and MIS:
 Monthly & Quarterly Reconciliations (General Ledger)
 Monthly Netting Adjustment entries for AR and AP.
 Weekly and Monthly Hyperion Reporting (Cash Flow).
 Monthly & Quarterly Preparation and filing of Sales and Use Tax.
 Weekly and Monthly Hyperion Reporting (Cash Flow).
 Preparing Management reports like DailyMatrix, KPI/CKPI, FMEA, Other Operating & quality reports .
Training attended (Genpact)
Presentation Skills Lean Training
Coaching Skills Influencing Skills
EMS Writing and Verbal Skills Hiring the Right People
Developing Self-Excellence Operational Accounting, Closing & Reporting
 Successful remote transition of Credit Card Reconciliation Process.
 Filed a lean idea which leads to time saving of approximately 512.01 hours in year with
accuracy of 97.5% in Oracle.
 Top Scorer in Genpact Education @ work program International Financial Reporting Standards.
 Appreciation emails from clients for resolving aged open items.
 Topped my school in XII Class
 Certification in International Financial Reporting Standards From ACCA.
 Lean Trained & Certified
 Spot Award
 Bronze Award
 Euro Award
 Process Stabilization award from CFO
 Star performer award.
Computer Proficiency
 Working on SAP,ORACLE,UNIX & Great Plains
 Online Reconciliation Tools.
 Knowledge of Avaya, Lotus Notes and Outlook.
 Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals, MS Office Packages (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and
Examination Passed Board/University Year Percentage(%)
Secondary(X) C.B.S.E 2004-05 70.6
Senior secondary(XII) C.B.S.E 2006-07 91.27
Graduation- Delhi University 2007-10 74.47
(Finance and
(Gargi College )
MBA(PGDM) from IMT Ghaziabad in Finance with 70%
IFRS from ACCA with 80%
Date of birth: 26-12-1989
Address: H.NO-97 Sector -5 , Gurgaon -122001

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  • 1. Nimmi Batra E-Mail:nimmi.batra@yahoo.com Mobile: 09910211005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A competent and dynamic individual with 5+ years of experience in supervising the entire gamut of financial operations entailing Management and Reporting. Proficient in building internal financial controls, Proficient in evaluating systems & procedures & implementing corrective action for shortcomings. Successfully handling Accounts, Reconciliations, Financial Reporting etc. Adept in ascertaining needs and goals, streamlining operations and envisioning new concepts. Demonstrated communication and relationship management skills coupled with excellent team handling abilities Key Result Areas Financial Planning/Analysis /: Managing the complete profit centre operations with key focus on bottom line profitability by ensuring optimal utilization of available resources. Interpreting financial data for determining past financial performance & projecting financial probability of process and ensuring that the financial information is presented clearly, consistently and on time. Supports the financial reporting process by providing periodic financial data to functional management and US based financial analysts on an accurate and timely basis. This includes providing data and reports for analysis and completing research on variances to plan, prior year, and forecasts. Also prepares periodic flash report for further review. Supports the fiscal year planning process by providing historical data and trend information for review. Accounting & Reporting: Conceptualizing and implementing the Accounting Policies as well as devising and instituting suitable internal controls in the system. Overseeing accounting operations right up to the financial statements as per the mandatory accounting standards. Furnishing financial performance/MIS reports to top management to facilitate the decision making process related to management of profitability. Client Relationship Management: Managing customer centric operations and ensuring customer satisfaction by achieving delivery and service quality norms. Identifying improvement areas & implementing measures to maximize customer satisfaction levels. Handling the planning, execution and evaluation of customer campaign programs. ORGANISATIONAL EXPERIENCE From September 2015 till date G4S Secure Solution Pvt Ltd Senior Finance Executive Responsibilities GA/AP/AR/Fixed Assets/Monthly Reporting WentAustraliaforBusiness transition,SuccessfullyTransitioned& Stabilizethe processof 7 FTE. Workingon monthlyprovisions&passingthe necessaryjournal entriesinbooks. Bank statementuploadsinERPonweeklybasis&preparationof Bankreconciliationwhich involve identifyingthe variance &workingonopenitemsinordertoknockof them& reducing theiraging.
  • 2. Updatingof prepaymentschedulesonmonthlybasis,workingonthe same & passingof necessaryjournal entry.Prepaymentslikeinsurance,rent, leasing,capital finance. Workingon MonthlyIncome & Expense accrualson basisof P&L draft till date andpassingthe necessaryjournal entry. Workingon intercompanypayment,intercompanyrecharge,intercompanyreconciliation, intercompanyinvoicingbothforSales&purchase creation& postingthe same in ERP. Workingon Payroll tax frompayroll reportsonmonthlybasisinorderensure timely&accurate payroll tax payments. FixedAssetsaddition,chargingdepreciation&preparationof Fixedassetscheduleonmonthly basis. Analysisof Capex provisions,actualizationandmovement(walkfromlastmonth,fullyear etc)Analysis inorder reduce the agingof CWIP(Capex provisions) &followingwithotherteams inorder actualize themforsoundaccountingof the same. Preparationof Balance sheet schedules,Balance sheetreconciliationof 13 entities&takingcare of Headoffice accountsreconciliation&workingalsoonmonthlybasis. Ensure tax compliancesviz.all taxesare deductedbeforemakingpayments,accountingof all credits(VAT,Service tax) sothatthere isno lossto the organization. Workingon GST reconciliation(Netof payable &receivable)inordertoensure timelyTax payments&refundif any receivable. Trial balance & P&L analysisonmonthlybasisinorderto ensure robustprocessesandcontrols are inplace. Managing payable portfolio,vendorinvoicesprocessingonERP.Responsible,Vendor Reconciliation,preparingof auditschedules,Reportsanalysis . Manages the accountspayable function,includingreview of invoices,expense reports,andcash disbursementsforauthorizationandaccountingaccuracy. Manages the accountsreceivable function, creationof invoicesinordertoensure billingof customer& follow-upstoensure cashreceiptfromdebtors. Responsible forensuringall invoicesandexpensereportsare postedtothe correct general ledgeraccountand Company. BusinessPlanning&Consolidation(BPC-SAP)Reportingonmonthlybasisinordertoshow positionof Overheads, P&L& Balance sheet. Preparation inorderto supportBPC reporting&P&L Vs Balance sheet Assistingauditorsduringaudit&helpthemfinalizationof audit
  • 3. Creationof Standardof operatingprocedure(SOP) inordertostreamlinethe process. Impartedtraningto otherteammemeberstoensure efficientknowledgetransfer. Actingas Mentor takingof team of 6 memembers&Overall Supporttothe team. MIS reporting& ClientInteraction toensure overall improvements&Feedback. MonthlyDashboards& SLA ,KPIdata preparation& sharingthe same withmanagement. Abilitytoworkunderpressure inordertoensure timelydeliverablestocustomers. From September 2014 till September 2015 Bharti Airtel, Gurgaon Senior Executive Responsibilities in Bharti Airtel Fixed Assets & General Leger Perform Month end accounting, preparation & posting of Journals into ERP. Prepare Balance sheet reconciliations (Monthly / Daily) as per Organization policy. Preparation of Bank reconciliations (daily/weekly/monthly) for different entities. Preparation of audit schedules for statutory audit, and interact frequently with Accounts Payable and other regional teams. Develop Knowledge of the Business, Accounting Systems, Reconciliation policy, Finance Control Standards & Quality Framework and ensure compliance with these Perform Knowledge based self-review of work and ensure work with highest standards of Accuracy is delivered consistently. Preparation of Intercompany Reconciliation on Monthly Basis. Analysis on Aging & keeping Control on them by taking a timely follow up & Remedial Action on them. Support internal BORM / FORM Reviews of the processes, External Audit requirements, and other requests Budget variance analysis in terms of preparing report analyzing difference actual expenses & finding the root cause of variances with budgets. Ad hoc query management from accounts payable team and business divisions. Month end closing Activities
  • 4. File Creation i.e. Lines received from Supply Chain Management is worked upon in form of scrutinizing, analyzing & necessary categorization is done into Capex/CWIP & Opex considering a number of parameters. Uploading of File Creation through ADI in Oracle. Check of Dump & ensuring the same is posted. CWIP Provisional Capitalization working inclusive of preparation of SDH Equipment summary,ECRM Summary & considering number of parameters in order to capitalize Assets & provisionally capitalize them by passing entries in General Ledger module. Payable lines in terms of service needs to be worked upon, categorizing into expense type these lines are worked upon by analyzing invoices & purchase order then allocating them location on which material is actually capitalized & then making the quick addition of the respective assets(3-way PO working). Clearing (Control) Account working, that involve analyzing the transactions & allocation of same into Capex, Opex, Contra etc. Capex transactions entries are prepared & passed in order to nullify them, opex transaction forwarded to AP team ensuring that same is nil. FAR extraction & preparation of Reconciliation such as FAR vs FAR & CIP & CAP vs FCN. Addition basic Hygiene check in order to ensure their Date of Place in service & nature of material issues to a specific location. Addition validation of Assets to ensure that Note of approval (NFA) are of Capex/Opex nature. Responsible for Fixed Assets Capitalization in FA module through inventory module & payable module. Prepare FA vs GL Reconciliation,Site wise Analysis,CWIP Aging, Addition ,FAR,CIP Detail & Depreciation Analysis. Inter Unit Transaction (IUT) Intercompany Acceptance both for Capex/Opex on Oracle ,Also preparing Intercompany Reconciliation. Scrutinizing Monthly addition, Cost Adjustment, Retirement & disposal of asset. Month end closing & Reporting & presenting the same in Monthly Dashboard. Post-Closing Activities CIP to CAP Working: Basis the various criteria, lines have to capitalized Analysis of current month addition in terms of category, Depreciation code & useful life. Changes updated on Oracle. Depreciation Code Validation i.e verification of depreciation code in FAR against each Category. Check in CWIP Report & FAR for current month additions if there are any missing details like Invoice Number, Vendor Number,MRR No etc & update the same on Oracle where required. Updating details on Oracle like Circuit ID & Customer name. Site master & Item master to be updated.
  • 5. Working on Short Address on basis of monthly Addition & updating the same in Oracle with help of Address ID that overall has great impact over gross block of Assets. Budget Variance analysis- Addressing the difference b/w actual & budget expenses & finding reasons of difference to avoid discrepancies. Other Activities (For Audit Purpose) Coordinate with Statutory Auditors(EY Statutory Auditors):By providing documents needed for audit i.e. Purchase Orders, Bill of Entry, Invoice, Material Receipt Report, Letter of Commising ,HOTO etc. & validating the values & Ensuring Efficient Closure of the same. From May2012 till August2014 GENPACT, Gurgaon Process Developer Responsibilities as a Process Developer In General Accounting: (R2R) Managing various Closing & Reporting Activities like PC/CC Analysis, Prepayment & Accruals analysis , journal processing etc. Managing various Reconciliation like Bank Reconciliation, Nominal Reconciliation, Fixed Asset Reconciliation, Balance Sheet Recs etc. Managing various Reports from SAP like Cash Forecasting, Fixed Asset, Work-in-progress, Accounts Analysis, Cost Centre & Profit Centre Analysis etc. Managing various Reports from Oracle like interfacing of bank reports, General ledger reports, posting & importing of journals, Running depreciation, booking of fixed assets , updating invoices ,preparation of FAR(fixed assets register) Managing various reports from UNIX like w eekly journals etc Preparation of dashboards for monthly reporting purposes. Updating SOP(Standards of operating procedures) Discussion of open items w ith client on w eekly basis. From DEC 2010 till March 2012 WNS Global services ltd, gurgaon Operation Analyst In Accounts Receivable: Bank Bookings for receipts and payments (Daily) Cash Pool Bookings (Daily) AR Follow-ups (Daily) Monthly Aged Debt Report & Bad Debt Provision. Customer Master Data creation Posting of Manual invoices & Credit notes. In Reconciliation and MIS: Monthly & Quarterly Reconciliations (General Ledger) Monthly Netting Adjustment entries for AR and AP. Weekly and Monthly Hyperion Reporting (Cash Flow). Monthly & Quarterly Preparation and filing of Sales and Use Tax. Weekly and Monthly Hyperion Reporting (Cash Flow). Preparing Management reports like DailyMatrix, KPI/CKPI, FMEA, Other Operating & quality reports . Training attended (Genpact) Presentation Skills Lean Training Coaching Skills Influencing Skills EMS Writing and Verbal Skills Hiring the Right People Developing Self-Excellence Operational Accounting, Closing & Reporting
  • 6. Achievements Successful remote transition of Credit Card Reconciliation Process. Filed a lean idea which leads to time saving of approximately 512.01 hours in year with accuracy of 97.5% in Oracle. Top Scorer in Genpact Education @ work program International Financial Reporting Standards. Appreciation emails from clients for resolving aged open items. Topped my school in XII Class Certifications Certification in International Financial Reporting Standards From ACCA. Lean Trained & Certified Awards Spot Award Bronze Award Euro Award Process Stabilization award from CFO Star performer award. Computer Proficiency Working on SAP,ORACLE,UNIX & Great Plains Online Reconciliation Tools. Knowledge of Avaya, Lotus Notes and Outlook. Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals, MS Office Packages (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and Internet. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION Examination Passed Board/University Year Percentage(%) Secondary(X) C.B.S.E 2004-05 70.6 Senior secondary(XII) C.B.S.E 2006-07 91.27 Graduation- Delhi University 2007-10 74.47
  • 7. B.com(Honors) (Finance and Marketing) (Gargi College ) MBA(PGDM) from IMT Ghaziabad in Finance with 70% IFRS from ACCA with 80% PERSONAL PROFILE Date of birth: 26-12-1989 Address: H.NO-97 Sector -5 , Gurgaon -122001