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James (Jamie) Ermal Adams 
3946 Lake Star Drive 
League City, TX 77573 
Mobile: 281-851-5112 Day:281-244-0965 Evening:281-339-1802 
Email: jamietracie05@verizon.net 
29+ years of experience in program/project management of: software development, infrastructure architecture, 
systems engineering, modeling, simulation, large-scale integration, logistics, and verification of hardware and 
software; including 18+ years of management experience from first-level through executive leadership. 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 01/2007 - Present, Lyndon B. 
Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas 
Associate Division Chief - Software, Robotics & Simulation Division (SR&SD) (11/09-Present) 
SR&SD Division is responsible for the product development lifecycles of NASA's Humanoid Robot 
(R2) currently onboard the International Space Station, NASA's next generation Valkyrie Humanoid 
Robot in development with GM and DARPA, Flight Software Development and Oversight for 
Commercial Crew and MPCV Orion Spacecraft, Real-time and non-Real-time simulations for product 
development and virtual reality augmentation training, next generation development SAFER 
(Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue), and ARGOS (Active Response Gravity Offload System) and 
Treadmill 2 (T2) for Crew Health while on long duration space missions to name a few. 
 Direct management oversight along with the Chief and Deputy Chief, overseeing division 
activities for over 850 civil servants & contractors. 
 Responsible for NASA agency-wide software, modeling, and simulation technology 
strategic roadmap initiatives in conjunction with NASA Headquarters Office of Chief 
Engineer (OCE) and Office of Chief Technologist (OCT). 
 Software - Led an Agency-wide comparison of NPR 7150.2A NASA Procedural 
Requirements: Software Engineering Requirements against various industry, Department 
of Defense (DoD), and international standards for use in evaluation of new, innovative, 
and emergent technology, such as cloud based computing and mobile applications, for 
implementation on programs across the enterprise. 
 Systems Engineering - Co-lead the NASA Integrated Model Centric Architecture (NIMA) 
initiative, developing a state of the art Model Based Engineering (MBE) Architecture 
Framework for all lifecycle phases, programs, and projects across the enterprise. 
Products include: Data exchange protocols, App Store, servers, storage systems, 
policies, processes, and standards to facilitate operational implementation. 
 Manager for NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Human- 
Machine Interface Robotics Subsystem initiative which encourages small business 
innovation infusion product development, concept through operational, into the NASA 
technology roadmap. 
 Led software development, system architecture modeling, and real-time and non real-time 
simulation partner evaluation in support of the Commercial Crew Program efforts. 
 Division focal for development and roll out of Information Technology (IT) policies, 
procedures, actions, network management, server definition and management, disaster 
planning and recovery, and satisfy stringent government IT security audits. 
Deputy Manager - Orion Multi-purpose Crew Exploration Vehicle (MPCV) Avionics and 
Software (10/08-11/09) 
Responsible for the end-to-end lifecycle of the Avionics and Software subsystems supporting 
Orion. Responsible for ensuring the analytical and physical integration of the functional 
disciplines with other system elements. 
 Technical, schedule, and financial oversight of contractor developed products pertaining
to cross-cutting engineering technical disciplines like mass properties, thermal control 
systems, materials and processing, and human factors. 
 Programmatic risk identification and mitigation plan management in the context of safety, 
technical, cost, and schedule. 
 Oversight of integrated Operations Concepts and system architecture to ensure the 
capabilities and performance of the integrated system satisfied requirements. 
 Cost Account Manager (CAM) oversight and reporting of budget value stream data for 
over $1B in effort over a 5 year period of performance leading 1250+ employees. 
Senior Manager - Software Organization, Constellation Program (01/07-10/08) Managed 
geographically distributed mix of civil servant/contractor employees responsible for 
development and integration of program software and simulation architecture requirements, 
software processes, standards, management tools, registries, databases, repositories, and 
oversight of day to day lifecycle activities across the program. 
The Boeing Company (08/1997-01/2007) 
Extensive experience in large scale, System of Systems (SoS) programs leading large teams of 
geographically distributed employees. Strong familiarity with government contracting practices, US 
DoD and NASA architecture frameworks, model-based engineering and verification approaches, 
cost account management, Mil-Std-1553, Mil-Std-485, fiber optic testing, and hardware, software, 
and simulation integration, computer aided design tools (CATIA, AutoCAD), dBase III, Microsoft 
Office Products, and Interleaf. 
Director - Modeling, Simulation and Integration (09/03-01/07), Huntington Beach, CA (Secret 
Clearance 2002) Managed establishment and definition of immediate and long-range technical and 
financial needs, goals, and objectives, and performance plans to meet requirements on Future 
Combat Systems (FCS), the flagship DoD program for Simulation Based Acquisition of Network 
Centric Operation systems. 
 Cost, schedule, technical management and oversight of software design and 
development, systems engineers, simulation developers, software configuration item 
integrators, and distributed network integration hardware integrators performing formal 
qualification of software and simulation platform interoperability. 
 Overarching program verification, validation and accreditation activities. Budget 
responsibility directing 250 equivalent persons (EP), and over $20 million dollars of 
material acquisition annually as part of the $22 billion dollar program. 
Senior Manager-Functional Staff, Anaheim, CA (06/02-10/03) 
As a recognized expert developing new aerospace engineering test and evaluation criteria, 
policies, concepts, principles, and techniques that are regarded as major advances in the field, 
Team leader responsible for the Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) Division Test & Evaluation 
SoS Proposal Handbook development, SoS Test and Evaluation training approach and 
processes, development of the IDS System of Systems, Systems Engineering (SoSSE) 
handbook, and website. The products created the overall processes and standards guidelines 
by which all new business development efforts across the corporation have since operated. 
 Developed multi-site processes and standards for Modeling, Simulation and Software 
Architectures, Network Centric Operations training aiming to advance the state of the art to 
meet emerging market requirements. 
 Executive management appointee in an Estimate at Completion (EAC) cost reduction 
exercise for the Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft program developed 
for Australia in the area of Test & Evaluation. Responsible for identifying cost/schedule 
reduction opportunities, resulting in meeting 90%+ of the targeted $55M lifecycle savings. 
 Executive management appointee, as an expert in developing test and verification criteria, 
policies, concepts, principles, and techniques, for a must cost exercise for the future 
AEW&C sales resulting in subsequent program must win successes with several 
International Customers (Italy, South Korea).
 Briefly supported FCS as acting Director C4ISR (Command, Control, Communication and 
Computing, Information, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) Software Verification 
Organization responsible for overall software architecture, integration, and verification, 
program operating plans, and financial budgets during the program transition. 
Sr. Manager-International Space Station (ISS) Hardware Software Integration (HSI) 
Houston, TX (08/97 - 06/02) 
Managed a multi-disciplined team of over 115 engineers at JSC, and Kennedy Space Center 
responsible for the project lifecycle integration of the ISS Flight Avionics Hardware to Flight 
Software multi-tier, distributed systems architecture. 
 Directed the hardware/software verification program defining and negotiating work scope, 
cost, and schedule with stakeholders including International Partners (Russia, Italy, 
Canada, and the European Union). 
 Team carried out verification activities of ISS systems including user interface Graphical 
User Interface (GUI), and automatic and manual Failure Detection, Isolation, and 
Recovery (FDIR) functions. 
 Successfully guided team through ISO-9000, and Systems Engineering Institute (SEI) 
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level III certification processes. 
Rockwell International/Boeing North American, (12/1988-08/1997) 
Canoga Park, CA/Houston, TX 
Lead-Electrical Power System (EPS) System Integration and Verification 
Led a large team of system integration engineers responsible for negotiation, development, 
definition, implementation, and verification of the systems engineering requirements for the 
International Space Station (ISS) Electrical Power System (EPS), consisting of photovoltaic 
(PV) array solar energy collectors, ACDC conversion, DC/DC conversion, and the end-to-end 
power collection, management and distribution throughout the ISS. 
 Position required a high degree of cross-organizational collaboration, effective 
communication skills, and excellent leadership qualities; also detailed knowledge of the 
ISS spacecraft systems architecture, and a thorough technical understanding of program 
partners' products. 
The Boeing Company, (01/1986-12/1988) 
Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA 
Test Conductor (Secret Clearance, April, 1986) 
Worked in avionics and software lifecycle integration, and flight test of Minuteman I & III, 
and Peacekeeper missile systems for research and development of advanced technology 
weapon systems. 
 Development of tests, schedules, requirements, procedures, and success criteria to 
accomplish avionics hardware, and ground/flight software testing verification. 
 Development and maintenance of electrical and mechanical Interface Control Drawings 
(ICDs) using Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD) 
EDUCATION Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 
Bachelors Degree - 5/1985 
Major: Aeronautical Engineering 
Private Pilot License (1984) 
REFERENCES Furnished Upon Request

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Jamie Adams Resume 0814

  • 1. James (Jamie) Ermal Adams 3946 Lake Star Drive League City, TX 77573 Mobile: 281-851-5112 Day:281-244-0965 Evening:281-339-1802 Email: jamietracie05@verizon.net WORK EXPERIENCE 29+ years of experience in program/project management of: software development, infrastructure architecture, systems engineering, modeling, simulation, large-scale integration, logistics, and verification of hardware and software; including 18+ years of management experience from first-level through executive leadership. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 01/2007 - Present, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas Associate Division Chief - Software, Robotics & Simulation Division (SR&SD) (11/09-Present) SR&SD Division is responsible for the product development lifecycles of NASA's Humanoid Robot (R2) currently onboard the International Space Station, NASA's next generation Valkyrie Humanoid Robot in development with GM and DARPA, Flight Software Development and Oversight for Commercial Crew and MPCV Orion Spacecraft, Real-time and non-Real-time simulations for product development and virtual reality augmentation training, next generation development SAFER (Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue), and ARGOS (Active Response Gravity Offload System) and Treadmill 2 (T2) for Crew Health while on long duration space missions to name a few. Direct management oversight along with the Chief and Deputy Chief, overseeing division activities for over 850 civil servants & contractors. Responsible for NASA agency-wide software, modeling, and simulation technology strategic roadmap initiatives in conjunction with NASA Headquarters Office of Chief Engineer (OCE) and Office of Chief Technologist (OCT). Software - Led an Agency-wide comparison of NPR 7150.2A NASA Procedural Requirements: Software Engineering Requirements against various industry, Department of Defense (DoD), and international standards for use in evaluation of new, innovative, and emergent technology, such as cloud based computing and mobile applications, for implementation on programs across the enterprise. Systems Engineering - Co-lead the NASA Integrated Model Centric Architecture (NIMA) initiative, developing a state of the art Model Based Engineering (MBE) Architecture Framework for all lifecycle phases, programs, and projects across the enterprise. Products include: Data exchange protocols, App Store, servers, storage systems, policies, processes, and standards to facilitate operational implementation. Manager for NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Human- Machine Interface Robotics Subsystem initiative which encourages small business innovation infusion product development, concept through operational, into the NASA technology roadmap. Led software development, system architecture modeling, and real-time and non real-time simulation partner evaluation in support of the Commercial Crew Program efforts. Division focal for development and roll out of Information Technology (IT) policies, procedures, actions, network management, server definition and management, disaster planning and recovery, and satisfy stringent government IT security audits. Deputy Manager - Orion Multi-purpose Crew Exploration Vehicle (MPCV) Avionics and Software (10/08-11/09) Responsible for the end-to-end lifecycle of the Avionics and Software subsystems supporting Orion. Responsible for ensuring the analytical and physical integration of the functional disciplines with other system elements. Technical, schedule, and financial oversight of contractor developed products pertaining
  • 2. to cross-cutting engineering technical disciplines like mass properties, thermal control systems, materials and processing, and human factors. Programmatic risk identification and mitigation plan management in the context of safety, technical, cost, and schedule. Oversight of integrated Operations Concepts and system architecture to ensure the capabilities and performance of the integrated system satisfied requirements. Cost Account Manager (CAM) oversight and reporting of budget value stream data for over $1B in effort over a 5 year period of performance leading 1250+ employees. Senior Manager - Software Organization, Constellation Program (01/07-10/08) Managed geographically distributed mix of civil servant/contractor employees responsible for development and integration of program software and simulation architecture requirements, software processes, standards, management tools, registries, databases, repositories, and oversight of day to day lifecycle activities across the program. The Boeing Company (08/1997-01/2007) Extensive experience in large scale, System of Systems (SoS) programs leading large teams of geographically distributed employees. Strong familiarity with government contracting practices, US DoD and NASA architecture frameworks, model-based engineering and verification approaches, cost account management, Mil-Std-1553, Mil-Std-485, fiber optic testing, and hardware, software, and simulation integration, computer aided design tools (CATIA, AutoCAD), dBase III, Microsoft Office Products, and Interleaf. Director - Modeling, Simulation and Integration (09/03-01/07), Huntington Beach, CA (Secret Clearance 2002) Managed establishment and definition of immediate and long-range technical and financial needs, goals, and objectives, and performance plans to meet requirements on Future Combat Systems (FCS), the flagship DoD program for Simulation Based Acquisition of Network Centric Operation systems. Cost, schedule, technical management and oversight of software design and development, systems engineers, simulation developers, software configuration item integrators, and distributed network integration hardware integrators performing formal qualification of software and simulation platform interoperability. Overarching program verification, validation and accreditation activities. Budget responsibility directing 250 equivalent persons (EP), and over $20 million dollars of material acquisition annually as part of the $22 billion dollar program. Senior Manager-Functional Staff, Anaheim, CA (06/02-10/03) As a recognized expert developing new aerospace engineering test and evaluation criteria, policies, concepts, principles, and techniques that are regarded as major advances in the field, Team leader responsible for the Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) Division Test & Evaluation SoS Proposal Handbook development, SoS Test and Evaluation training approach and processes, development of the IDS System of Systems, Systems Engineering (SoSSE) handbook, and website. The products created the overall processes and standards guidelines by which all new business development efforts across the corporation have since operated. Developed multi-site processes and standards for Modeling, Simulation and Software Architectures, Network Centric Operations training aiming to advance the state of the art to meet emerging market requirements. Executive management appointee in an Estimate at Completion (EAC) cost reduction exercise for the Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft program developed for Australia in the area of Test & Evaluation. Responsible for identifying cost/schedule reduction opportunities, resulting in meeting 90%+ of the targeted $55M lifecycle savings. Executive management appointee, as an expert in developing test and verification criteria, policies, concepts, principles, and techniques, for a must cost exercise for the future AEW&C sales resulting in subsequent program must win successes with several International Customers (Italy, South Korea).
  • 3. Briefly supported FCS as acting Director C4ISR (Command, Control, Communication and Computing, Information, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) Software Verification Organization responsible for overall software architecture, integration, and verification, program operating plans, and financial budgets during the program transition. Sr. Manager-International Space Station (ISS) Hardware Software Integration (HSI) Houston, TX (08/97 - 06/02) Managed a multi-disciplined team of over 115 engineers at JSC, and Kennedy Space Center responsible for the project lifecycle integration of the ISS Flight Avionics Hardware to Flight Software multi-tier, distributed systems architecture. Directed the hardware/software verification program defining and negotiating work scope, cost, and schedule with stakeholders including International Partners (Russia, Italy, Canada, and the European Union). Team carried out verification activities of ISS systems including user interface Graphical User Interface (GUI), and automatic and manual Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) functions. Successfully guided team through ISO-9000, and Systems Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level III certification processes. Rockwell International/Boeing North American, (12/1988-08/1997) Canoga Park, CA/Houston, TX Lead-Electrical Power System (EPS) System Integration and Verification Led a large team of system integration engineers responsible for negotiation, development, definition, implementation, and verification of the systems engineering requirements for the International Space Station (ISS) Electrical Power System (EPS), consisting of photovoltaic (PV) array solar energy collectors, ACDC conversion, DC/DC conversion, and the end-to-end power collection, management and distribution throughout the ISS. Position required a high degree of cross-organizational collaboration, effective communication skills, and excellent leadership qualities; also detailed knowledge of the ISS spacecraft systems architecture, and a thorough technical understanding of program partners' products. The Boeing Company, (01/1986-12/1988) Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA Test Conductor (Secret Clearance, April, 1986) Worked in avionics and software lifecycle integration, and flight test of Minuteman I & III, and Peacekeeper missile systems for research and development of advanced technology weapon systems. Development of tests, schedules, requirements, procedures, and success criteria to accomplish avionics hardware, and ground/flight software testing verification. Development and maintenance of electrical and mechanical Interface Control Drawings (ICDs) using Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD) EDUCATION Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Bachelors Degree - 5/1985 Major: Aeronautical Engineering Private Pilot License (1984) REFERENCES Furnished Upon Request