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Software/ Computer
 Java, C+/Visual
 MatLab /Maple
 NX 7.0 CAD/ ProE
 Microsoft Access/
 Microsoft Project
 Arena System
 Jack 7.1 (Ergonomics)
 Microsoft Share Point
Business/ Visio
Synergistics INC - Junior Consultant Engineer Orlando, FL (Feb 2014- Present)
 As the Junior Consultant Engineer I used my system engineering skills on the project management for
Networking Systems, Security Installation, Software Development and hardware delivery.
 Overseeing the planning and operations of a team that consists of IT technicians and service call delivery
 Work closely with technology and business clients while managing networking and security
installations to identify project goals, technical specifications end user requirements.
 Performed a key role during my first 6 months as a technical intern by collaborating with technology
vendors to update the networking and database platforms for various clients that were using out of date
 In my short time with Synergistics I have learnt to use the Software tools offered by Microsoft
SharePoint, Access and Project Management make it easier to monitor and plan simultaneously projects
by Optimizing Resource Utilization.
 In charge of identifying project requirements, outlining technical limitations and boundaries for projects
and develop a project schedule that consist of a 3 level system management.
 Responsible for weekly reports and updates on project progress. Using Microsoft Project I was able to
monitor a 3 level project management system.
 The 3 levels of this system included completion of daily tasks, notifying the technical team of upcoming
weekly goals and reporting the conclusion of project milestones.
 Assisted in the development and maintenance of several Database Systems using Microsoft SQL, Access
and Oracle.
National Science Foundation Reduced Gravity &Biomechanics Project - System Integration Lead Engineer
Las Cruces, NM (Aug 2010- Dec 2013)
 Team Leader for the Human Factors and Ergonomics group in charge developing Human-Machine
Interface (HMI) on the Reduced Gravity and Biomechanics (RGB) project.
 System Engineer responsible for outlining project goals, development plans and schedules. The team
used Microsoft Project Management to update completed tasks so the team to reach vital project
milestones submitted in the initial project proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Ntengwa L. Mukosa
1606 Summer Wind Dr.
Winter Park, FL 32792
(575) 639-8902 (C) - nmukosa@synergisticsco.net / nmukosa@hotmail.com
Mechanical Engineer
 Modeling & Simulation
 Engineering Programming
 Mechanical Engineering
 Eng. Materials
 Mechanical Elasticity
 Eng. Mechanics of
 Eng. Analysis
 Adv. Mechanical
 Advanced Eng. Physics &
 Engineering Numerical
Industrial Engineer
 Thesis Topic  Human
Factors and Ergonomics
 Multivariate Statistical
 Quality Control
 Reliability Analysis
 Manufacturing Processes
 Facility Planning &
 Production & Flow
 Continuous Improvement
 Lindo & Lingo Sim.
Systems Engineer
 Decision & Risk Analysis
 Feasibility Analysis
 Systems Eng.
 Database Management
Systems (DBMS)
 Business & Eng.
 Adv. Eng. Project
 Operations Research &
 Linear & Non Linear
 Monitored weekly progress of all 4 groups on the project that helped ensure the assembly of a working
prototype. The Microsoft Calendar feature from Project manager allowed team members to schedule
meetings so all the team leaders could meet at a convenient time every week.
 Responsible for the facility planning, design and integration of the student RGB research lab layout that
satisfies the OSHA and NMSU safety requirements. Jack 7.1 ergonomics feature guided the development
and design of the Reduced Gravity Lab. Liaised with constructors to finalize construction drawings, select
appropriate finishes and ensure all safety requirements were satisfied.
 In charge of initial RGB device experimental protocols that identified operational and user requirements
that were implemented.
 Collaborated with the Mechanical Design and Mechanical Simulation groups of the project to ensure the
design, manufacture and initial trials of mechanical prototype.
 Simulated the Safety and Ergonomic performance of proposed design and submitted a safety and
operations manuals that are currently in use.
 Using Matlab, I wrote a simulation validation program that predicted the expected ground reaction
force, acceleration due to gravity and biomechanics joint reactions expected from experiments. This
simulation proved to be a key game changer in the experimentation and validation phase of the 3 year
project. The two linear and Non Linear Programs that were written helped maximize spring
requirements of the systems offloading mechanism.
 Assisted the Mechanical lead engineer to design and manufacture of test apparatus, together with the
design of mechanical human interfacing parts of the Reduced Gravity simulator. All the parts were
designed in N.X 7.0 CAD software. A lot of Mechanical Engineering Design tools of NX were used such as
Finite Element Analysis to ensure the safety specifications that were outlined earlier in the project were
adhered to.
 Collaborated with the Manufacturing lead during the Manufacturing and Assembly stages of the project.
This involved an iterative process of design and redesign to ensure delicate and complex parts could first
be manufactured with the CNC machines and CAM programs that the team had constructed. I was put
in charge to make sure all tolerances, performance requirements and system specifications were met.
NMSU Tutoring Center - Math Tutor Las Cruces, NM (Sep 2009- Dec 2009)
USC Aiken Math Lab - Math Tutoring Supervisor Aiken, SC (Jan 2007- Nov 2007)
USC Columbia Math Lab - Math Tutoring Supervisor Columbia, SC (Jan 2008 - July 2008)
 Graded home works, tests and quizzes for Calculus I II & III
 Computer assistance in Mathematics and Maple programs
 Maintained organization of the office paper work.
 Trained new employees in how to grade, tutor students and use math software
 Conducted test reviews to help students understand the material in syllabus.
Zambezi River Authority - Summer Intern Lusaka, Zambia (Jun 2009-Aug 2009)
 Understood the establishment, organizational structure and functions of Zambezi River Authority
(Power Generation Company in charge of Operating the 3rd
biggest Dam in the world, the Kariba Dam)
 Participated in Reservoir, Dam Safety and Environmental Monitoring operations
 Performed data collection processing of water levels and discharge
 With the help of Arena Systems Simulation I submitted a Simulated Hydrological modeling of rainfall,
runoff, inflow forecasting. The company decided to use as an illustration of different case scenarios in
both flood and draught climate for their conference presentation at Hydro Power Africa 2009.
1997 to 2006 Non Industry Related -
Allied Express Warehouse Assistant Perth, WA, Australia (Aug 2005- Jan 2006)
 Organized paperwork for incoming freight orders.
 Monitored driver pick-ups and delivers.
Ntengwa Mukosa 2
CSM Exclusive Enterprise Operations Manager Lusaka, Zambia (Jan 1997- Dec 2004)
 In-charge of supervising a team of 15 employees
 Planned and over saw daily operations of 10 transportation vehicles that included, licensing, routing,
logistics and maintenance.
 Responsible for budgeting the selling and purchasing of new equipment and vehicles.
CSM Exclusive Enterprise Sales Supervisor Lusaka, Zambia (Jun 1999- Oct 2003)
 Developed relationship with suppliers and customers. This experience developed my communication
and negotiation skills at a very young age.
 Negotiated the fluctuating order prices based on seasonal and weekly demand forecasting model.
 Responsible for financial interactions varying from inventory purchases, cash collection and bank
account deposits.
 In-charge of handling large cash amounts on a daily basis.
 PACE Global Annual Forum Shanghai, Pudong, China (July 21st
 NSBE Annual Recruitment Seminar Pittsburg, PA, USA (Mar 28th
 PACE Global Annual Forum Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 27th
 Hydro Power Africa Johannesburg, South Africa (July 26th
Masters (Industrial & Mechanical Engineering) New Mexico State University 2013 GPA: 3.6/4.0
Masters (Mechanical Engineering) New Mexico State University 2013 GPA: 3.2/4.0
Advanced Certificate (Systems Engineering) New Mexico State University 2012 GPA: 3.7/4.0
Bachelors (Industrial Engineering) New Mexico State University 2010 GPA: 3.5/4.0
Minor (Mechanical Engineering) University of South Carolina 2008 GPA: 3.6/4.0
High School Diploma (A level Cambridge IGCSE) Baobab College High School 2004
AGRIYA Vehicle Design Approached for production in 2025 & PACE Global Competition- General Motors
Sustainable Urban Transport Annual Project (2nd
place) Shanghai, Pudong, China (July 2012)
PACE Global Annual Forum- Outstanding Poster Award Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 2011)
NMSU Engineering College- Deans List Las Cruces, NM (2008-2013)
USCA and USC Engineering College- Deans List Aiken & Columbia, SC (2006-2008)
Sun Country Golf Association - Active Golf Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-Present)
Clair Bell Award- Honoree Las Cruces, NM (2009-2013)
IIE (Industrial Engineering Club) - Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-2010)
Black Programs- Board Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-2010)
National Society for Black Engineers Las Cruces, NM (2011-Present)
USFirst FTC league Assistant Coach for Gamma Robotics Seminole County, FL (2014 - Present)
Orlando Charity Golf Tournament Volunteer Orlando, FL (2014 - Present)
Engineering Tours- Group Leader Las Cruces, NM (Aug 2013)
Mesilla Valley City League- Member New Mexico, USA (2012 - 2013)
Las Cruces Soup Kitchen- Volunteer Las Cruces, NM (2012 - 2013)
Golf Channel Amtour Player- Winner x2 Albuquerque, NM (2012 - 2013)
Black Programs Outreach- Volunteer Las Cruces, NM (2008 - Present)
Summer high school Golf Camps- Volunteer Lusaka, Zambia (2003  2010)
Ntengwa Mukosa 3
REFERENCES - Available upon request

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Ntengwa_Engineering Resume_03-2015

  • 1. Software/ Computer Java, C+/Visual Basic/Unix/Python MatLab /Maple NX 7.0 CAD/ ProE Microsoft Access/ SQL/Database/Oracle Microsoft Project Planner Arena System Simulations Jack 7.1 (Ergonomics) Microsoft Share Point Business/ Visio PROFESSIONAL SKILLS WORK EXPERIENCES Synergistics INC - Junior Consultant Engineer Orlando, FL (Feb 2014- Present) As the Junior Consultant Engineer I used my system engineering skills on the project management for Networking Systems, Security Installation, Software Development and hardware delivery. Overseeing the planning and operations of a team that consists of IT technicians and service call delivery drivers. Work closely with technology and business clients while managing networking and security installations to identify project goals, technical specifications end user requirements. Performed a key role during my first 6 months as a technical intern by collaborating with technology vendors to update the networking and database platforms for various clients that were using out of date systems. In my short time with Synergistics I have learnt to use the Software tools offered by Microsoft SharePoint, Access and Project Management make it easier to monitor and plan simultaneously projects by Optimizing Resource Utilization. In charge of identifying project requirements, outlining technical limitations and boundaries for projects and develop a project schedule that consist of a 3 level system management. Responsible for weekly reports and updates on project progress. Using Microsoft Project I was able to monitor a 3 level project management system. The 3 levels of this system included completion of daily tasks, notifying the technical team of upcoming weekly goals and reporting the conclusion of project milestones. Assisted in the development and maintenance of several Database Systems using Microsoft SQL, Access and Oracle. National Science Foundation Reduced Gravity &Biomechanics Project - System Integration Lead Engineer Las Cruces, NM (Aug 2010- Dec 2013) Team Leader for the Human Factors and Ergonomics group in charge developing Human-Machine Interface (HMI) on the Reduced Gravity and Biomechanics (RGB) project. System Engineer responsible for outlining project goals, development plans and schedules. The team used Microsoft Project Management to update completed tasks so the team to reach vital project milestones submitted in the initial project proposal to the National Science Foundation. Ntengwa L. Mukosa 1606 Summer Wind Dr. Winter Park, FL 32792 (575) 639-8902 (C) - nmukosa@synergisticsco.net / nmukosa@hotmail.com Mechanical Engineer Modeling & Simulation Engineering Programming Mechanical Engineering Design Eng. Materials Mechanical Elasticity Eng. Mechanics of Materials Eng. Analysis Adv. Mechanical Dynamics Advanced Eng. Physics & Chem. Engineering Numerical Methods Industrial Engineer Thesis Topic Human Factors and Ergonomics Multivariate Statistical Analysis Quality Control Reliability Analysis Manufacturing Processes Facility Planning & Management Production & Flow Analysis Continuous Improvement Minitab Lindo & Lingo Sim. Systems Engineer Decision & Risk Analysis Feasibility Analysis Systems Eng. Management. Database Management Systems (DBMS) Business & Eng. Economy. Adv. Eng. Project Financing Operations Research & Optimization Linear & Non Linear Programming
  • 2. Monitored weekly progress of all 4 groups on the project that helped ensure the assembly of a working prototype. The Microsoft Calendar feature from Project manager allowed team members to schedule meetings so all the team leaders could meet at a convenient time every week. Responsible for the facility planning, design and integration of the student RGB research lab layout that satisfies the OSHA and NMSU safety requirements. Jack 7.1 ergonomics feature guided the development and design of the Reduced Gravity Lab. Liaised with constructors to finalize construction drawings, select appropriate finishes and ensure all safety requirements were satisfied. In charge of initial RGB device experimental protocols that identified operational and user requirements that were implemented. Collaborated with the Mechanical Design and Mechanical Simulation groups of the project to ensure the design, manufacture and initial trials of mechanical prototype. Simulated the Safety and Ergonomic performance of proposed design and submitted a safety and operations manuals that are currently in use. Using Matlab, I wrote a simulation validation program that predicted the expected ground reaction force, acceleration due to gravity and biomechanics joint reactions expected from experiments. This simulation proved to be a key game changer in the experimentation and validation phase of the 3 year project. The two linear and Non Linear Programs that were written helped maximize spring requirements of the systems offloading mechanism. Assisted the Mechanical lead engineer to design and manufacture of test apparatus, together with the design of mechanical human interfacing parts of the Reduced Gravity simulator. All the parts were designed in N.X 7.0 CAD software. A lot of Mechanical Engineering Design tools of NX were used such as Finite Element Analysis to ensure the safety specifications that were outlined earlier in the project were adhered to. Collaborated with the Manufacturing lead during the Manufacturing and Assembly stages of the project. This involved an iterative process of design and redesign to ensure delicate and complex parts could first be manufactured with the CNC machines and CAM programs that the team had constructed. I was put in charge to make sure all tolerances, performance requirements and system specifications were met. NMSU Tutoring Center - Math Tutor Las Cruces, NM (Sep 2009- Dec 2009) USC Aiken Math Lab - Math Tutoring Supervisor Aiken, SC (Jan 2007- Nov 2007) USC Columbia Math Lab - Math Tutoring Supervisor Columbia, SC (Jan 2008 - July 2008) Graded home works, tests and quizzes for Calculus I II & III Computer assistance in Mathematics and Maple programs Maintained organization of the office paper work. Trained new employees in how to grade, tutor students and use math software Conducted test reviews to help students understand the material in syllabus. Zambezi River Authority - Summer Intern Lusaka, Zambia (Jun 2009-Aug 2009) Understood the establishment, organizational structure and functions of Zambezi River Authority (Power Generation Company in charge of Operating the 3rd biggest Dam in the world, the Kariba Dam) Participated in Reservoir, Dam Safety and Environmental Monitoring operations Performed data collection processing of water levels and discharge With the help of Arena Systems Simulation I submitted a Simulated Hydrological modeling of rainfall, runoff, inflow forecasting. The company decided to use as an illustration of different case scenarios in both flood and draught climate for their conference presentation at Hydro Power Africa 2009. 1997 to 2006 Non Industry Related - Allied Express Warehouse Assistant Perth, WA, Australia (Aug 2005- Jan 2006) Organized paperwork for incoming freight orders. Monitored driver pick-ups and delivers. Ntengwa Mukosa 2
  • 3. CSM Exclusive Enterprise Operations Manager Lusaka, Zambia (Jan 1997- Dec 2004) In-charge of supervising a team of 15 employees Planned and over saw daily operations of 10 transportation vehicles that included, licensing, routing, logistics and maintenance. Responsible for budgeting the selling and purchasing of new equipment and vehicles. CSM Exclusive Enterprise Sales Supervisor Lusaka, Zambia (Jun 1999- Oct 2003) Developed relationship with suppliers and customers. This experience developed my communication and negotiation skills at a very young age. Negotiated the fluctuating order prices based on seasonal and weekly demand forecasting model. Responsible for financial interactions varying from inventory purchases, cash collection and bank account deposits. In-charge of handling large cash amounts on a daily basis. CONFERENCES PACE Global Annual Forum Shanghai, Pudong, China (July 21st -28th 2012) NSBE Annual Recruitment Seminar Pittsburg, PA, USA (Mar 28th -31st 2012) PACE Global Annual Forum Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 27th -30th 2011) Hydro Power Africa Johannesburg, South Africa (July 26th -30th 2009) EDUCATION/QUALIFICATIONS Masters (Industrial & Mechanical Engineering) New Mexico State University 2013 GPA: 3.6/4.0 Masters (Mechanical Engineering) New Mexico State University 2013 GPA: 3.2/4.0 Advanced Certificate (Systems Engineering) New Mexico State University 2012 GPA: 3.7/4.0 Bachelors (Industrial Engineering) New Mexico State University 2010 GPA: 3.5/4.0 Minor (Mechanical Engineering) University of South Carolina 2008 GPA: 3.6/4.0 High School Diploma (A level Cambridge IGCSE) Baobab College High School 2004 HONORS/AWARDS AGRIYA Vehicle Design Approached for production in 2025 & PACE Global Competition- General Motors Sustainable Urban Transport Annual Project (2nd place) Shanghai, Pudong, China (July 2012) PACE Global Annual Forum- Outstanding Poster Award Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 2011) NMSU Engineering College- Deans List Las Cruces, NM (2008-2013) USCA and USC Engineering College- Deans List Aiken & Columbia, SC (2006-2008) Sun Country Golf Association - Active Golf Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-Present) Clair Bell Award- Honoree Las Cruces, NM (2009-2013) IIE (Industrial Engineering Club) - Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-2010) Black Programs- Board Member Las Cruces, NM (2008-2010) National Society for Black Engineers Las Cruces, NM (2011-Present) EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES USFirst FTC league Assistant Coach for Gamma Robotics Seminole County, FL (2014 - Present) Orlando Charity Golf Tournament Volunteer Orlando, FL (2014 - Present) Engineering Tours- Group Leader Las Cruces, NM (Aug 2013) Mesilla Valley City League- Member New Mexico, USA (2012 - 2013) Las Cruces Soup Kitchen- Volunteer Las Cruces, NM (2012 - 2013) Golf Channel Amtour Player- Winner x2 Albuquerque, NM (2012 - 2013) Black Programs Outreach- Volunteer Las Cruces, NM (2008 - Present) Summer high school Golf Camps- Volunteer Lusaka, Zambia (2003 2010) Ntengwa Mukosa 3
  • 4. REFERENCES - Available upon request