Orden de carreras y de mandiles reunión n?2 15 05-16UTTA OSPAT
Orden de carreras para la segunda reunión de la temporada, a disputarse el próximo domingo. El Clásico Patria será la 10a carrera y se largará a las 16:30
The document announces an event called Meet4cleantech that will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on June 1st, 2010. The event will provide an opportunity for those interested in clean technology in Western Switzerland to network and learn more about the sector. Pascal Gross is identified as the president who will oversee the event.
Kolozsvár (románul 1974-ig Cluj, ma Cluj-Napoca, németül Klausenburg, néha Clausenburg, latinul Claudiopolis, erdélyi szász nyelven Kleusenburch) város Romániában. Erdély t?rténelmi k?zpontja és legjelent?sebb városa. Az egykori Kolozs vármegye, ma Kolozs megye székhelye.
This science website provides lesson plans, activities, and project suggestions for primary grade science teachers, parents, and students. It was created by Brenda Cartlidge in June 2010 as a resource for early scientists and their teachers and parents. The creator thanks her family and friends.
The document lists several potential career options that the author considered but rejected such as ballerina, nurse, manager, magician, fireman, and rock star. The only option the author accepted was becoming a government employee.
Performance measurement systems for green supply chainsKurien G P
This document discusses using a modified balanced scorecard (BSC) integrated with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for performance measurement of green supply chains. The traditional BSC does not adequately address environmental measures or provide weightings to indicators. AHP can help overcome these limitations by determining the relative importance and contribution of each performance indicator in achieving organizational goals. The authors propose a framework that integrates AHP with a modified BSC, which incorporates environmental measures, to facilitate effective green supply chain performance measurement.
El resumen del documento es:
1) Blancanieves huye del castillo de su malvado padrastro y se pierde en el bosque.
2) Encuentra una casita de enanos y se hace amiga de las 7 enanitas.
3) Su padrastro, disfrazado, le da una manzana envenenada y Blancanieves cae en un profundo sue?o, del que es despertada por el beso de amor de una fuerte dama.
?ngel Suárez Fernández and Dr. Fleur Prinsen are researchers from the Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation (TELi) department who are interested in nurturing communities of inquiry through inquiry-based learning. They are developing a tool called DojoIBL to provide resources, tools, and structure to support inquiry-based learning. They plan to conduct research using DojoIBL with students to study the effects on engagement, collaboration, motivation and understanding. Their goal is to help both teachers and students through facilitating self-directed learning and acquiring inquiry skills.
The document expresses gratitude towards family members like mom, dad, and pets. It is thankful for photos because the family loves each other. Food is also mentioned as something the author is grateful for.
Katelyn is thankful for her friends Riley, Aniston, Marley, and Jillian who help her play. She enjoys playing with animals and chasing them. Her favorite songs are "Summertime Sadness" and "Royals" and her favorite colors are black, blue, and purple. Katelyn finds school fun because she gets to learn subjects like math and make things, and she loves being outdoors running, playing tag, and using the playground. Art is her favorite subject because she can make many creative things and sees art everywhere in things made by people and God.
The document discusses electrospun smart fabrics that could be used as wearable sensors. Specifically, it examines electrospun fabrics made of blends of polyaniline (PANi) and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), and tests their ability to sense gases and volatile organic compounds. The fabrics were produced via electrospinning and had highly porous, interconnected structures with nanofibers covering interdigitated electrode sensors. Preliminary tests found the fabrics were electrically conductive and sensitive to acetone vapors in different humidity conditions, indicating potential as smart wearable biodegradable sensors.
This science website provides lesson plans, activities, and project suggestions for primary grade science teachers, parents, and students. It was created by Brenda Cartlidge in June 2010 as a resource for early scientists and their teachers and parents. The creator thanks her family and friends.
The document lists several potential career options that the author considered but rejected such as ballerina, nurse, manager, magician, fireman, and rock star. The only option the author accepted was becoming a government employee.
Performance measurement systems for green supply chainsKurien G P
This document discusses using a modified balanced scorecard (BSC) integrated with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for performance measurement of green supply chains. The traditional BSC does not adequately address environmental measures or provide weightings to indicators. AHP can help overcome these limitations by determining the relative importance and contribution of each performance indicator in achieving organizational goals. The authors propose a framework that integrates AHP with a modified BSC, which incorporates environmental measures, to facilitate effective green supply chain performance measurement.
El resumen del documento es:
1) Blancanieves huye del castillo de su malvado padrastro y se pierde en el bosque.
2) Encuentra una casita de enanos y se hace amiga de las 7 enanitas.
3) Su padrastro, disfrazado, le da una manzana envenenada y Blancanieves cae en un profundo sue?o, del que es despertada por el beso de amor de una fuerte dama.
?ngel Suárez Fernández and Dr. Fleur Prinsen are researchers from the Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation (TELi) department who are interested in nurturing communities of inquiry through inquiry-based learning. They are developing a tool called DojoIBL to provide resources, tools, and structure to support inquiry-based learning. They plan to conduct research using DojoIBL with students to study the effects on engagement, collaboration, motivation and understanding. Their goal is to help both teachers and students through facilitating self-directed learning and acquiring inquiry skills.
The document expresses gratitude towards family members like mom, dad, and pets. It is thankful for photos because the family loves each other. Food is also mentioned as something the author is grateful for.
Katelyn is thankful for her friends Riley, Aniston, Marley, and Jillian who help her play. She enjoys playing with animals and chasing them. Her favorite songs are "Summertime Sadness" and "Royals" and her favorite colors are black, blue, and purple. Katelyn finds school fun because she gets to learn subjects like math and make things, and she loves being outdoors running, playing tag, and using the playground. Art is her favorite subject because she can make many creative things and sees art everywhere in things made by people and God.
The document discusses electrospun smart fabrics that could be used as wearable sensors. Specifically, it examines electrospun fabrics made of blends of polyaniline (PANi) and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), and tests their ability to sense gases and volatile organic compounds. The fabrics were produced via electrospinning and had highly porous, interconnected structures with nanofibers covering interdigitated electrode sensors. Preliminary tests found the fabrics were electrically conductive and sensitive to acetone vapors in different humidity conditions, indicating potential as smart wearable biodegradable sensors.
20. 立地選択 (2) コーラー
1. 貿易と投資のための自由経済 Economic Forum)
(引用: The Global Enabling Trade Report 2009, World
1. 知的財産権保護に関する先進国の姿勢
(引用: 2009-2010 Global Competitivness Report)
2. 熟練労働者Competitivness Yearbook 2009)
(引用: IMD World
21. 対象者 コーラー
72% パソコン所
66% 16-64 歳
36% 通勤?通学
12,728万人 2,179万人
引用: Final Report of the 2005 Population 引用:平成12年度国勢調査結果
Census, Statistics Burea of Japan 引用:2009内閣府経済社会総合研究所景気統計消費班