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Java 8 JavaScript Nashorn
@MiroslavResetar, Javantura, 22.2.2014.
JavaScript na Javanturi?


CMIS API implementiran u JavaScriptu


people love to use Neo4j from Node.js and the browser

Sencha Touch, Ext.Js, D3.js,



writing JavaFX scripts in Nashorn is very easy

transkompajlira se u JavaScript!


JavaScript API
Popularnost JavaScripta?
 Redmonk, sijeanj 2014.
 Github repozitoriji vs Stack Overflow


JavaScript (+1)

2. Java (-1)
3. PHP
4. C# (+2)
5. Python (-1)
JVM polyglot programming
 Clojure, Scala, JRuby, Jython, Rhino (JavaScript)
 Za邸to JVM?
 Jer je zakon
 GC, Threads, Java API, ogromna koliina biblioteka, puno

 JVM  najbolji dio Jave
 Rhino  Java implementacija JavaScripta
 1997  Netscape zapoeo rad na Rhino-u

 1998  Rhino je predan Mozilli i open source-an
 2006  Java 6 pakira Rhino kao standardnu
implementaciju skriptnog jezika
Problemi sa Rhino-om
 Rhino je veoma spor u usporedbi sa ostalim JavaScript
engine-ima (browserima)
 Velika potro邸nja memorije
 Veoma stari codebase (iz Java 1.1 vremena)
 Kako bi se popravio bio je potreban veliki rewrite,
odluka je bila krenuti iz poetka
 Potpuno nova implementacija JavaScripta
 Kompajlirani kod a ne interpreter

 Dolazi standardno sa JDK-om 8
 5 x manji footprint
 20 x bolje performanse (otprilike )
Rhino vs Nashorn
Nashorn vs Groovy
 A First Taste of InvokeDynamic
 ... static nature of Java is in the language itself (and not the
 Every invocation has to be called against a known type.
 we must generate hundreds of tiny methods into tiny
classes with everything neatly tied up in a bow so the JVM
will pretty please perform that invocation for us as quickly
as possible


PermGen space

 InvokeDynamic ... the ability to make a dynamic call that
the JVM not only recognizes, but also optimizes in the same
way it optimizes plain old static-typed calls.

MethodHandle happyTimeHandle = MethodHandles.findVirtual(Happy.class,
"happyTime", void.class, String.class);
Kako do Nashorn-a?
 JSR 223  javax.script (Java 6, 12/2006)
Nashorn smoke test
 QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing


 Dohvati engine, uitaj QUnit, setupiraj ga, pokreni test
 Mustache is a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML,

config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a
template using values provided in a hash or object.
Shell scripting: JJS
 Curl -> Regex -> Curl -> Play Audio
to Nashor nije
 Nije DOM/CSS okru転enje
 Ne podr転ava kori邸tenje biblioteka kao 邸to su JQuery, Dojo,
Ext. (out-of-the-box)

 Nema browser plugin API
 Nije embeddable u browser

 Ne podr転ava ne standardizirane feature JavaScripta
 Nije multithreaded safe
 generalno nije problem ukoliko se izbjegava globalni scope
 loadWithNewGlobal creates a fresh global before loading
the script
Meet the team
Jim Laskey odgovara
 Postoji li debugger za Nashorn?
 Debuger je integriran u Netbeans 8 (beta).
 Eclipse jo邸 nema debugger za Nashorn.

 Da li radite jo邸 na pobolj邸anju performansi?
 Da. Veliki trud se ula転e kako bi performanse bile jo邸 bolje sa
verzijom 8u20. Verzija se oekuje na jesen. Za sada su brojke

 to se dogaa sa Node.jar projektom?
 Preimenovan u Avatar.js. StrongLoop ula転u ogroman trud ne
bi li podr転ali projekt. Trenutne performanse su bolje od
Node.js. Bit e jo邸 bolje sa verzijom 8u20.
Project Avatar i Avatar.js
 Avatar.js is a project to bring the node programming model,
APIs and module ecosystem to the Java platform.
 Avatar.js applications are both asynchronous and singlethreaded (exactly as in Node.js).
 Avatar - JavaScript services layer...rich client side framework
that assumes very minor JavaScript knowledge.
貼elite znati vi邸e?
 Jim Laskey - Nashorn, JavaScript for the JVM

 Attila Szegedi - The Curious Case of JavaScript on the JVM
 Oracle Java Magazine Jan/Feb 2014  Oracle Nashorn
 Kod - https://github.com/mresetar/javantura-nashorn
 JUnit benchmarks - http://labs.carrotsearch.com/junitbenchmarks-tutorial.html
 Nashorn JavaFx debugger https://github.com/wickund/nashornexamples/

 Spring boot sample project
 Rhino QUnit setup
 VoiceRSS service

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Javantura 2014 - Java 8 JavaScript Nashorn

  • 1. Java 8 JavaScript Nashorn @MiroslavResetar, Javantura, 22.2.2014.
  • 2. JavaScript na Javanturi? Alfresco CMIS API implementiran u JavaScriptu Neo4J people love to use Neo4j from Node.js and the browser Sencha Touch, Ext.Js, D3.js, JavaFX Dart writing JavaFX scripts in Nashorn is very easy transkompajlira se u JavaScript! Vert.x JavaScript API
  • 3. Popularnost JavaScripta? Redmonk, sijeanj 2014. Github repozitoriji vs Stack Overflow 1. JavaScript (+1) 2. Java (-1) 3. PHP 4. C# (+2) 5. Python (-1)
  • 4. JVM polyglot programming Clojure, Scala, JRuby, Jython, Rhino (JavaScript) Za邸to JVM? Jer je zakon GC, Threads, Java API, ogromna koliina biblioteka, puno platformi JVM najbolji dio Jave
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  • 6. Problemi sa Rhino-om Rhino je veoma spor u usporedbi sa ostalim JavaScript engine-ima (browserima) Velika potro邸nja memorije Veoma stari codebase (iz Java 1.1 vremena) Kako bi se popravio bio je potreban veliki rewrite, odluka je bila krenuti iz poetka
  • 7. Nashorn Potpuno nova implementacija JavaScripta Kompajlirani kod a ne interpreter Dolazi standardno sa JDK-om 8 5 x manji footprint 20 x bolje performanse (otprilike )
  • 10. InvokeDynamic A First Taste of InvokeDynamic ... static nature of Java is in the language itself (and not the JVM) Every invocation has to be called against a known type. we must generate hundreds of tiny methods into tiny classes with everything neatly tied up in a bow so the JVM will pretty please perform that invocation for us as quickly as possible java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space InvokeDynamic ... the ability to make a dynamic call that the JVM not only recognizes, but also optimizes in the same way it optimizes plain old static-typed calls. MethodHandle happyTimeHandle = MethodHandles.findVirtual(Happy.class, "happyTime", void.class, String.class);
  • 11. Kako do Nashorn-a? JSR 223 javax.script (Java 6, 12/2006)
  • 13. QUnit QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework. Dohvati engine, uitaj QUnit, setupiraj ga, pokreni test
  • 14. {{Mustache}} Mustache is a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
  • 15. Shell scripting: JJS Curl -> Regex -> Curl -> Play Audio
  • 16. to Nashor nije Nije DOM/CSS okru転enje Ne podr転ava kori邸tenje biblioteka kao 邸to su JQuery, Dojo, Ext. (out-of-the-box) Nema browser plugin API Nije embeddable u browser Ne podr転ava ne standardizirane feature JavaScripta Nije multithreaded safe generalno nije problem ukoliko se izbjegava globalni scope loadWithNewGlobal creates a fresh global before loading the script
  • 18. Jim Laskey odgovara Postoji li debugger za Nashorn? Debuger je integriran u Netbeans 8 (beta). Eclipse jo邸 nema debugger za Nashorn. Da li radite jo邸 na pobolj邸anju performansi? Da. Veliki trud se ula転e kako bi performanse bile jo邸 bolje sa verzijom 8u20. Verzija se oekuje na jesen. Za sada su brojke obeavajue. to se dogaa sa Node.jar projektom? Preimenovan u Avatar.js. StrongLoop ula転u ogroman trud ne bi li podr転ali projekt. Trenutne performanse su bolje od Node.js. Bit e jo邸 bolje sa verzijom 8u20.
  • 19. Project Avatar i Avatar.js Avatar.js is a project to bring the node programming model, APIs and module ecosystem to the Java platform. Avatar.js applications are both asynchronous and singlethreaded (exactly as in Node.js). Avatar - JavaScript services layer...rich client side framework that assumes very minor JavaScript knowledge.
  • 20. 貼elite znati vi邸e? Jim Laskey - Nashorn, JavaScript for the JVM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6eo2KPsk7U Attila Szegedi - The Curious Case of JavaScript on the JVM (http://vimeo.com/78890890) Oracle Java Magazine Jan/Feb 2014 Oracle Nashorn http://julien.ponge.org/blog/nashorn-article-in-oraclejavamagazine-jan-feb-2014/
  • 22. Reference Kod - https://github.com/mresetar/javantura-nashorn JUnit benchmarks - http://labs.carrotsearch.com/junitbenchmarks-tutorial.html Nashorn JavaFx debugger https://github.com/wickund/nashornexamples/ Spring boot sample project Rhino QUnit setup VoiceRSS service